Can't Sleep

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Naomi's POV

Mena didn't hesitate. As he put his hands on my neck, he pulled me towards him so our lips touched for the first time. All I could feel were chills going down my spine, as my body finally gained contact with the person I'd wanted for so long. I cupped his face as he picked me up and sat me on the counter. Our lips moved in sync while his hands trailed my exposed thighs.

A mix a of love and anger only intensified the desire we had for an other. My legs, now tied to his torso, pulled me closer to him. I could feel my body tremble as he kissed my neck in a teasing manner. Mena looked me deep in the eyes as we put our foreheads to one another, our lips brush just barely until I push him away. Jumping off the counter I stood in front if him as I evened out my breathing patterns.
"We shouldn't do this."

Mena too was out of breath, he took a step back. "Alright, I guess I'll be on my way then."

"Mena wait. Don't go!" He turned to look back at me. "Just...don't go. I can't sleep. I mean, could you just—"

He nodded in agreement as I grabbed his hand and led him to my bedroom. He laid himself on my bed and as I did next to him.

"I've missed you so much." I said to him. I felt his hand softly touch my head as he went to give me a kiss.

"I've missed you too." And with that I dozed off into sleep.

Mena's POV

I looked down at Naomi as she peacefully slept on top of me. For the first time in weeks I managed to feel calm. She was safe, in my arms and there was nowhere else in the world I would've rather been.

I grabbed my phone to check the time. "11:42, shit. Moms going to kill me." Slowly I removed Naomi from my chest and tucked her in to bed. "I love you, princess." I gave her a goodnight kiss before I walked out her door.

Suddenly, I bumped into Jordan, I felt my heart drop. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he pushed me into the bathroom.

"I was just— I, I mean she wanted me to stay."

Jordan looked down on me with a serious face. "Look man, I've got nothing against you alright, I'm sorry for being an asshole."

I couldn't believe my ears. "Wow." I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry too man, for the hitting and all."

"It's alright, I deserved it."

"Still I'm sorry."

"It's okay, we cool man." I extended my hand and he extending his, he grabbed it firmly. "But if you ever hurt her again, I swear on my life I will come back and personally rip your head out from your shoulders."

My eyes widened. "Alright... but that won't be a problem, I swear."

"Better not, that girl has cried like she lost her puppy, all because of you. Don't blow it, if you did, you'd be an idiot."

I smiled softly, "Yeah trust me, I know."

"Look the reason I pulled you in here is cause her brother is downstairs, now I'm going to distract him so no one sees you but you've got to make a run for it cause her parents could be here any minute alright?"

"Got it, distract and run."

"Okay good, c'mon." Jordan softly opened the door.

"Hey Jordan, thanks."

"For what?"

"For taking care of her."

"Always man. Now come on." We both walked downstairs quietly and saw Josh in the kitchen.

"Aye Josh, wanna play some Xbox?" Jordan asked Josh as he approached him in the kitchen.

"Sure man." Jordan made eyes at me.

Quickly I ran to the front door, softly opened it and ran out. It took about 20 minutes but I finally made it home and thankfully my mom had fallen asleep on the coach. Approaching her I reached to touch her before a voice startled me.

"Spoke to her on the phone, she said she was waiting for you. She was already asleep when I got here." I turned around to see my dad who I hadn't seen in about a month.

"Dad!" I hugged him tightly. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too little man, how's everything? Mom had mentioned you were having girl troubles."

I smiled at him. "Yeah, something like that, but its alright."

"You sure? We can talk about it if you want."

I looked down to my feet and up at him again. "No it's okay, I think I finally got the girl."

"That's my boy! Can't wait to meet her. Is she a pretty?"

I chuckled. "Yeah she's a whole princess, Dad."

"Damn that good?"

"Better, but look I'm heading to bed, take mom upstairs for me will you?"

"Of course! I gotta surprise her too, I'm so happy to be home."

"You and me both, I love you, Dad. Goodnight." I headed upstairs and went to sleep.

Naomi's POV

I woke up to the sound of my door getting opened. Immediately I jumped in search for Mena has was no longer in my bed.

"'Morning Chub, it's a little late, you feeling okay?" Jordan poked his head in.

"Yeah, no I'm good just overslept a bit." I got up and looked around to see if Mena was in the bathroom.

"You're not going to find him." I felt myself go pale. "He left last night, said he was going to get in trouble with his mom if he didn't leave."

I scrunched my nose. "Did anyone else see him? I mean, nothing happened I swear I just couldn—"

"No one saw him relax, now hurry and get ready you're late."

I sighed in relief as I sat on my bed and Jordan closed the door. Throwing myself back I covered my face with my hands, did last night actually happen? I slowly touched my lips remembering what if felt like to feel his on mine again. It was insane. My happy emotions rapidly turned into stress once I remembered Mena's actual intensions of coming here. Ray was back and he was closer than ever. At this point my life felt like a ticking time bomb.


What does this mean for them? Ahhhh!! Thank you guys for reading!

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