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Naomi's POV

I sat at the table and ate my dinner quietly. After this afternoon I didn't really feel like speaking to anyone. My parents mostly focused on the boys and Nasim was with Will, all I could feel was loneliness. I finished my plate and went back upstairs to lock myself in my room. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up, showered and put on a hoodie. Peaking my head downstairs and noticed the kitchen was empty. I sat at the table and focused only on eating my croissant until footsteps caught my attention.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were here. I can come back later if you want." Jordan said as he retrieved his steps.

"It's fine Jordan, it's not like I own the kitchen...you can sit down. What do you want for breakfast?"

Jordan approached the table and sat down. "That's fine, I'll just make myself something, don't worry.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Look...I haven't seen you since I was basically in middle school, can we just hang out like always and ignore what happened yesterday?" I pouted. "Please I want my best friend back, I'll make you chocolate chip pancakes! I know they're your favorite..." I said to him as I waived around the pancake batter.

Jordan smiled at me, "Of course we can hang out Chub...I'm sorry about yesterday it was out of line, I should've never—"

"It's fine, it's nothing, besides whatever happened, we were just kids right?"

He sighed. "Right." He clapped his hands together. "So about those pancakes?"

I giggled, "Coming right up." I opened my cabinets looking for everything I needed while Jordan turned on the stove and stumbled upon the vegan chocolate chips. I sighed.

"What is it Nay?" Jordan said confused as I stared at the pack.

"It's nothing, it's just...I bought these for Mena and just..yeah, it's whatever I guess." I put them down on the table.

Jordan pulled me into a hug. "Look Nay, all feelings aside, sometimes people are just not relationship people. Have you ever maybe thought he's just, not the guy?"

I looked down at the floor and back at Jordan. "I love him Jordy and I know he loves me too it's just...complicated. I don't know, I just want to not think about that for today."

Jordan looked back at me and dropped his spatula. "Well then let's go!"


"Anywhere, get dressed and we'll just go have fun. I promise you won't even remember yesterday happened. In fact, yesterday? What's that?"

I giggled at him, "You're such a dork, but all right, give me 20 minutes." I shouted as I went upstairs.

"15 and counting."

I went and quickly slipped into an outfit. Before I knew it was downstairs.

"How do you do that?" I said to Jordan who sat all ready to go at on the couch.

"Do what?"

"Get all dressed and stuff so fast."

"Perks of being a guy I guess. Let's go!" I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.

"So what's the plan?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Jordan said as he walked down the stairs. I had a feeling today was going to be a long day.

Jordan's POV

I watched Naomi as she sat alongside me looking beautiful as always.

"So where are you taking me that requires like the longest uber ride ever?" Naomi said looking at the window.

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