From My Enemy To My Love (boy...

By vixxonelkrhoh

756K 35.6K 20.3K

* I thought it might be time for me to pull away now that he was calm, but Vincent surprised me. His long ar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Author's Note
Author's Note 2
Sequel is available now

Chapter 39

10.4K 523 514
By vixxonelkrhoh

A/N: This chapter contains mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Vincent Kinsington

I slowly blinked my eyes open. There was a faint light from the kitchen. Chet was still asleep, his breathing deep, his face relaxed. He was on his back with his head tilted slightly towards me. The covers rested at his stomach leaving his chest bare.

It was rare for me to wake up before him. Had I ever woken up before him? He must have been really tired. I reached across him and picked up his phone from the end table on his side of the bed. His alarm was about to ring. I turned it off instead. Last night must have worn him out. I didn't want to wake him. I placed the phone quietly back on the end table.

I settled beside him and placed my hand over his chest. His heartbeat was steady underneath my palm. I had thought Chet filled every space in my heart already, but after last night, I realized he had filled even more. It wasn't fathomable how much of me he could still fill. I couldn't believe he was mine.

His flesh was warm. His muscles were beautiful and defined. I moved my hand down slightly and traced the grooves of his six pack. I hadn't expected him to be so toned but I probably should have. He was an athlete after all. His thighs were exquisite. I wasn't sure why I thought the rest of him wouldn't be.

I scooted down a little on the bed so I could place my chin on his shoulder. My arm stretched across his chest and stomach. My hand settled near his opposite bare hip. His breathing was deep and steady. It was rhythmic like a lullaby.

I didn't mean to fall asleep in that position, but the next time my eyes opened the sunlight from the dawn streamed through the sides of my closed blinds. I sat up and looked at Chet. He was in the same position. Maybe I shouldn't have let him sleep. Maybe he was going to be angry with me.

He shifted and his deep brown eyes opened. He smiled when he saw me sitting beside him. His hand rested on my lower back. "Good morning," he said.

"I turned off your alarm and I think we've slept in," I said.

His expression remained pleasant as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his chest. His fingers ran through my hair.

"Good," he said. His breath tickled my hair. "Sleeping in is okay every once in awhile. Vince."


"I love you." His arms tightened around me.

"I love you too," I said and meant it with my entire being.

His phone rang. I had never hated a phone before, but I hated his now. I had dreaded phone calls from certain people, but had never actually hated a phone.

Chet's arm left me as he reached for his phone. I pulled back slightly so I could look at his face as he answered it.

"Hello," Chet said into the phone.

"Why is Gareth telling me I need to call you first thing in the morning?" Mateo's muted voice asked.

Jealousy swarmed through me. Chet did make me a better person, but he didn't make me perfect. I couldn't help it. It was petty of me. I was the one who had Chet. I was the one he wanted. Mateo was just a friend - had been a friend many years before I came into the picture, and yet at that moment, I wanted all of Chet's attention.

"I don't know," Chet said into the phone. "Gareth is weird."

I readjusted myself so my naked body hovered directly over Chet's. His eyes met mine and his breathing changed. Lust and want filled his eyes. I smiled knowing I had already won. I kissed him passionately not caring if Mateo heard. Actually, I wanted him to hear that Chet was mine.

"Where are you right now?" Mateo's muted voice asked.

Chet didn't answer him. He was too busy rolling his tongue with mine.

"Chet?" Mateo asked.

"Say goodbye," I murmured against Chet's lips.

"Was that Vincent's voice?" Mateo asked in disbelief.

I kissed Chet's neck. My lips lingered on his skin as my tongue darted out to lick him.

"Goodbye, Matty," Chet said breathlessly.

"Wait," Mateo said. "What?"

"Hang up," I said against the crook of Chet's neck. I kissed the spot.

"Hang up," Chet repeated my words in a daze.

I didn't look up to see if he obeyed. Instead I sucked on that spot by his collarbone. He moved underneath me as he tried to place his phone back on the end table, but it slipped and ended up on the floor. He didn't seem to care as one hand grasped my back and the other clutched my hair. His legs shifted on either side of my hips. My groin began to stir with his movements.

Chet brought my head up so I was looking directly into his eyes. "Get another condom," he demanded.


I really hadn't meant to start something. My jealousy had just taken over for a moment. But now, as I stared down into his handsome eyes my jealousy dissipated. Now I wanted him only because I loved him. I retrieved the condoms and lube, but hesitated as I looked down at him. I wondered if now was the time for me to suggest I bottom. Would he even like that?

The moment was lost as he reached up and pulled my face back down to his. He kissed me with his soft lips and hot tongue and I forgot everything else. I hovered over him again. One hand ran down his chest, down the muscles of his stomach until I reached his hard on. I ran my fingers over him as we continued to kiss. I reached down further between his legs, but hesitated. I pulled away slightly wondering if he was sore from last night and if we should really continue. I didn't want to hurt him. Especially since he had an important game tomorrow and practice today.

He nodded slightly to the lube. I put some on my fingers and kissed him again. My fingers went down. I carefully inserted the first one. His hands curled tightly in my hair. When he loosened around the first finger and seemed fine with it, I inserted the second one. I sucked on that spot by his collarbone and a musical moan left his lips. I would be lying if I said I didn't like fingering him. When I thought he was ready, I inserted the third one.

My lips left his collarbone and trailed down his chest until I reached his nipple. I took it into my mouth, swirled my tongue along it. He moaned.

"Condom," he said.

I sat up on my knees between Chet's legs. I paused to look at his naked glory. He was handsome and strong and beautiful and more than I deserved, but he loved me.

"Hurry," he urged me. Before last night, I thought he would be the embarrassed one to be naked, but it turned out that had been me. I prepared the lube and got the condom. I rolled it over my hard on. It went easier than last night because I had done it once before and I wasn't as nervous. He watched me with an expression as if thoroughly enjoying the show.

Once I was ready, I hovered over him and kissed him again. His arms wrapped around my back. One of his hands stayed on my back, the other trailed down to the curve of my butt and squeezed. It surprised me, but in a good way. I liked it.

I pressed my hard on against him and waited at the entrance in case he gave any indication it might hurt like he had the previous night. He only kissed me harder. I pushed in slowly. Being one with him was the greatest thing I had ever experienced. Like last night, he seemed to melt underneath me. Another moan escaped him as I began to shift in and out.

This was ecstacy. His heat enfolded me. My hand wrapped around his hard on and began to stroke him in time to my moving in and out. His eyes closed in rapture. His strong thighs encased me. He released with a breath a moment before I did. I rolled off him and discarded the condom and the tissues we used to clean ourselves. I crawled back into bed and hugged him tightly.


We stayed there in silence, holding each other as the light streamed through the blinds. I didn't want to leave that bed. I didn't want to face the day, but we had to. "I guess Mateo probably knows about us now," I said.

"Why? Oh. Yeah."

"We should probably tell Alex and Mateo today."

"Okay," Chet agreed.

"I'll contact Alex and tell him to meet me for lunch you do the same for Mateo."

"Does that mean we're not having lunch together?" He didn't seem to like that idea.

"It's not like we won't see each other later. You'll be coming over to spend the night," I said.

"That's true," he said. We stayed there in silence for a few moments longer before Chet said, "We should get up and get ready."

I really didn't want to, but he was right. As much as I wanted to stay in my apartment with just Chet, life wouldn't let us get away with that for too long.


Right before the phone call

"I hate it when Gareth sounds like he knows something I don't," I said to Alex. We were in his room. We were both dressed and almost ready to walk out the door, but Gareth's smug attitude when he called me late last night was bothering me. "No matter how much I think about, I can't understand why he would tell me to call Chet first thing in the morning."

"So call Chet and find out," Alex said.

"But then Gareth will know he got to me and won."

Alex sighed exasperated with me. He took my phone out of my hands and hit to call Chet. I already had his contact open. He handed the phone back to me.

I held the phone up to my ear. Alex leaned in close so he would be able to hear the phone conversation too. I tilted the phone slightly so it would be easier for him.

"Hello," Chet's voice said. He sounded more tired than he usually did at this time of day. He was usually already running at the track by now.

"Why is Gareth telling me I need to call you first thing in the morning?" I asked.

"I don't know," Chet said. "Gareth is weird."

That I agreed with.

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

Chet didn't answer. There was a weird noise from the other end. Alex pulled away surprised like he recognized the noise. But it couldn't be like what it sounded like because this was Chet we were talking about and it just couldn't be. It had to be something else.

"Chet?" I asked.

Alex leaned in close again to listen.

"Say goodbye," a new voice said. Alex gasped quietly and brought both of his hands to cover his mouth, but it just couldn't be.

Except... "Was that Vincent's voice?" I wasn't sure who I was asking, Chet or Alex or anyone. Anyone to tell me it wasn't.

"Goodbye, Matty," Chet said breathlessly.

"Wait...What?" Because this could not be happening.

"Hang up," Vincent's unmistakable voice said.

"Hang up," Chet said in a tone that I had never heard before and honestly made me uncomfortable.

Alex stared at me wide eyed with his hands still covering his mouth. There was a pause from the other end of the phone and then a thump.

"Get another condom," Chet said.

This was not happening.

Alex grabbed the phone out of my weak hands, hung up and flung the phone onto his bed as if it was on fire.

"What was that?" I asked. Red anger rose from my stomach to my chest as the phone conversation replayed in my head.

"I don't know," Alex said.

"How...? What...?" Nothing made sense. "How can you not know?" My voice rose in anger. "He's your friend."

Alex stood to his full height and looked down at me. "How could you not know? Chet's your friend." His voice didn't get louder, but it did get stronger.

I took his hand. "I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's just...Vincent tried to break us up. He was horrible to me. How can he and Chet be together? What if he treats Chet the way he treated me?"

"He won't," Alex said as if it were that easy. It wasn't.

I let go of his hand and walked to the opposite side of his bedroom. I stared out his bedroom window. There was a robin in the tree branch right outside his window. "I can't trust him. He doesn't have a good track record with me."

"I already told you he has a crush on Chet and Chet has a crush on him," Alex said as he came up behind me. He brought his arms around me from behind. I hated that I was so short. I hated that my looks were subpar and Alex was beautiful. I hated that I didn't deserve this perfect man behind me. I needed to be better than I was. I couldn't let Alex find out how inferior I was to him.

"I didn't want to believe you," I said quietly. "Why would they keep it from us?" I pulled out of his grasp and turned to look at him.

"Vincent would need to keep it secret."

"Why? If he likes Chet enough that they are...then why would he have to keep it a secret?"

"His family isn't like yours, Mat. I know it was hard to come out to your family because you didn't know how they would react but there is no doubt how Vincent's family will react. They will kick him out. They will disown him. They have made it very clear since we were in the third grade if he turned out like me there would be repercussions. He must like Chet a lot to risk this."

"How can they be having sex before us? We were dating longer."

Alex smiled kindly at me. He reached out and took my hand. He stepped close to me. "Don't compare our relationship to others," he said quietly. "We don't have to go at the same pace as them. This between us is special."

I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his neck. "I love you, babe."

"I love you too."

I wasn't ready to give Vincent a complete pass on dating my best friend, but I would wait to speak to Chet.

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