The Life Of Avah Skye

By QueensEmpire

414K 18.1K 1.6K

Avah Skye Abused, Disowned, Pushed away & Neglected. "In some people you will find a darker soul than most... More

1 . Blood Aint Thicker Than Water.
3 . "Baby Girl"
4 . Back like she never left.
6 . P A I N
7 .
8 .
9 . Nikko's
10 .
11 .
12 . Just Friends
13 .
14 .
15 .
16 . Red
17 . I'm innocent
19 . No Hearts
19 .
20 .
22 .
23 .
25. Early
26 .
28 . Goodnight to Us.
29 .
31 .
33. Graduation day !
34 . An Innocent Life
35. Digging a deeper hole
36 . The Ending For A Start

2 .

18.9K 612 33
By QueensEmpire

A week had passed and i heard not one word from my mother or father, So i layed low. I went to school and came right back home as if they had never left.

It wasnt like i had friends anyway.

   Music played softly on the radio as i sat on my bed looking outside my window, kids were playing curb ball, teens were smoking joints on the porch and Old heads sat on kitchen chairs outside drinking beer. I was always the odd ball out compared to everyone outside right now, never could fit in so i stopped trying when i was 8 years old.

It was hard to fit in when everyone knew your mom was a stripper and dad was beating on us. So it was safer if i stayed by myself.

  i thought of my dad, Simion Ray, from what i know, he had always been a drunk with a little hussle game on the side my dad always either made himself comfrontable here at home or left to get comfrontable somewhere else, he never could stay still. He had a perfect Brown skin complexion with thick eyebrows and almond eyes, Stood 5'9 with broad shoulder and small ears with diamond studs. My old man was attractive, but his cold attitude made him ugly.

My mother, Maria Santino stood at least 5'5  with long curly jet black hair with big round light brown eyes. She was Hispanic, and spoke it clear too, i picked up alot of it from her, and my accent was just like hers. her tanned skin glowed but her attitude was equaled up with my dads.

I never met my grandparents on either side from what i know they both still were alive but i never pushed to find out about them. Fear took over me quick when it came to my parents.

As for most girls, though, i wasnt your average Gal. Lots of people said i looked exzotic. I looled like my mother with long black hair big brown eyes and the pouty lips with the hourglass shape, i varely had any boobs.. Eh i didnt ever want them. But i got my skin color from my father  a bright brown that glowed. i was short like my mother but i wasnt her height yet.

It was a look that shouldnt be on a 10 year old, and i didnt want it. Men and teens always flirted with me assuming i was older than 10. They'd thouch me like i was a peice of meat, i hated it.

But it wasnt much i could do. My dad never fought for me. It was then i knew he wasnt coming back, As for my mother.. i knew she would.

she had to come back for me.

Even though the quietness in the house was peaceful, i was afraid.


An Entire week & Nobody comes back For Avah Skye :(

Do you think someone is going to comeback..

Hope You All Are Enjoying Keep voting Need Feedback :)

Next Chapter coming soon.

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