Transmigration as an Unknown...

By saikkuro

284K 12.1K 5.3K

I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 5

13.7K 565 521
By saikkuro

Chapter 5

A week and a half have passed and I'm still confined in my room. I'm currently in a bad mood aside from being confined for too long.

The reason is because what my sister said to me a few days ago.

A few days ago~~

"Rosey!!" My sister greets as she enters my room.

"Hello Aneki! How was your training? I saw you by the window."

"It was good! Were you lonely while I was gone?"

"What? Of course not. You along with Catherine-onee sama and William-onii sama keep on visiting, how could I be lonely?" I laugh.

"Well thats true~." Aneki says as she sits down and starts to peel an apple for me to eat.

She was humming and it was obvious that something good happened.

"Something good happened huh."

Aneki flinched and blushed. She cups her face and made an embarrassed expression.

"Uuuu, is it that obvious?"

"Haha, it certainly is."

"I can't help it, Catherine-sama is so kind." Aneki smiled and continued to hum.

Aneki's words caught me off guard and made me tense. Everyday they visited me and spent their time with me, there wasn't anything that Catherine did to aneki that made any changes though...

My shadow clone also didn't report anything to me whenever Aneki and Catherine are together.

"Ermm? Aneki, what did Catherine-onee sama do?"

"Oh, you see this morning Catherine-sama paid a visit to me."

"Eh?! How come I didn't know!? Why didn't she come inside?!" I exclaimed.


Shoot, my emotions just flew out...

Aneki chuckles from my reaction.

"My~, Rosey is jealous~"

"Ahahaha, Please stop joking Aneki...." I laugh as I feel my sweatdrop.

"You were still sleeping. Of course Catherine-sama also visited cause she needed to hand out William-sama's gift for you, but she left as soon as she handed the gift and after we shared conversation."

"And what did you talk about?"

"Oh, she just kept asking how I was. You see after you collapsed I was really worried but Catherine-sama kept on reassuring me. She is so kind! Unlike the other children, she is so mature and elegant! I'm really in debt to her for being my first friend after being adopted!! I will follow her for the rest of my life!" Aneki says as her eyes sparkles and intertwines her hands together.


Did I hear that right? In debt? Follow her for the rest of her life?



Gahhh!!!!!!! My efforts!! The mana I spent to guard aneki with my shadow clone!!!

Why must my efforts be wasted!?! Damn this stupid error and such!!


"Rosey?! Are you ok?! You look pale all of the sudden!!" Aneki suddenly starts to panic as she sees my sudden change of state.

"Aneki I feel a bit tired. I will take my rest now." I say as I lay down and covered my self with the blanket as I silently sob.


That is the main reason why I'm currently in a bad mood, but at the same time it's because of another person.

"Royse, here open your mouth~" a boy says as he tries to feed me an apple.

"I can do it myself William-onii sama." I pouted to hide my irritated expression.

"But if I don't then you wouldn't eat it. Now say ahhh~"

This damn prince is forceful!! Can't ya let a sick kid eat by his self!?

Seeing that the spoiled prince won't budge, I decided to give in and ate the apple.

He caresses my face and pats my head.

"Good boy~." William smiles fondly.

Usually William's smile is fake but when it comes to me, his smile isn't like his usual fake one.

I have a feeling this is a sort of sign that isn't really good....

"You've been in a bad mood lately. Did something happened?"

"Nothing.." I say as I look away from him.

Unknown to Royse, William showed a hurt look.

"Don't lie Royse. You can tell William-onii chan about it." William says as he sat beside me on the bed and took me in a hug.

Bruhh!! Too close for my liking!!! Ever heard of personal space?!?

I pushed William away lightly and looked down on my lap.

Again unknown to Royse, William looked hurt and felt that it was urgent to eliminate the cause why Royse was being in a bad mood.

"Why isn't Catherine-onee sama here?" I ask as I look back up to William.

I actually know the reason but just asked so that he'll stop pestering me. Aneki and her are currently spending time together at the Emor household. They didn't notify me or anything which also added the reason why I'm in a sour mood.

Well at least my shadow clone is there to monitor them. I'll just need to train after I'm finally allowed to leave my room so I can make even more clones.

"Catherine is spending her time with your sister. Is Royse jealous?" William smiled but this time it was his fake one. I suddenly felt a chill behind my back.

"N-no! I-I just feel lonely...and worried....." I mumble the last part as I look away again.

Again William hugged me but this time tighter which caught me off guard.

"I am here. Forget about Catherine ok? Only mind me." William then kisses my head as he smells my hair.

Ok!! That does it!!!

It's freaking obvious that this spoiled prince doesn't know personal space!!

Just as I was about to lose control, William's butler enters making me halt my movement.

"Your Highness, it is time for you to return back to the palace."

"Already?" William pouts and hopped off my bed.

"Royse, when you feel better. Would it be ok for you to visit and supervise our chefs?"

Oh yea I remember I said I would.

"Yes. As soon as I feel better, I'll come and teach them."

William smiles and bid farewell and left my room.

I flop back down, feeling grateful to the butler. If he didn't disturb us, I may have accidentally hurt the prince.

Somehow I feel like this development is something major though.....





"Lately his highness has been in a good mood." Franz, my butler says.

We were currently heading back to the palace after paying a visit to Royse

"Is that so?" I reply as I continue to stare out the window.

Well indeed ever since meeting the newly adopted children of the Frostenden couple I guess my life has been somewhat interesting.

Royse especially.

After the incident at the tea party, I couldn't help but be intrigued. He doesn't act like his age and the way he reacts whenever the topic is about attributes, it's clear in his expression that he feels unsettled about it.

Plus, that Midnight Terror they call, I have my suspicions that it may be Royse. Although it may be another person from that school, nonetheless, it's quite hard to believe that a child like that seemed to anticipate the whole ambush incident.

And I haven't heard anyone that possesses all three rarest attributes. Not even in that school.

Which all adds up for me to suspect Royse. Not that I mind if he is someone powerful to the point he is a threat.

Well I mean after visiting him everyday, I managed to grasp his attitude.

Mature yet childish, eyes so innocent. It just seems too impossible for him to bring a kingdom to its chaos.

To be honest, when he collapsed, I felt as if my heart stopped.

I guess I'm really attached to him now...

"Oya? His Highness is smiling." Franz says as he smiles at my expression.

"Oh, was I?" I say stunned.

Well indeed in some way, I want to keep Royse to myself.

Thinking about what he said awhile ago did piss me off.

To think he's attached to Catherine.







Days passed and I was finally able to escape my room. I had to catch up with my studies and continue my work.

Good thing dad hired another secretary to help me with the paper works. Andrew was also a big help for always reporting to me through our connected item box a.k.a the delivery skill.

Kinda like a cellphone I guess?

Although I wish that someone else handled in making new products. Well that's impossible since I'm the only one here transmigrated....


Haaaaa. I wish I can talk to someone that's also from the other world.

"Royse-sama, your next schedule is to visit William-sama and supervise the castle's chefs." My new secretary, Mark, reminds me.

"Oh its already that time. Ok, I'll be going Mark-san." I say as I stood up and went outside my new office.

Yes, I now have my own office thank you very much.

I went to my room and the butlers assist me in changing my clothes.

This time it was a long sleeved red colored button up blouse with a black ribbon with lace, tucked in a black slock and then paired with black dress shoes.

It matches my hair and eyes to be honest..

Anyway, I headed towards the castle and boy was I surprised to see how huge it is.

I mean yea castles are supposed to be huge but seeing it with my own eyes, I feel intimidated. Our mansion is already big as it is, then there's this...

I shake off my thoughts and followed the butlers that were escorting me to the kitchen. Prince William was still busy with his studies so he wasn't able to come greet me.

I prefer it that way, even better to prolong his studies so I get to go home early.

Anyway, after arriving in the kitchen, I changed into a cooking attire and started the cooking lessons.

My respects for chefs went higher after these sessions. 3 hours had passed and boy was I tired. As expected, the barrage of questions was nonstop and their continues mistakes were definitely why the lessons took longer. At least I get to earn money from this~ ($ v $  )

I hope the prince is still busy with his studies.

After changing my attire back to my normal one, I asked one of the butlers if the prince was done with his studies.

It seems he still wasn't. I was about to escape when all of a sudden another butler passed a message from the prince that I am to wait for him to finish his studies.

Wait my ass! I wanna leave for pit's sake!!

I need ma rest!!

I just sighed as I decided to venture around the castles.

There were many paintings and many sorts of vases and some sort of sculptures?

Anyway, the place screamed wealth.

Luckily, in the middle of the castle there was a garden, so I decided to head straight there.

The smell of flowers calmed me and I decided to sit under a tree beside a pond. It was probably around 5 since the sky was slowly turning orange.

Nonetheless, I'll just read a book as I wait for the butlers to pick me up to meet the spoiled prince.

I took a book from my item box and just waited for the time to pass.

Suddenly a rustle made me halt from reading.

I decided to check what it was.

A rabbit perhaps?

As I look through the bush, there wasn't anything.



"EeeEeekk!!!" I screamed and look back only to see a boy older than me by a few years.

He looks so cool!!!

He looks similar to William and has a similar blonde platinum hair but has a warmer tint instead. His hair reached almost his shoulder and he has light green eyes like the king.



AAh!!! The second capture target!!! Another death flag!!

Henry Alden! The twin older brother of William!!

Although twins, they had many differences and like any other, one of them is better than the other.

Of course the latter is Henry.

Despite being older, Henry wasn't a prodigy like his younger brother. Of course this led him to feel like a nuisance and didn't like going out in public.

William disliked this personality of Henry.


When he met the heroine who also didn't know him, Henry became interested when the heroine assured him and said kind things to him.

Cliché much, I know...

The villainess for this route is also Catherine but with another one, which is his fiancée who will also appear along with the heroine in the magic school.

Unlike Catherine, his fiancée is soft and girly. She actually felt guilty for being part of the bullying that Catherine suggested to her. In the end, she gives up Henry and wished them happiness.

Of course still the same, Catherine was punished for suggesting the bullying, her engagement annulled and lost sanity.

Although how did the fiancée and Henry meet again?

"You, those eyes.."

"Ah.. I am Royse Frostenden. You must be Henry-onii sama." I bow.

"Yes. Why are you inside our castle?!" Henry asks as he looks at me suspiciously.

"I was invited to supervise the chefs and to spend time with William-onii sama." I smiled.

Henry blushed but immediately returned to his suspicious look.

"I see. Don't cause any trouble."

Henry was about to leave when I spot a book he was holding. It was about war and demons.

I wonder why a child like him reads that. That's quite a serious book and quite disturbing, although I did read that before since it piqued my interest.

It's about the records of the past wars and researches about demons. Well mainly I'm interested in the listed records about brainwashing that was written there.

"So you also read those kinds of books." I accidentally blurted out.

He immediately looks back at me, dumbfounded from what I said.


"Err, yes. I happened to read the same book. It was quite interesting." Shoot, no turning back now...

"Quite weird for a child like you to be reading this."

I am mentally 18! Plus you're the kid!!

"I can say the same to Henry-onii sama." (^ v ^ ╬)

My words stunned him and looks at me in a weird way.

"The researches and information inside the book are really interesting. Especially about the brainwashing."

After mentioning the last part, he suddenly gleamed.

"I thought so too! There're too many questions and suspicions with how it can only be used by demons!"

He suddenly halts upon realizing he just lost his composure and happily voiced his opinions.

I couldn't help but laugh from seeing him embarrassed. This expression was only shown in his route, most of the time he was serious and distant.

Makes me kind of happy that he still in some ways act like his age.

I didn't notice I was smiling at him warmly.

Of course Henry was surprised as he blushes a crimson red as he looks at me.

"Does Henry-onii sama often read those kinds of books?"

"Yes. Although books about agriculture and such are fascinating, I prefer reading history."

"Indeed, books like this are the reason why the kingdom has become as of now. People who did their best and gave their efforts in the past that's written in these books are really amazing."

Henry looks at me seriously.

Did I say something wrong?

"You indeed know your words despite only being recently adopted and having tutors. Rumors about you being a prodigy of sorts are really true."


What you said in the first part is offending as hell...

"Your Highness. It is common knowledge for us to know the history of our kingdom. We do not need luxury to gain knowledge."

I say as I stare at his eyes seriously. This made him guilty with what he said and started to sweat.

"I apologize for my arrogance. I did not mean to offend, I admit I lack consideration to the people." Henry bowed in apology.

I sighed internally, of course he doesn't know. He doesn't leave the castle or attends any social parties unlike William so he isn't really updated.

Although William is spoiled, scheming, and more arrogant, he's able to back up his attitude cause he's smart. He knows what's the best decisions are and properly thinks what the outcomes are, although he wasn't smart back in the tea party...

Well his only flaw is that he became lovesick to the heroine to the point he couldn't think properly.

Henry is also smart and has a smart tongue, but he is willing to sacrifice himself and is really kind and not scheming like his younger brother, but because he only focused on trying to beat his brother and always kept thinking he was useless despite his efforts, he, well became really distant with everyone.

His rival is of course, is William in the game.

But I prefer Henry to be honest. He's an ideal older brother. He just doesn't think of his achievements and worth.

Be positive!!

Although I want to help him have self-confidence, I don't really want to make another change to the story. I've already changed so much. I have a premonition that something bad will happen.

"How about Henry-onii sama venture outside?" It's not like it'll affect me or anything. I guess suggesting it is no problem.

"I take back what I said. For you to suggest such thing, I guess we all have our flaw.." Henry deadpanned.

It took me every ounce of my will power to not hit him right here and now. How can you switch mood so quick?! You and your bro alike!

"If Henry-onii sama wears a disguise, then it will be fine. Plus, people haven't seen Henry-onii sama's face so they wouldn't recognize you, or is it that Henry-onii sama doesn't want to go out?" I smiled to hide my annoyance.

"No. I want to, I want to understand the people better. I wanna know what I need to do for the kingdom, but even if I give my best efforts, I will never be acknowledged by anyone."

This ball of negativity! Lemme kick you away and burn it! 💥💢💢🗯

I forcefully cupped Henry's face and made him face me below.

"There is one person who acknowledges his Highness and that is me! I know that Henry-onii sama studies hard, just seeing him read that book is enough for me to know how much efforts he makes! That's why get rid of this negativity at once and have more confidence with your abilities!!!" I scolded.



Now I've done it....

I let go of him and slowly did a dogeza.

"Please forgive this lowly noble for letting his emotions get ahead of himself...."

I wanted to beat some sense to him but I went overboard. If someone were to witness what I did, maybe I'd be taken to the council.

Haha..A 5 years old scolding the prince.....

I was surprised to hear laughter coming out from him.

I raise my head up and saw him smiling at me, looking refreshed as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"Please, it is not necessary for you to bow yourself to the ground. Please stand, you will dirty yourself." Henry smiled and offered his hands.

I accepted his hands and slowly stood back up and diverted my gaze away from him as my sweatdrop.

"To think someone assured and scolded me at the same time. Then please guide me when I venture outside the castle." Henry smiled again.

"Eh?! But wouldn't it be better if Henry-onii sama asks for someone stronger and older?"

"You suggested the idea. You also said no one will recognize me so you being with me is enough." Henry smiles at me as if saying I wasn't allowed to decline any further.

I take back what I said. These damn twins are the same!!!

So much for only planning to suggest the idea and leave him be!

I dug my own grave didn't I.....

I agreed and just sat back down below the tree. Henry then sat beside me as well and asked what book I was reading.

Well at least he shows his true emotions to me, unlike his younger brother who I can't seem to understand what he's thinking.

It seems I enjoyed my time with him a bit more than I anticipated since the sky was already purple.

Just then as Henry offered to escort me back inside, William appeared.

He was panting as if he just ran a marathon. William walks near to us and then patted my head.

"Sorry my studies took longer than I expected, you must have been bored." William says, not minding the other person besides me.

"Not really. Henry-onii sama and I had fun!" I chimed.

William smiled his usual cold and fake one to Henry. Tension immediately rose up from the atmosphere.

I just felt my sweatdrop.

Just what is with this scenario?!? How'd it come to this?!?

"Thanks for being with Royse, Henry. But I think its time for me to rightfully spend my time with Royse."

"Not at all William. I'm more than happy to spend time with Royse-kun. I'll be taking my leave then."

With that, we watch as Henry leave us.

William turns to me and takes my hand.

"It's already dark. It may be dangerous for you to go home, how about staying here for tonight?"

"Eh? Its fine Wiliiam-onii sama, I'll just be a bother."

Heck I don't want to stay here any longer!!

"Don't worry, your safety is much more important. My parents are actually fond of you." William smiles.

Now I can't reject!

I gave in and just nod and said ok.

William gleamed and dragged me back inside so we can finally spend our time together.

I should have escaped when I had the chance...

We spent our time together inside his room. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to understand what this kid is thinking.

One moment he's happy, the second he suddenly reverts back to his cold demeanor.

Really! Make up your mind bruh!

Anyway, time passed and it was finally dinner. The chefs I thought this afternoon were surprised that I was staying the night, so they decided to cook their very best to show the fruits of their efforts to me.

The royal family enjoyed their dinner and kept showering me with praises.

I could only blush and fidget nervously. I can't really handle compliments...

Anyway, when the desserts arrived, everyone gleamed.

It seems William kept on telling them about the desserts I made and thought that it was a heavenly food that descended from above.

Please, you're expecting too much....

Time skip nothing much happened. Everyone was clingy to me, asking what I like, my hobbies, my dislikes.

Is this an interview?! What's with the barrage of questions?!?!

It was almost bedtime and William offered me to sleep in his room.

I declined and was glad that his parents managed to persuade him and stop him from throwing a fit.

I didn't have any privacy for today! Please just tonight lemme get some!!

I finally took my bath, butlers assisted me with my clothes. After that, I flopped down the huge ass bed and immediately drifted off to lala land.


Nothing much happened except for meeting another capture target but hope you enjoyed it~

Character for this chapter~

Author - Dono

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