Supernatural Series Rewrite...


261K 7.5K 1.5K

You're still on the hunt for the yellow-eyed demon even though John is now gone from your lives. While on the... Еще

In My Time of Dying- Part 1
In My Time of Dying- Part 2
In My Time of Dying- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 1
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 2
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 4
Bloodlust- Part 1
Bloodlust- Part 2
Bloodlust- Part 3
Bloodlust- Part 4
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 1
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 2
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 1
Simon Said- Part 2
Simon Said- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 4
Simon Said- Part 5
No Exit- Part 1
No Exit- Part 2
No Exit- Part 3
No Exit- Part 4
No Exit- Part 5
The Usual Suspects- Part 1
The Usual Suspects- Part 2
The Usual Suspects- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 1
Crossroad Blues- Part 2
Crossroad Blues- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 1
Croatoan- Part 2
Croatoan- Part 3
Croatoan- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 5
Hunted-Part 1
Hunted- Part 2
Hunted- Part 3
Hunted- Part 4
Hunted- Part 5
Playthings- Part 1
Playthings- Part 2
Playthings- Part 3
Playthings- Part 4
Playthings- Part 5
Playthings- Part 6
Nightshifter- Part 1
Nightshifter- Part 2
Nightshifter- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 1
Houses of the Holy- Part 2
Houses of the Holy- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 1
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 2
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 3
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 5
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 6
Tall Tales- Part 1
Tall Tales- Part 2
Tall Tales- Part 3
Tall Tales- Part 4
Tall Tales- Part 5
Roadkill- Part 1
Roadkill- Part 2
Heart- Part 1
Heart- Part 2
Heart- Part 3
Heart- Part 4
Hollywood Babylon- Part 1
Hollywood Babylon- Part 2
Hollywood Babylon- Part 3
Hollywood Babylon- Part 4
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 1
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 2
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 3
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 4
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 1
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 2
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 3
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 4
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 4
Author's Note

Roadkill- Part 3

1.6K 59 2

You brought the brothers out of earshot from her and sighed.

"I think we should tell her about her husband." You said, looking at Sam for help since he was the more likely to be convinced.

"We can't." Dean said with a shake of his head.

"Come on, Dean, I agree with Y/N. It's cruel letting her pine after him like this. I don't like keeping her in the dark." Sam sided with you.

"It's for her own good. Look, I know you feel guilty, alright? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Dean said, looking at the two of you.

"Tell me what? What aren't you guys telling me? It's about David, isn't it? You know what happened to him." Molly said, hearing what you said. Now she was pissed and an angry spirit was never good.

"Molly..." Sam started.

"Sam, don't." Dean interrupted. You sighed and bit your lip, wondering what you should do.

"Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband." Molly said, getting angry.

"That's not true, Molly." You said, looking at her.

"Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please." She begged with her eyes. You didn't know what to do and you looked at the brothers, finally having a silent conversation with them through yours eyes. You never got the chance to tell her anything because you heard a radio, out of nowhere, turn on. It was static at first but then House of The Rising started playing and Molly became scared. Shit.

"He's coming." Molly said.

"Stay here, all of you." Dean said, leaving the room to follow the noise. You sighed and looked at Sam, wondering if you should backup Dean but decided against it because Greeley wasn't here for Dean. He was here for Molly and two hunters with her was better than one.

You held your shotgun up, ready to fire at anything with their insides spilling out of them.

"Stay here." Sam said, cautiously stepping to the next room and you looked at him to say something but something crashed through the window and you cringed inward, shielding your eyes from any glass. Molly screamed as Greeley took her, pulling her out of the window.

Dean came running back and you looked at him and Sam.

"Greeley's got her!" You and the brothers jumped out the window and ran through the woods, hoping you would catch them but you lost sight of them.

"What do you we do now?" You asked, panting as you looked at the brothers.

"Let's go back to the house," Dean said, bringing you and Sam back to the house. "Damn, that guy is persistent."

"Dean, we have to go find Molly." You said, looking at him.

"No, we have to Greeley's bones and no pressure or anything but we have about 2 hours before sunrise." Dean said, stressed about this. Sam went back to the photo album to look at it himself and frowned a bit.

"Hey, check this out. There's a photo in here that was taken on February 6th, 1992."

"Isn't that two weeks before the accident?" You asked, walking to him.

"Yeah. I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but... I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing. I should've thought of it." Sam said, showing you and the Dean the photo.

"What is it?"

"It's an old country custom, Dean. Planting a tree as a grave marker." Sam said, looking at Dean.

"You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness." Dean said, grabbing his duffel bag.

"Hey, that's not a bad thing. You embrace that weirdness, Sam." You said, wrapping an arm around his waist, giving him a side hug. You followed the brothers outside and back to the hunting cabin. As you got closer, you could hear Molly's screams come from inside.

"I'll go get Molly, you two start digging." You said, taking care of Greeley yourself. His bones were more important and Dean and Sam were the strongest, therefore would be able to dig faster than you. You snuck into the house and saw Greeley walking to Molly who was hung up by her wrists.

You raised your gun and fired at his head, making him disappear. Molly cried happily when she saw you.

"Oh, thank God."

"If that makes you feel better." You smiled at her, freezing when you heard a growl come from behind you. You turned around and Greeley raised his hand, slicing your cheek. You grunted out in pain but you've had worse.

"Son of a bitch! This guy is really pissing me off!" You glared. Greeley growled and raised his hand, sending you flying into a wall hard. You cried out in pain and fell to the floor, sitting on the ground.

"Guys!! Hurry up!!" You yelled, hoping the boys would hear you. Greeley came at you with a knife and you got on your feet, dodging his attempts to cut you up. You gasped when he pushed you down harshly, wincing when you fell on your ankle wrong.

Greely raised the knife up, ready to strike when he staggered back, his eyes wide with fear.

"No... No..." Greely screamed as he bursted in flames, leaving you alone forever. You sighed in relief and you leaned back, using your good foot to lift yourself up. Sam and Dean rushed inside, Sam going to Molly and cutting her down and Dean rushed to you, looking at you.

"You okay?" Dean asked, checking you over.

"No, I fell on my ankle." You tried putting weight on it but you cried out when pain shot up your leg. Dean nodded and leaned down, picking you up bridal style. He looked at Sam and nodded, leaving the cabin with him and Molly, carrying you back to the car.

"My hero." You said, resting your head on his chest, putting your left hand over his heart.

"I'll always be your hero." Dean whispered so only you could hear. You smiled wide and saw the Impala come into view. Sam dropped the bag in the trunk and Dean placed you inside the car, holding the door open for Molly.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my husband." Molly said, not getting into the car.

"Molly..." Sam said with a sigh, looking at her.

"All this time... I've been looking for him, and you knew that... You knew that Greeley killed him, didn't you? He's dead." Molly said with tears.

"No, Molly, David's alive." You said form the car, coming clean.

"What? You're sure?" She asked, hope in her voice.

"She's sure. We'll take you to him. Come on." Sam said, taking over for Dean as Dean got behind the wheel. Molly smile widely and got in the car, smiling at you.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, trust me when I say I've endured worse." You smiled, shifting your weight.


It was almost sunrise when Dean pulled up to a nice suburban house. The lights were on inside and you sighed, knowing who lived here.

"He's in that house, right there." Sam said, looking at the house.

"I don't understand." Molly said, looking at you.

"Hopefully, you will." You said, giving her a sad smile. The Winchesters and Molly got out of the car and you managed to slid over, getting out, resting your weight on your good foot. Dean stood next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders. You leaned into him, smiling a bit.

You looked at the house and saw David inside who was obviously older, wearing a bathrobe and pouring a cup of coffee.

"That's ... not ... It can't be," Molly said, becoming scared once more. You looked at Dean who looked at you then at Sam who looked sad. You looked at back the house and saw a woman in a bathrobe come up to David and give him a kiss on the lips. "What's happening? Who is that?"

"That's David's wife. I'm sorry, Molly. 15 years ago, you and your husband hit Jonah Greeley with your car. David survived." Sam said, coming clean about everything.

"What are you saying?" Molly said, getting a pained look on her face.

"We're saying there isn't just one spirit haunting Highway 41. There are two. Jonah Greeley and you." Dean spoke up.

"For the past 15 years, one night a year you've been appearing on that highway." Sam started to say.

"No, that's not possible. It was our anniversary. February 22nd, 1992." Molly said as if time hasn't passed.

"Molly, it's 2007." You said gently, looking at her with sad eyes.

"Oh, God." Molly said, getting another wave of tears.

"What about Greeley?" She asked, looking at Sam.

"Each year he punishes somebody for his death... ah, chasing them, torturing them. Each year, that somebody is you."

"But I don't remember any of it." She said, overwhelmed.

"Because you couldn't see the truth, Molly."

"So, that's why he won't let me off the highway. Because... I killed him. I killed us both." She said, taking a seat on the edge of the curb.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about this." You said.

"Why didn't you tell me when you first saw me? Why wait until now?" She asked.

"Would you have believed us?" You asked.

"And you needed me for bait." She glared at you, Dean and Sam.

"Well, we needed you." You tried to make it better. "And we brought you here so you could move on."

"I have to tell him..." Molly said, interrupted by Sam.

"Tell him what? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly, he already knows that. Look, if you want to go in there, we're not gonna stop you." Sam said.

"But you'll freak him out for life if you do." You pointed out.

"David's already said his good byes, Molly. Now it's your turn. This is your unfinished business." Sam said, walking closer to her.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked, scared and lost.

"Just... let go. Of David. Of everything. You do that... we think you'll move on." You said, looking at Sam and Dean.

"But you don't know where." Molly said, now full on crying.

"No, but we know you don't belong here. Haven't you suffered long enough? It's time. It's time to go." You said with a sigh. Molly nodded sadly and stood up, walking away from you and the brothers. At the first touch of sunlight, she becomes part of the light and vanishes before your eyes.

"I guess she wasn't so bad... for a ghost. You think she's really going to a better place?" Dean asked.

"It beats the alternative." You said.

"I guess we'll never know. Not until we take the plunge ourselves, huh?" Dean said, trying to make the air lighter.

"Doesn't really matter, Dean. Hope's kind of the whole point." Sam said, looking at you and Dean.

"Alright, Haley Joel, let's hit the road," Dean smirked as he teased his brother. Sam rolled his eyes and got in the car. "Can you get in by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm good." You smiled, kissing his cheek. He winked at you and got behind the wheel. You carefully got in the car and sat with your feet on the seat, resting your bad ankle. Dean drove away from the house just as light rain began to fall.

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