Storytelling (K.Hook)

By Gerlithequeen

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"How can i not change after everything i was put trough?" -Echo I don't own OUAT or the photos i will put it... More

1.1. Princess Echo
1.2 Emma Swan
1.3 True Love's Kiss
1.4 Jiminy Cricket
1.5 Graham
1.6 The Favor
1.7 August
1.8 The Stable Boy
1.9 Mary's Fingerprints On Kathryn's Heart
1.10 "I Need Your Help"
1.11 The Mad Hatter
1.12 Telling Henry the Truth
1.13 Purple Smoke
1.14 Little Red Riding Hood
1.15 The Wraith
1.16 Back Home
1.17 Hook
1.18 "I Can't Trust You Again"
1.19 "You Would've Done The Same"
1.20 Jumping Through The Portal
1.21 "I Believe Her"
1.22 The Deal
1.23 Dr. Whale AKA Dr. Frankenstein
1.24 The Favor
1.25 Baelfire
1.26 Brother-Sister-Bond
1.27 Truths
1.28 Heart-To-Heart
1.29 Pinocchio
1.30 "Thank You"
1.31 "Your Plan?"
1.32 Teaming Up With Hook
1.33 Magic Beans
1.34 Throwback To Neverland
1.35 Spending Time On the Jolly Rogger
1.36 Satan's Spawn
1.37 The Coconutshell
1.38 A Kiss
1.39 Deals
1.40 "Nasty Little Liar"
1.41 "Thank You, Captain"
1.42 Pan Or Henry?
1.43 Goodbye
1.44 A Year Later
1.45 Flying Monkey
1.46 The Farmhouse
1.47 Ten Minutes
1.48 Zelena
1.49 Training Emma
1.50 Contacting Cora
1.51 "You Failed me"
1.52 A Siphoner
1.53 Back In Time
1.54 Captain Hook vs Captain Hook
1.55 Back Home
A Date
"Unpleasant Time?"
Finding Emma
"At Each Other's Throats"
A Big Bat
The Door and A Key
"I Would Lay Down My Life For You"
"Are We Back Home?"
Alternative Universe
The New Dark One
"Have Fun"
"Trust Me"
Two Halves - One Sword
The Ember
Another Dark One
Captain Dark One
"Don't Leave Me"
The Underworld
"I Got You!"
Liam Jones
From Wolf To Red
"I Love You, Killian Jones "
"I'm Glad You're Back"
The Unknown Realm
"I Love You"
The Evil Queen
"I Promise "
Snow's and Charming's Heart
The World Behind The Mirror
Alternative Reality
"Take It Easy On The Rum"
Not Robin
"I Feel Like I Wanna Scream"
"I Did Not Start This Fight"
"I Do"
The End

Snow Queen

1.4K 37 4
By Gerlithequeen

Next day. Morning.

Elsa and i walked to the ice wall.

Me "you may not control it but is is amazing. And unique. And you said you are the only one who had this power?"

Elsa nodded "that's probably a good thing for everyone"

Me "and you. I mean, this is kind of cool"

I smiled at her who smiled back.

Me "pun intended"

Elsa "Well, regardless, there's no need for a barrier anymore. Let me take it down"

Then she tried to take it down but it wasn't working.

She asked confused "why can't i bring it down? There's no reason this thing should be staying frozen. I'm the only one with this power. I should be able to undo it"

Me "so what's keeping this thing up?"

At Gold's shop.

Gold "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but i've never seen her before in my life"

Me "so how'd she end up inside  your urn? inside your secret vault of terror?"

Gold "Look, if you really wanna know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, your highness. Why don't you simply ask her?"

Elsa nodded "she did. but i can't remember. Something happened to my memories. "

Gold "Well, an all-too-common affliction around these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession. Urns, necklaces, all manner of things.I can't know the hisoy behind all of them"

Hook "only if there's something in it for you. Right, mate?"

Gold "Yeah, well, that my have been true once. But recently my life has been turned upside down. I've lost a son. i've gained a wife"

He smiled at Belle.

Then he looked at us "so you might say i've decided to turn over a new leaf. "

Me "I'm able to tell if you're lying"

Gold "how about i do you one better? Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me"

Belle "no, no, Rumple. You don't have to do that"

Gold "no no no. your royal highness wants proof. And i'm happy to cooperate"

Belle grabbed the dagger "fine. i command you, Dark One, to tell them the truth"

Gold "the truth is just as i aid. i had no idea there was someone inside there.I know nothing about Elsa. or her sister. But i wish you the best of luck finding her. "

Elsa sighed.

In Regina's office.

We walked inside and i saw Henry, Emma, Regina, Snow, Charming, baby Neal and Robin there. Marian was lying on the couch.

Me "what happened?"

Regina "perhaps you should ask your new friend. after all, it was her monster that attacked Marian. "

Hook "Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast"

Elsa shook her head "but this isn't my magic. someone else did this"

Regina "oh and we're supposed to trust you?"

Me "then trust me. "

She looked at me. 

I shook my head "it wasn't her. "

Henry "so how do we break the spell?"

Elsa "the only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love"

Regina "True love's kiss"

I breathed out, annoyed "as always"

Robin looked at Regina who looked away, hurt.

He sighed "all right then, there's no time to lose"

He kneeled down and kissed Marian.

Regina didn't look at them.

Marian didn't wake up.

Robin asked confused "what's wrong? why isn't it working?"

Charming "I've seen this once before. When Frederick was turned to gold."

Emma asked confused   "who the hell is Frederick?"

Henry "long story."

Robin "so the cold is acting as barrier? is there nothing we can do?"

Regina "Well, every curse is different.I need more time to study this one"

Me "i'm gonna go find who did this before it happens again. "

Regina "well, i hope you're bringing backup. "

I eyed her "Sounds like a threat, Regina"

Regina "Well, between the snow monster and the cave-in....seems like even the strongest need helping these days"

Me "i think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person. I'll be fine"

Then i walked to the door.

Hook grabbed my arm and turned me to him "well, i like that battle plan, so i'm with you, Echo"

I shook my head "no. Take Elsa to the Sheriff's station, keep her out of sight. People find out and they're gonna want to have her head"

Hook "i'd rather save yours than hers. There's someone dangerous out there"

I snapped "i don't have time to argue with you. Can you for once just do what i say without picking up a fight?"

Then i walked out.

In the woods.

Charming, Emma and i had decided to look for clues.We had separated ways though.

suddenly there was clattering in a tent.

I raised an eyebrow "whoever is in there come out!"

A guy walked out with raised hands.

Me "who the hell are you? what are you doing in that tent?"

Guy "Depends who's asking"

Me "Who are you?"

Suddenly he took off running.

Me "hey, stop!"

I ran after him but tripped over a branch and fell to the ground.

I groaned, stood up and kept running after him.

Charming and Emma had gotten a hold of him.

Me "i almost had him. But i fell"

Charming "don't worry about it. That's why you took two Sheriffs with you"

Guy "Two Sheriffs? Bloody hell. that's not even fair, is it?"

Me "who are you?"

the guy nodded "alright. my name is will Scarlet. I sued to be a Merry Man until me and Robin Hood had a bit of a falling out. "

Me "then what were you doing in that tent?"

Will "Well, i heard what happened to Marian. Terrible thing, but i kinda know something that might help."

Me "Tell us"

Will "look. I'm a thief. Always been a thief. Always gonna be a thief. Ad when there's a blackout like the other night, do you know what a thief does? "

Me "he goes to work"

Will "exactly. So i'm working me way down Main street when i break into the ice cream parlor and see the strangest thing. There'd been no electricity for hours. But still all the ice cream was frozen solid. Now, how does something like that happen? "

At the ice cream parlor.

Me "It's closed. "

Will "it's bleeding cold in there, i'm telling ya"

Emma "because they sell ice cream"

Will "during the blackout?"

Me "says the guy who's trying to avoid jail."

Will "i may be a thief, but i'm no liar. And i can bloody well prove it"

Then he started to pick the lock.

Charming "Really? you think breaking in again is gonna help your case?"

Will "can you just be quiet a second, mate? i'm just trying to do this. It takes concentration. A bit tricky.It's all about.."

Emma "yeah, the tumblers"

She helped him.

Charming raised his eyebrows "you do?"

Then she picked the lock "Neal taught me a few things"

We walked Inside.

It was empty.

Charming "Emma, it doesn't look like-"

Emma "shh. Listen"

There was a noise.

Will shook his head "i don't hear anything"

I nodded "Exactly"

Emma shook her head  "no compressor hum means no cooling system. Smart ass here was telling the truth. something's not right here. "

Will "Check the back.You'll see ow right i am"

We walked into the back and it was frozen cold.

Me "look at that"

Charming "looks like we owe Will an apology"

the bells rang.

Me "son of a ..."

We walked back to to the main room.

The door was open, Will had left but not without emptying the cashier.

Me "he's gone. He didn't leave empty-handed"

I tried to walked out but Charming stepped in my way.

Charming "echo, stop. He's not the most important thing right now"

Me "want me to let him go?"

Charming "and then you'll find him"

Me"will i?"

Charming asked confused "what's going on?"

I looked down, playing with my hands.

Charming "Echo, come on, it's me. Talk to me"

Me "it's Regina. What she said. She was right. I used to be one of the most powerful people in town and now i can't save a cat from a tree. "

Charming "You're being a little had on yourself. We all have bad days"

Me "More like week"

Charming nodded "i know . but you can't lose faith in yourself. Trust me"

In the woods.

We rushed over there and i saw a Snow  Queen, Elsa and Hook there.

Hook was trapped in ice and there were ice spikes hanging on top of him, ready to impale him.

Emma "hey!

the Snow Queen froze "Emma?"

Emma "do we know each other?"

The woman shook her head  "of course not. your reputation precedes you. You really think that your magic is a match for mine?"

Emma "There's only one way to find out."

Then she threw a blaze of power at the woman, making her fly back.

I rushed over to Hook and tried to free him.

Suddenly the ice spikes came crushing down. Hook shielded me with his body but we got thrown out of the way by Emma's magic.

Emma "you guys okay?"

Me "fine. "

Charming looked around  "Where is she?"

Emma "she's fine"


Emma sighed, shaking her head  "no signs of her. No tracks. "

Me "you okay?"

Emma "This Snow Queen. it's like she didn't just know Elsa. She knew me, too "

Charming "well, you are the Sheriff, and the Savior. And royalty. I think pretty much everyone in this ton knows who you are"

She shook her head"there's something more. It's like when she said my name, i don't know. It sounded familiar. "

Charming "well, we'll figure it out"

Hook "perhaps we should keep searching. Find the villain's liar, as it were. "

I looked at him "so you can almost get yourself killed again? that's exactly why i told you to go to the Sheriff's station. "

Emma had walked over to Elsa ad i walked over there.

Emma "Echo, brought you to this world, Elsa"

Me "but it was an accident. but the Snow Queen? she was already here. "

Emma "I'm starting to think maybe it wasn't just someone curse that brought her to Storybrooke. "

At Granny's. Night.

I walked out and saw Hook sitting there, drinking rum.

Hook "Echo, don't make an drink alone"

I walked past him, shaking my head "i'm not in the mood for a drink or a man"

Hook stood up "i'm sorry i didn't listen to you today. I know you feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders, but at some point..."

He grabbed my with his hook and turned me around. Keeping my forearm trapped in his hook.

Hook "even though we're quite different, you've got to trust me. "

I asked confused "That's what you think this is about? that i don't trust you?"

Hook asked confused and surprised "it's not what this is about?"

Me "of course i trust you"

Hook "then why do you keep pulling away from me?"

Me "Because everyone i've ever been with is dead. I lost everyone. I can't lose you, too"

Hook "Well, love. You don't have to worry about me.If there's one thing i'm good at, it's surviving"

Me "Hook, you traded your ship for me. The most important thing in your life. you gave that up for me. no one has ever done something like that for me"

Hook put his hand on my cheek "you're wrong. The Jolly Roger's not the most important thing for me anymore. So you better get used to that"

Then he kissed me. 

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