Levi x Reader/Kusaki ||| Chos...

By claudiagon13

21.2K 683 69

Hello everyone! I decided to make another Levi fanfiction because the first one was a big hot mess For sure... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Pleas read!
Chapter 20
Halloween Special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
So happy!
Chapter 23
One shot: Family?!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Funny story 1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Funny story 2
Dear readers
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 39

186 7 0
By claudiagon13

After the whole situation about this whole titan form thing, we settled in a castle that was old and used by Scout Regiment.

The whole place was dirty, which mean cleaning day. Yay. We were settling our horse and I can hear Petra and Oluo going back and fourth talking.

Eren was feeding the horse some food and I was just petting them. Eren looked like he was examining us "Eren, you ok?" I asked.

He seemed to snap out of it and looked at me "Ye-Yeah- I mean, Yes Captain" he studdered. I smiled and kept petting the horse softly.

"Just call me Kusaki. Remember to call that to Levi, he is the one to be labeled" I joked. Eren smiled and kept looking away "Do you miss your friend and girlfriend?" I asked.

"Girlfriend?" Eren asked and then he figured it out "Mikasa? No! We are just siblings, that's all" he nervously smiled.

I laughed "Okay, sure"

Eren laughed and looked down sadly "Well, yes. I kinda do miss them..... Not kinda.... A lot"

"I would too" I agreed.

"Captain, how about you and Levi? I've heard things..." He faintly moved his face away. Thinking maybe he asked the wrong question.

I giggled "Yes, we are"

"What? Really? For real? I can't....."

"Don't be too surprised" I said

He looked down "I'm not, I just didn't know" he lied.

"Well, let's keep working, hm?"


I was cleaning the dining area and I was already done with cleaning for the rest of the day.

I heard footsteps come in from a different room and Petra came out holding a broom "Hi, Kusaki, you almost done?" She asked.

I looked at her "Oh yeah, my last job for today" I sighed in relief.

"I just need two more room" she said.

"That's good" I simply said. I kinda wanted her to go away so I can just finish because she likes to talk for a long time.

"You know where Captain Levi is?"

"Um, I think him and Eren are in the same room cleaning" I estimated.

She didn't answer back but she just went straight to Levi. Ever since I got her in my team I had this feeling but would try to ignore the fact that Petra, might like Levi.

I bent over a little to get a view into the hallway and saw Petra wait for Levi to walk out and say something to her but instead he walked past her. Her face turned sad but then she brushed it off.

"Kusaki, almost done?" Levi asked coming into my area. I saw him as he poured himself tea that I made a while ago.

"Last room" I smiled.

"That's great" he sat down and sighed "I'm so tired" he said "Hey Kusaki, would you sleep with me tonight"

I was cleaning the chandelier and when he said that I almost fell. My face blushed and looked at him with an angry face. Was that a question or command?

"Levi, I can't do it with our team members around" I hissed "You should know that, captain" I said I emphasized on captain.

He sighs and makes a childish pouty face "Fine"

"Levi what makes you think I'm going to "do it" with you tonight?" I asked.

He stood up and pushed in his chair "Not for that, idiot" he was walking away into the hallway "A girlfriend and boyfriend can't sleep together as lovers?"


"We'll probably be kept here to rest for a few days, I heard that in about 30 days will be a huge expedition" Levi says.

We were all sitting in a table. Levi was at the end of the table as well as Eren. I was sitting next to Eld. Gunther, Petra, and Oluo were sitting on the other side.

"I also heard we have to include the rookies in this expedition" Eld said worryingly.

"Is that so? That is not a good thing to do for rookies" Gunther replies "They are all still traumatized from the break through of the wall"

Oluo laughed and was playing with his tea by circling the cup "Those kids are still petrified with fear, those worms"

I looked down, I wanted to say something but I just drank my tea "Is that true, Captain?" Petra asks.

"I do not know, but knowing Erwin, he is always 10 steps ahead of us" Levi sighs.

"That's true..... The situation is different this time, very different" Eld says.

"The plan to take Wall Maria back seems...... Impossible. Humanity seemed to be in trouble until someone comes shining a ray of light" he says sadly, then looking at Eren.

Eren was being stared at except me. I was trying to think about what Erwin was probably doing and thinking.

"I still find it hard to believe. What does it feel to be a titan?" Eld asks.

"To be honest with you all. I don't even remember my damn name when I'm in there. I just know it's self-mutation, I just have to bite my thumb and...."

His face turned shock for a while. It seemed like he didn't know that himself until he said it from his own mouth.

"You guys know the rules, right? We can't ask any question about this" Levi drinks his tea.

"Yeah, they all do. don't worry about it" I said looking at my tea. I heard a Big Bang behind me.

"Levviiiiiii!" I heard Hangi "How's it goin buddy!" She hugged.

"Can't wait till tomorrow! What's up Eren!" She went straight to him and drolled.

"I can't believe I'm touching a Titan" she smiled.

"Back off the squirt, shitty glasses" Levi sighed "He's not to be experimented right now"

"No, but we can start tomorrow" she smiled. Eren looked at me as if to say "Should I say yes?" I gave him a worried look.

"I don't know, I think Levi might give me work in the morning"

Hangi got a quirky look and looked at Levi "What is he doing tomorrow that more important than this?"

Levi sighed "He's taking out weeds"

"Perfect! I'll see you tomorrow! Anyways I have to go to continue one of my experiment"

We all sighed and looked away. Eren gulped and looked at us "What other experiment?"

Levi looked at me and stood up. We all stood up and just left the room "Sorry Eren" I said and left him with Hangi who looked like she was gonna go crazy.

I walked to Levi's room and put my bag on his desk. Levi was in the restroom but in my bag I had something.

It was a note and it said:

"Kusaki, meet me in my office early in the morning, alone" / Erwin

I put it up in my bag and sighed. Levi came out of the restroom and saw my shocked face.

"what's wrong?" He asked. I put on my PJs and layed on his bed "Nothing, in just sleepy"

"Okay, well if you want-"

I closed my eyes and just fell asleep. I heard Levi keep talking.

"Nevermind, goodnight" he smiled and covered me with his blanket and kissed my forehead.

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