ForeverLand: Season 1

By Odellaa

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"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ALONE AND UNLOVED, PETER PAN" she spat with hate. "Soon I will grow up & I won't have to... More

Fate Of Infinity
Corrupted By My Demise
The Devil's Puppet
Soldier Without A Home
Escaping The Past
Pained By The Land
Alive in Stories
Denied Truths
Men of The Land
Humans of The Land
Saved By My Murderer
The Lost, Lost Boy
Fatal In Regret
Going To Eternity
My Perfect Criminal
Dears Of My Fascination
Caution Of The Depth
Lonely In The Jungle
House Of Tomorrow
It's A Wonderful World
With Every Move
Fancy A Cup Of Tea Or The Truth?
Denying Facts
Return Of Home
Footsteps In The Forest
Revealing And Releasing
Changing The North
Accidents Of Eternity
Fade Into The Demons
Double Life
Lost And Found
Halloween Special: Part 1
Halloween Special: Part 2
Helpless In History
Mistake Of Dawn
Episode 40: Dripping Lives
Episode 41: Aching For Saving
Episode 42: Phase One
Episode 43: Pleasant Turn
Christmas Special: Part 1
Christmas Special: Part 2
Episode 44: Secret Behind Holiday's Past
Episode 45: Whispers Of Desire
Episode 46: Sharp Turn
Episode 47: Slice and Dice
Episode 48: Till Next Time
Episode 49: Stranger Danger
Episode 50: Lost Behind Me
Episode 51: Old In My Dreams
Episode 52: Humans of The Forest
Episode 53: Accidents Of Power
Episode 54: Companion Of Misery
Episode 55: Accidents With Debt
Episode 56: Crave The Cave
Episode 57: Hurting The Past
Episode 58 : Destruction Of Desire
Episode 59: Aching For The Night
Episode 60: Insanity In The South
Episode 61: Boys Of Reality
Foreverland Special: Peter Before Pan
Foreverland Special: Clara Who?
Episode 62: Binding To Nightmares
Episode 63: Rescue From The Demons
Episode 64: Thieves In My Head
Episode 65: Blinded By The Darkness
Episode 66: My Salvation
Episode 67: Rotten in The Lagoon
Episode 68: Rebirth of Nature
Episode 69: Burned to The Ground
Amazed By My Home
Dance of Temptations
Determination of Yearning
Accepting The Shadows

Broken Hearts And Broken Bones

781 30 6
By Odellaa

Third POV:

"Clara, we do not know what is going on with you and why you keep fainting? Tiger Lily might have something to do with it-"

"but you said I passed out long before I met her. Just let me go see her, she's my friend she won't hurt-"

"you don't know the red indians like I do" he stated, getting seriously annoyed. Clara has been asking Pan to mark the path to the south all morning but he refused. He believed Tiger Lily might have something to do with what's going on with Clara therefore she should stay away.

"I know them better than you do" Clara stated

"They are bad people Clara, you don't know shit" he spat.

"Everyone is bad to you Pan when in fact you are the worst of all" Clara suddenly spoke without realizing. She quickly gasped and covered her mouth after realizing what she said. She hoped Pan wouldn't be angry at her. He looked at her as though he was death but did not say anything, instead he turned around and began walking away.

"I am not finished" Clara yelled walking after him

"Well I am" he said not bothering to look back at her.

"Listen to me" she yelled still walking after him. He ignored her. "I am talking to you!" she yelled once more causing all the lost boys to look at them. They were causing a scene.

"Don't yell at me" Pan threatened while still walking.

"listen to me" she said but he ignored again. "I said listen to me" he still ignored.

"LISTEN" she began snapping while following him. "PETER".

All the boys gasped out loud and Pan suddenly stopped walking. Clara stood still afraid as she realized what she had just done, she just called Pan by his first name and that's the worst mistake anyone can do in Neverland. Pan began turning around slowly to face her as Clara begins to shiver.

"Did you just call me Peter?" He asked but it sounded like he was stating it. Clara couldn't speak, she was terrified, and everyone could hear her swallow as everyone was quiet.

"Tie her up."


Clara immediately raised her head from fear as she heard multiple twigs snapping.

"Don't worry, it's just me"

She immediately calmed down at the sight of Felix approaching her, sympathy filling his eyes.

He squatted right in front of her and began examining her miserable state. Her eyes were utterly red and puffy from the continuous cries, her face was moist from the tears, her clothes and skin were completely dirty, and her hair looked like a tangled mess. He also couldn't simply ignore the green fabric tied around her mouth to prevent her from speaking.

"Pan will end me if he sees me doing this" Felix stated as he extended his hand and lowered the fabric down; giving Clara the freedom to talk.

"Why is he doing this?" Clara asked with her raspy voice. She was obviously dehydrated and Felix knew it from her shaky voice and chapped lips.

"You called him by his first name" Felix stated.

"I mean why he is, no doubt, being a complete monster" Clara continued.

"Because that's the way he is-" he continued.

"Three days" Clara immediately said, tears swelling up. "I have been tied up to this tree for three straight days" she cried.

"I am really sorry but there's nothing I could do-"

"But he saved me multiple times, he was nice to me every once in a while, why-"

"He doesn't care or love, Clara. I am sorry" Felix stated. "Look I just came to check on you. I have to go; I have been gone for too long-"

"Please stay" Clara cried.

"I wish but I can't. I am sorry but I also have to cover your mouth once more; he cannot know I was here-"

"It's okay, just do it. Let the demon get what he wants"

With that Felix placed the fabric once more over Clara's mouth making her incapable of speaking. He stood up and walked away, leaving Clara all alone in the middle of the woods.

Clara put her head down causing multiple tears tumble from her eye to the ground. Pan felt her agony, he knew of her pain, yet he did not give a slight damn, or did he?

"This isn't fair to her" Felix said approaching Pan angrily. Pan was sitting in front of the bonfire carving up an arrow.

"Not now Felix" Pan said focused on his weapon.

"It's one thing to tie her up, however to allow her to sit unbothered in a place completely empty and keeping her far from water and food, that's beyond monstrous and evil."

"Well Felix what do you anticipate from somebody evil?" Pan said.

"We both know she made everything a little bit descent here on Neverland and in return you didn't make her feel like a prisoner, why do this now?"

"She disrespected me and called me by my first name, I will not allow anyone to lower their respect-"

"Clara Hudson is a descent girl, she does not deserve it. Heck she called you by your first name, so what? You're still alive aren't you? She didn't hurt you in anyway-"

"She couldn't even if she wanted to"

"Exactly, she's vulnerable. This is not fair-"

"YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT IS FAIR OR NOT" Pan yelled as he quickly stood up, throwing his weapon to the ground. "You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to, Felix" Pan stated.

"Not even the slightest-"

"Good, then you are fully aware that anyone who disrespects me shall suffer a great grieve, correct?" Pan said with a threatened look.


"Yes what?"

"Yes, sir" Felix said looking down with respect.

"Good, let's keep it that way" Pan said as he walked past Felix.


Clara's growling stomach was the only thing breaking the utter silence that was drowning her. The sweat running down her forehead, the leaves stuck in her hair, and the dirt all over her skin were spreading an itchiness she couldn't scratch throughout her body.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Felix said.

He doesn't care or love

So why did he save her all those times? Her screams for him to help her didn't mean anything to him? Why save her if he himself was going to torture her. Is that what his plan was? He only saved her so only he himself could torture her. That was beyond monstrous.

Pan on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about what Felix had said to him.

She made everything a little bit descent here on Neverland and in return you didn't make her feel like a prisoner

Pan knew Felix was absolutely right, he just couldn't admit it. She brought life and happiness to Neverland and he was okay with it. But once she called him by his first name he realized he was just blinded by her actions. The prophecy spoken about her in The Book was happening way faster than he anticipated. He was slowly letting her in because whether he likes it not, he doesn't feel evil when she's around even if he's committing a murder at the same time.

He was slowly becoming weak and he shall destroy the thing that weakens him.

Pan immediately teleported out of his tree house into the woods, approaching Clara with a mission. Her head was leaning downwards with her eyes shut hoping to get over the massive headache she was experiencing.

"Hello there, Clara" he suddenly said. Clara quickly raised her head, giving her vision of her capturer approaching her.

Once he was close enough, he squatted in front of her and lowered the fabric that was placed on her mouth, giving her the ability to talk.

"Why?" Was all she asked with her trembling lips.

"What do you mean, love?" Pan asked.

"You know what I mean"

"You disrespected me. You deserve to be punished"

"Is that how it is? I live in your damn island with no freedom whatsoever"

"Precisely. Seems like you're not as dumb as I thought-"

"Then why the fuck do you save me whenever I am in danger-"

"LANGUAGE" Pan suddenly yelled causing Clara to stay shut. "Do not disrespect me" he threatened as he leaned himself towards her. "Why I saved you all those times is none of your business. My business with you is not done-"

"We don't even have a business-"

"We do indeed. And I need you to be in the palm of my hands to make this work. And torturing you is just an extra gift that comes in the package. I am doing what I should do, what villains do"

"Be that as it may, you're not a villain"

"How wrong you are-"

"THEN FUCKING EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS GOING ON" She suddenly yelled, causing Pan to be surprised by her sudden courage. "One second you save me from evil the next second you are evil itself. I understand that you're monstrous and the one everyone fears but if so then why save me all those other times, why put the time and effort into healing me?"

"There is only one person who can cause you pain in this world Clara Hudson, and that person is me"

"What about the wounds left behind after saving me? You healed them didn't you? Why? You could have left me in pain, torturing. But instead you kept on healing me. That is not the work of a villain; you clearly have a little bit of decency in you-"

"LOOK AT ME" Pan suddenly echoed, causing Clara to shiver from fear. "LOOK. AT. ME. I ASK YOU, IS THIS THE FACE OF A VILLAIN? YOU BE THE JUDGE"

Clara did not answer. She simply looked at him with utter fright.

"ANSWER ME" he yelled as he cupped Clara's face to force her to look at him.

She examined his face thoroughly. She saw nothing in his green eyes but anger. The green was leaning into a dark shade, a shade black as the night. She was looking at evil itself.

"Yes" she said without second thought.

Pan let go of her face and leaned a little backwards. "Well now you see, it all makes sense"

"But why? Why hold yourself into that anger and darkness when you can hold onto beautiful things and be happy-"

"Villains don't get happy endings" he said as he fisted his hands.

"You want power and believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing" she stated.

Her words were carved into Pan's mind making him speechless and surprised; he didn't know how to respond to that. He was afraid she was right.

He was suddenly distracted by an odd sensation oozing from Clara. It was as if her body was speaking to him.

He suddenly brought himself closer to Clara and placed his hand on her forehead.

"You're in pain" he stated, staring into Clara's eyes "You have a headache" he continued. With that he shut his eyes causing his hand to glow a bright golden light.

He just healed Clara.

"You just did it again, you healed me" she stated.

If the pain isn't caused by Pan himself then he must get rid of it. No one shall hurt Clara but him.

Pan suddenly teleported out, leaving Clara all alone to break down into tears. The fabric was not placed over her mouth once more causing her cries to echo.


Pan's memories with Clara kept on repeating in his head.

That was magical

Your ankle is hurt

I promise to never remind you of Hook


Clara disrespected him and she suffered enough for it, but now she has to suffer for making him weak. He needed to damage her.

Tying her up harmed her physically yet not emotionally nor mentally. After all the worst type of pain is the one that cannot be healed by medication.

He needed to make her hurt, suffer. She is a fragile mortal; memories were enough to hurt her.

Pan quickly teleported into the woods and at her sight he snapped his fingers causing the ropes that were tying her to vanish.

"Am-am I allowed to go?" She asked with confusion. She tried standing up but her legs were all sore and numb, she quickly clutched the tree to keep her balance.

"Not precisely" Pan smirked. He snapped his fingers once more causing the two to teleport into nothing but darkness.

In a sudden multiple lights were surrounding the two; Clara couldn't tell what was going on.
She immediately fell to the ground since there wasn't a tree any longer to help her adjust. Strong wind was blowing through their hair and clothes and all of a sudden, they stopped.

They were in completely different scenery; they were in a purple bedroom.

"Do you remember this room, Clara?" Pan asked, obviously knowing she does.


"We are in your memories, such a great adventure" Pan said sarcastically.

"Why-why are we here?" She asked looking around. A girl suddenly started walking into the room they were in. "That's-that is me" Clara stated, "Why is she-I can't notice us" she asked.

"This is just a memory, we can see everybody here except they can't see us" Pan said.

"Why this memory though?"

"You will see. Go back to yesteryear Clara, go back"

All of a sudden young Hook barged into the room.

"No" Clara said with her eyes totally open "NO, not this again. WAKE UP WAKE UP" Clara repeated while hitting her head to awake.

"It's not going to work, you're not asleep, love" Pan said.

"Don't do this, please" Clara said to Pan as tears began building up.

Right next to her on the ground was young Clara on the floor helplessly with Hook right above her, attempting to touch her.

"NO STOP" Clara yelled at Hook, even though he can't hear her. Clara immediately covered her face to avoid looking, but Pan quickly raised her head by pulling her hair to make her watch.

"You're going to watch and you're going to suffer" he whispered in her ear. The tears have drowned her face and neck, Clara never thought she would have to experience this again.


You see, Pan is a man of his word. In light of the fact that breaking a promise is a sign of weakness, he simply acknowledged he was breaking his word. He immediately let go of Clara's hair and simply remained there, staring at her suffer.

Pan is doing this so she can hurt, yet the reality of the situation is he is doing this so he would quit being weak but the prophecy is a fixed saying and regardless of what he does he will always have affections for her, always.

"STOP IT PLEASE, STOP" she echoed, "It hurts please, the memory, it hurts please make it stop it hurts" she said as began rocking back and forth with utter cries.

Pan suddenly felt guilty for hurting her, yet he wasn't going to stop despite the fact that he knew this time he has gone too far.

He snapped his fingers and the two were once again on Neverland. Whatever was left of Clara's body was still on the ground, her cheek and stomach facing the dirt.

"Now, back to your tree" Pan said as he raised his hand ready to snap his fingers.

"No, please" Clara said sitting straight up "Don't tie me to that tree"

"Well then, would you like another tree to be tied to?"

"Peter, please" Clara whispered.

"DON'T CALL ME PETER" Pan said as he immediately cupped Clara's face and looked at her with a threatened gaze. He noticed how different her eyes were. They used to be loaded with trust and joy and there used to be a spark, however not any longer. The spark was gone and so was her trust. All he sees now is pain, agony, hate and he caused that, he caused all of that. It was entirely his fault.

He stole that spark from her and turned it black. He made her into that lonely girl, into that...lost girl.

He should be cheerful, he at last did what he needed to do, yet no, instead his chest began hurting.

He immediately let go of her and backed away two steps. He snapped his fingers making the ropes appear again and having Clara tied up once more. After taking one last look at her, he teleported back to his room.

He immediately sat on his bed and began rubbing his hair with his hands from utter frustration. He needed her to feel hurt yet in the meantime he didn't. It was as if two sides were fighting each other.

Unfortunately Pan has been a villain more than he has been good, it's just been months till decency made a proper appearance in his life. Whatever his feelings are he will make her suffer.


"Do you know what this is, Clara?" Pan asked Clara who was in a completely messy state. He was holding a small glass box in his hand that had an insect inside of it.

"A worm?" She asked with confusion.

"Not just any worm" Pan stated while looking at the black insect. "This worm can only be found in the dark forest, amongst other rare livings things. It has the ability to enter any living thing's body. Do you know what it does?" Pan asked with a smirk. Clara simply looked at him with a poker face.

"I will take that as a no" Pan continued, "It travels through the entire body, spreading a burning sensation at its touch"

Clara's poker face was immediately replaced with a terrified gaze.

"Wh-why do you have that?" She asked frightened from what the response may be even though she knew exactly what his intentions were.

In a sudden Pan teleported right next to Clara and leaned closer to her. "You'll see" he whispered in her ear.

He waved his hands causing the glass box to vanish, leaving the worm moving in his palm. He began raising his hand till it was at the same level as Clara's ear.


Pan quickly covered Clara's mouth making her release nothing but mumbles. "Clara, I want you to meet my friend" Pan said as he placed the worm on Clara's cheek. In a second the worm began moving till it was right inside her ear and was too deep to recover. It was then Pan removed his hand from Clara's mouth, causing her to release a quick yelp.

Pan backed away a couple of steps and waved his hand, causing the ropes to vanish, giving Clara the freedom to move.

Clara was still in the same position, leaning her back onto the tree. She did not feel any pain nor the worm itself.

Is it possible Pan's plan didn't work?


In a second Clara fell to the ground in utter agony. She held onto her stomach as she experienced a horrible pain. It was as if someone had set her stomach on fire inside out.

The pain was completely horrendous, but she did not know it would become worse.


The burning sensation spread to her heart, making her gasp in pain. Her screams and cries echoed through Neverland. Camp was far away from where she was yet all the lost boys heard her screams. Pan on the other was standing in his place with arms crossed, taking pleasure in her suffering.

In a second she began kicking her legs repeatedly as the burning sensation spread to her limbs. It looked like she was swimming. The feeling was equal to being burned alive.

Clara has never shouted this much previously in her life. Being burned is the worst yet inside out is much more terrible.

She tried grabbing on to something to control the pain yet all she found were leaves cracking at her touch.


That was when her screams were the loudest and most powerful. They were utterly piercing.

The burning sensation had proceeded spreading till it reached into her head. Pan never wanted it to reach her head due to the fact that is the most painful area. The pain caused by the worm in the brain is the worst pain out there; Pan himself wouldn't be able to handle it let alone Clara.

Clara's body began suddenly shivering in a major speed. It looked like she was having a seizure. Clara's scream kept on getting louder and louder if possible. She grabbed her hair with both her hands and began pulling with all the force she had. It's a surprise her hair was still attached to her head.

A sudden cold liquid slid down her cheeks onto her neck. There was blood coming out of both her eyes and nose as her body shook faster and faster.

It was at that point Pan knew the worm was in her head.

He immediately teleported next to her and sat on his knees to be on the same level. He tried placing his hand over Clara's ear to take the worm out but he couldn't keep the girl steady.

"CLARA" he screamed but all she did was shout without looking at Pan. Even if Clara wanted to look at him, she wouldn't have the capacity to see him clearly from the blurry vision her tears were causing and the blood covering her eyes.

With his entire strength Pan set a hand on each of her eats. He began mumbling some words that caused his eyes to flash a golden light, as if they were flashlights.

In a second Clara's body stopped shaking as the burning sensation vanished.

Pan removed his hand off Clara's ear, revealing the worm in his palm, bloody and dead. He was utterly confused. He had used the worm a thousand times before but it never died, why this time? This worm was a magical creature, it does not die.

He immediately stood up and waved his hand over the worm causing it to vanish. He proceeded by taking a look at Clara who was on the ground with her eyes shut, breathing heavily as if she simply ran a marathon across the entire universe.

Clara shouted and cried to the point she was extremely tired; it was not possible for her to even open her eyes properly.

He noticed the blood that was racing down her face from her eyes and nose.

Again he used this worm before yet it never caused anyone to bleed, what is so different this time?

Pan knew he went too far, she could have bled to death.

He bent down and placed his hand on her forehead, causing her to fully heal and the blood to vanish. He later on waved his hand over her making her tied to the tree once more. She didn't even attempt to escape on the grounds because that may give Pan the opportunity to use the worm again and she doesn't need that, nobody needs that.

As Pan teleported into camp and began approaching his tree house, he noticed all the lost boys were watching him. He knew they heard Clara's screams.

He noticed one lost boy in particular who was filled with rage, Felix. Completely ignoring him, Pan went up to his tree house. Felix took that as chance for him to see Clara. He grabbed a bowl of fresh water with him and took off to see the young lost girl.

At her sight Felix immediately dropped the bowl, completely shocked at her state.


Clara acknowledged he was there at his voice but she did not open her eyes nor speak. She was completely drained from energy.

Felix ran up to her and sat on his knees right in front of her, examining her. Clara looked like she just came out of the shower from the sweat covering her body, she had scratches all over her arms obviously from twigs and wood, and he noticed the droplets of blood beneath her nose. They looked fresh.

Even though Pan healed Clara, her body still had an after affect causing her nose to bleed.

Felix immediately extended his arm and wiped the blood away with his sleeve. Clara did not react at his touch whatsoever. He then proceeded by untying the rope, giving her the freedom to move.

"Clara" he said as he cupped her face. She did not react at all. He immediately placed two fingers under her nose to feel soft, warm breaths causing him to sigh in relief. He feared that she was dead due to the fact that her eyes were completely shut and she did not react to Felix whatsoever.

"What did he do to you?" he asked. She simply did not answer. "I heard your screams, all the lost boys did. What happened? What did he do? Please, tell me" he continued.

Clara's breaths suddenly quickened and Felix noticed it. "W-wo-rm" she said with a struggle, her eyes still shut.

Felix's breath immediately hitched at what Clara had said. The worm. Pan used the worm on Clara. The purpose of the worm was to make a person suffer greivly before the insect take's their life away. That worm is a magical creature therefore can only be used on ones who are immortal or have magic. Clara is neither; it is a miracle she was still alive.

With complete anger, Felix stood up and walked away, not tying the ropes again.

He was on his way back to camp with madness on his head. He was going to make Pan pay.

"Hello Felix" someone suddenly said, causing Felix to stand in place. It was Pan. "Get him" he continued.

In a second three lost boys came from behind Felix and tied his hands together. When Felix was completely restricted, Pan began approaching him.

"I told you to pick your side carefully Felix, and you picked Clara, the wrong side" he stated. He moved closer towards Felix and punched him straight in the stomach, causing him to groan in complete agony.

"Hang him" Pan said with utter disgust.


The sound of a lost boy screaming from agony echoed through Neverland. Clara knew exactly what had happened. Felix disobeyed Pan and visited Clara and now he had to suffer for it.

"His screams will be the only thing to break your silence" Pan, who suddenly teleported a couple of feet away from Clara, said.

He was torturing Felix just for visiting her. That was completely monstrous.

"" Clara whispered with a struggle.

"What was that?" Pan asked with a smirk as he couldn't make out what she said.

"I hate you" she said clearer, causing the smirk on Pan's face to vanish. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" she kept on repeating, eyes still shut and completely tired.

In a second Pan teleported right in front of her and bent down. He cupped her face to force her to face him, not that it mattered because she didn't even have the strength to look at him. Pan was gazing at her with an odd emotion he was experiencing till he teleported out to visit Felix.

He found multiple lost boys punching Felix repeatedly on demand. Felix was completely restricted for he was hung from a tree by his wrists.

"Enough" Pan said causing the lost boys to flee. He began approaching Felix to notice his shirt on the ground, leaving his chest bare for wounds. He had terrible cuts and a swollen up eye along with a bloody nose.

"I will never give up to you, I will always be on Clara's side" he immediately spat.

It was in that moment Pan punched Felix in the face, causing his lip to bleed erratically.

"Clara...she said she hates me" Pan said.

"What did you expect?" Felix said while looking at Pan with hate.

"I don't know"

"Well congratulations, she hates you"

"The prophecy said she would not hate me, in fact care for me-"

"She does not care about you, not now not ever. She never wanted to stay, she wanted to leave you. You have nothing to offer, you are incomplete. She will never like you; you're nothing but a lost boy, a villain"

Pan was immediately taken by what Felix had said.

Is it true? Could the prophecy be changed? But prophecies are a fixed point in time, but then how is it possible for Clara to feel hate towards me?

Pan immediately turned around and began strolling away, Felix's words echoing through his head.

You're incomplete

She doesn't love you

You're just a lost boy, a villain

You have nothing to offer

She never wanted to stay

Without noticing, he found himself walking to the direction Clara is in.

"Clara" he whispered to himself at her sight. He began walking towards her and she didn't even notice. When he stood right in front her, she must have sensed him because she began raising her head slowly. "Clara" he said putting his hand on her cheek. She used every bit of energy in her body to turn her face around, making Pan let go of her face.




"You will always be alone and unloved, Peter Pan" She whispered, avoiding eye contact.

Pan was immediately taken by her words. Felix was right and that's what worried him, he didn't want her to leave. The prophecy has changed, Clara despised him.

Completely speechless, Pan began walking backwards slowly into the woods but before vanishing, he took one last look at Clara.

"You don't have to love me, just don't leave me"

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