Storytelling (K.Hook)

By Gerlithequeen

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"How can i not change after everything i was put trough?" -Echo I don't own OUAT or the photos i will put it... More

1.1. Princess Echo
1.2 Emma Swan
1.3 True Love's Kiss
1.4 Jiminy Cricket
1.5 Graham
1.6 The Favor
1.7 August
1.8 The Stable Boy
1.9 Mary's Fingerprints On Kathryn's Heart
1.10 "I Need Your Help"
1.11 The Mad Hatter
1.12 Telling Henry the Truth
1.13 Purple Smoke
1.14 Little Red Riding Hood
1.15 The Wraith
1.16 Back Home
1.17 Hook
1.18 "I Can't Trust You Again"
1.19 "You Would've Done The Same"
1.20 Jumping Through The Portal
1.21 "I Believe Her"
1.22 The Deal
1.23 Dr. Whale AKA Dr. Frankenstein
1.24 The Favor
1.25 Baelfire
1.26 Brother-Sister-Bond
1.27 Truths
1.28 Heart-To-Heart
1.29 Pinocchio
1.30 "Thank You"
1.31 "Your Plan?"
1.32 Teaming Up With Hook
1.33 Magic Beans
1.34 Throwback To Neverland
1.35 Spending Time On the Jolly Rogger
1.36 Satan's Spawn
1.37 The Coconutshell
1.38 A Kiss
1.39 Deals
1.40 "Nasty Little Liar"
1.41 "Thank You, Captain"
1.42 Pan Or Henry?
1.43 Goodbye
1.44 A Year Later
1.45 Flying Monkey
1.46 The Farmhouse
1.47 Ten Minutes
1.48 Zelena
1.49 Training Emma
1.50 Contacting Cora
1.51 "You Failed me"
1.52 A Siphoner
1.53 Back In Time
1.54 Captain Hook vs Captain Hook
1.55 Back Home
Snow Queen
A Date
"Unpleasant Time?"
Finding Emma
"At Each Other's Throats"
A Big Bat
The Door and A Key
"I Would Lay Down My Life For You"
"Are We Back Home?"
Alternative Universe
The New Dark One
"Have Fun"
"Trust Me"
Two Halves - One Sword
The Ember
Another Dark One
Captain Dark One
"Don't Leave Me"
"I Got You!"
Liam Jones
From Wolf To Red
"I Love You, Killian Jones "
"I'm Glad You're Back"
The Unknown Realm
"I Love You"
The Evil Queen
"I Promise "
Snow's and Charming's Heart
The World Behind The Mirror
Alternative Reality
"Take It Easy On The Rum"
Not Robin
"I Feel Like I Wanna Scream"
"I Did Not Start This Fight"
"I Do"
The End

The Underworld

676 10 0
By Gerlithequeen

In Echo's dream world. On the Jolly Rodger. 

I gasped awake and looked around. I was on the Jolly Rodger? wait what. 

Suddenly i saw Neal standing there. 

My jaw dropped and i stood up  "Bae?"

He smirked "Hey, Echo"

I breathed out relieved and hugged him " It's really great to see you. Why the hell are we on the Jolly Rodger?  Am I dreaming? "

Neal shook his head, amused " No. If this were a dream, there'd be, like, talking doughnuts or something weird like that. Think of this as a long-distance call from an old friend."

Me "A really really old friend"

He rolled his eyes, smirking. 

I hugged him "It's really you. "

Neal " How's Henry? "

i nodded "Great. He... misses his dad. He's growing up. I mean,  i miss his dad too. A lot"

He smiled, nodding "I bet. "

Me " Is this the Underworld? I was on my way to the Underworld."

 Neal nodded " Yeah, I know that's where you're headed. That's kind of why I'm here. Don't go, Echo. Once you get there, it is not an easy place to get out of. I know you're trying to save Hook. But trust me on this. This won't end the way you think it will. "

Me " I would have come after you, too. I didn't know I could do this. "

Neal shook his head "You couldn't have. I'm not there. I'm not in limbo. "

I froze "Does that mean... that Hook is there? I can get him? "

Neal nodded "Yeah, he's there. "

me "Then help me. I can split my heart and give it to him. It could work."

Neal "The Underworld's for people with unfinished business, and that isn't me. That's why I'm not there. "

Me " Where are you? "

Neal "Someplace. Someplace where I'm happy. I only came here because I care about you, Echo. Stop what you're doing before it's too late. "

I shook my head "I can't. "

Neal nodded " I figured. But I had to try. "

Me "i love him, Neal. I can't lose him"

He nodded "i know"

Then he hugged me "I love you, Echo. Take care of yourself"

I nodded "i love you too, Bae"

He chuckled. 

Back in the real world.

I gasped awake. 

We were still on the Charon's boat. 

Emma "Echo, are you okay? "

David nodded " Yeah, you passed out. "

I nodded "Yeah. I'm fine."

 Mr Gold "Good. Because we're here. "


We walked in the boardwalk off the small boat and entered hell. Suddenly we were on Main Street back in Storybrooke. What the hell?

Regina " I don't think we're in Maine anymore. "

I asked confused " How is this possible? How does the Underworld look like Storybrooke? "

Mr Gold "Your questions are pointless. All that matters is, all these people in this Underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business. "

An engine reved.

I looked around and saw Cruella's car driving past us. 

Me "What the fuck?"

Emma "Cruella."

Gold " That's right. And she's here because of you. And I imagine there are many here because of all of us. Let's not lollygag. "

Me " Split up. We'll cover more ground. "

Regia " Agreed. The sooner we get out of here, the better. "


Regina, Robin and i were walking down the Main Street together. 

Robin "It's uncanny. It's so similar, yet so... off."

 Regina "Well, when I conjured Storybrooke, it was with the Dark Curse. Whoever created that curse, looks like this is where they got their inspiration."

 Robin "Or vice versa. "

Regina suddenly stopped walking because she saw Blacktooth " You. You've been following us. Why? "

Blacktooth "Someone wants to see you."

In the mayor's office

We walked inside and i saw Cora sitting there behind the desk. 

Regina "Mother. "

I said annoyed "oh god, You're here."

 Cora nodded " Yes. "

Regina " I had hoped you were okay. "

Cora nodded "I know, darling. "

They hugged. 

I just stood there. 

Cora " But I do have unfinished business. And that would be you"

Regina shook her head  "You don't have to worry about me. "

Cora" I'll always worry about you. I want you to be happy."

 Regina" Then help me find Hook and get out of here. "

Cora "It's too dangerous. You need to leave... now. "

Regina " I promised my sister I would help her"

Cora looked at me and i glared at her. 

Me "mother"

Cora looked at Regina and at me " Your friends. Your family. They're what's holding you two back. Sweethearts, you must do what's best for you. "

Regina nodded "We are"

Cora shook her head " No, you're not. And if you won't, I'll see to it that you do. It wasn't easy, but I've arranged for a boat to take you two home. It departs in one hour. Take Henry, take your thief, and go before it's too late. "

Regina shook her head " Mother... I can't. "

Cora " You must. I know it's hard to... to put aside all suspicion after how I raised you, but, Regina... do you remember the last thing I said to you before I died? "

Regina " That I would have been enough. "

Cora " You would have been. It just took me too long to realize it. Don't make the same mistake. Go. "

Regina " What would happened if I stayed? "

Cora" Sometimes a mother has to do what's best for her child, even if it's reprehensible. "

Regina raised an eyebrow " Are you threatening me? "

Cora shook her head, smiling " Oh, no. No, of course not. I never. But there's something I have to show you. "

Then she used her magic and poofed us to a fiery cave. 

We were in the safe section, away from the edge, but Blacktooth was standing on a small rock ledge.

 Me "Cora, what are you doing... where are we? "

Cora raised her hand, and straight away, flames began to surround Blacktooth, who began to scream " Showing you your fate if you don't return to Storybrooke."

She used her magic to throw Blacktooth off the edge of the cliff and he was still engulfed by flames as he fell, before landing in the fiery pit below.

i glared at Cora "was that really necessary?"

 Regina froze "You... you killed him. "

Cora ""Killed" is, um, a relative term down here. This Underworld... most can only leave it in two ways... to a better place or a worse one. But you, my sweet daughters, have another option. However, not for long. Go home, or there will be a cost. Someone will suffer. "

Regina asked confused "Who?"

 Cora " Your father."

At Granny's.

Snow asked shocked "She'll really do that? She'll throw your father, her husband, into the fire? "

Me "of course she would, Snow, we're talking about Cora"

Regina " She thinks she's giving me my best chance. I can't let my father suffer because of me. "

Robin " Regina, it's all right. "

Regina shook her head "No, it's not. He's here because I killed him. The only way I've been able to deal with that is by imaging he went to a better place, but... he didn't.  Maybe I should get on that boat. "

I nodded "Yes, you should."

 David shook his head "Absolutely not. We're not leaving until we find Hook together."

Me "It's dangerous here. "

Snow shook her head "Which is why we're not leaving you alone. "

Gold walked inside, carrying a vial " Perhaps I can cut through this little family squabble. "

Robin asked confused " What the hell is that?"

 Mr Gold "This is the way to find your deceased pirate. The Ale of Seonaidh from the land of DunBroch."

 Regina" That's a mouthful. "

Mr Gold " It lets you communicate with the dead. Pour this over Hook's grave, and we can stop guessing where he is and simply ask him. "

David" You're saying Hook has a grave here in the Underworld? "

Mr Gold "Everyone down here has a grave. You'll find the cemetery right where you remember it. "

Snow" Well, if this works, we could find Hook before the boat leaves. We could all get out of here together. "

Gold " A fine idea. I suggest you all get moving. "

I shook my head " No way. You're coming with us, Gold. "

He handed me a potion "You can do this part on your own. There's a boat that's leaving soon. You want to find Hook? Fine. But I have no interest in exploring this world further. You can meet me there. But that's entirely up to you. "

He turned around and left. 

I went to go after him but Snow grabbed my hand. 

Snow "Echo. There's no time to argue. If there's even a chance that will work, we have to risk it."

At the graveyard. 

I was standing in front of Hook's grave. 

The others were standing a bit further back then i was. 

Snow " You okay? "

I sghed " I just hope he is. "

Then i poured the liquid on the grave. 

Hook appeared in front of us but he kept flashing in and out, and was battered, bruised, bloody and burnt. 

Oh my god. 

I froze "Killian. Killian, we're here to help you. We just can't find you. Where are you? "

No answer from him. 

Regina " Echo... the spell's not steady. He can't hear you. "

Me " Just tell us where you are."

 Robin" Something's happening. "

Regina " It's not holding. "

No answer from him. 

I pleaded "Talk to us. Talk to me. "

suddenly he disappeared again. 

I sighed " Killian! He doesn't know we came for him. We... he doesn't know we're here. He doesn't know that I care. "

Snow "Yes, he does. And, Echo, we will find him. "

Me " Will we? Did you not just see that?  He's in pain. He's suffering. And look at this place. We have half an hour. You have half an hour. "

I looked at Regina "Cora has a boat coming. You have to take it, or we might all be stuck here. "

David" If she can arrange a way out, so can we... after we find Hook. We are not giving up on you. "

Me "Regina. They're staying, but you should go."

 Regina shook her head " No. I-I... "

Me " Take Robin and Henry... because if you don't, whatever your father is going to face... "

Regina ".. It probably looks a lot like what... Hook is facing."

I nodded " So, it's settled. Get them out of here. Get yourself out of here"

At the clocktower. 

Regina, Robin and Henry walked to us. 

Me "Tell me your father's okay."

 Regina" He's better than okay. "

Henry " He's in a better place now. "

Snow froze "Wait. That means everyone here... "

David nodded " Can be saved. "

Regina"Every soul in this town has unfinished business. And chances are, for a lot of them, we're that business."

 Mr Gold" You've all deluded yourself if you think these people are worth your time. They're not the dearly departed. They are dead, wretched souls, and I want no part of it."

Me "What you want doesn't matter. I wasn't bluffing... I'm happy to tell Belle about your return to Dark One-ness. "

Mr Gold" Our agreement was to find your pirate and get the hell out of here. If you want to distract yourself with this other asinine pursuit, be my guest. I'm out"

Then he walked away. 

Henry " So... who's ready for "Operation Firebird"? "

Regina chuckled "Is that what we're calling it? "

I raised an eyebrow at him, amused " You referring to the mythological bird or the muscle car? "

He chuckled. 

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