Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic)

By CyrusLiam2

74.3K 2.9K 495

A Journey Back Home - Damian Wayne The sequel of If Only 💐 A horrifying natural disaster struck Metropolis... More

Little Birds History
Rapunzel? Jonzel?
Taste of the World
Is this the End?
Go Home Sweetie
Zayka Dept
Is This How You Felt?
This Is Nice
The Transformation
Siren Damian
A Tragedy
My New Home
Good Night
Iruka, The Dolphin
Burning Torture
Boy of Steel and a Raven
Ryn and Donna
Friends and Family
Mariana Trench
To Our Little Diamond, Bruce
Mission Accomplished
Adults Talking
The Indian Ocean
Family Feast
You're Perfect
Under the Same Moon
Enjoying the Perks
A Dolphins Wish
The Journal of a Robin
Knowing the New Me
Mysterious Song
What a Day
Knowing Myself Again
3 Weeks Later
One with my Tail
Too Sad To Cry
A Dolphins Cry
The Mothers Hatred
Zayka's Revenge
Mourn of a Prince
I'm Saved
The Transformation Plan
Welcome to Atlantis
The Echo Globe
Discovering a Hidden Truth
Make Peace
We're Too Late
Burial Tranquility
Revenge or Forgiveness?
Goodbye, Siren Damian
Welcome Back, Damian
A Chance
Mission Succesful
The Selection
The Result
A Beautiful Reunion
Farewell, Iruka
All's Well that Ends Well
A Warning
The End

The Bat and Superboy

1.2K 65 6
By CyrusLiam2

Metropolis Hospital


I think I'm awake now because I could hear the beeping from the heart beat rate monitors. My eyes slowly opens up to a bright blurry vision. I gaze what's in front of me and blink at the same time to get my visions clearer. I sat up and stretch my arms, releasing a yawn.
          "Good morning."
I flinched the moment I heard a husky voice spoke out. The voice came from my left. Apparently the room was still dark for me to notice there was another person sitting next to me. I turn to see Batman, or Mr Bruce Wayne.

This is the first time I've ever seen him not, in his Batman uniform. I mean I've seen pictures of him hung on the walls of Wayne Enterprise and in the Manor but not in real life.
          He had a pair of navy blue eyes, (ignore Bruce's brown eyes in the picture... his real eye colour is blue) bushy brows, jet black hair hair pushed to the back of his head and a square jawline. He's dressed up in a thick cashmere turtleneck sweater with a pair of black jeans. He also had on a gold plated wristband on his left wrist.
            Gosh he looks alot like Damian.
      "Uh... good morning Mr Wayne!" I quickly rose up and hunch my back, bowing, showing some respect.
          "Please Jonathan, there's no need for that." He said, standing up and pushing my shoulders back. "Think of me as your friend, not Batman." He said, patting my shoulder. 
          "Oh... okay Mr Wayne, will do." I said, trying not to sound too formal.
            "Bruce, will do." He said.
      "But my parents said to address adults with manners..." I said.
           "That is true... but not unless they give you permission to call them by their name." He said.
             "Oh.. okay then." I scoff.
           He sat back down on his seat and motions me to do the same with mine. I sat back down.
           "How long were you here?" He ask. "I think an hour or so?" I replied. He continuously nods his head, as he turns his view to Damian. I did too.
          "You're really worried about him aren't you..." he said, keeping his eyes on Damian. "I know I am." He continued.
          "Yes. I couldn't do anything after what happened today... can't sleep, can't eat, can't be entertained... nothing." I said.
          "I know the feeling." He said. "Truly I do." He assured. "I've been in your situation many times... even right now." He said.
          "You have?" I ask, trying to make conversations.
         He shrugged. " after my parents were shot, I didn't have any motivations to do anything for at least a year. But I had friends to pull me back up again... and here am I." He said.
         "Good to hear that." I said. "Thanks." He said.
         "Say, how did you and Damian end up in that restaurant?" He ask.
          "We went there for lunch." I said.   
    "Lunch... he brought you out again?" He raise an eyebrow.
          "Yeah. For the past few weeks, he always come to my house after school just to check up on me... most of the time he would stay and do his homework or play his phone or just take a nap, and leaves when around in the evening... but yesterday he came back and offered to go out for lunch... you know, since I'm doing better." I said. "So of course I'd agree because I felt really bored at home. Really, bored." I continue.
           "Hmmm... It's no wonder he stopped coming home after his school timing was over." He scoff. He turns to face me. "I can see that he really cares for you." He said. "I've never seen him having a warm heart for anyone before." He said, looking back at Damian.
           "You're the first." He continue.
      "I hope that's not a problem..." I said, sounding sincere.
           "It's not." He said. "As a parent, it makes me happy to see my son happy." He smile slightly.
           In a way, I know how he feels. I know I'm not a parent... but I know the feeling of seeing someone you love happy. It's a very beautiful rewarding feeling.
         "So why are you here, Bruce?" Wow, that sounded so weird and new... calling Batman by his name.
         "I came here because I found out some, unpleasant news about what's about to happen to him." He said.
        My heart starts racing the moment I heard him say that.
        "What's going to happen???" I ask, trying to stay calm. He stayed silent for a moment. He then turn to face me.
       "Okay, this is going to sound weird and stupid... because it did to me. But I assure you, it's all real." He gave me a warning.
         "Tell me." I said.
    "Aquamans wife, Mera, got the results on the toxins contained in Damian's body. Apparently, he's going to be transformed into a Siren." He said.
         "Siren? As in mermaids but worse?" Not believing what just came out of my mouth.   
        "Yes. Short story, an exile Atlantian, caused this. He did this to many other people who are now still trapped as a Siren. He had a tragic history which led him to do this." He said.
         "Wait wait wait.... A Siren?! He's, going to change into a Siren?! With a tail and scales??" I kept rambling on.
         "Yes, Jonathan. I told you it's going to sound stupid but unfortunately it's what is going to happen." He said. "Mera said to keep an eye on him because his body is preparing to change. And when it happens, he needs to be in sea water... if he isnt, he'll die." He continue.
          "But isn't the ocean far away from where we are now? Will you make it in time?" I ask.   
          "Yes it's quite far. So, we decided to bring the ocean to us." He said, pulling out his phone. He unlocks his phone and showed me a picture of a large tank, beautifully decorated.

         "Well, a little of it. This is where we're gonna keep him for a while. The tank has a titanium seal to make sure he can't open it and escape. But of course, there are breathing holes on the top. It's sound proof so that he's Siren abilities couldn't affect us, and the glass is stronger than bullets so he couldn't break it." He continued.
         The tank sounded like a cage instead of a temporary holding place. "Why is he being treated like an animal?" I ask.
        "I didn't want to do this but we've got no other options for this. After he's fully transformed, he's not going to be the Damian we know. He will be, dangerous." He warns.   
        "But don't worry. It's only temporary. Mera and Aquaman will bring him back to his senses. But not his human form, unfortunately." He said.
         "Where is this tank now?" I ask.
    "The tank is sitting in the BatJet directly above the hospital. The moment he wakes up, we got to move him into the tank. We've filled it with sea water, added some aquatic planys, and sand as well." He said.
       "It's also a better option than letting him in the ocean. If we put him in the ocean when his mind isn't, right... he'll get lost and we'll lose him." He continue.
       "Yeah, I guess that's true." I said.
  I have mixed emotions about this. I'm scared, anxious, excited, afraid, and many more that I can't describe. I lean against the chair, trying to absorb the fact that he's going to be a mythical creature.
       When I was young, I remember watching a movie called The Little Mermaid. Since that movie, I've always wanted to meet a real life mermaid. I wanted to swim with her, become best friends, and we can learn about each others world.
         I'm excited that I'm about to see it in real life... but it's a Siren... not a mermaid. From what I've read, they're highly dangerous and... seductive. Just to think Damian being seductive, is really, scary.
         Out of all that excitement, I'm also afraid... afraid that, if things don't work out, and he doesn't become human again, I'll lose him forever... and Rao only knows how my life will be if that happens.

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