Exo Reactions/texts & More

By 1dsnipls

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- all the credit goes to the owners, i don't own anything. - reactions, imagines, short series, texts - i l... More

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dating minseok
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dating junmyeon
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3.1K 42 15
By 1dsnipls

Their child asks where babies come from


Minseok watched as his daughter and her friend played and chatted, smiling. He was happy to take his daughter to her weekly playdate with her friend. You would’ve tagged along but unfortunately had to work, leaving Minseok with the responsibility of being the only chaperone. It was going great so far and he found the whole chaperoning thing to be quite the breeze.

That was until his daughter and her friend began to quarrel about something. He didn’t have enough time to figure out what the fight was about before he was faced with two girls that were yelling at him.

“Daddy, babies come from storks, right?” his daughter asked.

“I think babies come from magic,” declared the other little girl.

Minseok watched the way his daughter huffed and put her hands on her hips. “Daddy, where do babies really come from?”

Minseok looked between the two young girls, blinking a few times as he tried to decipher the information that was just given to him. Had they really gotten into a fight about  where babies came from? He thought it was a bit odd that two girls so young where asking such things. It was awkward enough having your daughter ask that question, but it made matters worse that her friend was there too. He was at a loss on what to do or say. “W-why do you want to know something like that?”

“It’s for our dolls, daddy. We got to know where the baby will come from!” his daughter said excitedly, and her friend nodded enthusiastically next to her.

Minseok sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Okay, next time he was definitely not being the only chaperone. “Um, both?” he said lamely, and when the two girls before him looked confused, he went on. “It’s both magic and a stork. The stork carries the baby and uses magic to help guide him to the right parents to deliver the baby.” 

Seemingly happy with the compromise, the two girls went back to playing. Meanwhile, Minseok was dialing your number to ask when you could get off work.


Junmyeon wanted to be the father that was easy for his daughter to talk to. He never wanted her to feel that he was ever too busy to listen to her. He never wanted her to feel like he was unapproachable. So, anything she wanted to talk about he listened to. 

However, when she randomly asked him where babies come from, Junmyeon found that that was one subject he didn’t want to talk about. He looked at her for a moment, processing what she had just asked, then put his face in his hands. He felt awkward, yet he didn’t want to leave her hanging. But how was he supposed to answer a question like that

Junmyeon didn’t remember any of the parenting guides he had read mentioning anything about the sex talk. “What makes you ask that, baby girl?”

She shrugged, seemingly unaware of the awkwardness her father was currently feeling. “A boy at school said that babies come from outer space and that aliens deliver them to their mommies,” she said. “Is that true?”

Junmyeon sighed, wondering why that little boy would talk about that to his daughter. “That’s not true.”

“So aliens don’t come from outer space to shoot people with baby lasers?”

Baby lasers? Junmyeon put his face in his hands again. He’d have to get in contact with that little boy’s parents so they could keep him from filling his daughter’s head with such ridiculousness.


Yixing was currently playing with his daughter, toys and stuffed animals strewn all over the floor. You sat on the couch reading a book while smiling to yourself as you listened to the giggles of your daughter and husband.

“This is Mr. and Mrs. Teddy,” she said, holding up two stuffed animals for Yixing to see.

Yixing smiled. “Nice to meet you,” he said, shaking both Mr. and Mrs. Teddy’s stuffed paws.

“And soon you’ll get to meet their baby,” she told him, excited.

“A baby?” when his daughter nodded, he chuckled. “I can’t wait to meet the little one.”

At that point you started watching the two of them and you saw the way your daughter began to look at the two stuffed animals in her hands curiously like she was thinking. “Daddy, where do babies come from?”

She asked it so innocently, but you and Yixing practically fell over. Why was she wanting to know that? Yixing cleared his throat. “Well, sweetie,” he began, taking Mr. and Mrs. Teddy from her, putting them side by side. “When two people fall in love-”

“Yixing!” you exclaimed, setting aside your book. “You can’t explain that to her!”

“What? I wasn’t going to say anything bad, (y/n),” Yixing said, shrugging. 

You walked over to your daughter and sat down on the floor next to her. “Baby, you don’t need to worry about that right now.” Your daughter looked up at you strangely. 

“So when I fall in love I’ll have a baby?!”

You sighed, shooting your husband a glare.


Baekhyun was on cloud nine. You had just delivered your second child, a healthy baby boy. He had his arm around you as you held your newborn, your four year old son cuddled close. “(Y/s/n), you have a baby brother,” Baekhyun said, smiling softly.

(Y/s/n) giggled. “So that means I’m the big brother?”

Baekhyun nodded, using his free hand to pat his son on the back. “It sure does. And as the big brother, you’ll help take care of him, yeah?” (Y/s/n) nodded.

The next few moments went by blissfully as you all huddled together as a family. Baekhyun was so happy to have this new addition to his sweet, wonderful family. There was nothing that could’ve ruined that moment.

“Mom? Dad? Where do babies come from?” 

Well, he had thought nothing could’ve ruined the moment. Baekhyun stuttered as he tried to find the right words to say, looking at you for help, but you only shrugged. Neither of you had expected your son to ask that question, especially since he was only four years old. “Well, (y/s/n), that’s um, well, um…”

“Does the hospital give them to you?”

“Yes!” Baekhyun exclaimed, glad to take the first way out of that whole conversation. “The hospital gave us your baby brother.”

Baekhyun spent the rest of the evening trying to answer his son’s odd questions about hospitals and babies while you cuddled your newborn son close, laughing to yourself as you watched the two boys.


You and Jongdae’s son was the spitting image of you, but  had the personality of his father. He was hyper, whiny, and did not understand the concept of being discreet about anything. He inherited Jongdae’s loud voice that could be heard from far away.

So when your son decided to suddenly ask where babies came from, it was as if his question had been put on blast, everyone in the restaurant turning to look at the three of you. 

It was an innocent question, and you could tell by the way your son stared at the baby at the other table that the question had been stirring in his mind all night. Just innocent curiosity. Although, that didn’t take away from the mortification you felt as you shushed your son, your cheeks feeling like they had been scorched.

It also didn’t help that your husband found the entire thing hilarious. You glared at him.

“What?” Jongdae asked through chuckles. “You can’t tell me you don’t think this is hilarious, (y/n).”

“Our son just asked where babies come from loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear,”  you said, crossing your arms. “What about that is funny?”

Jongdae shook his head, still laughing. “It’s just so funny that he looks so much like you,” he laughed some more. “And acts so much like me.”

You scoffed. “If you mean he shouts embarrassing things out loud like you, then yes, like father like son.”

Jongdae laughed about the rest of the night, leaving you mortified and your son wondering where babies really came from and why his dad thought it was so funny.


You figured the question would pop up eventually, considering you were six months pregnant and your four rear old son always seemed so intrigued about his future sibling and the fact that he or she was supposedly inside your tummy. 

The night the question was asked was a normal night. You were cleaning up after dinner and Chanyeol and your son sat on the couch watching television. Though, your son didn’t seem interested by what was on the tv. Instead, he was watching you. Chanyeol peered down at him.

“You keep staring at your mom,” he said, chuckling. He could tell that his son was thinking intently, noting the way his little nose was scrunched up in concentration. 

“So my little brother or sister is in mommy’s tummy?” (y/s/n) asked. 

Chanyeol smiled, nodding. “Yep, and in just a few months we’ll get to meet them!” he said excitedly.

“But where did they come from? How did they get in mommy’s tummy?”

Chanyeol looked at his son as if he he’d grown two heads, shocked at the question. Wasn’t he a little too young to be asking questions like that? Chanyeol was not prepared. “Uh…um, uh…”

“Okay boys, enough nonsense,” you said as you came into the living room. “I think it’s bedtime, (y/s/n). How about you go brush your teeth, yeah?” Your son nodded, seemingly uninterested in the previous topic, and got up and skipped to the bathroom. You looked at your husband and started laughing. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, but eventually found himself laughing along with you. 


Sometimes Kyungsoo didn’t understand why certain things happened to him. He’d grown to assume he’d been given some bad luck somewhere along the line and that’s why he found himself between a rock and a hard place more times than not. It was like the universe got a kick out of his displeasure. And Kyungsoo was certain of this whenever his sweet precious daughter’s teacher brought to his attention that his little girl had been asking some concerning questions

What had she been asking? She’d been pestering your teacher after class about where babies came from and finally her teacher sought out Kyungsoo and you, asking for an immediate parent/teacher conference.

Your daughter sat blissfully unaware as Kyungsoo, yourself, and the teacher sat stiffly in your places, feeling engulfed by the awkward tension. The teacher cleared her throat. “So I’ve already brought to your attention why this meeting is so important,” she started. “Your daughter seems very concerned with how babies are made and has been asking me everyday after class, as well as asking other classmates. Now, I’m not blaming your daughter for her curiosity, however I must ask what kind of conversations you hold around her.”

You sighed, shaking your head. “We have no clue where she’s heard of this,” you said. “She came home from school one day and asked us, but we didn’t answer her in hopes she’d forget about it, but obviously she hasn’t.”

The teacher nodded. “Well, if she didn’t hear it from you, then I can only assume she may have heard it from a friend here at school,” she stated, crossing her arms. “She’s not very close with the others in this class. Do you know of anyone closely whose kids go here?”

At that, your daughter perked up, spouting off a name that made Kyungsoo sigh. It was none other than Park Chanyeol’s son, who was in the same grade as his daughter and shared a lunch table with her. He got his phone out and began dialing.

“Who are you calling?” you asked.

“The pain in my side that apparently can’t teach his son manners,” Kyungsoo said, stepping out of the room to give said pain in his side a piece of his mind.


It was the first peaceful moment in a good while. You’d gone into labor twelve hours ago, and had finally given birth to your second little girl. At that moment, you’d finally gotten yourself and your newborn asleep, leaving Jongin with your older daughter. She sat in his lap as the two of them talked quietly.

“She’s so cute, daddy,” she whispered excitedly.

Jongin chuckled. “She is, just liker her mother and big sister,” he tickled her side, making her giggle.

“I’m glad she’s finally here,” she said. “I’m happy she’s not in mommy’s tummy anymore.”

“She’s here and ready for all the love and cuddles,” Jongin said, kissing his daughter’s cheek.

Jongin thought that was the end of that conversation, and had turned towards the doorway when he heard the nurse come in for the routine follow up, but had practically jumped when his daughter continued the conversation by blurting out “how did my baby sister get in mommy’s tummy? Where do babies come from?”.

Jongin looked at his daughter in shock, inwardly wishing you were awake so you could help him out. “That’s a very odd question to ask, sweetie,” he said awkwardly. He could hear the nurse giggling quietly. 

“I wanted to ask mommy but she’s asleep,” his little girl said. 

Jongin sighed and shook his head. “Well, let’s wait a few more years before asking this question again, okay?”


You and Sehun couldn’t help but notice that your son seemed lost in thought the whole day. You noticed when you dropped him off at school and when you picked him up. Sehun noticed it when your son starred at the two of you quizzically when he pecked your lips in greeting when he arrived home. The both of you wondered what could possibly be going through that little mind of his and were going to ask, but luckily your son spoke his mind.

“So, am I going to get a little brother or sister?” your son asked.

You tilted your head in confusion, but smiled. “Maybe someday. Why? Do you want a sibling?” you asked, rubbing your son’s head. You looked over at Sehun to see he was smiling at the two of you.

“Well, I heard dad say that he wanted to make babies with you last night,” your son spoke, innocently unaware of the meaning behind his words. “How do you make babies?”

Sehun began laughing because of the way your son just asked where babies come from while being so clueless to what that meant and because it was the only way he could cover up his embarrassment. He had thought his son was fast asleep. He’d thought he’d been quiet enough when he’d whispered that into your ear the night prior, but apparently hushed tones and closed doors weren’t enough to keep your son’s ears from hearing things they shouldn’t. Sehun scratched the back of his neck. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

Your son looked at Sehun in confusion. “Is it a secret?”

You sighed, patting your son’s head and inwardly cursing your husband. He hadn’t exactly been that quiet and had insisted on making a move on you so quickly after your son had went to bed that in hindsight it wasn’t really a surprise that your son had overheard him. “Yes, sweetie, it’s a secret. I’ll have to teach daddy how to keep secrets better, yeah?”

Sehun laughed at the glare you shot him.

Credits;; Tumblr

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