Suddenly In Love

By naomigscott

53.3K 1.6K 642

Naomi and Mena Au More

Locker 206
What does he know?
The Stranger Who No Longer was a Stranger
Evening Picnic
Goodnight Sir
I love you mom and dad.
Unknown Sender
Just smile
Not Too Much Fun
Love Birds
Not Official
Hop On
Pretty Girl
New Girl
Crazy Eyes
The Way You Look at Him
Show Me You Love Me
Can't Sleep
Pepper Spray
For Better or for Worse
Sleep Over?
Under my Bed
Hang Out
Need You
Out of Here
On One Knee
I'm sorry
Have Fun
Wake Up
Straighten Up
Best for You
False Alarm
New Start
I Chose You
It Was Her
Sort it Out
Somewhere Fancy
About Time
60 years
I'll Take That
I'm not
First Time Wasn't a Charm
We Both
Fine by Me
First Fight
Say Nothing
Lied to Me
Not Hungry
Back Home
Should we?
Shut Up
Four of Us
Moody Pregnant Girl
Careful What You Wish For
Love Your Love
Have a Talk
Walk in the Park
Save it
Let Yourself
Platonically Husband and Wife

Break up

307 8 4
By naomigscott

Naomi's POV

Mena took in a deep breath as he stared at me. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know, I don't think—"

"Because that's what it sounds like."

"Just don't make this harder than it is Mena." I felt a tear fall from my face.

"I'm not making it anything Naomi, I just don't understand what the hell it is that you can't trust that I'm good and that the past is just the past, it doesn't matter."

"It does matter you wanna know why? Because the past changed me, it changed everything about me, my life, my friends, the people I loved, it changed everything. But I'm working through it and opening up to people because shutting myself down won't do anything to fix it. So why is it that you can't see that this important to me because I want the best for you!"

Mena quickly ran towards me and grabbed my arms strongly. "Because it doesn't fucking matter. You matter, we matter— he placed his lips on mine strongly before I pulled myself back. "That matters!"

I could feel my body tensing up as he approached me again. "I can't—" Our lips met again but this time aggressively. Mena pushed me back causing us to stumble over everything in our path until we reached the couch;he pushed me to it. I pulled him closer to me as I felt him reach under my shirt, grazing his fingers around my stomach. I moaned in pleasure as I felt his mouth linger around my neck. Between gasps and neck kisses I was able to speak. "Mena listen to me please."Another sudden kiss interrupted my sentence; our bodies melted into each other until suddenly the sound of the door unlocking startled us both. Pushing Mena off me, I fixed my shirt and brushed my hair. His mom and sister came through the door.

"Oh hi Naomi, I wasn't expecting to see you here!" His mom greeted us as his sister grinned at him.

"Sorry I was just leaving."

"Oh no need, please stay for dinner."

"I really shouldn't my mom's— she's putting up the christmas tree and I promised I'd help."

"I'm sure she won't mind if you stayed the hour, it'll be done quickly I promise."

I scratched my head and smiled nervously at Mena. "I guess she won't..."

"Wonderful then I'll get dinner started then, you too go ahead and watch some tv or something. Margo take the kids to the living room." His sister nodded and walked us up to the now, messy living room.

"I think uhm—" I cleared my throat, "I need to use the restroom." Both Mena and Margo nodded as I backed myself out of the living room and ran into the bathroom.

After I locked myself in I took in a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I looked so flustered, it was ridiculous. As I went to fix my hair I noticed a red mark on my neck, a hickey. This really couldn't be happening. I let out a breathe frustrated as I pulled my jackets collar up and pushed my hair forward. "I guess that outta do it." I rolled my eyes. "I gotta get out of here." Then suddenly it hit me, Jordan. I quickly pulled out my phone to text him.

"SOS! Come get me please."


"Mena's house!"

"Mena's house? I thought I left you at school."

"No questions, just come get me please. And don't say I asked for you to pick me up."

"On my way." I slapped on a smile on my face and walked out the bathroom to find Mena whispering angrily at his sister.

"I can come back if it's a private matter." I said confused.

"No, it's nothing at all it's alright. I actually have to help mom setting the table, excuse me." As Margo ran out of the living room I ran to sit next to Mena and slapped him in the arm. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Ow, what was that for?"

I pulled my hair back to reveal the red spot in my neck. "If my mom sees this she's never letting me out of the house again."

Mena chuckled and sat back. "You'll be fine, it's cold outside just wear turtle necks."

"You are unbelievable." I rolled my eyes angrily at him. "Don't think because we made out I'm not mad at you still."

"You can't be serious Naomi."

"No charm or sex will fix this, Mena. You've gotta choose, you either tell me what's going on or we're through—" Mena's mom ran in from the kitchen, at the same time the doorbell rung.

"Mom put up some snacks on the table for you guys, Mena will you get that for me?" I felt my stomach drop.

"No! I mean, it's probably my mom, she texted me and said she was picking me up."

Mena looked at me confused. "I'll just say hi then, it's not like—" He opened up to reveal Jordan standing at the door. Mena's expression completely changed. "What are you doing here?"

"Her mom asked me to pick her up. For that thing at your house, right Nay?" He smiled at me.

"Yeah, that thing." I turned back to Mena who wouldn't even make eye-contact with me. "Jordy can you wait in the car for a minute?" Jordan nodded left us alone. Mena walked outside with me.

"What's he doing here?"

"He's home from break." I crossed my arms.

"So why's he picking you up?"

"He's literally just doing my mom a favor Mena."

"Oh please."

"Do you see this? You're being such a dick for no reason. Jordan's my best friend Mena you know that."

"Yeah, your best friend who kissed you."

I sighed. "Can we please not get into this again?"

"No Naomi because apparently he will be in your life over and over again so why don't you just cut the bullshit already go be with him instead? Is that what you want, is that why you kissed him in the first place? To get rid of me?"

"Jesus christ are you even listening to yourself?"

"You really don't get it."

"No I don't. You don't mean anything you just said and you know it, Mena."

No, you know what? Congratulations your slut move worked so just go be with him." My stomach dropped as I heard the words he shouted. I'd never seen him with that amount of rage in his eyes. Immediately he went pale, as did I. "Naomi I'm sorry. I should've never—" I took a few steps back trying to gather my thoughts. Mena walked up to me and tried reaching for my hand.

"I... I can't believe you just said that." I said as I felt tears come up to my eyes. "Don't touch me."

"I didn't mean it, I swear."

"Just don't talk to me ever again." I ran into the car where Jordan sat confused.

"What the hell happened?"

"Lets just go Jordan." Before I knew it, he'd stepped on the wheel and there I sat in pure disbelief.

Intense chapter... yall really ain't ready for whats coming. The angst is just getting started...

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tw: eienahoughiin

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