Drowning In Memories

By MeloettaFan7309

1.1K 139 150

Art not by me. Chosen bc it looks closest to my character. Ask book continuation! Yay! So, go read the ask bo... More

Part 1 - Who Are You?
Part 2 - ...?...???
Part 3 - WAIT WHAT?!?!?!
Part 4 - . . .
Part 5 - Okay.
Part 6 - Flashbacks... Of What?
Part 7 - Controlled Shocks...
Part 8 - Oh No... Not Again...
Part 9 - Getting To Know Again
Part 10 - ............
Part 11 - Car Crash?
Part 12 - Right...
Part 13 - About that...
A/N for a moment here.
Part 14 - ...
Part 15 - A Flashback In A Dream...
Part 16 - Change...
Part 17 - Gunner
Part 18 - Wolves...
Part 19 - F-friends...?
Part 20 - Going Back
Part 21 - Help...
Part 22 - ...
Part 23 - Again, Gunner!
Part 24 - Err...
Part 25 - Answers.
Part 26 - Grillbys...
Part 27 - Chara...
Part 28 - ....!!
Part 29 - Thank you, but...
Part 30 - ?!?!?!?!?!
Part 31 - ........
Part 32 - Story
Part 33 - EMERGENCY!!
Part 33.5
Part 35 - ....
Part 36 - ?!?!?!?!?!
Part 37 - Alright...
Part 38 - Insane?
Part 39 - Questions
Part 40 - Truth
Part 41 - Path To Forgiveness
Part 42 - Promises
Part 43 - Břøķēń...
Part 44 - Don't do it...
Part 45 - It will be okay
Part 46 - Emotions
Part 47 - Alright?!
Part 48 - The Story
Part 49 - Wait. . .
Part 50 - Void
Part 51 - Fear
Part 52 - Alright...
Part 53 - Reunions
Part 54 - Anxious
Part 55 - Føřğəț...
Part 56 - Faint...
Part 57 - Storms
Part 58 - Calming Down
Part 59 - Pop... Corn...?
Part 60 - Right...
Part 61 - Hæppý þhøūģhť§
Part 62 - Azula
Part 63 - Helping
Part 64 - Overwhelming Fear
Part 65 - Plan In Action
Part 66 - No Explanation
Part 67 - Flight Practice
Part 68 - Quest To Start
Part 69 - Awkward
Part 70 - Talking
Part 71 - God No...
Part 72 - Experiment
Part 73 - Changing
Part 74 - Collar and Leash
Part 75 - Save
Part 76 - Let the Horror Begin
Part 77 - Meat...
Part 78 - Failed
Part 79 - Half Blood
Part 80 - Finally Done...
Part 81 - Guilt
Part 82 - Decision
Part 83 - Ingredients Needed
Part 84 - ... Finale...

Part 34 - Spirits Arise

13 1 1
By MeloettaFan7309

My P.O.V:

I opened my eyes slowly, still tired but nonetheless awake...

More or less...

Even still, I could smell slight smoke. Instantly aware of smoke meaning fire, I sat up.

And snickered at the sight in front of me.

"Come on, you stupid thing-! UGH!! Seriously- oh god the-!"

Raven was trying to cook. And failing miserably. Slowly getting to my feet, I walked over to him, hugging him from behind. He stiffened, but I laughed a bit.

"Cooking mishap?" I smirked.

I felt myself be lifted. Immediately, I blushed. But I saw Raven smirk.

"You weren't supposed to be up. I was trying to surprise you." He explained.

"Y-you didn't have to..." I smiled.

My memories might've still been locked away from me, to an extent, but I knew Raven cared about me. I got out of his hold, quickly fixing his mistakes in the cooking.

He had the heat up too high...

I smirked at him, "Did you read any instructions or recipes at all?"

He gained a prideful expression, "I didn't need to."

Rolling my eyes, I smiled at his antics, "You are such a dork... even if I don't remember a lot about what you and I used to do together, you are being a dork now..."

Raven chuckled a bit, "How in the world did you guess?"

I ignored that statement. Hopefully, I could save this meal mayhem.

I did. But after eating I felt like something was wrong. Raven seemed to notice.

"Hey, what's up, dove?" He asked.

"... Raven, can I go for a walk on my own? I need to think about something..."

His eyes went black. I shuddered. When did he ever...?

"You are not leaving my sight. I'm going with you." He stood up, but I shook my head.

"No, I need to be alone... Trust me, I will be fine-"

"Last time you were alone, you almost got killed. I am going with you..."

I shook my head again, "Raven, I am going alone and that's that!"

I went to run off, but Raven was in front of me. He gripped my shoulders, not tight enough to hurt me, but tight enough to make me freeze in shock.

"Y O U  A R E  N O T 
L E A V I N G  T H I S  N E S T 
W I T H O U T  M E ..." He growled.

I quickly nodded, a bit scared of him by now. He let me go, his eye lights back.

"Good... You know, I am only looking out for you, Milly. It's for your own good that I do this..." He put his hand on my cheek, and I smiled slightly.

"True... I know you wouldn't hurt me..."

Both of us decided to just stay in the nest. This felt... off...

I could tell Raven was trying to protect me, but... from what I wasn't sure...

I mean, I know Dust tried to kill me and Horror was a jerk to Chara for the first few weeks. And probably will still be a jerk to her.

But seriously, all that's left is for me to regain my memories. And then, it will all be over and we can go back to regular old questions and answers!

All the Sanses I met were on the good side. Well, so far. I've heard of horror stories with the skeletons, and their brother's as well.

Nightmare I have yet to meet.

What's he like? I've heard a few words exchanged about him from his brother, Dream, and from what I hear he's... or he was... evil...?

Then there was Error. I heard he would attack universes at random, but the Star Sanses would save the day!

Fell would have to capture and hurt humans for his brother, Edge, and Swapfell was just completely torturous on his own right...

Then there's stories out there of Classic killing humans for revenge, Chara destroying all of monsterkind... Classic turning into a......

I don't know...

It's just... all too scary for me...

Yet, in order to meet Error and Nightmare, I have to go to the doodle sphere...

But Raven won't let me because of my safety...

I mean, I get it, I was nearly dead from falling off a cliff, and not eating properly due to fear...


Does that truly warrant me being locked somewhere?


Is Raven turning.......

Yandere on me?!

I did research when I could, but...

I can't choose whether he is or not...

If he is, then, I hope he doesn't decide to go act on his joke he made about killing Dust and Horror....


I hope my suspicion isn't correct...

2 weeks later:

I was still in the nest. Raven had left an hour ago to go find some berries to eat.

I sighed, but then, my wristband glowed. ???

I tapped it, and it was Dream calling me. He looked a bit worried.

"Milly! There you are! What universe are you in; we've looked everywhere for you!"

"Um... Birdtale, if I remember the name correctly...? Why?"

"We haven't seen you for 2 weeks! Blue was having a meltdown because he was so worried. And don't get me started on Luna!"

I froze. "2 weeks? Is that really how long I've been...?"

"Yes! Listen, Raven is clearly possessive over you! We are coming to get you!"

"Dream, calm down. I'm fine. Besides, Raven isn't possessive."

"... have you noticed he's been keeping you in that AU?"

"Yes, but he's only looking out for me-"

"That's possessive... He needs to back off. We are still coming to get you. Stay there."

And he hung up. I sighed, "Raven couldn't be... He's not that kind of monster..."

My head was throbbing, but then, I heard wings. Smaller ones. I quickly raced to the edge of the nest. A human with wings flew up to the nest.



I quickly rushed away, hiding in one of the huts. Curled up in the corner, I was shaking. Then, suddenly, a portal opened.

Dream walked through it, gently taking my hand and running through the portal to take me to a tree.

A tree with gold apples on one side, and dark purple ones on the other.

Where in the world did we...?

"This is my home AU, Dreamtale." Dream explained.

I shuddered, immediately running off. I heard Dream calling me, but I kept running. I didn't know what lurked around here.

I reached a sort of... clearing, with a lake and a glowing aura. I walked over, seeing a spirit animal appear.

A gold wolf.

"Stay calm... nothing can get you here... I am Shula... Your spirit animal... My name means Flame..." A female's voice explained.

"Shula... If you're my spirit animal, can I ask you a question?"

"Any question you think of, Milly..."

"... Okay... How come I'm not getting my memories back?"

"You have to have patience... Your mind and memories will be one soon..."

"... Is Raven turning into a Yandere?"

"That I cannot answer, I'm afraid. Only his spirit animal could tell you that..."

"... Can I fully control my fire powers?"

"Not without proper training. I can't teach you, but I know who can. However, you first must regain your forgotten past... when you do that, summon me, and I will guide you on the path forward... For now, I must bid you farewell. To call me, use your necklace. The one that calls life itself to your use..."

And Shula disappeared...

I nodded, and the aura itself dissipated from the area. I sighed, sitting down against the rock in the area. What had I done? Did I just destroy any hope of regaining my lost memories?


I glanced around, realising I was lost. I hadn't done the trick of breaking branches, or anything to give points of where I came from.

Great. Welp, hindsight is 2020...

I stood up, feeling my stomach growl. Yeah, I realised then that I had completely skipped breakfast, and now lunch.

I heard a low growl from the trees. It sounded close.



Can this get any worse?!


A giant dragon...

Note to self: Never say that again...

It wasn't a dragon species I knew, since it literally looked... well, like this...

How I stood there at all was a shock to me.

Nevertheless, I ran off. Random directions.

Where I was going, I had no idea, but I fell into water.

I was spun around so much that I didn't know which way was up. I could feel myself needing to breathe, but...

I couldn't...

Immediately, I reached for my neck. Out of instinct, I guess. A gold glow surrounded me, and I was riding a golden, glowing Kelpie out of the water.

I breathed the best I could, and smiled at the water horse. I pulled myself on the shore, and coughed.

"How did I do that? Was I just lucky to have muscle memory in that case?" I thought.

I stood up, seeing I was on a rocky beach. Dull, drab, and... sharp rocks...


Just f***ing great, isn't it?!


Which way now....?



I sat down, covered my face, and just...

Stayed there...

I waited for death...

I knew it was inevitable. Either I get killed by the creatures here, or die of starvation in the next few weeks... if I don't die by dehydration first...


I'm done with trying...

I am just...



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