ForeverLand: Season 1

By Odellaa

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"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ALONE AND UNLOVED, PETER PAN" she spat with hate. "Soon I will grow up & I won't have to... More

Fate Of Infinity
Corrupted By My Demise
The Devil's Puppet
Soldier Without A Home
Escaping The Past
Pained By The Land
Alive in Stories
Denied Truths
Men of The Land
Humans of The Land
Saved By My Murderer
The Lost, Lost Boy
Fatal In Regret
Going To Eternity
My Perfect Criminal
Dears Of My Fascination
Caution Of The Depth
Broken Hearts And Broken Bones
Lonely In The Jungle
House Of Tomorrow
It's A Wonderful World
With Every Move
Fancy A Cup Of Tea Or The Truth?
Denying Facts
Return Of Home
Footsteps In The Forest
Revealing And Releasing
Changing The North
Accidents Of Eternity
Fade Into The Demons
Double Life
Lost And Found
Halloween Special: Part 2
Helpless In History
Mistake Of Dawn
Episode 40: Dripping Lives
Episode 41: Aching For Saving
Episode 42: Phase One
Episode 43: Pleasant Turn
Christmas Special: Part 1
Christmas Special: Part 2
Episode 44: Secret Behind Holiday's Past
Episode 45: Whispers Of Desire
Episode 46: Sharp Turn
Episode 47: Slice and Dice
Episode 48: Till Next Time
Episode 49: Stranger Danger
Episode 50: Lost Behind Me
Episode 51: Old In My Dreams
Episode 52: Humans of The Forest
Episode 53: Accidents Of Power
Episode 54: Companion Of Misery
Episode 55: Accidents With Debt
Episode 56: Crave The Cave
Episode 57: Hurting The Past
Episode 58 : Destruction Of Desire
Episode 59: Aching For The Night
Episode 60: Insanity In The South
Episode 61: Boys Of Reality
Foreverland Special: Peter Before Pan
Foreverland Special: Clara Who?
Episode 62: Binding To Nightmares
Episode 63: Rescue From The Demons
Episode 64: Thieves In My Head
Episode 65: Blinded By The Darkness
Episode 66: My Salvation
Episode 67: Rotten in The Lagoon
Episode 68: Rebirth of Nature
Episode 69: Burned to The Ground
Amazed By My Home
Dance of Temptations
Determination of Yearning
Accepting The Shadows

Halloween Special: Part 1

771 27 20
By Odellaa

SHOUTOUT to lexy0527 for suggesting an incident in the story. She came up with an idea I used in the first event that will be happening this episode. I found the idea very creative and I had to use it. Go follow, the account is just amazing trust me, and also perfect writing.


Clara's POV:

I had just woken up in the middle of the night from the strong wind revolving in my room. What is happening? Is this a dream? If this is a dream then I shouldn't feel any pain when I pinch mys-OW! Okay this is not a dream.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" I yelled even though I knew no one was going to answer.

The wind was too strong. My hair was basically standing straight up, the blankets were flying around, the wooden chairs and tables were shaking, and the windows were basically by now broken causing glass to shatter everywhere. The door to my room kept on opening and closing, creating a banging sound every second.

In a quick sudden the wind got cold, too cold. It was a chill breeze that sent goosebumps across my entire body. My ears and nose felt so cold, as If it was winter in my room. I looked at my shivering hands and I noticed my nails were blue from the temperature. My teeth began clicking uncontrollably and in a second my entire body was shaking like crazy.

The temperature kept on dropping lower and lower by the second. I tried moving a muscle in my face but I wasn't able to, it was too cold you...could say if I didn't blink I would be mistaken to an ice statue. I licked my lips only to feel something odd on them, like sprinkles on a cake, and then I realized what that thing was Frost. There was frost bordering my lips, there was frost covering my lashes, and there was frost on my eyebrows. My room has literally turned into the North Pole. Every single object by now is frozen solid.

For the last time, the door to my room flew away with a white shadow entering. A white shadow? How is that possible? It's not, it's not a shadow, it's a ghost? I couldn't tell what it was but it was definitely scaring me. The ghost flew circles around me. I was still sitting on the bed. In a minute the ghost flew and just floated there, right above me. I raised my head straight up looking at it, not taking my gaze of it, afraid of what it might do if I blink.

My neck by now has been paining me from looking up for a long time. I suddenly felt a cold sensation on my chest, like someone just put an ice cube on it. I looked down to find my locket glowing a silver color. What the? I quickly removed it from around my neck and I looked at it thoroughly as i held it in my hand. Why would my locket be glowing? Why would the locket my mom use to own glow? And that's when it hit me.

I released a quick gasp and I looked up finally seeing the features of the ghost.


Is that my mom? H-how is that possible? My mom is dead. She died years ago. I don't get what's happening. Maybe it's not my mom,, it can't, it is her, I can feel it.

"MOM!!" I yelled at the ghost with glowing blue eyes staring down at me.


My nose began running from the coldness. I tried sniffing but my nose was already numb. I wasn't able to do anything. It was too cold it felt like my ears were going to fall off and my fingers were just going to drop.

"MOOOM" I began crying. The minute a tear escaped my eye, it fell as glass into my hand. It wasn't glass though; my tear froze solid from the temperate. If it were possible the temperature would be 100 below zero. Then again this is Neverland and nothing is impossible in it. One question though, how come I am not frozen? With a temperature as low as this I should be dead by now, but I am it possible the ghost is keeping me alive? Is it possible is keeping me alive?

"MOM ANSWER ME" I cried tears that burned my eyes. In a quick sudden the ghost vanished into thin air and the weather was back to normal. I looked around my room noticing the ice on the tables and chairs melting slowly. I quickly got off my bed and left the treehouse. I had no idea what just happened and I think the only person who would know is Peter.


I quickly ran and marched up to Peter's room, shocked that his door was already wide open.

"Pan I need your help" I said panicking, trying to catch my breath.

"I just...I think I just saw my mom but-but as a ghost and I know this might sound crazy but....but...Peter? Are you listening to me?" I asked. I noticed Peter was sitting on his bed facing the wall making his back face me. I can tell his body was stiff and that he was breathing heavily from how his body rose. "Peter?" I whispered worried as I slowly began approaching him. With every step I took the wooden floor beneath me would creak. "Are you okay?" I asked and of course I get no answer in return.

I turned around to notice there was a symbol on the wall, a weird symbol, is it a spell? Is-is it written in blood?! I began examining it. It looked like the symbol was drawn by an index finger, and it looks freshly painted. I turned around once more to find Peter standing, staring at me. His right hand was red, completely red, it was blood. It was as if he dunk his hand in a bucket filled with blood and didn't bother wiping it off. I couldn't help but release a short gasp as he frightened me. I was looking into his eye and i did not see the Peter i knew, i saw nothing but darkness. His eye...they were different. Much different. They were black, fully black. There were no pupils whatsoever. It was scaring the life out of me. He looked possessed.

"Peter?" I said as he began scaring me even more. He did not keep his gaze off me. He just stood there, not blinking, and staring into my soul. He wasn't answering me and wasn't even acknowledging my existence. I didn't know what to do. What has happened to him?

"Talk to me" I said calmly. He still ignored. There was nothing I could do but one thing, and this is probably a bad idea but standing here asking Questions that won't get a response won't help. I began approaching him slowly, with my hands up in the air as surrender. I noticed he didn't even react as I began moving, as If he was staring at nothing.

One more step and i would be an inch away, and that's what I became. He was still looking at me as if he's reading me. It was frightening. I began raising my hand slowly and as it touched his cheek, Pan did the most aggressive move he could do. He pushed me so hard causing me to fly across the room. I hit my head against the wall causing a thud sound, and then i fell to the ground as if I were a sack of rice.

I began twirling around till I was lying on my back in pain. In a second Pan was sitting above me holding me down. "PAN" I screamed but he wouldn't answer. He was breathing heavily through his grind teeth. He held both my wrists and began squeezing them hard, making me feel his nails dig deep into my veins. "AHH" I screamed as I felt his nails turn into claws.

"GET OFF ME" I yelled as I squeezed my eyes shut from pain.

"I don't want to" I heard Pan say. I opened my eyes to find Pan's face turn red from anger. He had blood running down his nose. Wait a minute, that's not blood? Something black and gooey was running out of his nose.

"PETER STOP" I yelled. I began groaning trying to release from his painful grip but he continued to grab my wrists harder.

Suddenly a smirk appeared on his face. "I.DONT.WANT.TO". My heart dropped. In a quick second veins began popping out from around his eyes, on his neck, and the hands that have been holding my wrists tight.

Out of the blue, the hands that were griping my wrists were by now around my neck, chocking me. "PAN!" I screamed as i put my hands around his and tried removing them but no use, his hands felt like metal handcuffs around my neck except these handcuffs got tighter and tighter by the second. I felt like my throat was going to get squished.

"PAN" I screamed as i felt the urge to inhale the oxygen that is blocked from my body.

"PAAAAN" pan's smirk grew wider and if it were possible I would say his eyes turned darker.

"Pan..." I Began whispering instead of screaming as I felt no strength in my body anymore.

"P...a...n" I began chocking as my body began drifting away slowly.


And that was the last thing I said as i felt pans hand release my neck and my eyes roll to the back, making me drift away.


As I opened my eyes I took in a big gasp of air and sat straight up quickly. I noticed it was still dark out and I was still on the wooden floor i passed on a while ago, or was it more than a while? Can't tell. I began raising my head slowly afraid of what I might see and let's just say my nightmare came true. Straight ahead was Pan sitting on his bed not taking his gaze of me. I would say he has been watching me since I passed out. I took in a gulp as I felt goosebumps move across my spine.

I stayed still, making sure not to create any sudden movements. Peter didn't blink or anything, he just raised his head as I moved my head to look around so he wouldn't look away from my eyes. I wasn't sure what to do next. I don't have magic, I don't have any weapon. I can't hurt him it's Peter, or isn't he? Well there is only one thing I could do and well that's basically the bravest thing anyone in my position could do. Run.

At that thought Pan teleported right in front of me on the ground and quickly gripped my chin to keep my mouth opened. Panic showered me as I tried my best to break free. I placed my hands like cuffs around Pan's hand to remove his grip from my chin but his arm felt like metal. In a second Pan used his other hand to take out a small tube filled with a black liquid. He placed the tube in his mouth and used his teeth to take the cap off. He then proceeded by placing the tube near me then poured the black liquid into my mouth. I immediately began releasing gargling noises as I refused to swallow it. In that moment Pan let go of of chin. My first intention was to spit the liquid out but that was impossible for Pan prevented me to do so.

His hand was placed over my mouth to prevent me from spitting out the liquid.  His other hand was placed around my waist to prevent me from backing away and escaping. My eyes were opened in alarm as I tried screaming for help but they were muffled by the hand over my mouth. I could kick Pan in the crotch and manage to run away but I was seated on my knees; that was not an option. I thought of biting Pan's hand off but I was already struggling not to swallow the mysterious liquid, any more movements with my mouth could result in accidently consuming it.

Don't swallow. Don't swallow.

Pan clenched his teeth more and more as he pressed harder against my mouth to make sure the liquid stays in my body. He released an echoing groan as he began shaking me hoping that would cause me to accidentally swallow it.  He was determined that I consume that liquid.

Don't swallow. Don't swallow.

I was trying her best to not let the liquid run down my throat. I feared the worst because the urge to swallow was increasing by the second. My only intention was to not swallow the liquid whatsoever; it could be a deadly poison for all I know.

Don't swallow. Don't swallow.

In a second Pan was grabbed by the back of his shirt and pulled away from me, letting go of hold in the process. I immediately spit the black liquid as I coughed multiple of times. I looked up while wiping the remains off my lips with my sleeve to find the one who stopped Pan get closer to me. It was Felix. He immediately bent down to my level and looked at me with concern.

"Did you swallow any of that?" he asked with a panicked voice. I looked passed him to find Pan unconscious next to a broken dresser.

"N-no, I-I don't think so-"

"CLARA" Felix echoed, "I need you to be sure; did you swallow any of that?"

At Felix words, the sound of broken glass echoed. We both turned our gaze to find standing Pan wide awake with growing anger. Felix quickly stood up in front of me to block Pan from getting near me whatsoever.

"Clara, Pan's bowl of water is on the table. Use it to gargle up then run, HURRY" he said as Pan bean approaching him.

"Why?" I asked worriedly, "What is it?" I asked referring to the liquid.

"It's dreamshade" Felix quickly stated, "Now GO"

With that Felix launched at Pan to prevent him from getting near me. I on the other hand stood up and walked up to the bowl. I took in a big gulp before throwing the bowl to the ground and running away. I paced down the stairs as the voices of Felix and Pan groaning echoed. Once I left the tree house, I spat out the water in my mouth then proceeded running.

He tried poisoning me, Pan wanted me dead. There is no cure for dreamshade, he wanted me dead.

I didn't know where I was running to, as long as it's far from that demon then I am fine. Then again it is Pan and Pan can find anyone on Neverland.

It's not pan

That thought kept on running through my head. Couldn't tell if it was because it's true or because I wanted myself to believe it. Either way the answer is false to both. I continued running to nowhere. I just needed someone's help, like Felix or Adam. Then again I remembered running from camp that was empty. Where have all the lost boys gone? Great, just great.

I sopped in my tracks and i bent down to catch my breath. My chest by now felt Ice cold and my hips hurt me. I raised my head and stood straight up only to find Pan an inch away. There was nothing lovable in his body, face, or eyes.

Don't blink, don't breathe, don't move.

I have been sending myself thoughts on how I shouldn't move or show a sign of movement. I was treating Pan as if he were a wild animal that could burst out and attack any minute. I noticed Pan had sweat on his forehead causing the roots of his hair to turn damp. He also had his hands as fists which honestly worried me.

In a second Pan was pining me against a tree by holding one of my wrists. I tried escaping his grip but I didn't even have the ground to support me. My legs didn't reach the dirty ground as Pan wrapped a hand around my neck and raised me. "Easy love" he smirked evilly. I gulped hoping this was all nothing but a phase. I found peter staring at the hand wrapped around my neck. I managed to look at it to only notice it's wet. That's when i finally noticed the tears rushing down my face, escaping as droplets to his hand. Tears of anger, sadness...disappointment.

I noticed his smirk had faded and his body became stiffer than a rock. I wanted to scream, but to whom? There was no one but me, a demon, and dark Neverland."P-Peter" i stuttered as I felt his body temperature decrease making his hands feel like ice around my neck. Peter's body is usually warm from all the magic and power in him, but not this time. "Peter is not's just Pan" he said in his demonic voice. Pan? Is that his evil side?

"This isn't you" i said through my shivering lips and clicking teeth.

"THIS ISN'T ME?!" He echoed. "YOU ARRIVE ONE DAY CHANGING EVERYTHING, CHANGING ME, THE BOYS, NEVERLAND" he leaned his face closer to mine and whispered words of a devil "This is the real me"

"I-if I changed you then i fixed you" I said worried of his response

"You fixed nothing. Just broke everything you touched. I mean isn't that how your parents died? On their way to pick you up from your friend's house" Pan smirked. I felt more tears come out of my eyes. He knew that was over the line. He knew it. "Monster" I whispered through clenched teeth.

"You finally realized" he smirked as he cocked his head. Pan's smirk faded and he looked at me straight in the eyes, into my soul. His stares felt like a thousand daggers into my head and a million burns in my soul. I didn't want to look. I didn't want to look at his demonic eyes but I am afraid of what might happen if i turn around and look away. Pan brought his face closer to mind, brushing his nose against mine. You could say everyone alive heard me gulp in that moment.

Pan took me by the collar and threw me across to the other side, causing me to slide on the ground till I was stopped by a tree hitting my back. I began coughing as I inhaled a pile of Dirt. I tried getting up only to be brought back down by Pan's foot. "YOU" he spat. I can hear the anger, the pain, and the hate in his voice. Have i done something?

In a quick second Pan pulled me up by my shirt and pushed me into a tree causing a loud thud to echo. I can feel my nose starting to bleed as I tasted a filthy metal taste-like liquid In my mouth. My vision got blurry for a second but I managed to keep focus. "YOU!" He screamed through his grind teeth. He pushed me harder again into the tree causing the tree to crack. My nose bleed increased and I felt numbness in my head. He turned around still holding me by the collar, and then he pushed me to the dirty Neverland ground. I tried getting up but my body was too bruised to do so. As I coughed blood into the harsh dirt, I looked up to find Pan approaching me slowly. His hands suddenly began glowing and instead of walking slowly, he began racing in his paces. The glowing in his hands was different, it wasn't purple or green as usual, it was a mixture of dark blue and black, true evil colors. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" he screamed. He raised his hands ready to strike me with his dark magic only to be stopped by someone who stood between him and I.


Pan began lowering his hands slowly, in confusion.

"This isn't her fault" Felix spat. He turned around to face me. I was still lying on the ground sore, bleeding from my nose. Felix lowered his body and carried me bridal style. "You know it's not her fault" he whispered. He turned around and walked into his tent, placing me gently on his bed. He handed me a wet piece of cloth and I used it to clean off the blood between my nose and mouth.

--------After a while--------

Felix and I have been quiet for a while now. "You okay?" He sighed

"No" I said

"Y-you need another rag? Is your nose hurting?"

"No, not that" I said "I am not okay because of Pan..."

"Oh" Felix said looking down

"You seem to know what is happening"


"What does he mean it's my fault? That's it's my entire fault?"

Felix stayed quiet for a while, obviously not sure of what to say. "It''s-"

"Don't say it's nothing Felix because I swear to you I am this close into bursting out"

Felix obviously felt threatened so he ended up spilling out everything. "He...his evil side is showing. The one he had before you...came. It's coming back and he's blaming you for taking it away, for making him nice"

"B-but that's a good thing, changing"

"Not to him...Clara, he isn't the Pan you know"

"He might not be Felix but I know one thing, his eyes never turned this black before, it's as If he is posse-"

"Possessed by a demon?" Felix continued my sentence "Clara, he is already a demon"

I looked down at the sheets on Felix's bed breathing heavily, not sure what to do. I began biting on my bottom lip nervously. I took a quick glance at Felix who had worried eyes drawn on his face. I began rubbing my hands together, clutching my trembling fear, and began shaking my leg, tears filling my eyes.

It's the feeling again, but this time stronger and unbearable. The feeling in my fingertips, the tingling in my nose. It's the feeling that makes me want to scream, the urge to break something. It's everything I hated feeling. My eyes burned through the thin material of the tent front ahead, that separated me from the demon. The demon I am running from. The Demon I don't want to bump into. The demon I am a prey to. My head began weighing down with the sunken memories. It's hard to remember what created all this chaos, only to realize I actually don't know what made this happen.

My fault?

How is it my fault?

What could have I done? Whatever I did should I apologize? What? NO! He should apologize. The thought of these words escaping so easily from his pale lips crushed my heart.

It's all your fault

I remembered being pushed into the tree only to bleed from your nose. The way I was thrown to the ground like I was nothing but dirt to him. The harsh grip on his fingers intended to my neck, something I didn't feel before. I have never seen him so His emotions just got in the way. The way of everything. To the point where his eyes turned pitch black and his magic turned into dark magic.

Getting lightheaded, I almost fell off the bed. Fear started consuming me making me feel uncomfortable.

"Can't breathe"

I feel like I am chocking, tears filling my eyes, swear running down my neck.

"Oh my god Clara are you having a panic attack?"

Am I going crazy? Pain shot through my chest causing me to gasp. Tunnel vision took over. My body started trembling, muscles all tense. Feeling confused, tingling all over. A shiver runs down my spine and my mind goes blank. Time suddenly slowed down, is this every going to stop?


Pressure covering my ears. Tears falling down my cheeks. I just want to escape god this pain makes me want to die. Hate feeling this way. Body shaking all over the place GOD I can't get Pan out of my head. Wondering what I did wrong?

It's all your fault

Wanting everything to be ok. Blood gushing from my nose, not wanting to get back up. Wanted to lay here forever to remind me of it all. Suffering for way too long, having regrets. So much hate god I am thoughtless. Hoping for better days and hiding behind lies, Pan is so damn heartless man so not forgiving. I blame him, hearing his venomous voice, so much resentment god damn you.

"I am okay"

I calmed down. Everything is back to normal, semi-normal at least.

"Are you sure? You just had a panic attack" Felix said. I just nodded to him.


"What are we going to do?" I asked worried, biting into my nails.

"There is...nothing we can do"

"NOTHING?" I screamed upset "so we are just supposed to live this way? Forever?...literally"

" you have a better solution?"

"No, and it might not work" i said as I marched out of the tent.


I completely ignored Felix. "PAN!" I answer. I began looking left and right, where has he gone to? He wasn't there. I looked back to find Felix's tent gone, vanished. The tree houses, all the tents, the bonfire, all gone. There's nothing but trees...trees and dirt.

He's messing with my head

He's messing with my head

I began repeating that in my head.

He's messing with me

"Pan?" I called out nervous. "This isn't funny" of course it's not...I am being chased by a demon. I suddenly felt a strong gust of wind from behind. Taken back, I balanced myself with my arms standing back up straight. I turned around only to be pushed immediately by Pan causing me to fall on my back. Pan stood right above me, staring down at me with his shadow eyes. He reached down to grab me by the collar but I immediately twirled my body away.


Felix. Thank god.

"I can do whatever I want" Pan said as he tried approaching me but Felix stopped him right in time.

"Not this time buddy" Felix said looking straight into his dark eyes. As I stood up, Felix grabbed my elbow and began pulling me away. "How come he didn't attack you?" I asked confused

"Because it's not me he wants to fight" Felix said. What? I immediately stopped in my tracks and released my hand from Felix's grip. I turned around and I approached Pan quickly, with anger growing in my body. "STOP" I screamed. I can tell Pan was shocked at how I could address him this way. Not scared or worried, at least not anymore. "ITS ALWAYS ABOUT YOU" I screamed as tears of anger began escaping. "IT'S ALWAYS PETER PAN, ALWAYS ABOUT HIS POWERS" I said jabbing him in the chest with my index finger. Pan tried speaking but I cut him off. "Don't try to make this okay" I lowered into a whisper from disappointment. "I always complain to you, when I go through problems, but when it's you, you never talk, you just act hoping we all apologize for something we probably did not do" Pan stayed quiet, just staring at me. "I am sick of you"

I quickly turned around; ready to walk away, for the first time i am not afraid of this demon. Pan grabbed my hand and twisted me around. "STOP DOING THAT! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I turned around again only to feel his strong hands attack my elbow, twisting me around. His hands griped to mine once more. He raised his glowing hand in the air ready to hit me. Fear ran through my bones afraid of the hit i am about to get. I squinted my eyes hoping it wouldn't be painful.

"NOO" Felix yelled

"STOPP" someone echoed. A woman. Pan lowered his hand and we both slowly turned our faces around to find her, to find them. And that's when I understood what was happening. Fear ran through me, through my bones afraid what was going to happen next.

"Hello, Crank" The women smirked

"Rhonda" I said in disbelief. My eyes were open wide and my mouth was forming a gap.

"Clara, stay away from them" Felix warned me as he pulled me to the side.

"Aww looks who's playing bodyguard, not cute" she laughed. She walked up to Peter and began walking circles around him, playing with his hair. Why isn't he doing anything? Why is he letting her touch him?

"What have you done?" I demanded an answer worried about Peter.

"Since you asked so nicely" Rhonda said sarcastically "I saved him" she smirked. Saved? What is she talking about?

"SAVED?" I screamed not because I am scared or angry, but because I am worried she hurts Pan. "Does this look like saving to you?"

"Ofcourse dear..."

"Wait...what do you mean saving?"

"All questions GOD I want some action" a guy from the Kronin's gang said.

"Patience brother..." Rhonda said. Brother? "All will be well"

"Not when I am done with you" I threatened

"Ooo you got fire" Rhonda said "No wonder why Pan likes you"

Totally ignoring what Rhonda said, I gave her a death glare. "" I asked through my clutched teeth.

"Pan never wanted to be nice or...have feelings"

"Feelings? What do you mean feelings?" I asked confused

"Ignore her Clara, she doesn't know what she is saying" Felix said

"'s been a while" Rhonda smiled

"The Pleasure is all mine" Felix said obviously not meaning a single word he said

"Wait...did you...did you...d-" I stuttered

"Make your sweet momma appear?" Rhonda interrupted

"What?" Felix snapped. Why is he angry?

"Hallucinations are a fun thing aren't they" Rhonda smirked

"That's impossible, only Pan can do that..."

"And Pan did actually do that, all I had to do was ask him, sweet boy isn't he" she said sarcastically


"I can control him Love"

"Pan would never allow this" I said trying to convince myself everything is a lie.

She curled her long fingernails maliciously and smiled. Panic clouded my senses and I started screaming from the inside. "I don't need his permission...Pan was broken, deep down inside he was hurt and wounded. Pan always got what he wanted, and the thing he mostly wanted...well let's just say he couldn't get it, that's what made it so easy to control him, he was weak" Rhonda smiled, obviously happy at what's happening.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked shaking from fear.


"Till next time" Rhonda smiled. She waved her hand in the air causing black smoke to circle the Kronin's and Peter, making them vanish into thin air. He's gone, Peter is gone, and he could come back any minute even feistier and more...demon-ish. I dropped on my knees unaware of what I was supposed to do. I am afraid, afraid of Pan is capable of doing, of what could happen to Felix and I, the lost boys, afraid of the Kronin's could do with Pan's power now.

"Clara" Felix walked up to me and helped me up. "Let's go"


I have been sitting in this stupid conference tent for the past hours. All the lost boys have been fighting together, arguing on what to do. Felix is the only one trying to calm them down but they just wouldn't listen. They're panicking like never before. Screaming and yelling god my head is going to blow!





That's it. "ENOUGH!" I screamed as I stood up amusing everyone to look at me, shocked. Finally...silence! "Panicking won't do us any good; we need to think thoroughly together"

"We don't have a leader anymore" a lost boy said

"We cannot live without a ruler" another one said

"We won't survive"

And in a peck of time they're panicking again. "QUIET DOWN" Felix yelled. All the lost boys stood still not talking. "Thank you Felix" I said. I took in a deep breath and rubbed my forehead, knowing a headache is coming along.

"I know...I know we don't have ruler anymore but-"

"We?" A lost boy interrupted "it's us who don't have a leader, Pan never ruled you, and you always knew what had to be's like you...ruled us...with him"

"HEY!" A lost boy screamed "maybe you can be our new leader"

"What?" I snapped

"That's a great idea Clara" Felix said

"What...No-no....i can't-" i was interrupted by the lost boys again, arguing about who should rule.

"STOP!" I screamed as I banged the table a couple of times. The lost boys looked at me with confusion on their faces.

"I cannot rule, I have never ruled before which means i definitely cannot be your queen guys" I looked at the ground thinking about Pan "Atleast not without a king" I mumbled the last part.

"Now you shouldn't panic, you don't need a new ruler because we WILL bring Pan back to his senses" all the lost boys began looking left and right at each other, in confusion. "Our priority is staying alive. The left half will bring extra food and water in case we cannot leave camp, the right half will bring wood for bonfire and weapons...Felix will stay with me to help me arrange things. Now the weapons won't be used on Pan unless it's for self-defense. Use the weapons on the Kronin's and Pan; try your best to capture him without hurting him"

"That would never work, he's too powerful" a lost boy said

"We can never know unless we try, everyone has a weak spot...find his, now scatter and do what you're told" the lost boys all left the tent to do their chores. Felix stood right next to me and gave a pat on the back. "I guess you can rule after all" he said. He walked away and left the tent leaving me all alone. "I guess I am" I mumbled.


"What do we do now?" A lost boy asked. The lost boys have finished gathering food and making weapons. We have a weapon and a trap on each corner in case a Kronin or Pan shows up. "Now we wait" I said.

"D-do we kill him?"

"NO!" I screamed "I told you we do not kill Pan. You hear me...All of you! You want a leader then fine I am here, so fulfill your orders!" The lost boys all scattered around arranging everything.

God! The Kronin's first teased us about their absence, and then Pan abandoned us. He made me hallucinate, gave me false hopes. He is now working with them, not that he has a choice but still, you'd expect a tiny bit of him would stay good. It's like he will never love or feel anything anymore. His soul would fall and he'd become a demon just like every bad thing he'd ever hated.

God I miss his laugh. I-I am afraid I forget it. Forget his calm face; forget the sound of his voice, the feeling of being clothed entirely, the feeling of being warm and safe. I am afraid I will forget How to laugh myself...I tried a minute ago but it came out as a strangle.

I quickly walked away from the worried crowd and I went into my room closing the door behind me. That didn't last long; someone opened the door and walked in. Felix.

"I don't know if I can do this" I said. I cannot play strong anymore. I just can't. "I need him" that's it. I came out saying it. I need him.

"I know Clara, we all need him"

"No Felix...I.Need.Him" tears began filling my eyes.

"I know" Felix said. I sniffed and took a deep breath in.

This will work

This will work

He will come back

It's just temporarily

I just wish everything I am thinking is true. I walked out of the tree house with Felix walking behind me. I was looking down at the ground wiping my tears. When I looked up I found all the lost boys passed out on the floor. Front ahead were the Kronin's, with Pan standing next to them. He was looking at the ground.

"PETER!" I screamed as I ran up to him but Felix quickly stopped me. "Clara wait, they could hurt Pan if we are not careful"

"Pan" I sighed. Peter began raising his head slowly until his pitch black eyes met mine and his gaze found me. All I saw was anger, pain, disappointment. A cold shiver ran from my neck down to my spine. I did not like that feeling.

"How are you gaining any good from this?" Felix asked

"We're not, it's" Rhonda said

"Fun? FUN?" I screamed

"Would you like to know how it all started?" Rhonda smirked

"No" I spat. The truth is I do want to know but I am afraid of what I might find out.



Pan was sitting in camp, watching Clara's treehouse. The bonfire celebration just ended and Pan couldn't get the picture of Clara dancing out of his mind. He was smiling all the way until he felt a sudden of sadness. Clara. She is lost now. Truly lost. His Plan worked but he isn't happy, because lost children can't love, and now Clara cannot.

It's not like she loved me before

Pan thought. When he loved her, she didn't love him back. When he cared for her, cherished her, she didn't. The feelings were never mutual. And that's what made the Kronin's get the advantage. You see, when it comes to Clara, Pan is weak...completely terribly weak.

"You think you can sneak up on me" Pan said as he stood up and turned around to find the Kronins standing outside camp, unable to enter from the spell he cast days ago.

"Hello Pan" Rhonda smiled

"What are you doing here?" Pan asked

"Just a visit"

"Oh how sweet" Pan smirked sarcastically

"You know who's also sweet?" Rhonda asked

" tell"

"Clara..." Rhonda smirked. Pan's grin disappeared and worry drowned him.

"Don't. Say. Her. Name" Pan said with anger.

"Ooo, Pan afraid for his girl"

"She is not my girl"

"Oh right...Ofcourse everything you said when it snowed wasn't true?" Rhonda smirked (i am talking about episode 17-gaining strength)

"How would you know-"

"I was there, we were all there...quite a show you put on, too bad Clara didn't play along" Rhonda said annoying Pan

"It doesn't matter"

"Then how come you're still hurt? For the first time ever the famous Peter Pan cannot get what he wants"

Pan turned around and looked at Clara's treehouse. There was no light she must have slept. "I don't want her" Pan spat as he turned around to look at the Kronins

"Then you don't mind if...something happened to her"

"You will not touch her" Pan said through clutched teeth.

"Fine, let's make a deal"

"Forget it, I can protect her myself" Pan snored

"Let me rephrase that, you do what I ask and I will not scar Clara for life"

"Oh please" Pan laughed "you can't even enter camp"

"Yes but Clara Can leave"

"She said she won't"

"And how long do you think this will last for?" Rhonda said making Pan question himself.

"What is this deal exactly?" Pan asked

"Mermaid the bottom you will find a stone, I need it"

"What for?" He asked

"With it, we can leave Neverland without your permission"

"Fine, I'll do it" Pan said.

"Really? Didn't think you would help" Rhonda said impressed

"I am not helping; I just need you to get the hell out of Neverland and well...let's say I won't give you permission so you do actually need that stone"

"Great, see you at the lagoon" the Kronins said as they vanished. Pan teleported aswell to the mermaid lagoon to find the Kronins waiting there.

"In there" Rhonda's brother pointed at the water.

"Why can't you get it yourself anyways?" Pan asked

"It's pretty deep, the chances of survival are 1 out of 3" Rhonda said.

"And I am the perfect man for it" Pan said sarcastically

"Exactly" Rhonda smirked. Pan walked up and stood right infront of the lagoon. 1, 2, 3, jump.

End of flashback


Clara's POV:

I took in a breath of terror and fright. Did Pan actually make a deal with them to keep me safe? The Kronins skipped a part, the part on how they managed to convince Pan to accept the deal. So basically I know nothing now except that it all happened in the mermaid lagoon. (She still doesn't know he loved her guys)

"This might be...shocking, trust me it was shocking for me. I never thought Pan would accept. I never thought Pan would fall into such trap. Man he can get stupid and weak when it comes to you" Rhonda said. "I guess it really does make someone blind"

"It? What's it?" I asked confused

"Till next time" and with that the Kronin's and Pan vanished into thin air.

"I hate them!" Felix yelled "I hate them a lot! They're so annoying! They never give straight answers and-"

"I know how to fix this" I said

"What? How?"

"Rhonda said it all started when he was at the mermaid lagoon and who do we know that knows water more than anything?" I smirked as I turned around and began walking away.

"C-Clara what are you doing?"

"I am going to fix this" I said not looking back

"CLARA! Come back! DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID" he yelled behind me. Too late. Something stupid has already been planned.


I just reached the shore and thank god it's there. Holding a dagger in one Hand and hiding another in my boot, I approached the wooden surface. Jumping right in and forwarding my dagger, all the men turned around to look at me.

"What a surprise" he spat

"Hello, Hook" I smirked


"What brings us this pleasure?" He said as he began approaching me

"Stay back!" I said as I extended my dagger further

"Calm down hot stuff"

"Zip it" I said "I need your help"


I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "And what does Pan think of this?" Hook continued.

"He doesn't know" I said

"Rebel" hook snapped

"Actually no...That's why I have come. Pan has been....possessed you could say"

"Possessed? And what's that got to do with me and my men?" Hook wondered

"It started in the mermaid lagoon" I said. Hook raised an eyebrow in a way of telling me to continue. "Some-one...some people...they call themselves the Kronins-"

"Oh right, I am fancy of their work"

"Ya whatever" I said "anyways, they tricked Pan into getting a stone, a green glowing stone at the bottom of the lagoon. There was no stone, a mermaid...she touched Pan and made him evil...demon-like and-"

"That's no possession honey, you must be speaking of Mesus" (it's spelled Mey-sus)

"Who" I asked. Hook took one step closer to me so I quickly waved my dagger in the air. "Put the blade down love, no need for that" he said. I didn't believe him so I kept on holding my dagger right.

"Mesus' he said. "It's the worst mermaid you could run into...or shall I say swim to" he began laughing and I rolled my eyes . "*ehm* anyways, this mermaid is basically a living hate. With one touch it can bring out your deepest hate, bring back your worst memories, and open your wounds. It will remove all the love you feel and turn you into a bloody demon...because that's what hate is...a demon"

By now my eyes were open wide and my mouth was forming a gap. I can't believe it. No wonder why Pan didn't recognize me, he doesn't feel anything anymore but hate. Wait, did I do something to him before? Why was he blaming me? Saying it was my fault?

"H-how can I fix him? Fix pan?"

"You can't, it's irreversible" hook said

"No! There must be a way!" I said

"Everything comes with a prize" hook said

"And it's a prize I am willing to pay" I said

"Then there's only one person who could help you now..."

"Who?" I asked

"Rumplestiltskin" all the men on the deck gasped.

"Who?" I asked confused


I quickly gasped and turned around to find a weird man with curly hair and a scaly skin standing there

"Please take this somewhere else" hook said "I don't need the dark one on my ship"

"The who?" I said confused

"Me again" the weird man laughed. He snapped his fingers causing us both to teleport to the forest. "H-how did you-"

"I have magic" he said

"I thought only Pan had magic" (guys in this story Pan and rumple aren't related)

"Well look at that! I have magic too, now let's get into business" he said

"Yes Ofcourse, I need a way to stop Mesus"

"And why is that?" He asked

"None of your business, now will you help me to stop the curse she puts on people"

" cannot stop the curse dearie"

"Just great" I said sarcastically


"But what?"

"You can negotiate with her"

"That's brilliant, I just need a way to get to her" I said

"Have you tried swimming?" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I can't swim"

"Well...that's interesting" he said. He began approaching me slowly. In a quick second he pulled out a hair on my head "oww!" I said. He snapped his fingers and a bottle with a mixture appeared in his other hand. He placed the hair gently into it and began shaking the bottle causing it to turn to a glowing blue.

"This dearie is a potion"

"I can see that" I said

"Drink it and it will help you breathe underwater and Ofcourse give you fishy feet meaning fishy skills" he said

"Great!" I said as I extended my hand to take the bottle but rumple quickly backed away.

"No no no dearie, this isn't how it works with me, everything comes with a-"

"Prize, I know, name it"

"The mermaid...she wears a necklace around her neck, bring it to me"


"Good" rumple creepily smiled

"I forgot to ask, when you said negotiate...what did you mean?"

"You know the saying...for every living there is a death?"

"Yes..." I said getting worried

"Well...for every evil there is good" rumple said

I stayed quiet for a while, not sure of what to do. That's it!

"I have made my decision" I said "I will do it"


Clara was walking back to camp shivering, still wet from swimming in the lagoon. It worked, she negotiated with the mermaid and it all went well...Atleast for Pan.


She heard a lost boy scream. She quickly ran till she reached camp only to find the lost boys running from the Kronin's. A lost boy was being strangled by Pan who was using magic on him. "STOP!" She echoed.

"ENOUGH" Rhonda yelled as she looked at Clara, not taking her gaze off her. Pan stopped strangling the boy right in time. Thank god. "Finally" Rhonda smiled "we have been waiting for a while" she laughed. Clara looked down at her cupped hands that were holding something in them. From hesitation Clara licked her lips and looked up, nervously.

"Come" Rhonda said. Pan began walking until he stood right next to her.

"Why won't you stop?" Clara asked

"You and Pan deserve to die!" Rhonda yelled

"What?" Clara snapped

"Why are you trying to help pan? He is a villain not to mention he tortured many for power. In case you didn't know that he is actually truly a demon"

"I have no interest in his past, what I care about is the future"

"Fine, here's a sneak peak of your future" Rhonda creepily said. She snapped her fingers and Pan began walking till he stood infront of her, inches away.

"Let the show begin" Rhonda laughed. In a second Pan used his glowing hand to punch Clara in the stomach causing her to fall to the ground. Kick. Punch. Kick. He repeatedly hit her causing her bruises to immediately turn blue. By now she couldn't breathe from pain. Clara began spitting out blood. "" she couldn't speak. Punch. Kick. Punch.

The lost boys, who were incapable of moving from magic were staring at Clara's bleeding and bruised body. They were feeling sorry for Clara, hurting with her as she got punched and kicked.

"Pan" Clara spat

"If she can talk, she is fine, continue"

Clara was lying on the ground, barely conscious. Pan sat next to her and bit into her, digging his teeth into her skin, drawing blood from her wrist. Clara screamed and tried pulling away but no use. Pan stood up and kicked Clara in the stomach too rough that she began bleeding internally. She began choking on her own blood. "That's enough" Rhonda said. Pan backed away from Clara. Clara managed to sit straight up but not stand. It was too painful.

"How was that?" Rhonda creepily asked

"Worth it" he hissed in his mischievous grin, causing her stomach to drop. His eyes were flashing with pure hatred.

"Listen to me" Clara spat blood.

"Ahh not again" Rhonda said "there's nothing you could do get over it, I have won"

"You can only win if I gave up, and I am not planning on anytime soon" Clara said. "Pan, listen to me, this isn't you and you know it"

"Oh Clara, I thought you were better than this" Pan smirked as he cocked his head.

"I know you're still in there, you have to come back to me!" Clara barely spoke

"Now why would I-" Pan teleported infront of Clara and began choking her "want to go back to you?"

Clara, barely breathing in any question, finally spoke her words. "Because...i.... Mean some....thing to....y...ou" Pan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and let go of Clara, walking backwards away from her slowly. "I don't know what I am to you" Clara coughed "but everyone says I mean something to you"

Pan finally stopped in his tracks still confused about what was happening. He didn't take his pitch black eye glares of Clara.

"It wasn't long ago when all I needed to ease your pain was give you hug and tell you everything will be okay"

"This is ridiculous" Rhonda laughed

"You know just when i thought I understood i turned out to be wrong, i didn't understand anything at all ... I guess that is how it is when you're new at such thing" Clara said to Pan who was still staring at her.

"I don't know if this will work or not-" Clara said

"What are you talking about?" Rhonda said starting to get worried

"But it's worth a shot, because you mean something to me too" Clara looked down and finally uncupped her hands to reveal a small bottle with a glowing liquid inside.

"Don't" Rhonda demanded

Neverland was dark, very dark, the camp was dark, and the only things glowing were Clara's hands from the potion. Clara looked up and stared at Pan for a while.

"Don'" Rhonda said through clutched teeth. Clara quickly took the cap off and drank the potion in one gulp.

"NOOO" Rhonda screamed

As Clara finished she threw the glass bottle to the ground causing it to break. Clara began coughing, chocking for a second. She put her hand on her neck and began coughing harder.

"AHHH" Pan started screaming. He began grinding his teeth together so hard they could crack. His face turned red and his forehead was furrowed too much. "AHHH" there was suddenly wind that was strong enough to break trees in half. The lost boys started screaming from worry while Felix looked at Clara afraid of what she had done. Clara's hair was flying all the way to the back and her shirt was basically rising to her belly button. The dirt on the ground began entering everyone's eyes. "AHHH" Pan screamed

"Do you see the things we do for you? The things we do to bring you back?" Clara screamed. The wind began making whistling sound piercing everyone's ears.

"AHHHHHHH" Pan began screaming harder, bending down from inner pain.

"THAT IS ENOUGH REASON TO MAKE THE MOST EVIL FEEL" Clara yelled and she was right. Pan began feeling again. "AHHH" he began pulling his hair out and he began getting nose bleeds.

"THIS ISNT FAIR" Rhonda screamed.

Clara by now felt a tingling sensation in her throat. She began coughing again.

"DONT YOU SEE? IF PEOPLE DO CARE ABOUT YOU THEN THIS ISNT YOU" Clara yelled. Tears began streaming from her eyes to her cheeks. She began coughing again, almost losing her breath.

"Let's leave" Rhonda's brother said. In a second they all vanished into thin air.

"C-CLAAAHHHH" Pan continued screaming, piercing everyone's ears. "GET OUT OF ME GET OUT!" He is regaining his memories, the good memories with Clara. Laughing, hugging, dancing, all. His eyes began shifting from pitch black to normal, back and forth. Sweat was drowning his entire body.

"I need you..." Clara said. She noticed his eyes changing. "I NEED YOU!"

"AHHHHH" Pan fell to the floor and began pulling grass from the ground. In a quick second Pan was calm breathing heavily. He raised his head to see Clara sitting on the ground, bleeding from her nose and breathing heavily, with tears covering her face.

"CLARA!" He yelled. He quickly got up and walked over to Clara. He sat on his knees and cupped her face. "I got you Clara!" He smiled.

"I-is it you?" Clara said worried. "Yes" Pan smiled. Pan quickly took Clara into a very tight hug. "P-pan...can't breathe"

"Sorry" he said as he released her from the hug. "Clara, I am sorry" Pan said thoroughly, looking into her eyes deeply.

"W-why are you apologizing? It's not your fault" Clara said.

"I almost killed you; I was so stupid I got tricked"

"It's still not your fault"

"God Clara, I miss this, I miss you" he said.

"I miss you too" Clara said. Pan hugged her again but this time it was gentle and warm. Clara finally felt safe in his arms. Finally. Pan let go off Clara and stood up, helping Clara to stand aswell. He turned around and took a deep breath in. "Finally" he sighed. Pan turned around once more and happily said "Guess the demon in me is now gone am I right?"

"Not exactly, I am right here"


"Clara's not here anymore"

----------To be continued----------

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