From My Enemy To My Love (boy...

By vixxonelkrhoh

741K 35.2K 20.3K

* I thought it might be time for me to pull away now that he was calm, but Vincent surprised me. His long ar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Author's Note
Author's Note 2
Sequel is available now

Chapter 46

8.8K 445 191
By vixxonelkrhoh

A/N: This chapter contains mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Chet Watakeekul

"You don't have more people you want to invite?" I asked him. "There will only be 5 of us tonight. It's your birthday party. Shouldn't there be more? Don't you have more friends from highschool or from your college classes? You talk to people don't you?"

"I talk to people," Vincent said. I watched him from the bathroom doorway as he washed his face. "That doesn't mean they are my friends. They are somewhere between acquaintances and friends. It's fine Chet. I really don't want more people. You and Alex, Mateo and Gareth are really all I want at my birthday party." Mateo and Gareth weren't even his friends, but since they were mine and Alex's they had been invited too. It would have been last minute as his birthday was today, but we could have invited more people to come that night if he wanted. I didn't want to push him though if he didn't want it and it seemed like he was fine with just the 5 of us. It seemed weird to me to not have a lot of people over to celebrate, but it was his birthday.

There wasn't any plans for a family birthday party. That also seemed weird to me.

After he washed his face, he began to put on the shaving cream.

"Do you want me to shave you?" I asked.

His hands froze on his face. "You said that would lead to other things. Don't you want to get to school?"

I stepped into the bathroom. He backed up slightly from the sink so I could stand between it and him. "I can skip my morning exercise and just get to class," I said.

He nodded. I was more confident this time. I brought the razor over him in slow careful strokes. A little more of his jaw was revealed each time. My fingers grazed over his smooth skin. I could feel his eyes on me, but didn't look up at them. There would be fire and lust in his eyes and I was already feeling that myself. It would only stoke my own desire if I saw his. I shaved carefully around his lips. I grazed his lips with my fingers. The desire to kiss him was fierce, but I hadn't finished shaving him. I forced my eyes away from his lips as I continued to shave him. My fingers traced each spot after I shaved it.

When I was through, I put his aftershave on my hands and began to work it into his skin. His jawline was defined, strong underneath my fingers. The muscles under the skin moved. I swallowed. I was becoming hard. Interesting how just touching him like this could turn me on so much.

When I finished, I finally looked up into his eyes. As soon as I did, he crashed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist crushing me to him. His tongue traced my lips, darted inside my mouth, explored, danced with own tongue. I knew I wasn't the only one who was hard because he was poking me. I broke away from his lips so I could kiss along his jaw. I kissed all the way along until I reached his ear. I took his earlobe in my mouth and bit it gently. He moaned into my hair.

His hands trailed to the front of my pants and undid the button as I continued to lick his earlobe. He unzipped my pants and began to tug them down.

"Wait," I said.

"You said we could do other things after you shaved me," he said against my ear, "and it is my birthday."

That made me smile. "I'm not saying no. I'm saying I don't want to get anything on these pants so let's get in the shower."

"Oh." He pulled back just enough so he could look into my eyes with a smile on his lips.


We quickly undressed as we continued to kiss. I followed him into the shower. The hot water flowed over us as we rubbed against each other. His lips broke away from mine to kiss down my neck. My hands ran along his wet back, curved down over his butt and squeezed as I smashed him against me. He groaned into my neck.

I kissed his collarbone as his fingers ran along my hip bones. My hands went up along his back, over his shoulders, down his chest and stomach and lower. He shifted and moaned as my hands lingered over him, as they moved and explored. His breathing was heavy against my ear.

His hands ran over me in a similar fashion as mine ran over him. His lips found mine again. His tongue roamed my mouth and tongue and lips. I moaned as his hand wrapped around my hard on and began to stroke.

I encased his hard on with my hand and began to pump him as he did me. My mouth touched the crook of his mouth and I licked as we continued our movements. We moaned, we panted heavily as we jerked each other off, as the water ran over both of us. He climaxed a moment before I did.


"Happy birthday," I whispered against his lips and kissed him. We washed and got out of the shower. We dried off and got dressed. I watched him as he dried his hair and then took almost a half hour just to make sure his hair looked perfect.

"Who are you trying to impress?" I asked. "You already have me."

He smiled at that. "I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm just trying to look my best so I can feel good in my own skin."

"You're handsome no matter what you do," I said.

"Well, I can't just go out with my hair a mess looking like I just got up after a great night of sex," he said. His eyes flitted briefly to me and he smirked before turning his attention back to his reflection in the mirror.

I almost said, ' sure you can' but then decided I didn't want anyone else to see him with messy hair like that but me so I didn't say anything. I did have a tendency to touch his hair a lot during sex contributing to that messier look.

We finally left for school. There was no time to stop for breakfast, but I was okay with that. He dropped me off in front of my building and I made it to class just in time. That probably meant Vincent was late as he still had to find a parking spot.

That night for the party, I ordered pizzas and Alex brought the cake. Alex had assured me he knew exactly what kind of cake was Vincent's favorite so I let him handle it. It was an ice cream cake. Mint chocolate chip. My favorite and Vincent's favorite ended up being the same. Mateo and Gareth both gave strange looks to the bed in the living room, but neither of them said anything about it.

The five of us sat around Vincent's little round table and ate pizza and the ice cream cake. I was happy to see that Vincent and my friends got along so well.

After dinner, presents were brought out. Mateo went first and gave Vincent a birthday card that had a gift card in it to the Japanese place by the university. It was a strange coincidence because I never told Mateo that was the exact gift Vincent had given me for my birthday. Well, that and my first experience giving him a handjob in his bathroom. My friends didn't need to know that.

I about died when Vincent opened the present Gareth got him. Lube.

"What are you doing?" Mateo asked Gareth harshly.

"What?" Gareth asked. "I don't know him well enough to know what he wants, except we already know they are having sex. I thought about getting them condoms, but I don't know their sizes. So this is the next best thing."

Mateo shook his head. "You are so embarrassing."

"What he appreciates it. Don't you?"

Vincent looked at me clearly questioning how he was supposed to handle receiving this gift.

I took it and slid it underneath the table so we wouldn't have to keep looking at it. I was sure we would use it at some point though.

"Just wait," I said to Gareth, "when you get married, I'm going to get you the most embarrassing wedding present."

Gareth smirked. "Then I'll get you an even more embarrassing one for your wedding. Don't think I'm afraid of embarrassment, Chet."

I rolled my eyes and groaned because he was right. Gareth didn't get embarrassed about things normal people would.

"He secretly likes it, don't you Vincent," Gareth said. "And he liked it when I mentioned the wedding. Don't think I missed that little smile."

"Gareth," Mateo pleaded. "They haven't been dating that long. Don't bring up marriage yet. Does everything you do have to be embarrassing?"

Gareth shrugged and smirked. "I'm not embarrassed though."

"When you get a girlfriend," Mateo said, "we'll figure out something that will embarrass you."

"You seem to forget I have more experience than both of you," Gareth said. "You are both on your first boyfriends. I had three girlfriends in highschool."

"You were dating three girls at once?" Alex asked aghast.

The three of us laughed. "No," Gareth said. "Just during the span of highschool I dated three different girls. Not at the same time. I'm not a bad guy."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," I said.

"Shut up," Gareth said. "I'm not a bad guy. I'm a great guy."

"Well," Alex said, "here is my present." He pushed a wrapped box across the table to Vincent. Vincent unwrapped it revealing 2 new game controllers.

"Why do I get the feeling this is more for you so you can come over with Mateo for double dates and we can all play video games?" Vincent asked Alex.

Alex blushed. "Don't you think it would be fun?"

"Of course it would, babe," Mateo said.

"I guess the fifth wheel is left out again," Vincent teased Gareth.

"Looks like it," Gareth sighed dramatically. "That's okay. I'm getting used to it."

"Oh." Alex looked horrified. "I didn't think..."

Gareth laughed. "Don't worry about it. We're messing with you."

"Where's your present?" Mateo asked me.

"The pizza was his present," I said.

Vincent smiled.

"That's hardly a good present," Gareth said.

"He already gave me an additional present," Vincent said with that smile on his face.

"See," Gareth said to Mateo. "It's good I brought the lube. They might need more of it."

"No, seriously," Mateo said. "Can we please stop talking about their love life."

"You mean sex life," Gareth said. "You wouldn't mind talking about it if it was just their love life."

Mateo's forehead dropped to the table. Alex patted him on the back. It was at that moment that Trevon called into Vincent's phone with a video call. Vincent answered. He angled the phone so we all could be seen in the video. I hadn't seen them before, but I could guess which one was Arthur and which one was Trevon. My suspicions were solidified when Arthur spoke and bounced slightly while holding onto Trevon's arm. It caused the phone to bounce a little as that was the arm Arthur was holding.

"They are all there this time," his bright voice said. "Let me guess," he said. "Mateo," he pointed through the screen to Mateo. "And Chet." He pointed to me. Then he looked at Gareth. "Who's the fifth wheel?"

"Arthur!" Trevon scolded, but Gareth laughed.

"I like him," Gareth said.

"See," Arthur said, "he's fine with it."

"I'm Gareth," Gareth said, "I'm their friend." He waved a hand in mine and Mateo's general direction. "I was already used to being the odd man out even before they started dating. I'm cool with it."

"What do you mean?" Mateo said. "You were the only one of us who used to date."

"As I said," Gareth reiterated, "odd man out. I'm also the only one apparently into girls."

Mateo rolled his eyes.

"We are calling to wish you Happy Birthday," Trevon said to Vincent.

"Happy Birthday!!" Arthur called out happily.

"We donated to the charity of Arthur's choice in your name," Trevon said. "That's your birthday present."

"It's a great birthday present," Vincent said.

"Mine was better," Gareth said.

"Gareth," Mateo whispered harshly. "Stop talking."

Gareth didn't even look at him.

"What was your birthday present?" Arthur asked.

Gareth smirked as Mateo whispered to him to keep his mouth shut. "Lube," Gareth said confidently.

Trevon's facial expression changed to shock, but Arthur smiled conspiratorially. "That is a better present," Arthur said. Trevon dropped his forehead into his hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"Okay," he said. "We're going to go before this conversation gets any weirder."

"Why?" Arthur asked. "I think Gareth and I will be great friends."

"Me too," Gareth said.

"Okay, bye," Trevon said to us and hung up before Arthur could protest further.

We led the others to the bedroom where we set up the two additional controllers. We pushed the little coffee table forward so Mateo, Alex and Gareth could sit on the floor directly in front of the couch. Vincent and I sat on the couch.

"Do you want a turn?" Gareth turned to ask us after some time had passed. He smiled when he saw we were cuddled in each other's arms quite content and unwilling to move. He turned his attention back to the game.

When they finally left, we looked around at the mess they had left. Vincent sighed and started to clean up the wrapping paper while I got rid of the pizza boxes.

"I did get you a real present," I said. I went to my bag and took out a little box. I sat on the bed and patted the space next to me. He immediately sat. I handed him the box.

He opened it. Inside was a man's bracelet made of little tiger's eye stones and leather. He paused as if frozen.

"Do you like it?" I asked. I wondered if he remembered I said his eyes reminded me of tiger's eye stones.

He nodded. I smiled. It seemed I had rendered him speechless. I took the bracelet out of the box and showed him the inscription on the underside of the leather band. CW ♥ VK

He took the bracelet from me carefully and swallowed hard. "This is the best present I've ever received," he said quietly. That filled me with such warmth I thought my heart would burst. "My birthday present to you was horrible."

"No it wasn't," I said. "I specifically asked for the gift card, you made me dinner and that night was priceless."

"You mean when I asked you to jerk me off in the bathroom?"

"You say it like it wasn't special," I said. I slid my arms around his waist. "It was special to me."

"Me too," he said. "So is this." He held up the bracelet. "I love you, Chet."

"I love you too."

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