Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic)

Da CyrusLiam2

74.3K 2.9K 495

A Journey Back Home - Damian Wayne The sequel of If Only πŸ’ A horrifying natural disaster struck Metropolis... Altro

Little Birds History
Rapunzel? Jonzel?
Taste of the World
Is this the End?
Go Home Sweetie
Zayka Dept
The Bat and Superboy
This Is Nice
The Transformation
Siren Damian
A Tragedy
My New Home
Good Night
Iruka, The Dolphin
Burning Torture
Boy of Steel and a Raven
Ryn and Donna
Friends and Family
Mariana Trench
To Our Little Diamond, Bruce
Mission Accomplished
Adults Talking
The Indian Ocean
Family Feast
You're Perfect
Under the Same Moon
Enjoying the Perks
A Dolphins Wish
The Journal of a Robin
Knowing the New Me
Mysterious Song
What a Day
Knowing Myself Again
3 Weeks Later
One with my Tail
Too Sad To Cry
A Dolphins Cry
The Mothers Hatred
Zayka's Revenge
Mourn of a Prince
I'm Saved
The Transformation Plan
Welcome to Atlantis
The Echo Globe
Discovering a Hidden Truth
Make Peace
We're Too Late
Burial Tranquility
Revenge or Forgiveness?
Goodbye, Siren Damian
Welcome Back, Damian
A Chance
Mission Succesful
The Selection
The Result
A Beautiful Reunion
Farewell, Iruka
All's Well that Ends Well
A Warning
The End

Is This How You Felt?

1.2K 60 2
Da CyrusLiam2

Jon's Apartment, Jon's Room


         I decided to go back to the hospital ones mom and dad falls asleep. Let's face it, there's no way I'm gonna have a peaceful sleep after what just happened.
           It's truly traumatising...
     and the fact that Damian's in the hospital prevents me to sleep even more.
          After a hot shower, I stood in front of the mirror to view my wounds and recent injuries. I obtained three new wounds from today's incident. A foot long cut on my waist, a black eye that looked like someone punched me, and a bruise on my right shoulder.
         My old wounds remained the same... sort of. Silvery pink skin grew over them. They are now scars.
         I took the comb that was lying next to the sink and started combing my hair, trying to get the knots out. While doing so, I felt a twitch in my stomach. It happened so fast and it disappeared. I ignored it, thinking it was nothing.
        But then, it came back, and this time, I tasted blood on my tongue. My stomach started twisting and turning, it felt like something was about to come out of me. I quickly drop the comb and got on my knees infront of the toilet bowl, face down. I started throwing up. My throat burns, as lots of liquid came rushing out. I try my best to not look at it because it'll just make me even more sick.
         After when I felt like it was over, I got up, flushed it and rinse my mouth. I waited. After a while, my stomach felt normal again. I brushed my teeth and gargle with some mouthwash to get the vomit taste off my tongue.
         I took the towel and wipe myself dry as I got out of the bathroom and walked towards my drawers, taking out and slipping into some clean attires. After attending to my needs, I wasted no time. I decided to check on my parents.
          I made my way towards the door and got off my feets. I flew quietly towards their room. The door was slightly left open. My eyes slowly snuck a peek... the room was in a dim condition because the lamp next to their bed was left on... mom and dad had already slept. They are still in the clothes they came home with. Mom's in her office clothing and dad's in his Superman uniform.
       I guess they were too tired to change their clothes or freshen up... or to even turn off the light. I flew towards the lamp and switch it off for them.
         "Good night..." I said softly just before flying out of the room.
            Now that they're asleep, I can leave. Hope they won't get too mad that I left without informing them.
          I put on one of my favourite sweaters just in case if it gets too cold in the hospital--- which I'm sure it will... and grabbed my phone. I then made my way towards the window and open it wide enough for me to go through. I jump out and started flying, heading straight to the hospital.


             I arrived.
       The automatic doors open as chilly air struck against my skin. I made my way towards the reception where a nurse with brown hair tied up in a bun sits in front of a computer. She raised her head as soon as she notice me approaching her. She looks at me, her face settling into a gentle smile.
         "Hi there. What can I do for you young man?" She ask.
           "Hello, I'm here to see a patient." I said. "Uh, Dam- Robin..." I almost said his actual name.
          She picks up a paper board and trace it with her finger.
         "Robin... yes, our coma patient. He's in room 8B. Do you need someone to assist you there?" She ask.
         "No thank, I know where's the room located, thank you." said, giving her a smile.
         "Okay then... oh, and I need you to fill in your informations please." She said, handing me a visitor slip. I took the pen and filled in the informations needed and hand it back to her.
          "Thank you." She said, taking the slip. "Okay then, I'll be here if you need anything." She said. "Thank you." I said.
          As I predicted, the hospital is really, cold. I do wonder sometimes why does the hospitals need to be so cold. Is it good for the patient? Or they're just not aware that it's really cold? I clutch my hands and shove them into my pockets.
            I took the elevator up to the eight floor.  
       Just like earlier, it's a ghost town in here. I began making my way towards his room. The bulbs in the hallway ceiling are like bright, long rivers. I peek into the rooms as I walk, looking at other patients with different treatments and empty ICU rooms.
          I arrived.
   I held the door handle and push it open slightly. I stick my head in to see if there was anyone around. No one, just Damian's lifeless body on the bed.
         I got in and close the door. My legs slowly walk towards him. In no time, the urge to cry came to me.
         "Hey D..." I said, trying to hold the tears in. My hand land on his shoulder, gently rubbing it with my thumb.
         "Is this how you felt when I was in your condition?" I said under my breath, sobbing quietly.
          "Because if it is, I'm sorry... that you had to go through that." I sniff.
          "But I guess now we're even huh?" I said, faking a chuckle and wiping my face dry.
          I took the nearest chair and place it next to the bed and took a seat. The moment I sat, in an instant, I felt really tired. Is it because the chair was so comfortable or am I just tired?
          I drag my palms on my face to wipe off the tiredness and pull out my phone to turned on some active music.
          It made no difference!
   It made me wonder why... because before I arrived, I was wide awake... but then all a sudden, my eyelids are got ridiculously heavy. I lean back against the chair and close my eyes for moment.
         Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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