It's The Falling in Love

By Miss_Lani64

317K 12.5K 12.1K

Michael Jackson and Mia Gordy have been childhood stars and best friends. When life changes as they grow up... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One-Hundred and One
Chapter One-Hundred and Two
Chapter One-Hundred and Three
Chapter One-Hundred and Four
Chapter One-Hundred and Five
Chapter One-Hundred and Six
Chapter One-Hundred and Seven
Chapter One-Hundred and Eight
Chapter One-Hundred and Nine
Chapter One-Hundred and Ten
Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One-Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One-Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Sixteen
Authors Note
A Sequel?
Moonwalker Awards?

Chapter Eighty-Three

1.6K 71 91
By Miss_Lani64

Michael's POV: 

I watch the man gently shake Mia as she lays on the ground.

I furrow my eyebrows. She usually listens to other people. Why isn't she getting up? 

Janet holds onto my hand suddenly, "Michael, we need to go." She panics, getting up.

Once Janet got up from her seat, everyone else did too. Whispers and gasps echo throughout the auditorium.

My eyes widen. Oh my gosh. 

I follow Janet as we run on stage. "Mia!" Janet shouts, falling to her knees beside her.

"Mia?!" Janet shakes Mia harshly.

Mia falls to her back, her eyes are shut closed. She looks so pale and lifeless. My eyes widen more as I quickly pick Mia's lifeless body off of the ground.

I feel my heart begin to race. Now isn't the time to be mad at her, Michael. 

"Somebody call an ambulance!" I shout from the stage.

Janet covers her mouth, "Oh my god, Mia!" She cries, moving Mia's curls away from her face.

I stare down at Mia. What have you done to yourself? 


I pace up and down the hospital's hallways.

I place my fist over my mouth, taking in a deep breath.

"Michael, please sit down." Janet quietly asks.

My head snaps towards her, "How can I sit down, Janet? I have no idea what the hell is going on with my wife!" I snap.

Janet frowns, "We'll find out soon. You two have had a rough week, barely any sleep. You should sit down." She repeats.

I shake my head, "Not until I see her." I mumble, staring at the blank hospital ground.

As if on cue, Mia's door swings open, banging against the wall.

I gasp, freezing in my place as I stare at the door.

A doctor walks out, staring down at his clipboard.

I rush towards him, "Doctor!" I exclaim, feeling a little relieved to see somebody.

"How is my wife?" I blurt.

The doctor frowns, "First, my name is Doctor Wolf." He weakly grins, forcing a hand shake against mine.

I feel rude for not asking but that isn't important right now. 

I gulp, standing more straight. "Sorry.." I mumble, feeling my face heat up.

Doctor Wolf smirks, "No problem. I shouldn't be wasting precious time like this anyway." He says, flipping through his notes.

My eyes widen. Precious time?! 

"Mia is in critical condition, Mr. Jackson." Doctor Wolf sternly says, looking up at me.

I feel my heart suddenly drop. "I-I need more details, please.." I shake.

Doctor Wolf sighs, "She passed out for multiple reasons, Mr. Jackson. We don't know the exact reason but we have reasons." He starts.

"Well.. What are the reasons?" I softly ask, staring into his eyes.

Doctor Wolf sighs again.

"Anorexia.... Overdose on pain medication.. Lack of sleep... Her disease..It looks like she's worked too hard for herself. She's a very fragile woman, you know. She should've be more careful." He explains.

I bite my lip hard, furrowing my eyebrows. "I need to see her." I squeak out.

Doctor Wolf frowns, "I'm afraid we can't let you go in yet." He explains.

She's my wife! Of course I should be allowed to see her! 

"We have nurses taking good care of your wife. You should be able to see her in a few hours. Mia needs rest and for us to pump her stomach and-" He stops there, sighing.

"You get the picture, Mr. Jackson...I'm very sorry." Doctor Wolf walks past me. 

I spin around. "Wait! I-I need to see her!" I cry out.

Doctor Wolf turns around, "I'll be back later, Mr Jackson. You can see her then. It's very late, you know." He explains, opening the door.

Just as the door creaks open, I can already hear all the paparazzi chatting loudly.

God dammit! I wish they would just leave me alone! Leave us alone! Mia doesn't need this. She really doesn't need any of this right now but look at what I always have to bring.

The cameras. I frown.

"Michael, please sit down. You heard the doctor, it could be a few hours." Janet quietly says.

I stare at her, sighing.

I sit beside her, scooting closer to her. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Janet.." I mumble, crying on her shoulder.

Janet holds me close to her, wrapping a blanket around me. "We can only hope for the best, Michael." She whispers.

I whimper. "I should have never fought with her in the first place. I should've remembered what state she's in.." I softly cry.

Janet softly sighs. "Michael, it isn't y-"

"She's dying, Janet. Who knows.." I sniffle.

"Today could've been her last day and the last time I would've seen her was when we were fighting and shouting regrettable things..." I say.

"I should've told her I loved her. I shouldn't have been such a damn idiot!" I cry harder.

Janet shakes her head, "Stop it, Michael. You're not an idiot at all. You two are married. No marriage is perfect, Michael. You should understand that. You two may have only been together for a year but you've known each other for twenty." She softly chuckles, rubbing my back.

Twenty years and we've only now started lashing out on each other.. We used to know each other's boundaries, what ever happened to that? She was the only part of my life that I can call my childhood.

"I know you two are going to make it through all the tough times.. And don't you dare say she's dying, Michael. I know Mia is trying to make you understand that but just hearing that I can tell you don't believe it. She's not going to die on us, Mike. You two will grow old and have all these pretty children and grandchildren... You watch, it'll happen." She smirks.

I shake my head, "Mia doesn't want anymore children." I mumble.

Janet sighs, "Then enjoy and love the two you have now!" She giggles.

I smirk, "I am. I love my children, Janet." I say.

Janet smirks, "Everyone knows that, Michael... How did she get pain killers anyway?" She suddenly asks.

I slowly lift my head off of her shoulder. "She must've gotten them from me." I rub my eyes.

From me.. For my pain, my headaches.. I should be more careful where I put them. 

"I keep bottles of pain killers for my head, you know..." I quietly say, feeling embarrassed.

Janet frowns, "Right.." She mumbles, staring at me.

"How are you feelin' anyway?" She asks.

Besides the fact that I can't see my wife, I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of feeling this way. I need my wife back. 

I frown. "I just need to see her." I mumble, laying back in my chair.

Janet softly sighs, "I know, Applehead." She cracks a grin. 

"We will see her soon.." She quietly says, closing her eyes.

"Just try and relax, okay?" She says.

I frown. Trying isn't going to solve anything at this point. I've had too many sleepless nights to begin with, so this doesn't bother me at all. 


I feel my eyes droop. My eyes keep closing and opening as I try to stay awake. 

I slowly turn my head towards the right, staring at a clock.

Five AM. I rub my eyes.

I've been up for hours, just waiting to hear any news on Mia.

Doctor Wolf said it would be a few hours... It's been well over a few hours. I frown.

I need to see my wife. I stretch my neck.

Sleeping in a chair isn't the most comfortable either. I look down, smirking.

I guess for Janet it is.. I softly chuckle, watching Janet sleep peacefully.

I wish I could sleep like that.. I frown.

Doctor Wolf opens the door. To my surprise, no noise came with him.

They must've left. Maybe police got them or something..

Whatever happened, it's good. 

I jump up, finding my balance as I stumble towards Doctor Wolf.

Doctor Wolf smirks at me, "I'm surprised you're up, Mr. Jackson. I guess being in show business, you're trained to stay up late, huh?" He softly chuckles.

I glare at him, feeling my eyes burn.

He clears his throat, "I-Um... I just got a call from one of the nurses.. She's up!" He grins.

I bite my lip, feeling my heart race.

"C-Can I see her now?" I shiver, rubbing my hands together.

Doctor Wolf sighs, "Fine. Since you've waited so patiently.. I'll give you two as long as you need. Once you're done, you call me though. I'll have a nurse wait out here when you're done." He smirks.

My eyes widen, "Oh, thank you!" I chirp, running towards Mia's room.

I swing the door open, closing it softly behind me.

Guess the nurses left already. I think, noticing the room is empty, besides Mia laying there.

I gulp, slowly walking towards Mia's slim body. 

Oh gosh, Mia.. You look so ill. I feel my heart ache. No one should see their spouse like this. I hope this is all worse as it gets in our marriage. I don't want to go through this scare of losing my wife again.

"M-Mia?" My voice shakes.

Mia slowly turns her head towards me. She doesn't say a thing.

I frown, pulling a chair and sitting beside her bed.

"How are you feeling?" I quietly ask, gently holding onto her hand.

Mia stares at me with cold, hard eyes. Her face expression seems angry.

I haven't seen her hold onto a grudge in ages.. 

Mia harshly pulls her hand away from mine. "I'd like it if you'd stop asking me that." She quietly says, her voice cracking.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I mean it, baby. Please speak to me." I whisper, begging.

Mia furrows her eyebrows as she stares at me. 

She squints her eyes. "Why do you look worse than I do?" She asks.

I smirk. There's some humor at least. "I've been here all night waiting for you, Mia. I can't sleep without you." I say.

Mia blushes, "You're just like me.." She mumbles.

I chuckle, "We're more alike than you think." I raise an eyebrow.

Mia stares into my eyes. It's like she's just waiting for me to speak.. I don't know what she expects me to say. I can't figure her body language out. I never can anymore.. 

"Why did you do this to yourself, Mia?" I quietly ask, feeling a lump in my throat.

"I-I hate seeing you like this. I hate seeing you torn apart like this." I whisper, feeling my eyes start to water.

Mia gulps, "I-I-" She stops, clearing her throat.

She shuts her eyes tightly.

Mia suddenly opens them again. Her eyes are watery and red. Her eyes must be dry. They must burn from the tears.. 

"I can't explain why, Michael.." She finally says, whispering.

"It's very complicated." Mia quietly says, frowning.

I frown, "Just tell me something, Mia. Anything!" I beg.

"I just suffer from an eating disorder, Michael! It's a phase that has been lasting! I've been depressed since Mike died! I-" She stops to clear her throat again, calming herself down.

My eyes widen as I take in her words.

"I don't like the person I see.." She harshly spits.

I shake my head furiously, "Anorexia isn't a phase, Mia. I've gone through it and I still do! I just don't understand, Mia.. You're so beautiful and you go out there doing this to yourself." I bite my lip, trying not to cry.

I try and reach for her hand but I stop. 

"This is unhealthy, Mia. If you're unhappy, then talk to me!" I beg.

"We're married! I trust you, you should trust me back." I say.

Mia shakes her head, "It's not so simple asking for help, Michael."

I frown, "I know that but you need to get the courage to at least give me a warning sign." I say.

"Not like this! B-But like a note or something..." I furrow my eyebrows.

Mia flares her nostrils, "Seeing Kevin should've been a warning sign to you." She snarls.

I frown, "I'm sorry, Mia." I admit.

"I am absolutely sorry for everything I said to hurt you. I was wrong-We both were wrong.." I glance at the ground.

"Babe, if you need help t-then I can help you! Just tell me what you need and I'll do it for you, Mia. I'll do anything for you! If you're unhappy then tell me what I need to do!" I hold onto her hands again, forcing a hopeful smile.

Mia stares at me, her eyes not changing. 

She continues to stare at me.

My eyes start to go crazy as I stare at her intensely.

Anything... Just saying something. You can have anything you want, Mia. I have the money, I have the love, I have the power.. I'll give anything to you. You're my wife, Mia. I just need you to speak to me!

Say something...

Anything! I ju-

"I want a divorce." She squeaks.

My heart drops.

I smile suddenly disappears, "A divorce?! M-Mia, babe! Think about this please..I'm sure a divorce isn't something you want, I-"

"I want a divorce, Michael." Mia repeats.

I slowly let go of her hand, feeling my heart race.

"M-Mia! P-"

"I want a divorce." Mia repeats again in a lower tone, becoming more stern.

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