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Mena's POV

Knocking on the door I stood their nervously. I couldn't believe it was the twins first birthday already. As I heard the door unlock I quickly flipped my curls to one side.

"Oh babies look who it is," Naomi called out for Mia and Ariel who both came running to the door.


"My princesses, I've missed you so much! Come here!" I picked them both up and smiled at Naomi. "Hey,"

"Hi," she smiled back gently as I walked in and handed her the girls presents.

"How've you been?"

"I've been okay, you?"

"Okay too,"

"That's good... and what about them? They're looking—"


"Yeah, one for sure." I looked at both girls who insistingly touched my face. Putting them down I let them roam free.


"So... can we—"

"Hey Nay, where'd you put the cups?" Tiffany yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll get them in a sec." She yelled back, "Umm make yourself at home, I'm sure you remember your way around." I nodded. "Oh and can you take these up to the girls room if I leave them out here they won't leave them alone all day,"

"Yeah sure,"

"Thanks," As I walked upstairs Naomi quickly ran into the kitchen.

Opening the girls room I placed their presents on their little beds. I smiled staring at all the pictures Nay had hung up of them in a heart shape, and in the middle one from her pregnancy shoot of me kissing her belly. I sighed, "If only I could go back,"

Walking out I noticed Naomi's bedroom door was open. I walked up to it to close it but felt the desire to go in. Slowly I pushed the door open. The bed was perfectly made and on her bedside table a sparkly object, our wedding ring.

Putting it back down I gently shut the door, and headed back down to see Naomi and Jordan alone in the kitchen. "Jord stop," she giggled as he sprits her with a water gun. "If you mess this food up I'm making you go to Teacos to get new ones."

"Like you don't make me go there every other day."

"Shut up,"

"Well its the truth, where else would we get you your treats for our special nights,"

"Will you keep your voice down? What's been happening has been good okay? I don't want to mess it up," Naomi turned to face him as she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"It's been five months Nay," He walked up to her and grabbed her by the waist.

"Yeah and I still haven't committed to anything ... you and me, it's complicated Jord..." Naomi sighed as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Way too complicated.

"More complicated than you and baby daddy?"

"You know it's different Jordan,"

"Exactly, so why is it so hard if it is different, I like you, I think you kinda like me, its easy." Jordan got closer to her as he leaned in to kiss her.

Quickly I ran into the kitchen, causing them both to jump to opposite sides of the counter.
"Anyone need help around here?"

"Shit, umm," Naomi spilt a glass of water next to her, "I mean, yes. Sorry, you scared me there for a second."

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