Supernatural BSM DDM; SSM MDM

By RiannaBurgdorf2019

231K 3.4K 396

DDM: -Sam -dean -cas -Gabriel -Bobby -Crowley BSM: -Winchester boys -cas -Gabriel -Crowley Requests are ope... More

Bobby Ddm: He finds you and keeps you as his
Cas Ddm: He hears you sing
Winchester Boys Bsm:
Winchester boys bsm part 2
Gabe DDM: he finds you crying
Ddm Dean: you get hallucinations
DDM Dean: Hallucinations Part 2
DDM Dean: Hallucinations pt 3
Until Thursday
Lucifer DDM: He takes you in
DDM Bobby: You have kids
BSM: They leave for a 3 hours and come back finding you hurt
They leave for 3 hours (part 2)
3 hours (part 3)
3 hours pt 4
3 Hours (Part 5)
3 Hours #6
DDM Crowley: part 1
DDM Crowley: Part 2
DDM Crowley: Part 3
BSM: Winchester Boys (request)
Sam DDM: Not all SPN Are Bad
Sam DDM: part 2
Sam DDM: Part 3
Sam DDM: Part 4
Sam DDM: Part 5
Sam DDM: part 6
Sam and Dean BSM (request)
Bsm 4 Angels 1 Devil
DDM Bobby: Guardian Angel
DDM Benny
DDM Bobby: your raped
MDM 1: Jody Mills Part 1
MDM Part 2: Jody Mills
SSM 1: Charlie
SSM 2: Jo
Requests 🤓🤓
BSM Sam and Dean
BSM Dean and Sam
BSM Castiel
BSM Winchester Boys
DDM Dean
BSM: Jack
DDM Dean (request)
DDM SAM (request)
DDM Dean (Requested)
BSM Jensen (Requested)
DDM Sam (Requested)
The Winchester BSM
Cast: Bun In The Oven
Winchester Brother BSM/AN
Winchester BSM
SPN/Star Wars BSM
Dean BSM The Nightmare
Winchester Bros. BSM
Castiel DDM
Bobby DDM
Jack BSM
Winchester Brothers
Leverage/ SPN Cast BSM

DDM Crowley

1.7K 39 5
By RiannaBurgdorf2019

Requested by: Iluvmaximumride

Scenerio: you run into Crowley after running away from your home.

Age: 9

Author's Perspective:

You watched your parents scream as you sat on the steps hiding from them. You understood that your dad was out drinking again, but you didn't know the reason why he was yelling at your mom. He slammed her against the wall as he yelled in her face. You watched how tears spilled from her eyes as you grew angry. You stood up as you stompt over to him.

"Dad!" You yelled. He froze mid swing as he sharply spun around. He glared as you gave him the same look. "How dare you lay a hand on mom! You have no right. You always told me to never disrespect my parents, well what are you doing disrespecting my mother?" You questioned. Instead of an answer he swung his fist clocking you right in the eye as he quickly left the house after yelling.

"We're done. You are nothing to me. Neither of you. Expect divorce papers." You sighed as you looked at you mom who screamed in frustration.

"This is your fault!" She yelled. "If you were never fucking born we would be perfect!" She yelled as she shoved you and stompt to her room. You had tears down your face and not just because of the bruised eye, but because neither of the parents wanted you and the realization hit hard. You ran to your room as you packed a bag full of most of your clothes, your brush, toothpaste and toothbrush, and your notebook and drawing stuff. You sighed as you went to your bathroom and looked in the mirror. Your face was beat red and your hair was sticky with sweat. Your tried to brush your purple and black pixie cut hair, but it was too snarly and you began to not care. You grabbed the bag you packed as you through on your shoes. You snuck downstairs knowing your mom was still in her room. You got to the door as you sighed.

"I'm sorry I loved people who never loved me back." You determined and ran out the door and down the street. Tears ran down your face again as you soon realized you had no where to go, You had no money, you're nine and couldn't go anywhere without an adult. You sighed as you looked at your muddy converse and walked down the street. You took many lefts and rights as you accidently ran into a wall. Tears of fraustuon and pain cane through your eyes and down your cheeks as you looked up and realized it wasn't a wall, but a man. A very tall and scary looking man at that. He went to kneel to be at eye level with you, but you flinched and backed up just to run into an actual wall making a whimper leave your lips as you never stopped looking at the man. You watched his amusement turn to confusion as he soon did kneel to his knees. He looked at your eyes as he grew concerned.

"Are you alright?" He asked. You looked down as you shrugged. "I won't hurt you. I just need to know alright darling?" He asked carefully. You looked back up at him as a sob left your mouth. He held you as you let it out on his chest. Once you calmed down, he looked at you. "May I ask what happened? And why a child is on her own?" He questioned.

"M-my parents. They abused me and I ran away." You said quietly and watched him freeze. You saw his eyes turn black as you looked at him weird. "You're eyes are cool." He grew confused as they went back to blue.

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes went black and that's cool looking. What else can you do?" Your childself asked as he smirked.

"I can do many things. Such as this." He said. He snapped his fingers as two men appeared. You giggled.

"That's awesome." He smiled as he turned around and whispered to the men. He turned around to look at you. "These are my kids." He said in a lack of a better term.
"So that way I know you are safe can you allow then to show you my home. You can stay the night, then leave in the morning." He said as you thought. It was cold and he wasn't bad, so you shrugged and agreed. "Okay love. Just leave with them I'll be back later." He said as you nodded. The men held your hands as you three flashed to your 'home'. The men showed you around, then made you wait in Crowleys lair. You sat and drew in your notebook, when you saw Crowley come back bloody.

"Are you okay?" You asked quietly as he smiled and nodded.

"I'm perfect. Whats your name kid?" He asked.

"Dani." You replied as he smiled.

"Well Dani would you like me to adopt you?" He asked. You thought about it, it would be best. You're wanted, got food, a place to sleep, and a bathroom. You smiled as you looked at him.

"Thank you sir." You said.

"The names Crowley." He said smiling. You smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Crowley." You said as he sat in his chair and you continued to draw the lair.

Short, Late, but at least it's done and cute. I hoped you liked it! Also, I have decided that this is my last chapter of the book for awhile because I am still writing the SPN/ Teen Wolf Crossover book. Thanks loves!

Rianna xx

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