Lied to Me

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Mena's POV

I ran into the house and quickly shut the door, "Mena honey what were you doing out there?" My mom said.

"I just, I needed to get something."

"Out in the rain? You're all wet!" Her words muffled, all I could focus on was the flash drive. "Mena? Is everything okay?" She walked up to me worried.

"Yeah, no everything is fine. I'm just gonna go dry up." Running upstairs I took off tshirts and plugged it into my computer. I don't know what I expected it to be but definitely not this.

As the music begun I could feel chills in my arms. Carefully I listened to each lyric, word by word. "Scared that you don't feel the same way as I do..." The guilt killed me. I didn't want Naomi to think I didn't feel anything for her. If there was anyone I felt anything for it was her.

Softly shut my computer and sighed. "That's beautiful, is it from her?" My mom startled me.

"Jesus christ, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough..." she sat on my bed. "Mena... what's really going on? I know its not cause she's staying at her parents house. What is it? Are the babies okay, are—"

"She was going to get rid of them."


"Before I found out before she told me, she considered it mom. And she didn't think to tell me."

"Okay but why would she I thought she wanted kids?"

"When she found out she was pregnant, we'd gotten into a fight, she was scared and she didn't know what to do and so she went to get a check up and that was an option to her."


"And she didn't think to tell me."

My mom let out a breath, "Okay. Well, what did she say? Cause from what I heard shes pretty sorry."

"She is, but I just... I don't know if I can trust her mom. She's always hiding something and that's not what a marriage is."

"Look sweetie I don't want to sound like I'm defending her, but have you maybe asked her why she does hide somethings? I mean, there has to be a reason, like a real real reason. You know that girl has past. You have past, Mena. You better than anyone know that those things aren't easily forgotten. Talk to her about it. Who knows, maybe she doesn't even know."

"Hmm... maybe you're right." I sighed, "So what do I do?"

"I say sleep on it, I'm sure it'll come to you. Goodnight sweetheart. Hurry on and get out of those wet clothes."

"Goodnight mom." Without hesitation I got undressed showered and went to sleep. Naturally I woke up at 8am. Its usually when I'd get up to fix Naomi some breakfast, but not this morning.

This morning I sat in my bed to think. My mom was right. Nay and I carried a lot more baggage than either of us could handle and I honestly hadn't thought of that. I guess its natural that somewhere within us some issues remained unresolved. 

Suddenly, those few hours turned into days. I stayed locked in my bedroom, isolated, zero phone calls, zero texts, trying to think of something to do or say. It was a lot harder than it looked but after a almost three weeks or so it finally came to me...

Quickly I went to get dressed. Three weeks was more than enough time. Naomi's words echo'd in my mind, "Just come back already." Softly I smiled at the ultra sound picture on my desk before heading out.

I got to the apartment, parked my car and ran upstairs. Suddenly I realized, I'd left my keys at the house. Gently I knocked on the door, after a  few seconds I knocked again, no reply.

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