The Sound Of Music

By SeraTakami

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Taylor Izumi is a delinquent who's about to have his life change for the better. More

The Beginning
Officially joining the School Idol Club
Striking up a deal with the director
Our School Idol Name
Aqours First Concert
Two Girls Feeling, Part 1
Two Girls Feeling, Part 2
The Fallen Angel Yohane, Basketball, Part 1
The Fallen Angel Yohane, Basketball, Part 2
Living With My Teacher
Our School is going to close down?
My Past, Part 1
Redeeming Myself with Aqours
Going to Tokyo, Part 1
Going to Tokyo, Part 2
Going to Tokyo, Part 3
The Third Year Plan
Young Dreamers, Part 1
Young Dreamers, Part 3
Finding the will to play again
Working at the Snack bar
Something Precious
The Bonds I Have With Aqours
It's Time To Fly, Part 1
It's Time to Fly, Part 2
My First Game
The Monster vs. The Hound
Problem with friends
Your Like A Sister to Me
My Past, Part 2
Sunshine!!, Part 1
Sunshine!!, Part 2
Deciding what to do about the festival
The delinquent vs. The Vice student council president
True Friend or True Enemy
Redeeming myself with Riley, Part 1
Redeeming myself with Riley, Part 2
The Next Step, Part 1
The Next Step, Part 2
My Father, Basketball Part 1
Ayana, Basketball Part 2
The Triple Threat Appear
The Monster vs. The Triple Threat
Riley and Keaton
Don't Be So Formal With Me, Part 1
Don't Be So Formal With Me, Part 2
Don't Be So Formal With Me, Part 3
I Would Do Anything For You
Getting Ready For My Final Game
Playing Basketball In Tokyo, Part 1
Playing Basketball In Tokyo, Part 2
Playing Basketball In Tokyo, Part 3
Redeeming Myself As A Brother
Finally Setting Things Right
The Time Left
Awaken The Power
Our Future
Uranohoshi High School
Sea of Light
Graduation Time
A New Beginning
Going to Italy
Old Friends and New Problems
Finally Understanding What I Need To Do
Yasuo Finally Confess His Feeling
Dealing With Mari's Mother
Back Home
The Bonds I've Created
Unexpected News
Our Journey Comes To A End
I Couldn't Ask For Anything More

Young Dreamers, Part 2

84 2 0
By SeraTakami

After school we were in the club room and when I look around I saw Ryuji passing by so I stand up and said "hey hold on before we start" Chika said "huh why" I said "I think we need one more person" I open the door and said "whatever happen do not stand in front of this door, okay" I walk outside and said "hey Ryuji, where are you going" he turn around and said "home why" I said "well Chika got the third years together and we're going to get to the bottom of this" he nod and said "good for you" I said "and I want you here cause I know you might be able to put the room easies" he said "nope this is your fight now, good luck" he started walking away so I said "I really hoping he would come peacefully and I wouldn't have to get hurt" he stop and said "what did you say" I smile and said "alright don't worry about coming to the club room that just mean I'm going to ask Kanan out on a date then take her back to my place" he turn around and I saw the anger pretty much flowing through his body so I back up to the clubroom door and said "well I hope you don't mind" he said "don't you dare mess with my friends" when he got closer I open the clubroom door and when he came in I kick him in the back of the leg and said "alright ladies, now since we got the everybody here we can begin" You said "why is he here" I said "cause he's was part of the school idol group with them" Ryuji said "I'm not saying anything" I smile and said "no worry you don't have too, just shut up and listen" Chika said "alright anyway so Kanan you going to tell us why you quit being a school idol" Kanan said "I've already told you, we couldn't sing and that it" they stare each other down and I said "I heard differently from Ryuji" Kanan look at Ryuji and he said "what I didn't say anything, don't put words in my mouth" Chika said "yea and we already heard that part from Dia" Kanan sigh and said "well can't anyone keep a secret around here" Chika said "so are you going to tell us why you really quit" she didn't say anything which cause Chika drop her head and said "I give up, I don't know what else to do" I kick Ryuji and said "hey why don't you tell them what you told me" Ruby said "is it about this" I nod and said "yea it is" Ryuji just stand there without saying anything so I said "I'll make you a deal you tell the girls the whole story and I'll tell you something that I haven't told anyone" he look at me and said "nice try but I'm loyal to my friends, can you say the same" I said "your asking the wrong one buddy" he said "oh yea, you was so quick to give up what happen in Tokyo without me telling you anything" I said "yea cause I trusted you but I guess we can do this the hard way" I pop my knuckles and he said "you really want to fight here, you'll know what happen if we fight right here" I heard Dia said "you two calm down" Ryuji turn around and said "sorry Dia I was just....." I punch him in the back of the head and said "if this the only way to get one of you to talk then so be it" Ryuji turn around and said "alright fine we can do this" he went to punch me I stood still taking the hit and said "I'm going to show you my loyalty is a lot stronger then your" he said "alright let see how much you can take" he went to punch me again and when he hit me I fell back into the door and Kanan said "enough of this, I'm not telling anything or being a idol again" she storm out of the room after saying that and I heard Ryuji said "well this was pointless" I punch him and said "how can you call yourself a loyal friend when you can't even save her from her past" he said "you ever think she don't want to save" I heard Mari said "what do you mean" he said "I've talk to Kanan about why she disbanded the club and well let just say....." I punch him again and said "no tell them the whole story" he rub his cheek and said "hey Dia can you help me fill them in" Dia nod and said "sure I guess I can" he look at me and said "hey Taylor go catch up with Kanan" I said "alright sure but why" he smile and said "if anyone can snap her out of it, it's you" I sigh and said "alright fine I'll clean up your mess this time but when this is over you owe me something to eat" he smile and said "I'll buy you something at the festival, now go before you lose her" I nod and ran out the door to find Kanan. When I made it to the gates I saw Kanan walking away from school so I said "hey wait up" she stop and when I caught up to her I said "man you walk fast" she said "what do you want" I said "I've already know why you disbanded the club, you did it for Mari right" she nod and I said "you did what you thought was right but have you ever ask Mari how she feels about the whole things" she said "no but if I would she would probably stay here instead of going to another school" I said "hey can you voice a opinion without a voice" she said "I don't know" I smile and said "I always though you couldn't but ever since I met Chika and the rest of Aqours, my look on life have change so let me ask you this one" I grab her hands then look her in her eyes and said "if you could change the past would you" she started to cry a little and said "yes I would, I would change everything" I pull her into a hug and said "well sorry but you can't change the past but you can make up for it but talking to Mari" I let her go and she said "thank you Taylor, I think I know what I have to do now" I smile and said "go then I'm pretty sure their still in the clubroom" she took off running for the school and after she was gone I heard someone said "aw what a touching moment" I sigh and said "what do you want Riley" I turn to face Riley who was sitting on the wall around the school and she said "nothing I just want to see how my favorite person is doing" I said "I'm leaving see you" she said "wait hold on Taylor I got a big favor to ask of you" I said "fine just make it quick" she jump off the wall and said "their a big game coming up and Keaton is down a few members so can......" I said "no not happen, I'm busy with the club" I turn around and she said "come on Taylor you can't keep running from the past, you just got Kanan to face her past why can't you" I said "cause the only thing I can do to redeem myself is for me to kill myself" she said "never mind I'll just find someone else" I nod and said "that might be a safe call" I walk off and went back inside the school.

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