
By elizawriting

31.4K 1.3K 705

In which a woman named Ana Palvin falls in love with her new neighbor Jason McCann, but she has barely seen w... More

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198 11 0
By elizawriting

Ana's POV
"Yeah, I'll let you know the day we find out alright?" Justin tells Ryan over the phone. Ryan was telling Justin that he was planning on spoiling the baby. But he wasn't sure what clothes to buy due to us not knowing the gender yet.

Ryan was actually the first person Justin had told about me being pregnant. He doesn't have that much of a close friendship with his parents, so Ryan was like his only family he had. Even though they're not blood family, the friendship they have is unbreakable.

"We find out in about two months," Justin tells Ryan as he washed the dishes. I was currently looking at a small magazine with cribs and ideas for a baby's room. Looking in the book, I see a white crib with a dresser connected to it on the side. Grabbing the marker next to the book, I circle it and flip the page.

"Babe, how far along are you?" Justin asks an I lightly laugh as he was blabbering on about me being pregnant.  "Two and a half months," I say and he replies, "Two and half months.  Wait, so that means next month we find out the gender!" He tells me and I nod my head smiling at his excitement.  "I'm telling you Ryan, she's having a girl," he tells Ryan to tease me and I playfully roll my eyes. 

"What do you think about this one?" I ask Justin as I point to a picture of a room in the theme of baby blue and a light grey.  He places the last plate on the rack and he turns off the water to see what I was pointing at.  "That looks nice," he says nodding his head as he looked over my shoulder and eyed the picture in the magazine.  "You want stripes?" He asks looking at another picture with stripes on the walls.  I scrunch up my nose and shake my head making him lightly laugh. 

Before walking away to clean some more, he giggles and places a kiss at the top of my head.  "Whatever you want okay?" He tells me and he then walks away as he continues talking on the phone with Ryan. As I continued looking in the magazine, the smell of the eggs Justin was boiling flew into my nose making me immediately gag.

I get off of the seat and run to the trash can in the kitchen. "Hold on, I'll call you later," Justin says as he throws his phone on the counter and he runs to me. He held my hair back as I threw up and he rubbed my back when I finished. "Are you okay?" He asks worried and I nod my head. "It was the eggs," I say gagging and he stands up to turn off the stove. "I'm sorry," he says and I shake my head. "It's fine," I say standing up to go into the restroom to brush my teeth.

Coming out of the restroom, I go into my closet and change my clothes. Justin and I are supposed to go to crib shopping today, so I decided to get dressed now. "Everything okay?" Justin asks and he walks in the room and I nod my head yes. "Just changing that's all," I say and he nods his head. "You want to go to the store right now?"  He asks and I nod my head as I put a shirt on.  "Alright, I'll be downstairs when you're ready okay?" He says and with that he leaves the room to go back downstairs. 

After getting dressed and putting my hair in a messy bun, I go back downstairs and Justin gets the keys from the counter.  "Don't forget your best friend," he says as he hands me the magazine and I nudge his side making him laugh.  "You spend more time staring at the book than you look at me," He jokes and I laugh as I then kiss him. 

"Did you pick out one?" He asks we get in the car and I nod my head.  "I was thinking maybe white since you want to do the cloud theme," I tell him and he nods his head as we back out of the drive way.  "That'll match well.  Did you find anything else?  Like a dresser or something you think he'll need?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Maybe we'll find something at the store," he says and I nod my head. "Ryan had asked me if he could be the one to plan the baby shower," he says and I laugh. "If he wants to then I'm okay with that. You want a baby shower?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Of course. I would want my family and your family to come and celebrate this with us," he says and I had just realized I've never met any of his family. "We've never met one another's families," I say and he furrows his eyebrows. "You're right," he says surprised himself.  "Have you told them that you're having a baby?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I haven't spoken to my mom in a few months actually. I told her about you, and about the ring. I've told her a lot about you, but recently no I haven't been able to talk to her," he says and I nod my head. "Have you told your parents that you're pregnant?" He asks and I nod my head. "They know, but we're not that close ever since I decided to leave and be on my own," I confess and he raises his eyebrows as he drove on the freeway.

"They got mad at you for being independent?" He asks and I nod my head. "Not mad, but like, they just didn't want nor expect me to leave so soon. They were definitely surprised when I told them I was pregnant. This isn't something I planned on having so early in my life, and they know I would rather have kids later on. But I think it's happened by surprise for a reason. And with the right person," I say and he smiles as he intertwines our fingers.

"Is it just me or did this whole thing bring us closer? Knowing that we're going to have a little family, and that we're going to raise a baby together?" He says and I smile as I nod my head. "I definitely feel a deeper connection with you. I feel like our relationship is more... secured, and something serious now," I say and he kisses the back of my hand. "Always and forever okay?" He says and I kiss him as I then mumble the same words back. 

Arriving to the store, I look around as Justin held my hand. "Do you want me to ask an employee for help? So we can leave quick?" Justin asks and I nod my head, "Yes please." Once he found an employee, the lady asked us what we were looking for. "I'm looking for this one," I show her the white crib from the magazine. "Come with me, I have one like that, but this one has a changing station on top of the dresser," she says and we follow her behind. 

"Here it is," she says as she shows us the white crib.  With an adequate bed, it connected to three drawers on the right and a changing station on top of the dressers.  "You want this one?" Justin asks and I respond, "Yes."  The lady then smiles and she tells us that the had to get the box from the back room.  "I'll be with you guys very shortly.  Let me know if you guys want anything else," she says before she then walks away. 

"Do you want to sit down?" Justin asks and I nod my head.  "I didn't even check the price," I say as I then stand up, but stop when Justin holds my wrist.  "Don't worry about it, I'm paying for it," he says and I shake my head.  "Half and half," I say and he lightly laughs.  "No, you sit back and relax.  All you're doing this pregnancy is holding the baby.  Don't worry about anything, I got it okay?" He says and I sigh. 

"I'm not going to make you pay for everything," I say and he responds, "Why not?  I wanna spoil them as much as I can," he says and I giggle.  "Like you spoil me?" I say and he responds, "Exactly," making me playfully roll my eyes.  I place my arm on the sofa we were sitting at and I turn to him.  "Are you feeling better?" He asks and I nod my head yes.  "I'm not feeling nauseous at the moment.  I just can't wait until the first trimester is over," I say and he laughs. 

"Me too.  I get a mini heart attack every morning when you run to the restroom," he says and I lightly laugh.  "Why?" I ask and he responds, "I don't know.  Just worrying about you not feeling okay, or something going wrong," he says and behind him I see a baby in a stroller.  A couple then sat next to him on the couch. 

"Look," I whisper and Justin sits forward as so do I.  He eyes the baby and a huge smile spread across his face.  The baby then babbles something as he looked at Justin and he smiles at the baby.  "Hey buddy," he says waving at him and the baby babbles back.  "How old is he?" Justin asks the father and he responds, "Five months."  "He looks just like you, that's crazy," Justin says lightly laughing and the dad laughs along.  "Tell that to my wife, she believes he looks just like her," The man says and Justin laughs. 

"Are you guys expecting?" The man asks Justin and I and he nods his head.  "Yeah, we've got one on the way." He says as he then looks at me and he holds my hand.  "How far along are you?" The mother asks and I respond, "Two and a half months," and she raises her eyebrows.  "Is this your first one?" The dad asks Justin and he nods his head. 

"You both seem a bit young to have a kid?  Are you guys married?"  The woman asks and I reply, "No we're not married.  And yeah... it was kind of unplanned," I say and she laughs.  "He was as well.  This is why you don't get drunk on New Years," the dad says and Justin and him begin laughing. 

"But I'm sure you're excited right?" The woman asks Justin and he nods his head as he held my hand.  "Most definitely.  It was unplanned, but I'm just glad I am able to be able to have a family with her soon.  She's the one I want a future with, and having a family with her is just the beginning.  She's been my number one priority since the day I met her, and I'm glad to be able to share this experience with her," Justin says and I feel my eyes water up. 

He then turns and looks at me. "Babe what's wrong?" He asks worried and I shake my head, "Nothing is wrong.  Just what you said got me emotional," I say and he lightly laughs as he then kisses me.  "You know I don't like crying in public," I say and he laughs as he then hugs me.  "And it doesn't help that I'm pregnant and extremely emotional right now," I joke and he laughs even more as he then hugs me. 

"I'm sorry love," he says laughing and I giggle as I wipe the very few tears from my eyes.  "It's okay, it just made me happy to hear you say that," I say laughing and he looks at me smiling.  "I meant every single word," he says and I kiss him. 

"I've got the crib," the worker from earlier says and Justin looks at her.  "Just sign a few papers, and some of the workers here will be able to help you place it in your car," she says smiling and Justin stands up as he then follows her to the small table where he'll grab the paperwork. 

After the paperwork was all done, and they got it in the car, Justin and I then began the drive back.  "So are we putting the crib in mine, or your house?" Justin asks and I reply, "Mine."  He sighs and I ask him what was wrong.  "I don't feel safe with you living next to him.  Especially since you're pregnant.  And when the baby comes, I don't want to constantly have the fear of him doing something to you or the baby," he says and I shake my head.  "He won't do anything," I say and he furrows his eyebrows as he then looks at me. 

"Have you forgotten that he tried to kill not only me, but you too?  And that he murdered a dog, and that he has a gun that he's not afraid to use?" He says and I roll my eyes.  "I don't want to argue about this," I say and he replies, "I'm not trying to argue either Ana.  But this is something that's serious, do you really want your baby living next to him?" I reply, "What's so bad about that?  I bought that house with my own money not even three years ago.  It's not that simple to just leave something I worked so hard for," I say and he shrugs his shoulders. 

"Who cares about the house, this is our baby's life we're talking about," he says and I reply, "I know that.  And no, like I said, I'm not moving because you think it's 'scary' to live there next to him." "He's a psychopath Ana!" He says raising his voice and I yell back, "If he was don't you think I would've moved in with you?!" He then stops on the side of the road and I roll my eyes. 

Is he seriously going to argue over this? 

"I don't want my baby living next to him.  I don't want you living next to him either," he says and I tell him to continue driving.  "No, we're talking about this now.  I want to end this problem now," he says and I roll my eyes.  "I don't want to talk about it," I say and he asks, "Have you not moved on from him?" I look at him with squinted eyes. 

"Are you seriously asking me that?  Are you fucking dumb?  I've been with you for more than six months and I'm going to have a kid with you.  And you're asking if I'm not moved on from my ex?" I ask completely surprised he would even think such a thing.  "Answer the question," he says and I open the door and slam it behind me. 

"Ana!" Justin says getting out of the car and he goes chasing after me.  "Ana," he says and I flip him off.  "I'm sorry," he says catching up to me and I ignore him.  "Ana, stop," he says holding onto me and I turn to him.  "How could you even ask me that?  I love you!" I say pushing his chest and he stops me before I could walk away again. 

"I know you love me Ana.  And I'm so sorry I would even be stupid enough to doubt your love for me.  But you gotta put it in my perspective too.  How do you think it makes me feel?" He says as I walked past him and I stop walking away.  "How do you think it makes me feel Ana?  You flipped out when you found out that I was 'texting' my ex.  How do you think I feel to know that he still lives next to you? And that you don't want to move away from him?" He says and I turn around to face him. 

He then walks up to me and he tells me, "I'm sorry for asking you such a thing, but that's how I feel.  With the amount of love I have for you, I can't help but worry so much about things like this.  I want to be with you, and I'm worried he's going to get in the middle of us.  You living with me, and us being a safe family together will matter the most to me," he says holding my hands at my sides and I realized that I was really in the wrong to continue living there. 

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, I would never disrespect you like that, and I'm sorry we're even having this argument.  I just needed to make sure that you were over him," he says and I nod my head.  "Yes I'm over him.  I only love you.  I'm sorry for making you think that I wasn't, but I love you Justin.  Only you.  I fully understand your perspective on this," I say and I assume he was waiting for me to say the next words.  "I'll move in with you," I say and he releases a relieved breath. 

"I promise it'll be much better," he says and I nod my head.  "I know it will be," I say and I kiss him.  Once I backed up from the kiss he smiles, "I love you.  More than anything," he says and I smile uncontrollably.  "I love you more.  Now let's go make our babies crib," I say and he lightly laughs as we then go back into the car. 

Thank god that argument didn't get out of hand.

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