Storytelling (K.Hook)

By Gerlithequeen

186K 3.7K 268

"How can i not change after everything i was put trough?" -Echo I don't own OUAT or the photos i will put it... More

1.1. Princess Echo
1.2 Emma Swan
1.3 True Love's Kiss
1.4 Jiminy Cricket
1.5 Graham
1.6 The Favor
1.7 August
1.8 The Stable Boy
1.9 Mary's Fingerprints On Kathryn's Heart
1.10 "I Need Your Help"
1.11 The Mad Hatter
1.12 Telling Henry the Truth
1.13 Purple Smoke
1.14 Little Red Riding Hood
1.15 The Wraith
1.16 Back Home
1.17 Hook
1.18 "I Can't Trust You Again"
1.19 "You Would've Done The Same"
1.20 Jumping Through The Portal
1.21 "I Believe Her"
1.22 The Deal
1.23 Dr. Whale AKA Dr. Frankenstein
1.24 The Favor
1.25 Baelfire
1.26 Brother-Sister-Bond
1.27 Truths
1.28 Heart-To-Heart
1.29 Pinocchio
1.30 "Thank You"
1.31 "Your Plan?"
1.32 Teaming Up With Hook
1.33 Magic Beans
1.34 Throwback To Neverland
1.35 Spending Time On the Jolly Rogger
1.36 Satan's Spawn
1.37 The Coconutshell
1.38 A Kiss
1.39 Deals
1.40 "Nasty Little Liar"
1.41 "Thank You, Captain"
1.42 Pan Or Henry?
1.43 Goodbye
1.44 A Year Later
1.45 Flying Monkey
1.46 The Farmhouse
1.47 Ten Minutes
1.48 Zelena
1.49 Training Emma
1.50 Contacting Cora
1.51 "You Failed me"
1.52 A Siphoner
1.53 Back In Time
1.54 Captain Hook vs Captain Hook
1.55 Back Home
Snow Queen
A Date
"Unpleasant Time?"
Finding Emma
"At Each Other's Throats"
A Big Bat
The Door and A Key
"I Would Lay Down My Life For You"
"Are We Back Home?"
Alternative Universe
The New Dark One
"Have Fun"
"Trust Me"
Two Halves - One Sword
The Ember
Another Dark One
Captain Dark One
"Don't Leave Me"
The Underworld
"I Got You!"
Liam Jones
"I Love You, Killian Jones "
"I'm Glad You're Back"
The Unknown Realm
"I Love You"
The Evil Queen
"I Promise "
Snow's and Charming's Heart
The World Behind The Mirror
Alternative Reality
"Take It Easy On The Rum"
Not Robin
"I Feel Like I Wanna Scream"
"I Did Not Start This Fight"
"I Do"
The End

From Wolf To Red

521 10 0
By Gerlithequeen

Echo's dream. In the Underworld. On the graveyard. 

Hook, Snow and i were standing in front of three grave stones.

Me " Hades thinks he can beat us. It's time to prove him wrong. When I burn these names from the graves, there'll be nothing keeping us here. We can all go back home. "

Then i started to burn our names off the stone with magic. 

The wind suddenly picked up

Hook looked around "Wait. Something's wrong. "

I asked confused "What is it? "

Hook "Any captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing. And trust me, we need to find shelter now. Go! Go! "

We ran for shelter as a twister formed a few meters ahead. We hid behind a grave and the wind died down. 

Me "Well, that was quick. Everyone okay? "

Snow "Yeah, but something's out there. Something was in that storm. "

She drew her bow and arrow and stepped out from behind the grave. 

Suddenly she got attacked by something. 

I screamed "Snow!"

On a rooftop. End of the dream. 

I gasped awake. 

Hook looked at me "Bad dream? "

I nodded and walked towards him " It was nothing. Sorry I fell asleep. "

Hook eyed me worriedly " I'm glad you did. "

I shook my head " It's not the best way to keep watch. "

Hook "I've got it under control. Do you realize this is the first time you've slept since you rescued me? "

Me " I will sleep for weeks as soon as we defeat Hades, I promise. "

A light flashed below us. 

I looked at Hook "That's the signal. They're ready."

Downstairs. In the library. 

Regina "Echo, I can use a little help here. "

Hook " So this is what you've been working on all night. This is our new plan to defeat Hades and go home... A bunch of squiggly lines? "

Regina" Hades put one hell of a protection spell on his elevator, and these "squiggly lines" are the only way to crack it open. "

Snow " Then hopefully that elevator will take us straight to him."

 David" Maybe with surprise on our side, we can get a shot at him. "

Hook" That's a lot of "maybe"s and "hopefully"s. "

Me "It's all we have right now. Okay. Let's do this."

I offered her my hand "You mind helping your sister out?"

She smiled and gave me her hand. 

Then we concentrated at the elevator doors.

They opened and there was a wall in front of us. 


David sighed " So much for surprising him. "

Snow "Oh, we'll think of something else. We always do. What if...? "

Me "What if I could burn our names off the gravestones that Hades made for us, the ones holding us here? "

Regina" I looked for a spell like that. It doesn't exist. "

I nodded "Actually, it does. It kind of came to me in a dream. "

Charming " In a dream? "

I sighed " I know it sounds crazy, but I can remember every detail. It would be a long shot, but... "

Hook " Well, as for "maybe"s and "hopefully"s,"

I looked at him hopefully. 

Hook ".. I've learned never to question yours. I'm coming with you. "

I smiled. 

David " Snow and I will take Henry back to the apartment, keep him safe. "

Snow shook her head "No, actually, I'm gonna go with Echo. "

I shook my head "No, no, that's not a good idea. "

Snow " I promised to take down Hades and get back to our son, remember? If this is how we do it, I'm in. "

David" Echo, I wouldn't argue with your sister. Trust me."

 Regina " Get going, and I'll... I'll meet you at the cemetery. First, I should talk to my sister. Apparently, she has some history with Hades. "

Me "You think she'll talk to you? "

Regina shrugged " I don't know. But if he does have a weakness, she might be the only person who knows what it is."

At the graveyard. 

We were standing in front of the graves. 

Me " The spell worked in my dream. Now I just need to make it happen."

I tried to burn off the names .

 the wind began to howl again.

Hook " Echo, wait. Any captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing. And trust me, we need to find shelter."

I asked worried "Why did you just say that? "

Hook "Oh, it's fine, love. It's just a storm. I've survived worse. "

I shook my head "No, I should not have brought you here. My dream... it wasn't just a dream. This is exactly how it happened."

 Hook "Can we talk about that a bit later? We need to take shelter now. "

We ran to the same headstone as in my dream. The storm stopped.

Hook "Well, look at that. The world's fastest storm. Maybe this is turning into a good dream. "

I shook my head " It wasn't the storm I was worried about. In the dream, the cyclone brought a monster. "

Snow asked confused " What kind of monster? "

A creature roared in the distance, and i grabbed Snow's hand. 

Me "That kind. "

Snow "I'll take a look. "

I shook my head "No! Snow, you just have to trust me. I can't let you do this. "

Snow nodded "Okay. Okay, Echo. It was your dream. You tell us. What do we do now? "

The creature roared again. 

 Me" We run."


We ran into Regina's vault. 

Me "Okay, I know it seems a little creepy, but we should be safe down here. "

Hook " Are you sure about that? What the hell is that thing, and why is it chasing us? "

Snow shook her head " I don't know, but if it comes close, I can get a shot at it. "

I shook my head "No, you cannot go back out there. "

Snow asked confused  "Echo, what are you so afraid of? We've faced monsters before. "

Me "My dream... it's happening. But i left something out"

Snow "And what?"

I took a deep breath "You died, Snow"

She froze. 


Hook looked at the closed door "I think that monster's gone away. "

He walked to me and i nodded. 

Suddenly there was rumbling in the distance. 

Everyone tensed.  

Snow got her bow ready. 

Hook grabbed a knife and walked over to the corner of the entrance. 

He aimed at the intruder but turned out it was Regina.  

She gasped, shocked.

Hook "Sorry, love"

Regina "Well, I'm glad your reflexes are better than your sense of style. Well, this has turned into quite a day. Why are you all in my vault? "

Snow "Short version... thing with fangs trying to kill us."

 Regina asked confused "And you're hiding instead of fighting? "

Me "I saw the same monster in my dream. And in the end, it... .. "

Snow "it killed me, so..."

Me " I thought it was a message or some sort of vision of the future. "

Regina "Well, you dreamt it. It's not like it'll happen. Maybe this dream isn't just about the monster. It's about you working out some issues. "

I shook my head "I don't have any issues. "

Hook "Much as it pains me, I have to agree with Regina, Echo. What's going on? "

I asked him, shocked "Killian"

Hook "what's bothering you, Echo? come on, you can tell us"

I took a deep breath " I have this feeling."

Hook "what feeling?"

Me "i feel like i failed everyone"

Hook asked confused "Failed? You saved me"

Me "But we're still trapped in the Underworld. What the hell was I thinking bringing everyone down here? Bringing Henry down here? This was a terrible plan. I should have done this alone.  I'm scared that someone will die, and it'll be my fault. And I'll never forgive myself. "

Snow "Echo, you didn't force any of us down here. We all wanted to come with you. We knew it would be hard.  These things always are, but some things are worth it. Love is worth it."

Hook smiled at me. 

Snow " Now, if you want to get home, let's do what works.Let's face this monster together"

In the woods. 

We were in the woods, trying to track down the beast. 

Snow "It's close! Keep your eyes peeled. "

Suddenly i saw it running around "Found it!"

Regina and i shot a magic blast over to it while Snow had shot an arrow at it. 

Hook "Nice shot. "

We rushed over there. 

It was a wolf. 

Snow "Wait, everybody stay back! That thing could still be alive!"

Oh my god. I know who that is. 

Me "Snow! stop! Don't kill it! "

Hook  "Echo?"

Me " I think my dream was a vision. But it wasn't about saving Snow. It was about finding her. "

I picked up the red cape and dropped it over the wolf. 

The wolf turned back to Red. She was sleeping. 

I put a hand on her arm " Red. Red?"

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