Levi x Reader/Kusaki ||| Chos...

By claudiagon13

21.2K 683 69

Hello everyone! I decided to make another Levi fanfiction because the first one was a big hot mess For sure... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Pleas read!
Chapter 20
Halloween Special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
So happy!
Chapter 23
One shot: Family?!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Funny story 1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Funny story 2
Chapter 39
Dear readers
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 32

221 8 1
By claudiagon13

Year 848



"Kusaki, do you mind becoming an instructor for 104th trainee group?" Erwin asks.

Damn, that escalated quickly. I was sent to Erwin's office, for what I thought was an important thing.

"Sure" I hesitate.

"Look, I know you think it's weird and totally out of your skills but I thought you can try to be one this year and see how you like it" he thinks.

I shrug "I'm totally fine with it"

"Great, you start tomorrow!"


I was beside Shadis as we were passing rows of teens wanting to join either the corps, garrison, or the MP.

Luckily, we passed some kids because if they had a face of being traumatized or being serious about this, there is no point to be screaming at there face.

Shadis screamed loudly. My ears probably popped by now because of him. He would scream at the weak ones and they would be scared out of there wits.

"Who the hell are you!?" Shadis shouted

A blonde boy with bright blue eyes saluted quickly "Armin Arlelt, from Shiganshina District!"

This boy looked so familiar. I swear I have short term memory loss. I looked at him again and I don't think he recognized me because he was to busy scared shit of Shadis.

"What an ridiculous name! Did your parents name you that?!"

The boy took a quick glance at me. Right there, he made a face as if it snapped into him, he realized something.

"My grandfather did, sir!"

"Te-Tell my grandson that I loved him as my own and to keep believing in what he believes..." The voice flashed in my head. That was his grandfather!?

I forgot to tell him! I look down with guilt

"Arlelt! Why are you here?!"

"To help humanity achieve victory!" He shouts back

"That's wonderful to know! We can use you as bait!" Shadis shouts and grabs his head "Third row! Face the other way!"

I sigh and tap Shadis on the shoulder "Sir, I think I'm leaving for lunch" I say

He looks at me and stammers "Of- Of course, Captain Kusaki"

I nod and turn around to walk away as people stared at me oddly. They new that it was weird how he gave me quick respect.

As I was walking away, I pass a boy. The boy. Eren Yëger. I don't think he was focused because everyone was staring at Shadis because he was staring at a girl.

Damn Shadis, always being so rude

//////NEXT DAY//////

"Soldiers! Line up! Today for your first lesson, you'll learn how well your aptitude is!" He commands, walking along the row of soldiers.

"Each of you will be out in a maneuver training machine, we will see if you are balanced or not. If your not...." I look at them "I guess you won't be part of any type of group that you want to be in and if your good.... Congratulations" I say also walking by them.

"Finals are tomorrow so you better be good by today" I say, hearing everyone groan and moan "I know it a pain in the ass but that's what it means to be a true soldier, learn quick"

"Each line get into your station!" Shadis shouts.

There was about 10 of them and we had each cadet on the course for at least 5-7 minutes.

I would have to watch over them to see if they were doing fine. So far, so good. Everyone was doing a pretty good job.

"I know I can do this!" I hear a boys voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Eren. I still haven't talked to him or anything. I don't even know if he remembers me.

"Next!" The guy said waiting for Eren. I watched them to see how he would do. Eren walked to him with a lot of confidence.

The man buckled him to Eren's belt. Eren smiled with victorious face "Just watch!" He shouted

The guy pulled the crank up and Eren was getting lifted up. I was watching him as he was hovering from the ground.

His face was excited and happy to know he is levitating it and then....


His face was eating the dirt. He had the most disappointed face.

"Shit" I say under my breath "Get him down" I say bending down to get him. The guy pulled him down and Eren softly landed on the ground.

A girl with short black hair came running to him "Eren!" She shouted. I looked at her and remembered her too "Hey.... Your that girl" I whisper to her.

She looks at me with shock "You saved us.... You helped us with those titans" she says.

I smiled "Yeah.... I'm glad to see you here.... In a way" I say grabbing Eren.

Eren was a little unconscious, me and Mikasa wrapped his arms around our necks to carry him to the nurse area.

"I can't believe, your that girl.... The girl on the day I saw you. I never really knew who you were" I said laying Eren down on the bed.

He had a big bump on his forehead and scraps across his face "Yes, I'm glad to have seen you again. I saw you yesterday but I didn't really know if it was you" she said softly.

"Wow, I'm glad to know you chose this path... What do you wanna get in Garrison or MPs?" I ask

She looks down, looking hesitate "I-..... I really don't know.... To be honest, I'm here because Eren is here"

"Your his girlfriend?" I ask

"N-No..." She blushed

"Then what are you to him.... If you don't mind me asking...?"

"Well, I'm his adoptive sister.... We grew up together" she says

Wow, kinda like me and Levi. Now I get where she's coming from "Not to be nosey or anything but what's your story.... Now that I keep seeing you, I think I should know some details" I say, patting Eren's scrapes with a cloth that had alcohol.

"It's kinda a long try but I'll try to summarize it. When I was younger, my parents died and I was kidnapped. Eren found me and saved me. This one man caught us and I had this feeling of saving him....

"I had too so I killed the guy. We were going to be charged with murder..." She smiled and looked at Eren "Can you imagine, 9 years olds getting charged with murder?" She chuckled

"Then we grew up from there. When you killed that titan.... I was relieved.... My hate just went up again.... But then you appeared..."

"Who was that woman?" I ask

"My adoptive mother...."

"The man that carried you, was that your father?"

"No, my father left and never came back. I'm clueless about where he is"

I look down "I'm sorry for that..."

Eren was already waking up by then

"Mikasa, right?"

She looks at me and nods. Taking Eren from the bed "Do you need help?" I ask "Where is his bed?"

"Oh I have him... Thank you, Kusaki.... For everything"

I wave at her and smile "Thank you" I whisper.

She slowly walk beside Eren. Taking him to his bed. She reminded me so much of Levi. It was weird.

But the girl also showed me true love for him

For Eren

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