Avatar One-Shots

By creativemind34

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As the title says, a collection of Avatar One-Shots. (DISCLAIMER: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or... More

Leechee Juice (Makorra)
Kiss/It's About Time (Tokka)
Flustered (Irosami)
Parenting (Kataang)
Carpool (Irosami)
The Least of your Worries (Irosami)
What Friends are For (Zutara/Kataang)
Defense (Irosami)
Jinora's Birthday (Bolinora)
Take me or Leave me (Irosami)
You'll be a great mother! Part 1 (Tokka)
You'll be a great Mother! Part 2 (Tokka)
Winds of change (Linzin)
"Tutoring" (Kainora)
Lies Part 1 (Tyzula)
Lies Part 2 (Tyzula)
Moonlight Kiss (Sukka)
The Baby (Tokka)
Tattoos (Kainora)
Visit (Tokka)
Greetings (Irosami)
Headlines (Korrasami)
Screw you Mako (Korrasami friendship)
Waiting (Korrasami)
Little Sister (Toko)
Through the Windowsill (Jetko)
When We Meet Again (Jinoochy vs. Kainora)
Beifong Rage (Linzin/Pemzin)
Being Mommy (Linkhan)
Blush (Zuki)
Hair (Huan/Eska)
Resident Weirdos (Huan/Eska)
Battles (Zhurrick)
Love Pentagon (Tokka/Sukka/Zuki/Satoph)
From Blush to Kiss (Zuki)
This Could Be My Year (Bopal)
Lucky Guy (Kataang)
Always Here (Deska)
Contentment (Kainora)
Dysfunction (maiko)
Secrets (Zutara)
Date (Linkhan)
The Twins (Deska)
Baby It's Cold Outside (Irosami)
Back by Popular Demand (Jetko comedy)
A Note For The Finale
Spirit World (Korrasami)
A Note on the Ending
P'Li's Account (Tyzula)
New Guy (Zukka/Jetko)
Wedding (Kataang)
The Dancer Part 1 (Zutara)
The Dancer Part 2 (Zutara)
Visits (Korvira)
That's Rough Twinkletoes (Taang)
Roomates (Tyzula)
Water or Lack Thereof (Tahno)
Homecoming (Iroh II/Reader)
Firelady (Toko)
I Should Tell You (Tokka)
Swear Not to Tell (Irosami)
A Long Night for Kai (Kainora)
Talk (Korrasami)
Honey Honey (Suyin)
Yue (Sukka)
Never Ever Ever (Makorra)
Tickets (Mako & Lin)
Everybody Talks (Makorra)
Valentine's Day (Korra/?)
Date (Borra)
Becoming Parents (Makorra)
Circus Freak (Tyzula)
Lunch (Tokka)
Age Difference (Irosami)
Reunion Part 1 (Tyzula)
Because of a Swordfight (Zukka)
Reunion Part 2 (Azula & Ursa)
Dictators (Kuvira/Reader)
When Can I See You Again (Tahnorra)
Idea (Linzin)
Flirt (Kainora)
Whatever This Is (Makorrasami)
Fatal Attraction Part 1 (Korvira)
Fatal Attraction Part 2 (Korvira)
Fatal Attraction Part 3 (Korrasami/Korvira)
Entourage (Tahko)
Brothers (Irosami)
News (Bopal)
Family Ties (Korrasami)

Sweet Vandalism (Korrasami)

4.1K 114 30
By creativemind34

A/n so I got three prompts, and I decided to do Korrasami for @Coffee_is_Universal first because Korrasami is the easiest for me to write.




"Are you sure about this?" Asami asked, following alongside her best friend. Korra rolled her eyes.

"Of course I'm sure! Now grab an egg, we're gonna get Mako good!"

The girls had recently discovered that their boyfriend was cheating on them - with each other. After a brief spat of sadness, they decided to exact revenge. Now they were sneaking up to the perpetrator's house, eggs in one hand, spray paint in the other. It was the paint that had Asami on edge.

"I'm not so sure we should be painting on his property. Eggs are one thing, but paint won't come off." She said. Korra shrugged off her concerns.

"We won't paint his house. We're gonna paint on his yard. That way it'll grow out! Besides, don't you wanna get him good for what he did?"

Asami still wasn't so sure. After all, Mako's little brother Bolin was probably going to be made to clean up most of the mess. But she went along with her friend's plan anyway, anxious to see the look on her ex's face.

They approached the house, set their supplies down quietly, and set to work. Asami opened the egg cartons, Korra shook the spray paint cans as quietly as she could. With a mischievous look shared between them, they set to work.

They'd done quite a number on the place when a noise was heard inside. Asami had yolked the place pretty good, and Korra had gotten the words "MAKO SUCKS" sprayed into the lush yard in large black letters.

The girls froze in their tracks. A light came on. A familiar voice called "Hey! Who's out there?"

"The muffin man!" Korra called back in a deep voice just before taking off at top speed. Asami followed, right on her heels. They heard yelling behind them as they took off down the street, feet pounding on the sidewalk.

Once they were far enough to know they wouldn't be caught, they collapsed on the side of the road, breathing hard and laughing.

"The muffin man!" Asami gasped out, laughing so hard she thought she might develop abs. Korra chuckled in response.

"It just came to me!"

They lay there for a moment, catching their breath.

"Who needs Mako anyway?" Korra asked. Asami shrugged.

"Not me!"

"Who needs boys?" Korra asked.

"Not me!" Asami called again.

"Boys are overrated anyway! I mean why are they so great? Half the boys I know are jerks anyway, and the other half are like brothers to me! I may as well just be a lesbian!"

Now, it wasn't like Korra to joke like this, mostly because many people undoubtedly found it offensive. But Asami didn't say anything, and probably wouldn't have, until she caught sight of the way her friend was staring at her shoes with her best "I-can't-believe-I-just-said-that" expression. She gave her a questioning look.

"Um...Korra?" She asked. No response. She put a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you okay?" She asked. Korra looked up at her with a fearful expression. The dots connected in her head.

"Wait, Korra, do you like girls?"

Rather numbly, Korra nodded.

"So then you're...?" She asked. Korra nodded again.

"Uh, I think so, anyway."

For a long moment, neither of them knew what to say. Then Asami burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Korra asked, a little hurt that her friend found this humorous. She hadn't intended to tell anyone about this, and this response was exactly why. Asami only responded with more laughter.

"Well, if you find it so hilarious..." she muttered, standing up to leave, but Asami's hand on her wrist stopped her. The other girl stifled her chuckles and met her friend's eyes.

"No, it's not that it's funny, it's just... me too."

It took a moment for that statement to register.

"Wait wait wait, you like girls?" Korra asked.

"Well, guys and girls." Asami amended.

Neither of them spoke until several minutes later, when Korra made a suggestion. Really a suggestion she'd wanted to make for awhile, but just now, she finally had the bravery to say it.

"You know what would really get under Mako's skin?" She asked. Asami gave her a quizzical look.

"If his ex-girlfriends dated each other."

Asami's face split into a grin. "Why Ms. Avatara, am I to believe that you're asking me out?" She asked. Korra gave a grin of her own.

"That is exactly what I'm doing, Ms. Sato."

Asami had to hold in her chuckle as she answered. "Well then, it's a date!"




A/n Yes, I made Korra's last name Avatara. AU in which Korrasami live in a community similar to mine where everybody's raised believing its wrong and people are kind of assholes. Korra's awkward coming out based loosely on my own story. (Only I was coming out as pansexual)

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