Levi x Reader/Kusaki ||| Chos...

By claudiagon13

21.2K 683 69

Hello everyone! I decided to make another Levi fanfiction because the first one was a big hot mess For sure... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Pleas read!
Chapter 20
Halloween Special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
So happy!
Chapter 23
One shot: Family?!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Funny story 1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Funny story 2
Chapter 39
Dear readers
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 17

435 15 0
By claudiagon13

Hello people, I don't know if you read the manga or not but....

If you haven't then DONT READ!

But if your a person who doesn't give a fuck then keep going. I just wanna say get a tissue.....

Try to enjoy :)


It was morning and we already got on our horses. It was a nice day but the day still made me wanna throw up. This horse kept hoping, making me wanna fall.

We saw 3 smokes shoot up in the air. I looked up feeling this punch in my gut. I've seen titans before and I felt like a little girl who never seen a big scary monster.

"Guys, I think we need to slow down or something.... Or maybe we should go back" I say looking back at Farlan "What? Since when have you been such a little wuss? Come on Kusaki, you've trained for this" Farlan say annoyingly

"I-I just don't have a good feeling" I stammer "No one does" Sayram says heading his horse towards me "Kusaki, it's ok. We will be fine" Levi say softly.

I look back to the skies and try to ignore the feeling. Maybe I was freaking out over something stupid. I'm pretty sure everyone felt the same. I look around at my squad. They all looked so focused "The plan is doing good so far" Levi says

"Yeah, it's a big ass plan but everything is doing good. It seems like this plan has been used for years. Yep, I shoulda known that Erwin was no ordinary guy. He arranged it so perfectly" Farlan replies

"We changed courses 14 times" Isabelle says "Damn, there must've been a lot of titans" I sigh with a little sadness "Fuck, Kusaki we can't slow down if there's a lot of titans. We gotta keep moving" Farlan says

I sigh and keep my eyes everywhere looking for a titan. I look up in the sky again and I see dark clouds. Out of all the fucking days this happens. The day where I most worried. The blue, clear skies were going away.

"What the hell?" Farlan says looking up. Once the dark clouds went over us, it just started raining. Not the little nice rain. The rain the feels like someone hit you with a stick.

The rain was so hard and it was really windy. I couldn't see anything "Kusaki!" I hear Levi voice from a distance. I look back and I notice I'm leaving from the group.

"Don't break formation!" I hear Fagons voice shout. I look around and I bearly see shadows "Kusaki! Isabelle! Farlan! Don't separate!" Levi shouts.

I hear a loud bang. It sounds like a flare gun but I couldn't tell because the rain and it was so dark. I look around trying to fine where the noise came from. Fuck. No sight at all.

"I think I heard a flare gun go off!" I shout trying to see if anyone heard me. I can see Isabelle and Farlan a little. Levi was in bewtween them.

"What the hell do we do know?!" Isabelle asked with her hand over her head. Farlan thought and looked around "We might not be too far from the group! Let's just keep going!" Farlan shouted back

"The way things look, it doesn't seem like the flare guns will be used anymore" Isabelle says looking up

"Your probably right but I heard a loud bang but i don't know if it was thunder...." I reply also looking up

"The sound of the rain makes me feel like titans are all around us. As if they are breathing at us, since we don't have a far vision of the field" Farlan says and then he smiles.

"This isn't looking good. Damn, if Erwin gets eaten up, there is no way we are getting those documents.... Only way to get them, is if we go to the center" Farlan says looing at us

I hear another loud bang "I think there was another round going off" I shout. They all look up and check if there is any sign of the smoke.

"Looks and sounds like it not far.... We can go to him as quickly as we can" Farlan says. We all nod in agreement. Except Levi, he was looking down, thinking.

"I'm going alone.... To the center" Levi shouts. We all snap our head to him "You guys catch up to Fagon.... Besides, who else is going to kill him besides me? I'm not letting a titan get to him first" Levi grits his teeth.

"But! Big bro! Let me go with you! You can't fight alone!" Isabelle cries "Levi, something can happen to you!" I shout at him

His horse slowly walks away and he look at me and Isabelle "Think about it.... Me alone, or Farlan and Sayram" he says looking down.

We both grunt and I turn my horse the other way "With y'all's strength. Your chances of living is higher" he says coldly

Farlan pulls his horse to Levi "Levi! Use your head! The fog will eventually go away!" Farlan says optimistically shouting.

"And what? You think the titans are gonna sit back and relax until then?" He ask sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter! We never know when a titan can come out from the fog! You can't fight alone!" Farlan shouts

"Levi..." I say under my breath

"I don't need shit from you! I can do it! Just back off!" He shouts

Farlan looks down with an angry face "Is that an order, Levi?" Farlan mutters

"An order? What are you saying? You guys are..... I want to-" Levi cuts off because he knows he get too emotional "Kusaki" I hear him say

I look up "Keep your eyes open" he says. Farlan cracks a smile and Isabelle looks at him "You better not get yourself killed" Farlan smiles

"Yah! Come back to us big bro!" Isabelle shouts happily. I still look down in sadness "Come on, Kusaki" Farlan says hitting his horse.

We start going off into the fog and we go as fast as we can to reach Fagon. I hear pounding from the floor "Shit!" I hear Farlan shout

I look up and I see shadows of titans. I see Fagon looking up in horror and I look up. Sayram. His lower body was already in the titans mouth. I see him spitting out blood and pushing the titans teeth.

"Don't move, Sayram! I'll help you!" Fagon shouts. I look around the field and so far I saw 6 titans. I can hear more coming.

"Squad leader! Don't come any closer! Just please get out of here!" Sayram cries "T-Take care of yourself!" He spits out more blood

"See you on the other-"

There. Sayram was gone. Swallowed by the titan. My emotions went blank. My anger went up. I quickly zipped my 3DM to the titan "Kusaki!" I hear Isabelle shout

The titan looks at me as I pass his eyes "You bitch!" I shout with tears in my eyes. I twist around the neck of the titan and go flying up.

Using the energy pushed off from the titans neck, I come down with full speed to nip his neck.

I pant in the energy that I used and look down. I see Farlan down and his leg stuck because the horse was on his left leg.

"Shit" I whisper pulling my maneuver "Farlan! Isabelle! Kusaki!" I hear someone shout. I look and see Levi going full speed towards Farlan.

I also see two titans putting there hand out to grab Farlan. No. I'm not seeing another friend die! I go to the first titans neck and quickly nip it.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" I hear Isabelle shouts going to the other titan. She shot her rope on the neck.

Something clicked and made her fall. She was hanging from the neck. I see her a little unconscious.

No. No. No. This is a dream. I see another titan go towards Farlan and I go and shoot it also so. I grab energy to nip the neck.

I look at Isabelle who was looking at a titan in front of her. The titan slowly got his head towards her "Big-!"


The titan ate her. Squished her in between his teeth and the other ones back. I drop to the ground and my anger just heats up more.

That's it! I'm going to kill every last one of these fucking titan! I don't hear anything after that. I go deaf. I hear mutters of people screaming.

Including Farlan. I hear Fagon saying something. I hear loud poundings. I decide to look up in shock.

I see Fagons body hanging from the titans body. He was gone. One by one everyone was gone.

I see another titan grab Farlan and bring him up to his mouth. Farlan look at me and Levi who was trying to reach up to him and smiled.

He didn't even try to fight. He didn't bother. He smiled and mouthed something. I didn't know what, yet.

Levi looked at me with horror "That it! Kusaki stay by me!" Levi shouts

I stand up and I see 6 other titans. In the distance I see 5 more "I'm not letting you die!" Levi shouts.

I shoot up my maneuver. I ignore him and I kill the titan that was in front of me. I go as fast as I can to show that I'm not afraid of titans. I'm not scared of them. I'm not watching another friend die!

I kill three titans without even blinking. I didn't even notice how fast I killed them. I see something approach me really fast.

I look below me and I see that I was grabbed by a titan. I got pissed. I'm not going to die like Farlan! I'm going to live for them.

I go inside the titans hands and I quickly cut the fingers off. I put my maneuver towards it's head and I jump in the air with the maneuver pulling me up.

I go straight towards it's neck and nip it. Not breathing. Not getting tired. Not blinking. I kill another 3.

I see Levi killing other titans. I see smoke throughout the air. The skies were getting clear. I knee down on the floor and sigh tiredly.

I drop my weapons and start crying. I hear horses running and I still keep my head down.

I finally figured out what he mouthed.

I cried with the thought if it. He didn't say goodbye or good luck....

Instead he said....

"See you on the other side"

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