Another Chance Book I of III

By yourfuturegirl11

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Prince Rogers Nelson has died sad, tired, in pain and alone. As people mourn his loss and buildings around t... More

Another Chance-Book I
Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival
Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 3, The Vow
Book II-Chapter 5, Collaboration, Bella's POV
Book II, Chapter 6, Comfort Anyway, Anytime
Book II-Chapter 7, Hold Me
Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice
Book II-Chapter 9-The Making of Creation Song, Challenges
Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV
Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation
Book II-Chapter 14, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Book II-Chapter 15, Residual Feelings, Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 16, Residual Feelings, Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration
Book II-Chapter 17, The Reckoning
Book II-Chapter 18, Bella's Fears
Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 20, Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions
Book II-Chapter 22, What Paradise Teaches
Book II-Chapter 23, Family Is Forever
Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun
Book III-Chapter 2, Heaven and Earth
Book III-Chapter 3, The Journey Continues
Book III-Chapter 4, Bella and Elaine
Book III- Chapter 5, The Royal Prince
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 6, First Look
Another Chance-Chapter 7, Friends First
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 8, The Afterglow
Book III-Chapter 9, What Fathers Understand
Book III-Chapter 10, The Conversation
Book III-Chapter 11, Finally 18
Book III-Chapter 12, the Album
Book III-Chapter 13, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 14, Jimmy Sanders, Predator
Book III-Chapter 15, The Calm Before the Storm
Book III-Chapter 16, Storm Clouds Gather
Book III-Chapter 17, The Rain Begins
Book III-Chapter 18, The Storm Erupts
Book III-Chapter 19, The Tsunami Hits
Book III-Chapter 20, The Aftermath
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo
Book III-Chapter 22, August
Book III-Chapter 23, Us Time
Book III-Chapter 24, Whirlwind
Book III-Chapter 25, Gold and Platinum
Book III-Chapter 26, The Creator's Plan
Book III-Chapter 27, The Elephant In The Room
Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 30, New York City
Book III-Chapter 31, New York City Part 2
Book III-Chapter 32, A Time of Change
Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?
Book III-Chapter 34, The Query, Answers Revealed
Book III-Chapter 35, Don't Play Me
Book III-Chapter 36, Countdown to The Interviews
Book III-Chapter 37, Taking Care of Bella
Book III-Chapter 38, The Interviews Part I
Book III-Chapter 39, The Interviews Part 2
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project
Book III-Chapter 41, The Project Part 2
Book III-Chapter 42, Negotiations
Book III-Chapter 43, Details, Details
Book III-Chapter 44, Establishing Their Worth
Book III-Chapter 45, Establishing Their Worth Part 2
Book III-Chapter 46, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 47, Let's Work
Book III-Chapter 48, Midterms
Book III-Chapter 49, Homecoming
Book III-Chapter 50, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 1
Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2
Book III-Chapter 52, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 1
Book III-Chapter 53, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 2
Book III Chapter 54, A Parisian New Year's Eve
Book III Chapter 55, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 1
Book III, Chapter 56, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 2
Book III-Chapter 57, A New Year, New Challenges Part 1
Book III-Chapter 58, A New Year, New Challenges Part 2
Book III-Chapter 59, Movie Anyone?
Book III-Chapter 60, Family Oasis
Book III-Chapter 61, Back To Real Life
Book III-Chapter 62, Amiir Speaks
Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon
Book III-Chapter 64, The Fame Game
Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again
Book III-Chapter 66, Showtime
Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles
Book III-Chapter 68, New Life, New Strategy Needed
Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1
Book III-Chapter 70, The Press Conference Part 2
Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3
Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary
Book III-Chapter 73, From Darkness : JesseBelle and Lucian
Book III-Chapter 74, Light Against Dark
Book III-Chapter 75, A Test of Resilience Part 1
Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2
Book III-Chapter 77, An Uncommon Sense of Style
Book III-Chapter 78, An Uncommon Sense of Style Part 2
Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth
Book III-Chapter 80, A Mission of Mercy
Book III-Chapter 81, Thank You God For Everything
Book III-Chapter 82, Weddings and Movies, Movies and Weddings!
Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!
Book III-Chapter 84, Justice, Rain Down From Heaven Part 1
Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2
Book III-Chapter 86, Filming Ends, Countdown to Premier Begins
Book III-Chapter 87, Home Sweet Home
Book III-Chapter 88, Family Goodbyes and Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 89, Sunny LA, Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 90, Colors, Furnishings, Dresses and Sexual Shenanigans!
Book III-Chapter 91, Thanksgiving With Family
Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1
Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2
Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1
Book III-Chapter 95, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk -Los Angeles Part 2
Book III-Chapter 96 The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA
Book III-Chapter 97, The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA 2
Book III-Chapter 98, The Wild Ride Begins
Book III-Chapter 99, Satan's Plan
Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God
Book III-Chapter 101, Key West
Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails
Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West
Book III-Chapter 104, The Making of Wonderful Memories
Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense
Book III-Chapter 106, The Spirit of Lilith
Book III-Chapter 107, Christmas Day, 2215
Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen
Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil
Book III-Chapter 110, Be Grateful
Book III-Chapter 111, You're Dating Who?
Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year
Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party
Book III-Chapter 114, January 1, 2216, Downtime
Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago
Book III-Chapter 116, Change
Book III-Chapter 117, Time to Tour
Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors
Book III-Chapter 119, The Wedding Week
Book III-Chapter 120, With This Ring
Book III-Chapter 121, My Husband, My Wife
Book III-Chapter 122, Newlywed...Year of Wonder
Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers
Book III-Chapter 124, Finally Family

Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV

225 17 6
By yourfuturegirl11

Residual Feelings

Mary's POV

Bella awoke and laying under the warm covers reviewed in her mind some of the different events of the last evening. Prince was really amazing in his direction of the musical Worship last night. It was a true education to both watch and listen to the bouquet of sound that he created. His sense of harmony was unlike anything she had ever heard. She had always felt that way about the harmonics in his music. Sometimes when hearing something that he wrote for the first time, that was unusual in its construction of harmony, she would wonder how he heard these things in his mind to create them. That was finally explained when she was told about how he communicates with the Universe itself. His song Open Book was an example of that. When he layered the harmony he did not do it with just a typical 1st and 2nd soprano, alto and tenor approach. Sometimes the harmony in just a single line would have only falsetto and bass or falsetto and alto and then move into a completely different vocal texture. It was pretty heady stuff that Prince would do when composing. His music was so completely original that one could play a single song daily for as long as a year and if listened to closely find a new nuance each time it was heard. Prince enthusiasts and critics alike had to agree that of all of the comments made about Prince being a man of mystery, perhaps the most mysterious thing about him was indeed his process for creating his music. The technique was flawless, the composition so tight that symphonies could be both challenged and thrilled when playing them. The real question for most was...'how in the world does he hear that'. Bella now understood that the sounds were not from the earthly realm at all. This incomparable man was a receiver for the sounds of God...and that is what he had blessed people on earth to hear for 40 years. If only those individuals understood what a gift they were receiving, they would have responded to their treasure far differently. This man was not just another Rocker and Composer who dressed differently or chose to do things for shock value...the fact that so few vocalists even tried to cover most of his music said it all. She smiled as she thought about this incredible soul, Prince Rogers Nelson, and thanked the Creator for the opportunity to care for him and be cared for by him with all of her being. Getting up she hoped that Prince and gotten more rest than on the previous two nights. She went into the kitchen to put on the coffee and then returned to her bedroom to get ready for the day.

Mary had prayed diligently both for and about Denise after Bella had left last night. She was very concerned for her and also concerned about how she was functioning. Her behavior was almost like a jilted lover and despite the fact that there had been history between Prince and Denise, that history for the most part ended in terms of daily contact in the 1980s. She was aware that there was a brief touch point in the mid 1990s when it was reported that they saw each other, had a sexual encounter and Denise had actual proposed to Prince. But in the scheme of things that was ancient history in that he had had a myriad number of women in his life since then, including two wives. One of the reasons that Mary had suggested that Denise be one of Bella's guides was that she thought that exposure to her for Bella, due to her heightened intuitiveness, would give her great insight into some of the things Prince had faced that caused him to create the adult pattern he had followed. Understanding that pattern would be helpful as it deepened his fear of intimacy allowing it to grow to such a level that he had not been able to function without total control in romantic and non-romantic relationships alike. Of all of the people in Prince's life now and forever, Bella was the best weapon in helping him to normalize some of his fears and feelings that had impaired his functionality in the past. Of concern though was that Denise's behavior was not that of a whole and healed woman. So a greater question now was should she be guiding anyone at this point including the class of young souls that she was entrusted with. Mary knew that she needed to discuss this with Jesus and determined that she would today.

Prince had awakened to the sound of Amiir's shower and could now hear him in the kitchen. The sounds seemed like those of coffee being made. He really needed some again this morning. While he had fallen asleep a little earlier last night, the work with the Angels' music and language, combined with the intensity of what the Universe had been sharing about his directing the current musical Suite could be quite draining. The result certainly had great merit which was seen last night...but Prince had to find a way to get some consistent rest or as they got deeper into the Creation Song, he was going to be in real trouble. On earth, these types of intense situations were what caused a great deal of the "he doesn't eat or sleep or even remember to drink water", kinds of comments in the lesser respected news outlets and in social media. Sometimes though, they had been true. He simply had to find a different way to create or to come down from the process or he would return to earth and recreate the same problems and issues all over again. He dragged himself out of bed and went into the kitchen to get coffee. He would talk to Jesus about that today. "Amiir, I am dressing and going to Bella's", he said through the closed door. "Okay" Amiir said opening his door. "See you this evening".

Prince dressed quickly and with a thought was on Bella's porch. He knocked on the door and when Bella opened it, he had to smile at just how beautiful she looked. She was wearing an off-white, form fitted dress, with a bold abstract print in Royal Blue The dress had a cropped jacket in Royal Blue with big gold buttons and her shoes were Royal Blue modified ballet slippers with a hard sole. She had used a royal blue eye shadow and light mascara with a dark peach lip gloss. Stepping inside, he pulled her to him and kissed her...really kissed her and when he came up for air said "Mama you look good enough to eat". "Good morning baby, thank you"! "Would you like coffee". "Yes I would", Prince said. Bella had cut one of the delicious Melons that only grew in Paradise in half and had stuffed the centers of each half with cottage cheese, and topped it with chopped pears, pineapple, purple grapes and Mandarin Oranges. She also had some hot breakfast rolls heating in the oven. While Prince drank his coffee, she set the table and when he saw his breakfast, he smiled very brightly and said" Mama that looks good". Bella said, "wait until you taste it". Prince blessed the food and then he did taste it. "Mama this tastes even better than it looks". She chuckled. "So what is your day like today" she asked? " Well right after my walk, I am going to meet Sandalphon at my place. We are going to try some of the Angelic language with the music to help me to determine the right cadence to use. I also need to get his input on some of the chord progressions and changes due to the 7 part harmony structure. The human voice cannot do anything like what the angels do, so I have to become very outside the box in creating chords for them". "Want to have lunch with me after your Walk", Prince asked? "Are you certain you will be finished with your work with Sandalphon". "Yes he said he had another meeting right after ours and I will make lunch" Prince said. "While you are at Mary's I am going to be up at the Temple with Sandalphon and a few of the Angels so that we can try out what we work on this morning with their voices to see where I may need to make adjustments. We start rehearsals in 2 days and I have to have this section ready to go. I thought maybe you could meet me at the Communal Gathering Place for dinner tonight", Prince also said. "Ok...about the normal time"? Prince nodded yes. Bella finished straightening up the kitchen and they went into the living room and sat down. Prince pulled her closer to him and said...I need some more of those kisses Sugah. He then kissed her tenderly and in their secret language of tongue on lips asked to be admitted to the sweetness of her mouth. When she opened her lips to him he couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. No matter how many times he kissed Bella, it always felt like the very first time. Prince found that especially appealing about her. Gently breaking the kiss, Prince said "I cannot believe how much you make me feel pretty girl. I could sit here and kiss you forever". Bella smiled and said "I know, me too". "Wow, this morning is really going by fast. Its already time for me to Walk with Jesus", Prince said. " Every time I leave you Bella, I always feel like I cannot wait to get back into your company. I miss you when we are not together". "And I miss you too Prince". "Kiss me again before I go Mama", Prince asked sweetly. And so she did...and with a thought Prince was gone.

Jesus greeted Prince saying "Good morning Maestro". How are you this morning." "A lttle tired but very excited about Creation Song". "As you should be" said Jesus. "Worship over the last few weeks has seen every service become better and better. You are really creating stunning Musical Exaltation which is so very pleasing to the Creator and I wanted you to know that. I gather you noticed how many more souls are participating in services lately"? "Yes I noticed that last night and was going to ask you where they came from", Prince responded.
"As you know Prince, one of the most basic foundations of our faith is free will. There is no requirement for one to come to worship daily although all are strongly encouraged to do so. The only required attendance is during Eastertide as the Death and Resurrection is the key for the faith. So it is exciting to see so many choosing to come to Worship the Majesty of the Creator and I know that the style of Worship you are creating has a lot to do with that". We are both grateful and as I said pleased". "Thank you Lord", Prince said.

"On another subject Prince, when I asked you how you were this morning you said tired. Has the energy of the Universe begun to work you over". "Yes it has started", Prince said. "I wanted to ask you what you might recommend I do, as the person who consistently calms me is the same person I put into the most precarious position if I try to be with her when I am at my highest point of hyper sexuality". "Prince, I do understand...and unfortunately these are the realities. You must work on maintaining control at least to the point that you leave if you honestly feel you cannot maintain your self control" the Lord said. "Yes, I have really been focused on that and I have gotten much better, however, it leaves me with the hyper energy and I can't sleep and cannot silence the music that is going through my head that is creating the energy in the first place", Prince shared. "Understood and now comes the tricky part". "Do you trust Bella"? "Without question" Prince said. "When you have truly reached the end of your rope...go to her and let her decide how to help you" said Jesus. "But that is when I think I am putting her in the most danger of my becoming overly aggressive sexually", Prince countered! " Prince, I know and as I said this is the tricky. This is a very amazing woman that you have been given. Trust her to help you and also to tell you when she either can't or based upon your behavior won't. She is more than equipped to do both", Jesus said. Prince somehow instinctively knew that Jesus was telling him something of very grave importance, but at this moment he did not want to risk pressing Bella when he was on fire and messing things up by breaking the rules in Paradise. He was going to have to fight for control of himself and pray to more deeply understand what Jesus was communicating to him. "Prince stay prayerful and remember my words, Trust Bella". "I will see you this evening at Worship", said Prince. With a thought Prince was back at his cottage. He entered and made some adjustments to the keyboard while he waited for Sandalphon.

Bella arrived at Jesus's cottage moments after Prince left. Jesus was sitting on the steps and there were butterflies flying all around him. They were in such beautiful colors many of which Bella had never seen before. Some had landed on His shoulders, others were in His lap, some were even sitting and flapping their wings on his head. Jesus greeted Bella with a hearty good morning and asked how she was doing. He smiled at all of the butterflies and they seemed to know that He needed them to move on for now and took off. Bella said, "I am doing well Jesus. I am just kind of concerned about Prince". Jesus said "regarding his stimulation and Hyper sexuality"? "Yes" Bella said. They were walking to the South this morning and Bella noticed that they were following a stream. "Bella, Prince is concerned too and I want you to know he really wants to do the right thing by you. But I also want you to know that just as he has a gift, so do you. You use it with such ease and it has really made a difference with him. Have you any idea what that gift is"? "My intuition",? "Yes Bella, your intuition and your empathy. You will instinctively know what to do to help Prince and you will also instinctively know when to insist that he apply greater self control to help himself. Moreover, you will know how to do it in order to get him to hear you without it coming off as an attack against his masculinity or injurious to his fragile ego. Trust yourself Bella. You have been made for this", Jesus said and then chuckled..."I know that you feel in your heart that I am right". "Yes Lord, I do feel that way", said Bella. "Then don't allow fear to change what you yourself and trust me", said the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! They continued to walk and talk about some very specific things that Bella should expect as Prince worked on the new musical Suite. When she left to join Prince for lunch, she was very clear on what she would face and a lot clearer on what she would do under the circumstances with which she would be presented. With a thought she was on Princes porch.

Standing on the porch she heard some of the most beautiful chord progressions she had ever heard since her creation. She also heard Sandalphon singing along with another Angel. She waited until they had stopped singing and then she knocked on the door. Prince answered the door and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Bella you remember Sandalphon"..."yes I do. Your voice is incredible Sandalphon". "Why thank you Miss Bella", he said. She looked around for the second Angel, but there was no one else in the cottage. "What is it Bella", Prince asked when he saw the confusion on her face. "I thought I heard two Angels singing and I was wondering where the other one went". Both Prince and Sandalphon laughed at the same time. " Do you remember when I told you that some of the Angels were able to sing in two voices at the same time due to their vocal chord construction", Prince asked? "Yes I mean that is what I heard", ? Prince and the Angel nodded yes. "That is both extraordinary and magnificent", Bella said, her voice full of wonder.

"Well Prince, I will see you at the Temple after lunch. I am very satisfied with the chord progressions and I am also quite astounded with how fast you caught on. Let's see how they sound when my brothers sing them this afternoon. We are going to work very well together". The Angel and the Maestro embraced. "See you this evening Miss Bella", Sandalphon said. Stepping out of the door they heard him take flight seconds later.

As soon as he shut the door, he embraced Bella. He started kissing her and, backing her up, kissed her all the way over to the sofa. Sitting her down, he then sat next to her and kissed her some more. " Now where were we before I left for my Walk today he said softly with his lips brushing Bella's as he spoke. Ah yes", he said and touched her lips with his tongue. He caressed both of her lips with it...first the top, then the bottom and then he pressed them both in the center asking to enter. She parted her lips and he started sucking her tongue and hungrily explored the interior of her mouth. A soft groan came from deep within him. "Bella, you taste so good". Bella disengaged from the kiss and said "so do you...but unless you want to go into the Temple after lunch with a banana in your pants...I think we better go fix lunch". Bella looked down and so did Prince. His member had expanded to its full size very quickly...and he had to laugh at Bella's joke. " I would rather have you for lunch...but I promised to feed you so come on", he said. They went into the kitchen and Prince said..."you sit, I serve". He had made a lovely pasta and vegetable salad that he pulled out of the refrigerator and served in two crystal bowls . He said he had made it while waiting for Sandalphon to arrive. Pouring two glasses of Cranberry-Cherry juice for them to drink, Prince said Grace and the two of them enjoyed each other's company as they ate. They cleaned up the kitchen together and all too soon it was time for Bella to visit with Mary and for Prince to meet the Angels in the Temple to try out the music. He hoped the new chord progressions and the cadence of the Angelic Language would blend well. He also hoped that hearing the Angels singing in their language would help him to finalize where, within Future Soul Song, to begin Creation Song. Walking into the living room, Prince pulled Bella to him one more time and gave her a proper kiss as he liked to say. " I will meet you at the Communal Gathering Place for dinner Mama". He kissed her on the forehead, they stepped outside and with two different thoughts they went to their different destinations.

When she returned to her cottage Bella, made a cup of tea and reviewed her notes on the Dance Selection Process and her drawings of the blocked movements. They were rough now, but after seeing the exact area where they would perform in conjunction with the location of the Host, the Choir and the Instruments she would be able to smooth them out. She had always found such drawings helpful when working with a number of dancers on a new piece. Satisfied that she had done all she could until the dancers were selected, she put her notes into a valise and went into the sitting room to touch up her makeup and then went next door to Mary's.

Mary hugged Bella hello and asked her how her day had been. She said that it had been good but again, it had presented some things that she needed to process. She shared that she had lunch with Prince and that he had made it for them. She also told Mary that she had heard some of the preliminary music for Creation Song and that it was very impressive. Mary said that it sounded like she had a full day. Mary then asked if she was ready to role play. Once again Mary presented 3 different scenarios and Bella had to share how she would handle them. Afterwards, Mary shared that she was very pleased with Bella's decisions and said that she was doing extremely well. She did not bring up Denise nor did Bella but for some reason she knew that Denise was on Mary's mind. Mary asked what her plans were for the evening and Bella told her she was meeting Prince at the Communal Gathering Place for dinner. Mary said to have a good time and Bella went back to her cottage for a little bit.

Sitting down on the couch, she thought about how much her life had changed in such a short period of time. She was happier than she could ever remember being. She hoped that she and Prince would get through this project and still be as content as they were right now. She offered a prayer to the Creator, thanking Him that she felt loved at last and asking for His guidance in helping Prince through this period of time including the potential pitfalls that they would surely have to work through. She then thought about the Gathering Place and found herself standing on the Path to the front entrance. Prince was leaning up against the windowsill of one of the front windows talking to David Bowie. He looked up and saw her and watched her graceful movements as she approached where he and David were standing. " Hi Bella" he said putting his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close and kissing her on the cheek. "Hi baby" she said. He introduced Bella to David and told her that David had decided to join the Choir and would be attending rehearsals starting on Tuesday. He went on to to say that his voice would be a welcome addition to the choir. David said he was looking forward to contributing wherever and however he was needed. The two souls shook hands, said their goodbyes and Prince and Bella went inside. As they looked around they saw Prince's sister Lorna, his mother and his brother Duane sitting at one of the larger tables. Prince walked over to them and introduced Bella to Lorna, she had already met Duane and his mother. There were two seats still available at the table and Prince looked at Bella asking only with his eyes if they should join them. Bella nodded yes. They sat and looking at the beautiful display of food decided what they would have. Duane then blessed the food and they filled their plates and enjoyed visiting. Bella was just as comfortable visiting with his family as she was her own. Prince though was a little more standoffish with them than he was Bella's people. As was his way, when he felt a little uncomfortable, he sought to make physical contact with Bella. He put his hand under the table and reached for hers. He continued to eat with his right hand tonight, but he never let go of Bella's hand with his left until the meal was over and he said his goodbyes to his family. Bella made a mental note to ask him, when appropriate, why he felt so distant from them, from his mother, she could understand, but why the siblings too? She would ask, but she would not press. The food had been really good as usual but they had skipped dessert. They still had half a Sweet Potato Pie left and Prince had his heart set on finishing it tonight.

With a thought, they left for and found themselves in front of the Temple. There were people milling around greeting one another and he saw Samuel, and Amiir and a young soul he did not recognize sitting at one of the tables in front of the Temple. He and Bella walked over and said hello. As they did Bella noticed how much the young female soul looked like Samuel. At that moment Samuel said "Bella, Prince this is my twin sister Sarah". Sarah smiled and said hello. Prince said," I haven't seen you here before; where have you been hiding". Samuel said, "she has been at the very back of the choir in the 2nd soprano section and she shouldn't be Prince". "She can really sing", said her brother proudly! "Really" Prince said, "well tonight I want to see your pretty face down front in that same section. "Bella, please help her to find a seat ok"? Thinking to himself, he said we may just have found the 2nd Soprano voice I have been looking for and the 5th member of the ensemble if she is willing. Well, he thought, they would know soon enough. He said "it is time to go in for Worship" and they did. As they all took their places, Prince was moved to do something very different. He began the music only with the drums. The entry part for drums was very complicated but very exciting and the Drummer played exceptionally well. When he reached a certain point, Prince brought in the rest of the musicians and they played for a while without any vocals. Then he signaled Samuel to begin to sing. He was more amazing than usual. Bella noticed he was either watching Prince for direction or smiling at his sister as he sang. The Choir and the Angels came in right on time in their various harmonic parts and he then directed the music and the General Choir to stop and only the Angels and the Ensemble were singing. He invited Bella, Amiir, and Samuel up to the two microphones and listened very carefully to Sarah. Samuel was right. She could really sing! He signaled for her to join them on the two mikes and once she did, he directed the Angels to stop singing. The beauty of the ensemble's vocals filled the Temple. He took them to a crescendo and back to a whisper and souls began to shout Praise God and were on their feet. Bringing the Angels and the Choir back in they were still singing Acapella and more souls stood to their feet. Prince then brought the music back in and the Congregants also were singing. The Creator was glowing in a way that even Prince would not have been able to describe in words. He brought Worship to an end with all voices singing at full power and then... total silence. Any souls in the Temple who had not been standing were now and the applause was deafening. Prince spoke to Sarah telling her how well she had done and asked if she and Samuel would join Bella, Amiir and himself outside for just a few minutes. He took Bella's hand and Amiir paced at the same stride as his Dad as they went back out and sat at one of the Picnic like tables. He told Sarah about the ensemble, briefly went over the plans for Creation Song and told her that if she would like to be part of the ensemble, they would love to have her. She smiled as big a smile as her brother and told Prince she would be happy to be part of the group. It was settled then. At the rehearsal on Tuesday, the ensemble would be a 5 voice group and least until after Creation Song was performed. He thanked both Sarah, and Samuel for their effort and then told Amiir that he wanted to walk Bella home tonight as he needed to burn off some energy. Amiir said he would see him at home and with a thought was gone.

Mary had really enjoyed Worship this evening. She had gone over to Jesus to speak to him about something and was about to return to her cottage when she saw something that saddened her greatly. Denise had sheltered herself behind some congregants and Angels who were visiting with each other. Where she had positioned herself allowed her to watch Prince and his little family. He had been talking to Bella, Amiir, Samuel and a girl that looked a lot like Samuel. Samuel and the young girl had left and Prince spoke for a little while with Bella and Amiir and then Amiir had left. She watched as Prince took Bella's hand and they began walking in a direction towards Bella's cottage. She noticed that Denise hung back, but then started to walk in the same direction. Why was she doing such a thing Mary asked herself? Although she did not know, Denise was definitely going to tell her tonight.

Prince and Bella walked chatting about how well Worship had gone and he also shared how pleased he was with the test run they had done with the music and the small group of Angels at the Temple today. There were still some rough spots, but he was confident that he and Sandalphon would work them out quickly and was looking forward to the first rehearsal on Tuesday. As they walked they shared the type of bantering back and forth that those in love do and more than once Prince heard the silver bells of Bella's laughter which never failed to make him smile. He stopped and gathered her into his arms and said, "Bella Amour Bruner I love you" and kissed her with a gentle, loving passion that Bella simply could not resist. She kissed him back with equal love and passion and felt her heart growing so full she almost wanted to cry. Denise watched this from a little distance behind them. She was making certain to stay in the shadows, but she was close enough to hear what they were saying. Prince slowly broke the embrace and they continued to walk.

They came upon a running creek that had a bridge going across it. Prince said "Bella, please sit with me awhile". They sat down on one of the benches at the beginning of the bridge. He said "last night, I was so moved by the realization that I have absolutely all that I want since meeting you. God has given me so much. I have my music and am being allowed to honor Him with it. I have been given the opportunity to get to know my son, and I have been given the most precious gift of love in you Bella". "All I want to do is to learn our lessons and return to earth so that I can marry you and be your husband. Bella, I really want to be your husband, faithful and true and spend all the days of our lives loving and protecting you. I want to make love to you every night and have as many babies with you as you can handle. I have never been so happy as being with you has made me. I need you to know that and I need you to know that I am so glad that you are my Eternal Companion". Bella touched his face with her hand and said Prince," I am so glad and honored that you want me to be your wife. I have dreamed of hearing those words since the first time you kissed my cheek and made me realize how much I felt for you all those years ago. Nothing is more important to me than loving you and making a family with you. I will give you as many babies as our God and my health will allow and we can afford. You Prince are my heart and I love you more than I will ever be able to truly express with words". Prince kissed her and began to sing what was one of his favorite compositions and that he felt was the one song that at this moment could express how he felt about this sweet, precious woman he was holding in his arms.

Adore by Prince

Until the end of time

I'll be there for you

You own my heart and mind

I truly adore you

If God one day struck me blind

Your beauty I'd still see

Love is too weak to define

Just what you mean to me...

Denise had stopped well behind them when they got to the bridge. Because of the running water she could not hear them as well as before, but she heard Prince say" marry her" and "children" and that he loved her. She also heard Bella say something about being honored and Prince being her heart. While those words had bothered her, she did not lose it until Prince began to sing Adore to Bella. Prince had always loved that song. But he had stopped singing it even for his friends in shows unless there was a really special occasion that he felt warranted him doing so. It was that special to him. And here he sat singing it to a woman he had only known for a little while. He should have been singing it to her. Denise was fuming when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and looked directly into the beautiful but now stern face of Mary.

Mary, with a thought took Denise to her cottage. Once inside, she led Denise to the kitchen. She put the water on for tea and offered Green tea or Lemon tea to Denise who took the Lemon. Mary chose the Green. While the water heated, Mary took both of Denise's hands into her own. She asked her gently, "what is going on inside of you Denise." Denise turned her eyes away from Mary and said nothing. The kettle began to whistle. Mary got up and poured the boiling water into both of their cups letting the tea steep through their tea bags. She offered both sugar and honey to Denise who chose honey. Mary took some honey and added it to her cup as well after removing the tea bag. Then once again she asked Denise, "what is going on inside of you Denise". Denise looked at Mary and said, "I am very upset that Prince has decided to spend his time with Bella. I love him and I want him. I have always wanted him". Mary said" ok, I can appreciate that you have always wanted him. But why are you putting yourself though all of this now", Mary asked?" If he would just spend time with me, I know that he would love me again. He really used to Mary. " "Denise, whatever you had was many years ago and things were very different then. He had not met the Eternal Companion that had been made for him at the dawn of time when he was created. That, and the feelings that he has developed for her can never be undone". "I don't believe that" Denise said. "You don't know how much he loved me". "Okay Mary said, if he really loved you why didn't things work out"? "We were fine except that he was sleeping with a bunch of other girls because he was young and a Rock Star. That is what all Rock Stars did though. Denise...! Denise started to cry. "Ok, yes and the drugs were a problem. The drugs I was doing upset him and he didn't want me around him when I was using them. But I stopped and I did not do that for a long time in my life. I want him back. I want him to sing to me like he sang to Bella tonight. I want us to be in love again". "Denise did Prince ever sing to you before",? "Yes he did" "So what is that going to change", asked Mary? "It did not change how things came out before and it will not now. Prince did not sleep around or go after other women because he was a young Rock Star. He was programmed at the time of his creation to search for Bella until he found her. Everything he wants and needs is in her mind, her heart, her lips and between her loins. If he had not found her, he would still be looking just like he did when he was with you". No matter how much you want this , it can never be undone Denise. You will only do yourself harm to try to change this when it is what the Creator intends. You are not greater than God Denise. You need to accept that Prince is no longer an option in your life and live your life, not his". Denise was sobbing. Mary got up and got her a box of tissue. Once she had herself back under control, Mary told her "you have done very good work with the young souls you are teaching and you can continue to do good work. Your eternal life can be one of great spiritual abundance if you will allow it to. But you have to face you will never be with Prince again" said Mary. "I know, I just really wanted it to be different. I wanted him to choose me". "Well he will not" Mary said. You will stay here tonight Denise and return to your home and your work tomorrow. But you are never to follow either Prince or Bella or follow them as a couple again. You are not to harass them or bother them in any manner. Do we understand each other Denise",? Denise dropped head and said "Yes Holy Mother" "Alright it is very late. Let's get you something to sleep in" Mary said leading her into the guest room . She gave her a pair of pajamas to wear and told her to feel free to use the shower. She said goodnight and went to her own room.

Denise quickly showered put on the bed clothes and kneeling said Father, please forgive me for what I did tonight. Please help me to keep my focus on what you would have me to do and on the Vow of Eternal Celibacy that I made to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Unaware of the drama that had gone on literally behind them, Bella and Prince arrived at her door. They went inside. She asked if she could get him anything. He took her hand and walking her to the couch, he sat down and sat her on his lap. Yes Bella. I need your lips, your tongue, and your arms around me. He started to kiss her. Bella thought he feels so good. He sought to enter her mouth and she let him. He explored her mouth and her tongue. He said "I am getting warm". She was too. He set her gently on the couch and took off his silk shirt. She removed her jacket.He started kissing her tenderly again. She had never touched the hair on his chest, so she did. It was much softer than the hair on is head and she loved the way it felt under her fingers. He pushed her back and she was semi-reclined on the couch. He kissed her eyes and each of her ears, her cheeks and then returned to her mouth. He was laying on top of her now and she could feel his member swelling. It was now rock hard and he was moaning quietly as he kissed her. "Bella, I want you so much. I need you, Bella I need you" he said. He began to roll his hips and she felt his member moving rhythmically over her. She really loved how he felt. He kissed her again and he groaned with pleasure and desire. The intensity with which he was moving woke up her alarm senses. Prince she said softly, please sit up. "I don't want to I..." Prince said and then realizing what he was doing, sat up. He put his head in his hands with his elbows resting on his thighs. She got up went into the kitchen and got him a tall glass of iced juice and a piece of Sweet Potato Pie. She came back and set both items on the coffee table. "Bella, I am so sorry". Bella kissed his cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I want you as much as you want me and we have to help each other stay in control that's all".. She said" here drink this, it will cool you down". He drank the Iced Mango/Orange juice and in a few minutes he was feeling a little more in control. "Eat your pie man of mine", said Bella, and he did. when he finished the pie he leaned back on the couch and pulling Bella back as well he put his arm around her. They sat in the dark living room with the only light in her place coming from the kitchen. Although neither of them said anything, the silence was comfortable. It was getting late. Prince sat up, put his shirt back on and said," I love you Bella but I think I better go. I will see you tomorrow . It is our last day before rehearsals begin. I will meet you here for breakfast if that is ok". "That's fine Prince". "Baby"? "Yes" Prince said? "I love you more", she said. He kissed her on the forehead and with a thought was gone. Bella was wired. She really wanted to make love to Prince tonight. She took the plate and glass into the kitchen and rinsing them off placed them into the dishwasher. She went in the bedroom and took off her clothes hung them up and put on a robe. Still feeling antsy she went into the kitchen and decided to make some muffins for breakfast in the morning. She decided on Blueberry/Cranberry muffins. She thought up the fruit and chopped it into small pieces and went about making the batter for the muffins from scratch. She turned on the oven to 350 degrees, lightly greased the 12 muffin cups and poured the batter into each cup. She then took out the chopped fruit from this morning and added some bananas and strawberries to the mixture and put it back into the refrigerator to chill. It would be a nice addition to the muffins in the morning. Sliding the muffins into the oven, Bella went and took a shower. When she got out, she toweled off and went into the kitchen and checked the muffins. Returning to the bathroom she moisturized her skin, brushed her teeth and going back into the kitchen she saw that the muffins were crowning. In about 5 minutes they would be golden and she could take them out. While she waited she took a half stick of butter out of the refrigerator and setting it into a butter dish with a lid, put it on the sideboard. She would let it soften overnight so that it would creamily spread on the muffins in the morning. She removed the muffins from the oven to cool and went into her room and decided to put on the pretty pale blue night gown that had appeared when she thought up her wardrobe on her very first night in Paradise. 20 minutes later, she was starting to feel sleepy. She removed the muffins from the tin, and set them into a bread basket with a cloth inside it and covered them with the cloth. She set the muffins on the sideboard, turned out the kitchen light and went into her bedroom. Kneeling beside the bed, she apologized to the Lord for her weakness asked for his strength and to help her make the right decisions to help her beautiful man Prince and got into bed and immediately fell asleep.

Prince had gotten into the shower immediately upon arriving at his cottage. He moisturized himself, brushed his teeth and put on some pajamas . Bella was so beautiful and so desirable. Just thinking about her made his member start to harden again. He got a glass of water, drank it and then went into his room. Kneeling he asked the Creator for His help in not violating the rules of Paradise. He was so weary. He climbed into bed in an attempt to rest. He turned on the recorder to low selected his light jazz to block out the music that continually played in his head. 40 minutes later he was still tossing and turning. He got up and took out his Bible and read until his eyes got tired and went back to bed. 30 minutes later he was still awake. He got up and began pacing around in his room. He was exhausted but rest still eluded him. He thought about what Jesus had said to him this morning. Trust Bella! But look at him; he could go back there in this condition. He paced some more. Up out of him came a growl, "I need my woman". He went to the closet put a light jacket over his pajamas and with a thought was back on Bella's porch. He knocked Looking through the glass peek out in the door he could see no lights with the exception of the night light normally left on in her kitchen. He knocked again, but this time he heard her voice...just a minute Prince. She opened the door. She looked so beautiful. She had on a pale blue gown that stopped just above her ankles. The front of the gown skimmed her nipples slightly and he could see them hardening from the night air cooling Bella's skin. "Come in Baby", she said. "Are you okay"? " How did you know it was me", asked Prince? "Who else would it be" Bella said? " No I am not okay. I have tried everything I know and I cannot sleep. The music won't stop playing in my head. The more I try to rest and can't the more I think that I will just go crazy and then I start to cry and I get even more frantic and"... Prince was crying and talking out of his head from exhaustion...Bella took her fingers and put them to his lips like Shh. Taking his hand she led him toward the bedroom. She took off his jacket and laid it on the back of a chair and then climbed into bed She put a pillow behind her back and then opened her arms to him beckoning for him to get into bed. He snuggled up next to her, brushed his lips over each of her nipples and laid his head on her chest. She started to sing softly to him.

Lullaby and goodnight, with stars shining bright. With lilies overspread is baby's wee bed. Lullaby and goodnight with stars shining bright. Lullaby and goodnight with stars shining bright. She sang it again all the way through and then started to hum it.

Prince's breathing was no longer jagged. It had evened out. He was asleep. Bella held him all night. When she awoke the next morning, Prince was still cuddled up to her with his head on her chest. His arm was draped over her stomach and he was sleeping deeply. She smiled as she watched him sleep. He looked so relaxed and physically beautiful. She thanked Jesus for the things he had told her yesterday. She wasn't afraid last night when Prince knocked on her door. She knew that he was hurting and he needed her. She also knew what to do to help him. She didn't know how she knew, she just knew. Most importantly, this beautiful man of hers had slept though the night. She gently wiggled out of his embrace and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She then put on her robe and went into the kitchen to make coffee. Coming back into the bedroom, she heard Prince speak to her in his deep and sexy morning voice. Good morning Bella". "Good morning my Prince. How are you feeling"? "Much better". Let me get you some coffee", Bella said. She came back with his coffee dressed like he liked it. He took a sip and said that's good. Thank you Bella". " You're welcome baby" she said. Are you hungry? He nodded yes and started to get up. "You stay right there and relax, I will bring you your breakfast". While Bella heated up the muffins and buttered them liberally, Prince got up went to the bathroom, washed his hands and climbed back into bed. Bella put his fruit in a small bowl and his muffin on a small plate and placed them on a bed tray with a spoon for the fruit. Carrying the tray back into the bedroom, she enjoyed watching Prince eagerly looking to see what he was getting to eat and the smile when he saw what it was. Placing the tray in front of him, he picked up the muffin, bit into it and announced "that's good". Taking a second bite he said "that is real good". Bella said "there is more Prince. I made them last night after you left. They are cranberry and blueberry muffins. Would you like another"? "Yes, please" he said attacking his fruit. Bella got Prince another buttered muffin and refreshed his coffee. She brought a muffin in for herself and her coffee also. Prince was content munching on his second muffin. He seemed to be almost fully recovered from his exhaustion last night. As he finished his muffin and fruit she asked him if he got enough. "Yes thank you Bella. it was really good". He got up and hugged her. Thank you Bella. He kissed her forehead and then muttering, he said he didn't bring any clothes with him. He went into the bathroom and thought up everything he needed to dress. Bella went into the kitchen and did the dishes and cleaned up. Once she was finished, she went into the bedroom got her clothes and went into the sitting room and dressed, did her makeup and combed her hair putting it up into a chignon this morning. When Prince came out of the bedroom she was sitting on the sofa. He sat next to her and put his arm around her. He looked at her for a long while not saying a word. Finally he said "what was that song you sang to me last night". "It is a lullaby that my mother and grandmother used to sing to me when I was little". "Nobody has ever sung to me like that. Will you do it again sometime, please"? Bella leaned into Prince and said "I will sing to you anytime you ask baby". Prince kissed her and said Bella, I hope you don't see me as weak or stupid because of last night. Sometimes I get like that and...Bella as she had in the night, put her fingers to his lips and said Shh. "Prince I think that you are the smartest man I know. When you were hurting last night this is where you came, to the woman that you have asked to be your wife and the mother of your children. I hope you think of me as your source of comfort and love. I hope you think of me as home". "I do Bella". "Then how could I ever think that your coming to me when you needed comfort was stupid or weak", asked Bella? "You are my heart Prince...please know that and trust that. You are what is most important to me" . The look on Prince's face said it all. He believed her. He knew she loved him, really loved him and he loved just as strongly. She was his Soul Sanctuary. He had found her at last. It was time for his walk with Jesus. " Bella may I meet you back here after your Walk for lunch". "Of course my love". Prince stood up kissed Bella gently on the lips and with a thought was at Jesus's Cottage.

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