Supernatural BSM DDM; SSM MDM

By RiannaBurgdorf2019

227K 3.4K 396

DDM: -Sam -dean -cas -Gabriel -Bobby -Crowley BSM: -Winchester boys -cas -Gabriel -Crowley Requests are ope... More

Bobby Ddm: He finds you and keeps you as his
Cas Ddm: He hears you sing
Winchester Boys Bsm:
Winchester boys bsm part 2
Gabe DDM: he finds you crying
Ddm Dean: you get hallucinations
DDM Dean: Hallucinations Part 2
DDM Dean: Hallucinations pt 3
Until Thursday
Lucifer DDM: He takes you in
DDM Bobby: You have kids
BSM: They leave for a 3 hours and come back finding you hurt
They leave for 3 hours (part 2)
3 hours (part 3)
3 hours pt 4
3 Hours (Part 5)
3 Hours #6
DDM Crowley: part 1
DDM Crowley: Part 2
DDM Crowley: Part 3
BSM: Winchester Boys (request)
Sam DDM: Not all SPN Are Bad
Sam DDM: part 2
Sam DDM: Part 3
Sam DDM: Part 4
Sam DDM: Part 5
Sam DDM: part 6
Sam and Dean BSM (request)
Bsm 4 Angels 1 Devil
DDM Bobby: Guardian Angel
DDM Benny
DDM Bobby: your raped
MDM 1: Jody Mills Part 1
MDM Part 2: Jody Mills
SSM 1: Charlie
SSM 2: Jo
Requests 🤓🤓
BSM Sam and Dean
BSM Dean and Sam
BSM Castiel
BSM Winchester Boys
DDM Dean
BSM: Jack
DDM Dean (request)
DDM SAM (request)
DDM Dean (Requested)
BSM Jensen (Requested)
DDM Sam (Requested)
The Winchester BSM
Cast: Bun In The Oven
DDM Crowley
Winchester Brother BSM/AN
Winchester BSM
Dean BSM The Nightmare
Winchester Bros. BSM
Castiel DDM
Bobby DDM
Jack BSM
Winchester Brothers
Leverage/ SPN Cast BSM

SPN/Star Wars BSM

1.1K 17 1
By RiannaBurgdorf2019

Requested by:Icyrunitup

Age: 17

Scenerio: Andrea is a Jedi, who happens to also be a sister to Sam and Dean and Cas. One day when she visits she brings her partner Anakin with. She is called on to help yoda with a sith lord. During this, she is captured and the four of them have to rescue her.

Warnings: I have not seen Star Wars since I was a little girl, so this could end up very well or very horrible. You have been warned.

Andrea's P.O.V:

I paced my ship as Anakin drove it towards earth. What if they find out my secret? How would they react? Anakin doesn't even know. With that thought my brain immediately went into how good Anakin and how handsome he is. With a blush, I felt arms wrap around me trying to comfort me. You see Anakin is not only my partner until we get apprentices, he is also my best friend.

"Anakin, you're suppost to be driving." I warned.

"I put Autopilot on. You need to stop worrying all the time. Come sit relax." He said as I sighed and complied. Sitting in the passenger seat, he sat in the driver's and began to actually drive it. "What are you thinking about?" He questioned which caused a blush to my cheeks, but he never realized.

"Just worried. I haven't seen them since a month ago before our last mission." I said as he nodded.

"You'll be okay. I promise." He said as I nodded. We went through the atmosphere and into Earth as we landed in Sioux Falls. I sighed once again.

"This isn't their bunker Anakin." I said as he smiled.

"I know they are at Bobbys house." He said as I smiled.

"Thank you." I said as he nodded. We exited the ship as we walked into the house. "Dean? Sam?" I called out. I heard foot steps coming from the living room and stairs as they both stood their panting. I giggled as Sam pulled me into a hug first. I gasped a bit as he lifted me off the ground. "Hello Sammy." I said as he sat me down and gave me a playful glare.

"Why didn't you call? Or show up?" Dean questioned as he pulled me into a hug.

"Because I got badly hurt in the last mission. I needed time." I said as tears formed, but Dean wiped them before they could start down my cheeks. I felt him kiss my forehead as Anakin put a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you are here and alive. Come we ordered pizza." Sam said as he escorted us to the living room where the pizza sat.

"Where's my angel?" I questioned looking around. With that I felt arms around me and someone spin me as a giggle left my mouth.

"Right here." He said as he sat me down. Turning around he hugged me correctly as my laughter stopped. We all sat around the table ate the pizza, and talked.

"So when is your next mission?" Sam asked as I sighed and sat my unfinished pizza down.

"Actually I have one later today. This one is with Master Yoda, he asked for only my help on taking down a sith lord. That means I will be fighting a dark lord alone. No Anakin and no actual Yoda.  Yoda is testing my skills because the last mission I was caught off guard." I said as they all tensed.

"And you knew of this?" Dean questioned glaring at Anakin which pulled at my heart strings.

"No. No one knew. Except for Yoda obviously." I said as they all sighed.

"Why did you get caught off guard?" Cas asked.

"They mentioned people I loved and it caught me off guard. That gave them their chance and they took it." I said. They nodded as we finished eating.

"We should get going before you're late." Anakin said. I shook my head as I stood.

"Yoda said I go alone. This is the real reason I wanted to come down. If something happens this time, I will signal you. You four will find me. I'm only doing this because I have a bad feeling in my gut." I said as they nodded. I gave Anakin my necklace that Cas gave me. It was black and if I am close to dying it will blink in between black and white and if I die it's white. Anakin didn't look happy, even though he had to stay and he knew it. After hugs, I went to the bathroom before I left and just stared at myself in the mirror. Looking at my blue eyes I sighed as I through my lavender hair into a braid. I walked out of the bathroom and sighed as they watched me leave in my ship. After I left the atmosphere I put on a brave face and held all emotion back. I was not going to be off guard this time. I got to my destination as I landed and got off the ship. I headed straight for Yoda and saw him standing there staring.

"I'm ready Yoda." I said as I stood next to him.

"Ready you are not. Fight must go on. Do this not for fight, but instead you." He said as I nodded and got on my ship. Once I got to the location I landed a little bit further away so that way I can't be seen. I hid behind the sandy buildings ready to fight for myself and for Anakin. Opening my purple lightsaber I saw two storm troopers stood by the door of the building. I decided I should ignore them and head straight for the lord. I ran behind the buildings pausing each time a trooper would come my way and wait until they leave. Eventually I made my way towards where he was. I saw him on the roof. He had four storm troopers next to him. I hid, ducked, and snuck my way up to him as I stood behind him.

"Ah, young Winchester. I was expecting you." He said as two storm troopers grabbed my arms from behind as they took my weapon. The dark lord turned around as he stared me down. "Put her in the cells. I'll deal with her later." He said as I gasped. I began to fight as I headed butted one, but because of their helmets it only hurt me. I sighed in defeat as they drug me into the building down the stairs, took a left and down more stairs. The cells smelt like rotten skin and blood as they through me in one and cuffed my hands. I jerked my way out as they left. I sighed as I leaned my head against the wall. I heard chuckling as I heard the evil one come downstairs and into my cells.

"You thought you would try again? Didn't you learn last time?" He chuckled as I glared.

"Fuck you." I spat as he became serious.

"Awe poor Winchester. Can't go to Earth to see her brothers and couldn't have the help of Anakin. Well, after he comes to rescue you, he won't be much of help." He said as I froze.

"Don't hurt him." I said as he chuckled and left my cell. I sighed and looked down as I began to think of where my plan went wrong. I should've killed every single storm trooper. No he would've known he was over looking the city. He's stronger. My head started to itch, as I lifted my legs up so I could scratch my head with my hands and that's when I felt it. The pin I used to hold the extra hair. I laughed as I pulled it out and began to break open the cuffs. Winchester logic 101 how could I forget? Once I heard the satisfying sound of the lock opening I immediately rubbed my wrists as I stood. I snuck to the door of the cell and saw a trooper by the exit, when an idea popped in my mind. Smirking I snuck up behind him and quickly broke off his helmet and snapped his neck before he could turn around. I drug him to my cell and quickly changed out of my clothes and into his. I ran up the stairs and yelled, "she escaped!" With a low and deep voice as the other troopers ran down the stairs leaving me with him. He chuckled as he spun around next thing I know everything went black.

Anakin's P.O.V:

I bit my lip for the hundredth time as I watched her necklace. For some reason I knew that this would be the signal, but I don't know how. Her brothers and angel sat near me as well. I knew they didn't like me because I knew they had caught on to her little crush on me. So have I, but I won't admit that I like her back. Cas stared hard at me as his jaw clenched. I looked confused as I noticed a light from below me. I looked down and noticed that the necklace kept blinking. "The signal." I muttered as we all stood.

"Wait how will we get to her? We don't have a ship." Sam said as I froze. Castiel grabbed Deans arm who grabs Sam's and Cas held my other arm as everything became white. My eyesight came back as I looked around and saw Master Yoda. Putting the necklace on we ran over to him.

"Master Yoda." I said slowing my pace as I became close to him. "Where did you send Drea?"

"Not your fight. Will not say." He said as he stared off. I heard someone growl as I looked and saw Dean his jaw was clenched as he stomped his way over. Sam stopped him as I let out a sigh.

"Master Yoda, she is dying." I said pleading with him. He looked at me and looked back at the distance.

"Not your fight. Is her destiny. If destiny kills, Jedi Andrea dies." He said as I froze once again.

"Please, Yoda. Just tell me who she is fighting." I pleaded again.

"The past provoked. The past returns." He said as I let out a sigh. I walked away from him as they followed me.

"I know where she is." I declared. I felt a punch to my face as I held it and stared at Dean.

"You put her in danger. You deserve it." He spat as I nodded.

Andrea's P.O.V:

I sighed as my face felt puffy. I had cuts and bruises everywhere and a stab wound in my arm. Ever since I tried to escape, the dark lord brought in this 7 foot beast compared to my 5'3 height. Every once in a while it would beat me, but then leave me to heal, then beat me again. My eyes shut completely, then shot open as I heard the beast stomp it's way in. It clashed open my cell door as it through a punch to my face. I yelped as he grabbed my throat and lifted me against the wall.

"Anakin isn't here to save you now is he? Maybe we should kill him in front of you." The beast laughed as tears ran down my face. His grip tightened as I fought for air, my lungs squeezing for something. I heard lightsaber noises coming from the stairs as I sighed thinking it was my imagination. That was until I heard my name and the beast pulled me forward and threw me against the wall. I yelled in pain as I landed on my side crickied. I watched Sam and Dean try to kill the beast that was a little bit taller then Sam. The beast threw them as I shut my eyes when Castiel smited it. They ran towards me as Sam and Dean broke the cuffs. I fell forward weakly into Castiel's arms.

"Heal her." Dean said as Castiel sighed.

"I can't. He used poison on her." He said.

"Anakin." I whispered. "He can heal me." I said they were hesitant, but nodded.

"Ray." Ani said as I sighed happily. He came closer and saw me as he sighed.

"Come. Take her to the ship." He said as Castiel picked me up. Once we got to the ship Castiel laid me down and Ani began to heal me with his antidote. I smiled as I looked at all of them.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're never going alone again. I don't care what Yoda says. I love you and I can't lose you." Anakin said as I smiled. I was about to say it back, but Sam and Dean both had him against the ships wall. Dean held him against the throat as Sam began to yell at him.

"Stop." I said, but they didn't hear me. I sat up and winced a bit. "SHUT UP!" I yelled as they froze and all three of them looked at me. "That's enough. Let go of him." I said as I noticed Deans hand go tighter and Anakin's face redder, but Dean listened and let go. "Sit." I barked as I laid back down and they came and sat around me.

"Raya-" Sam started, but I cut him off.

"No. You will listen to me and listen closely. Anakin is the best thing that could happen to me. Ever since he found me on Earth and brought me to his world. You couldn't protect me that night and I get why, but he became my partner ever since he found me. He rescued me. You don't get to tell me who can love me and who can't or vise versa. He's became my damn soul, with out him I wouldn't be here, so you two don't get to pick who I can love." I ranted as they looked down. I sighed. "I love you two I really do, but I also love Anakin. You guys can play protective brothers, but don't ever try to take the one I love away from me." I said as Anakins mouth grew into a smile.

"Okay. We promise. Right Dean?" Sam said as Dean grumbled.

"Right." Dean said as Anakin kissed my forehead. I sighed as I closed my eyes to rest.

I hope, hope, hope you liked this one, but I did give you a warning. If you didn't I can try to fix it, but I hope it doesn't come to that. Please keep reading and commenting loves!

Rianna xx

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