Supernatural BSM DDM; SSM MDM

By RiannaBurgdorf2019

231K 3.4K 396

DDM: -Sam -dean -cas -Gabriel -Bobby -Crowley BSM: -Winchester boys -cas -Gabriel -Crowley Requests are ope... More

Bobby Ddm: He finds you and keeps you as his
Cas Ddm: He hears you sing
Winchester Boys Bsm:
Winchester boys bsm part 2
Gabe DDM: he finds you crying
Ddm Dean: you get hallucinations
DDM Dean: Hallucinations Part 2
DDM Dean: Hallucinations pt 3
Until Thursday
Lucifer DDM: He takes you in
DDM Bobby: You have kids
BSM: They leave for a 3 hours and come back finding you hurt
They leave for 3 hours (part 2)
3 hours (part 3)
3 hours pt 4
3 Hours (Part 5)
3 Hours #6
DDM Crowley: part 1
DDM Crowley: Part 2
DDM Crowley: Part 3
BSM: Winchester Boys (request)
Sam DDM: Not all SPN Are Bad
Sam DDM: part 2
Sam DDM: Part 3
Sam DDM: Part 4
Sam DDM: Part 5
Sam DDM: part 6
Sam and Dean BSM (request)
Bsm 4 Angels 1 Devil
DDM Bobby: Guardian Angel
DDM Benny
DDM Bobby: your raped
MDM 1: Jody Mills Part 1
MDM Part 2: Jody Mills
SSM 1: Charlie
Requests 🤓🤓
BSM Sam and Dean
BSM Dean and Sam
BSM Castiel
BSM Winchester Boys
DDM Dean
BSM: Jack
DDM Dean (request)
DDM SAM (request)
DDM Dean (Requested)
BSM Jensen (Requested)
DDM Sam (Requested)
The Winchester BSM
Cast: Bun In The Oven
DDM Crowley
Winchester Brother BSM/AN
Winchester BSM
SPN/Star Wars BSM
Dean BSM The Nightmare
Winchester Bros. BSM
Castiel DDM
Bobby DDM
Jack BSM
Winchester Brothers
Leverage/ SPN Cast BSM

SSM 2: Jo

1K 26 0
By RiannaBurgdorf2019

Age: 13

Scenerio: You want to help your sister hunt, but she won't let you, so you go alone.

No ones P.O.V:

"No y/n, its to dangerous for someone your age!" Jo yelled as you glared at her.

"You were going at my age." I said back.

"Yeah and look at me as an example of what not to do." She said.

"Why? Mom used to do it, you do it, dad did it." I said.

"Yeah and Dads fucking dead. End of discussion." She yelled as you froze and looked down. Your dads death hurt you harder then any of them because you were closer to him eventhough your the youngest. You just sighed and stomped to your room as Jo looks at you with painful and regretful eyes, but sighes and leaves. You sat on you bed as you heard someone knock.

"Go away Ash." Ash usually helps you she you get into fights with your sister.

"Its not Ash." You heard your mom say. She entered and sat next to you. "You know she just wants you safe." You nodded.

"Thats why I want to go." You whispered as she looked at you confusedly. "I want to know that she will come back. I want to help. Like, I didn't get to with dad." You said as your voice cracked. She held you in a hug as you silently cried into her shirt.

"I know honey, but you just cant. We all want you safe, hell I dont want Jo to go, but she does anyway." You just nodded. "I'm scared all the time that I'm gonna lose her, thats why I quit." You just nodded once again.

"I'm just afraid one day she wont come home." You mom nodded at your sentence.

"Get some rest." She said as you nodded. She got up and left as you looked at your bag that has your hunting things in it. You debated on the pros and cons of going, but you decided to go anyway. You put on a sweatshirt and put your hair into a ponytail. You grabbed your bag and jumped out your window. You knew what she was hunting and where and you were going to help rather if she likes it or not.

Your P.O.V:

I walked to the destination of the vampire nest. I saw Jo walk slowly up the stairs to the front door, then slowly in. That's when I decide I should go through the back door. Half way their I was looking all around me, then continued until I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and went to swing my machete, but I miss as he smirk and punched me. Next thing I saw was all black.

No One's P.O.V:

The vampire dragged you inside the house and up the stairs. He laid you on the bed and watched you as you laid there unconsious. He hid in the shadows as your sister came up the stairs, she checked every room and still found no vampires, she was highly confused but didn't let her guard down that was until she entered the room and saw you on the bed. She looked around the room and saw no one, then she ran to you. She held you in her arms checking for your pulse and sighed relief. She was going to pick you up, but then she heard laughter from behind her. She spun around, the machete in her hands as she saw the vampire come out of the shadows.

Jo's P.O.V:

I stood slowly glaring at the monster in front of me. I stepped in front of my sister protectivly as he stepped closer.

"To think, I thought she was the smart one in the family." He said as I glared harsher.

"She is." I defended and swung my machete, but he sped away to the other side of the room as I still stood in front of Y/n.

"Then why is she here. Unless she has a death wish." He stated bearing his fangs. He sped over and I tried to swing at him, but once again I missed and he pushed me against the wall. I groaned and watched as he climbed on the bed and hovered over her. I ran at him as he went to bite her wrist. I swung and hit his side as he fell. I sighed out of relief when I relized he never bit her. He groaned and hissed at me and stood up. He sped and pushed me against the wall holding my wrist above my head causing me to drop the machete. I shut my eyes as I felt his breathe against my neck. We both froze as we heard a groan from my idiotic sister. We not looked at her as she sat up a bit. I took this chance and kneed him in the balls. He fell on his knees as I went to grab the steel machete, but he stood and trapped me against the cold wall again. He wasted no time and was about to bite down on my neck as I notice a silver color swing by and his head flew off his shoulders. I sighed and slid down the wall breathing harshly looking up at my sister.

"Your an idiot." I said, but smiled and stood up. I pulled her into a hug and held. "Never fucking do this again because I had it and you couldve died." I said.

"No you didnt. But, I'm the reson why you didnt. I'm sorry Jo." She said as she put her face in the crook of my neck.

"Its fine, but your grounded. Now lets go before more come." She nodded as we left and went home.

Your P.O.V:

We walked inside the house as Mom ran to me. She hugged me tightly, then hugged Jo tightly.

"Where the hell did you go?" My mom asked me as I looked down.

"I snuck out to help her." I mumbled as I looked up and saw my mom looking at me dumbfoundedly.

"Your grounded. No your on lock down. Never fucking do this again." She said an dragged me to my room. You see lockdown is worse then getting grounded. She literally takes everything and anything out of the room that would be something to do. You have to sit on your bed and listen to your thoughts. No books, TV, drawing, music, nada. Also, you cant talk to anyone. "Why the hell did you do it Y/n?" She asked harshly grabbing all the things in my room.

"Because I just-" I sighed. "I wanted to know that she was actually going to come home. I'm sorry." I said as a tear rolled down my face. She sighed and left my room shutting my door. I laid down and tried to sleep, but then I heard my door open.

"Is that true?" I heard Jo say as I turned over an looked at her. I nodded as she sighed and came over to my bed. She got under the covers and laid next to me. "Baby, I'm always going to come back. I will make sure of it. Thank you for coming and helping, but what wouldve happened if he hurt you or worse?" I looked down as she hugged me. "I promise I will always come back to you if you promise me you'll never do this again." I nodded.

"I promise." She held me as I soon fell asleep.

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