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Mena's POV

"Here you go," I handed Naomi a bowl of whipped cream as I went sit beside her.

"Thank you baby," she cuddled up to me.

"I mean its the least I could do after you didn't eat the veggie chips I gave you."

"Hey I ate them,"

I raised my eyebrow at her, "That's not what you shoving them in that little vase looked like from the kitchen."

"Okay I fine, I didn't eat them. But in my defence they tasted gross. And babies like whipped cream,"

"And everything with 50 or more grams of sugar apparently."

"What can I say, they've got their momma's sweet tooth." She put a spoonful in her mouth. "Mhm, that's so good." I softly chuckled as got out from under Naomi. Quickly she turned to look at me, "What's up?"


"Then why did you scoot over there?"

I sighed, "Look Nay, this was amazing and you're amazing and I love you, nothing will ever change that. But—"

"You're still leaving aren't you?"

"I just, I need some time, you need sometime.
We both need it."

"I don't need time Mena, everything I want couldn't be clearer or else it'd be water."

"I'm sorry Nay, I promise I'll find my way back to you, but right now I just need to think."

"Whatever," Naomi quickly stood up and tried walking past me.

"Hey, don't do that okay. Relax, like I said it's just a little while. I love you, and if you need anything I'm just a call away."

"I don't want you to be a call away. I want you here with me." Naomi let out a breath as she cried. Standing there in silence I embraced her for a while until she pulled back. "Don't go..."

"I'll be back before you know it I just have to clear my head okay?"

Naomi sniffled as she went to sit back on the couch when suddenly I noticed her balance on the chair in-front of her. "Wow are you okay?"

"I'm fine just a bit lightheaded that's all."

"Lightheaded?" I ran up to her and touched her head. "Hold up, let's sit down for a minute. What else are you feeling?"

"Just a bit dizzy that's all. Why?"

"Maybe your blood sugars low but thats impossible you just ate a plate of whipped cream—"

"Correction I'm about to puke up a bowl of whipped cream." Quickly I ran after her as she went to the bathroom. Turning up to look at me as she finished she sighed. "This is exhausting."

"You know what maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't go." I helped her get up.

"It's not just this that's exhausting..." She sniffled one last time as I looked worried at her. "It's just puke Mena, you don't have to be there for every single one, you weren't there this morning." I heard her murmur.

"You threw up this morning too?"

"I throw up every morning, why are you surprised?"

"I'm just sorry I wasn't there for you that's all."

Nay shrugged her shoulders and wiped her face with her hands. "It's whatever...so do I walk you out?"

"I guess," Both of us silently walked out up to the elevator. Suddenly I felt her hold on to my arm and pull me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, I love you so much..." She whispered in my ear as the elevator door opened. Slowly Naomi walked back.

"Aren't you coming?"

"I think I'll just stay here," she smiled lightly, "Just come back already,"

Looking down I avoided eye contact, my feelings were clear but the hurt and the anger I felt after her dishonesty were clear too. I needed time to think, and honestly I didn't know how much. Smiling gently at her I watched as the doors closed while her words repeated in my head, "Just come back already..."

Naomi's POV

As I noticed the doors close I let out a small sob, I felt so guilty, I felt dysfunctional, like I broke everything I touched. It was without a doubt, exhausting.

Wiping my tears away I headed back to the apartment until I felt myself bump into someone, "Oh I'm so sorry I— oh it's Naomi right?" She said to me in her familiar accent.

Sniffling I raised my head, "Oh hi, Ella is it?"

"Yup, that's me." She giggled but turned her head as she noticed my puffy face, "Pardon me for asking but, are you okay? You seem quite the opposite of it."

"Uhm, it's just been a rough day I guess but I'm fine."

"Oh okay, well I was actually going to make some tea after taking out this trash, would you like to join? I mean— if you want too!"


"Oh, that's alright, you don't have to I just thought—"

"Gosh no oh my god. I'm I just I'm not drinking much tea lately. Kind of doesn't sit well with me, or them," I noticed Ella looked at me confused.


"You know what, why don't you come join me tomorrow night for a girls night? I can order pizza and we can chill out and get to know each other. How does 8:30 sound?"

"Sounds good to me,"

"Perfect, I'll see you then." I smiled and we said our goodbyes.

If I was going to be alone, might as well make the best of it.

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