Love Birds

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Naomi's POV

I was awoken by the bright light of the rising sun. I pulled on my sheets looking for warmth and was startled to find Mena sleeping peacefully next to me. I took a pause to remember everything that happened last night. I'm naked with Mena next to me, in my bed in my room, on a school day!

"Holy shit, holy shit, HOLY SHIT MENA WAKE UP!" I whisper screamed to him as I pulled on his sheets and smacked his arm.

"What the hell what's going on Naomi?" Mena said with his raspy morning voice as I slipped on some leggings and a sports bra, my usual sleep attire. Mena's eyes widened as he sat up. "Oh my god, what time is it?"

"It's 6 in the morning, shit my parent's are probably awake what the hell are we going to do?" I paced back and forth while Mena got up and rapidly attempted to get dressed, that's until he tripped of course. "Oh my god are you okay?" I tried to hold my laugh back.

"I'm fine, you can laugh if you want, but just think of something! Shit how am I getting out of here?" He put his hand on his head and looked back at me worried.

"Unless..." I looked at him. "Babe, are you scared of heights?" I asked with a desperate face.

Mena rolled his eyes at me, "Seriously? Do you want me to die?" He said scared.

"Do you want me to die? I'm basically almost an only child, the only daughter of two kids. I think my death surpasses yours at the moment."

"Alright alright!" Mena responded. I went to open my window. He carefully climbed outside and held the weight of his body with his arms.

"Wait" I stopped him from jumping down and went in for a kiss which was broken by a smile. "I love you."

"I love you most, but you're going to have no one to love very soon if I don't leave right now. I'll see you at school okay?"

"Okay!" I responded and Mena jumped down.

Phew, that was such a close one. I sat on my bed as I analyzed what happened last night. Did I actually sleep with him? I felt my stomach flutter as I remembered the feeling of us laying together in bed so happily. I never thought I could share a moment like that with someone and just forget the world.  I was, most definitely, in love.

Mena's POV

I quietly opened the back door and was startled by my mother who appeared in front of it.

"Had a nice time last night?" I heard her ask in what I'm pretty sure was a you're grounded tone.

"Look mom I can explain I promise!" She opened the door and let me come in.

"Explain what, that you slept with the girl! Mena I'm old not stupid." She rolled her eyes. "Have you ever thought what the consequences for your actions can be? You better hope you don't get her preg—"

"Stop right there mom, I didn't sleep with her. I mean, I technically did sleep but that was it. She invited me inside cause we needed to talk and we just dosed off. It's nothing I promise." I told her as I crossed my fingers on my back. "Do you seriously think I'm going to risk getting a girl pregnant mom? Please, Dad raised me better than that, and you did too." I said convincingly.

My mom took a glance at me and gave me a serious look. "I suppose I did. You're off the hook this time, but don't let it happen again okay? She's a sweet girl with a bright future, you both have bright futures, don't mess up."

"But mom we didn't"

"I know I know, go along you're late for school." I sighed and went upstairs.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together. I hope she believed me, but something tells me she didn't.

I quickly went up to my room, showered and changed. All of a sudden my phone buzzed.

"You made it home all right?" I read a text from Naomi.

"Mom caught me but I think I convincingly hid the truth from her. What about you, your parents find out?"

"Nope. My door was locked, nice move ;)"

"Look about last night..." I texted her. "It was amazing, you're amazing."

"Likewise, look I have to go eat but, meet you at the lockers in school?"

"See you there."

I could almost feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I honestly had never been so in love. Putting my phone in my pocket, I exit my room and headed out the door. Everything finally feels perfect...

Naomi's POV

I finally grabbed my things and headed out the door. I couldn't help but smile, it's like all the problems in my life just disappeared and I was honestly the happiest girl in the world.

I reached my locker in school and went ahead to switch up my books. As I did, I felt arms wrap around my waist as he landed a small kiss on my neck.

"Hey princess." I heard being whispered into my ear.

"Hey, my sweet prince" I whispered back. I turned around to look at him and rested my arms on his shoulders as I pressed our lips together. Suddenly I felt Mena push me back into the lockers.

"Woah, lovebirds, breath you look like you're sucking the life out of each other." I heard Nasim say with sass.

"That's not the only thing she sucking." Will whisper under his breath. Nasim smacked him in the arm. "Shut up, you're such a guy."

I rolled my eyes and gave Mena a peck. "Well good morning to you too." I grabbed my bag and closed my locker. "Let's go we're going to be late."

"I'll see you at lunch okay?" Mena said back to me.


"I love you."

"I love you too." I could see Nasim's mouth drop with the corner of my eye as Mena walked away.

"What was that?" She asked in shock.

I smirked, "What was what?"

"You know what I'm talking about... you said the L word." Nasim said alarmed

"So what, it's nothing." I hid myself face in my locker, I couldn't even hide my smile.

Nasim took a pause and her eyes widened. "Naomi Grace, you did not!"

"I didn't what, you're not making any sense Nasim." I said and chuckled.

"Oh my god YOU DID! Bitch how could you, how did you? Oh my god did your parents not kill you?"

"Shhh do you want the entire school to find out?" As I grabbed her arm I pulled her into the janitors closet.

"So you did have sex with him... damn." She took a pause. "Was it any good?"

I sighed in relief and made a mysterious expression with my face. "Hey that is for me to know... but, since you asked, it was amazing."

Nasim laughed, "I knew it, but wait where did you do it I thought you were having dinner."

"We did, but then he walked me home and my parents were out and we got carried away and welllll, we woke up together this morning and he jumped out of my window and now we're... well, now we're here."

"I can't believe you." Nasim couldn't help but chuckle.

"Neither can I, I just felt safe Nas. It felt like it was the perfect time for us. I can honestly say I'd spend the rest of my life with him."

Nasim rolled her eyes. "You met him like a little less than a month ago, how do you know?"

I smiled to myself, "I just... I know." I couldn't help but get tingles. "Look we're going to be late for class lets go!"

"Alrightttt, way to change the subject."


Cuteeee! They're happy aw, lets see how long it lasts. Thanks for readings babes.

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