Levi x Reader/Kusaki ||| Chos...

By claudiagon13

21.2K 683 69

Hello everyone! I decided to make another Levi fanfiction because the first one was a big hot mess For sure... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Pleas read!
Chapter 20
Halloween Special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
So happy!
Chapter 23
One shot: Family?!
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Funny story 1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Funny story 2
Chapter 39
Dear readers
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 25

284 12 4
By claudiagon13

I was swinging building to building trying to find Lealys body. Her head, arm, or leg. I know that something was left behind.

I can probably find some proof of that fucking titan. I angrily go faster and I pass a body. Shit. I turn around and see her hair. Her dark long hair... Was on the ground.

My feet catch to the floor and I go walk to her head. I close the eyes that were wide open. Next to her, a few feet away, I see blonde long hair.

Bending down, I look at it and examine it. It clicked that maybe she was trying to cut him but cut some hair instead.

My maneuver hit up and tried to go higher then ever to see the titan. I finally see a titan who was holding a woman. She was fighting him.

Then I hear a horrifying scream. A scream of a man and a boy. Looking everywhere, trying to find where it was coming from. I then saw a man carrying two kids. One on his shoulder and one he was just carring on his arm.

The man that I saw before was holding a girl in his arms and a boy on his shoulder. The boy was crying his eyes out and screaming at something.

I turned my head and see a titan. A titan with the biggest smile and short blonde hair. By then I ken that was the titans that ate Lealy. The titan also ate someone beloved to the boy.

The titans was already eating someone. The blood gushing everywhere as he was eating the woman.

His mom. His sister. His grandma. His aunt. I didn't know who it was to him but it made me more pissed off, I got my maneuver and shot it straight to the titans forehead.

I flew to his hair and grabbed on it. Luckily, he was near a tall building. I shot my 3DM to the building and shot up in the air.

As I was in the air, I shot my 3DM to the neck of the titan and twisted. Easily, feeling the nip slice off.

The blood was on my arm. My shoulder feeling the pain, as if it was going to pop out. To hell with it. I shot another to the nearest building. I watched as the blood vapored away from my arm.

"Thank you.... Thank you so much" I heard a boys voice, with a crying voice. I turned around and quickly smiled. I sniffled and wiped my nose.

I put my sword back and looked bent down to look him. His eyes were red and wide, brown hair, and green/blue eyes.

"Your welcome" I said softly and shook his hair. The guy that I met before was walking towards us.

I look at the man "Captain, I need to report to the gate. Would you mind bringing these kids to the nearest gate opening" he said with a guilty voice, a sad voice.

I nodded and looked at the boy; with the girl behind him "Sure" I said looking at the boy again "May I ask what your name is?" I ask.

"It's Eren Yëger, ma'am. Y-Your a captain?" He asks. I nod "Yes, I am" I say softly, trying not to sound too so conceded.

The guy salutes and starts getting tears "I know I have disgraced humanity with my cowardness was but let me ashore you that I will try again"

I look at him with confusion but ignore it "Alright, cadet"

He leaves and waved to the others good bye. I start walking to the little girl and the boy follows me.

I can tell that the little boy was still sad about the death of the woman. The way her wiped his tears and looked down as he walked, reminded me of someone.

Then a flash of me was on him. The day I was sent to the orphanage. My eyes get sad and I hold his hand "Don't worry... My parents died too" I say sadly.

"Mine did too...." He says.

Oh, it was probably his mom that died "Where was your father during this?"

"I don't know, he left and this is what happened.... I hope he's ok" he cries.

I can tell he was fucking sad. At the same time he just wanted to kill all of the titans in the world.

The same feeling I got. I look at the little girl "What's your name?"

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman...." She puts her chin in the red scarf she wore.

"She's my adoptive sister" Eren says.

"I'm Kusaki Greyven.... If you ever need me.... Just request me through corps, ok?"

They didn't answer but I gave them slack over what happened. Walking towards the river gates, I see a hug crowd of people and screaming people.

At first I didn't know they were screaming but the thumping got louder. I turned my head and saw an abnormal.

Fuck those things. I swear there weird as shit. I didn't flinch or freak out about the fact that maybe we were going to get squashed.

A fast quick of light hits the titan and it falls to the ground. Making the crowd, somewhat less noisy.

I knew exactly who killed the titan, the speed and hair were to obvious. I can see he was making his way down towards me.

"Children and woman first!" I heard a man scream. Holding back people who were trying to get to the boat.

I push through people again and go to the front. I see some military police holding the people off. They looked like they were gonna fall I to the river.

"I'm Captain Kusaki and I command for these children to be on board" I say softly.

The girl who was there stopped and stared at me. Then it clicked to her "Right away, ma'am" she says moving herself out of the way.

I push the two kids in the boat and right after a little boy with blonde hair run over to them and hugs them. I can tell he was crying, probably thinking they died or something.

The little boy turns to me and bows "Captain Kusaki, I swear I'll be part of corps and be in your squad, got that?" He says softly but demanding.

I smile and nod in his optimistic swear "I'll see you then, Eren Yëger" I salute him and I turn to leave.

I hear an abnormal titan jump by and everyone was freaking out. I quickly so up and nip his neck. Everyone was relaxed and thanked me.

I smiled and thought about the boy. The boy seemed important, something about him made me have this heroic feeling.

Maybe I will see him again.

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