
By elizawriting

31.4K 1.3K 705

In which a woman named Ana Palvin falls in love with her new neighbor Jason McCann, but she has barely seen w... More

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406 18 13
By elizawriting

Jason's POV
Watching her from my window, I saw how happy his words made her. I saw her smile, giggle, and then hug him. Every action breaking my heart worse after another.

I saw the way he was taken by surprise, and how much love he felt for her as he squeezed her.  I saw the smile on his face, and I saw hers as well.

She moved on.

It felt like daggers were being put in my heart, just to watch another guy make her happy. To know that I couldn't do that for her, and she left me for someone else to do that. I can't make her happy, because of my issues, and she couldn't wait for me to get better.

She just left, and moved on like we weren't anything. Like I didn't love her or wanted a future with her.

As she went inside, I saw him walk back to his car. I wanted to just snap his neck, how dare he take my love. How dare he have what I don't have, the ability to show love.

I was about to leave, when I see her walk out her house, and the red peonies I got her were in her hands. I gasp as she opens the trash can in her street, and she throws them right in.

Tears rolled down my eyes, she threw away my love, and got new flowers from a new person who she will soon love now.

I sniffle as I walk away from the window and look at a picture of Ana and I. I stare into her blue eyes, and I ripped the picture down her face.

I wanted to see her dead, I don't care about her.

She doesn't care for me, so I shouldn't either.

I need to kill her.

Ana's POV
After I made sure Justin left, I went to the kitchen to grab the red peonies.  I grab them from the trash can and walk outside. 

As I walk outside, I could, as always, feel Jason's eyes on me.  I wanted him to know that I've moved on.  Opening the bin, I throw them right in and leave back to my house. 

After locking the door, I then make my way into my room and change into a pair of pajamas. 

After changing, I crawl into bed and fall asleep. 

Opening my eyes, I hear the wooden floor next to me creaking.  Too asleep, I pay no attention to it.  I feel something itching my forehead.  And then I feel something at my lips.  I become cold as the blankets become removed from my body.  I lightly moan as I feel hands at my body.  I feel the hands peel off my shirt, and peel off my shorts leaving me half naked. 

I wake up, and I look up.  I get taken back as I see a tall figure.  He sees me looking up at him, and he places his lips at mine.  I try to push Jason off, when suddenly his hands are at my neck.

I fully wake up and I try to push him off of me.  But he was too strong, when he suddenly let's go.  As he lets go, I try to get up and he pushes me back down. 

I attempt to punch him, but instead he hurt me.  I yell out stop as his fists hit my face and arms as I attempt to defend myself. 

He then gets off of me, and he drags me from my leg.  My head hits the floor and I hiss in pain.  I feel kicks to my body, hitting my stomach, my arms and my legs. 

"Why would you move on?!" He yells to me as I lay on the floor, and he grabs me by my hair and makes me look at him.  "I told you if you ever moved on, I'd kill that fucker, and you," he says and I breathe hard as I became afraid of his next move as he stares into my eyes. 

He then slams my head to the wooden floor and I scream as he begins dragging me.  I scratch at the floor and he kicks my arms.  "Shut up Ana!" He yells and I cry silently as he drags me to the hall. 

I attempt to stand up, but my body felt sore.  He goes into my restroom and looks for something.  I then stand up and I begin choking him from behind.  He loses balance and trips with my feet.  He fell on me and we went rolling down the stairs. 

At the end, he lands on top of me and he chokes me again.  As I was at a loss of breath, I reach my hand over to a small clay pot I had with a plant in it.  I reach over to it, and once it was in my hand, with all my force, I slam it against his head making it crush and the dirt falls all over me. 

"Agh!" He yells as he covers the spot I hit him.  "Fuck," he hisses as he sits up and I was able to release one fit, and I kick him.  As he lay down for a moment, I stood up and ran for the stairs. 

I fall as his hand yanks my ankle.  I grab on the bars at the side of the stairs, and he pulls at my legs.  I then go falling down the stairs as my hands slip from the bar. 

Trigger warning

As I landed at the bottom with him, the clothes were removed, and it happened. 

As much as I cried, he didn't care.  No matter how hard I hit him and scratched him, he would not stop.  And no matter how many times I tried to get him off of me, he would get a hold of me and continue. 

When he was finally finished he said, "You got what you wanted," and I cried as I was lying to the side on the floor.  "Don't cry, I did you a favor," he says as he attempts to touch me and I slap his hands away.  He hits me in the face and then stands up. 

End of trigger warning

"A worthless piece of shit, that's all you'll ever be to me," he says as everything then turns black. 

I felt disgusted, and I needed to wash his touch off of me.  I stand up and walk up the stairs.  I cry as I get into my room and grab clean clothes. 

I then leave into the bathroom with my phone.  I look at my mirror and sob as I fall into the floor.  As I cried I held onto the clothes like my life depended on it.  I just needed someone to be here for me and hold me.  Hold me in a way of love and happiness. 

"I love talking to you, and if you ever need anything, know that I'm here okay?  Whatever it is, I'll be there though the phone, or here to talk to you."

I grabbed my phone, and I called Justin. 

I waited as I heard a few rings, and then I heard him answer, "Hello?" He sleepily answered and I heard the confusion in his voice.  "Justin, I- Can we talk?" I ask and I begin sobbing, "Ana what happened?  Ana?" He asks as I couldn't get words out of my mouth.  I hear him shifting around and he says, "Ana, what happened?" He asks again and I choke out, "My neighbor, h-he"

"What did he do Ana?" He asks frantically as I hear him opening a door and slamming it behind him.  "Ana I'm coming right now, okay?  I'm on my way," he says and I sniffle as I nod my head.  "Okay, call me when you're at my door okay?" I say and I hang up. 

I just needed to feel clean, I felt disgusting. 

As I begin the water I step in not caring about the fact that my undergarments were now drenched.  And I just stood there, letting the hot water run over me.  I didn't close the glass door to the stand up shower, so the water ran to the floor as well.  But I had no care in the world. 

The whole thing just kept playing in my mind. 

And there again, like an idiot I fell to the floor and I lay under the hot water crying.  I grab onto the towel from the floor and covered myself wanting to be clothed but having no energy to move at all. 

"Ana!" I hear Justin call downstairs and I hear his hard steps going up the wooden stairs.  "Ana?" I hear him say and the bathroom door opens.  He sees me as I sobbed in the shower. 

"Oh my god," he says as he bends down to me.  He tried to turn off the hot water, but I crawl to him crying.  He cradled me in his arms as I cried, "It's okay, I'm right here," he held me as we sat on the tile floor in the small bathroom.  "Everything's gonna be all right, I'm right here," he mumbles just holding me as I cried to him. 

The hot water still ran bringing ease to my mind.

"He hurt me," "I know I know, but you're safe here with me," he says as he sighs.  I cried into his chest and I notice his shirt was drenched.  I take my head out of his chest and he himself was crying. 

"W-why are you crying?" I ask and I hold his wet shirt, "I care about you so much Ana, you don't deserve to cry," and I sniffle as more tears roll down my eyes.  "Also, my legs kind of hurt since you're sitting on them," he says with tears in his eyes and I crack a laugh. 

"Can I take you to your room?" He asks me and I nod my head.  He carries me off his lap, and holds me bridal style.  He turns off the water, and the steam was left in the bathroom.  The door to my room was left open, so with his foot he opens it and he sits on my bed with me in his lap.  "I'm sorry," I say and he asks, "For what?" I wipe the tears off my cheeks, "For making you come here, I'm just a mess," and he places his hands at my cheeks. 

"Don't ever apologize for something like that.  I will gladly be here for you any day, any time, anywhere.  It hurts me to see you cry, but I want to hold you as you cry.  I want to make you smile, when you can't even breathe from crying.  I want to be here for you," he says and I hug him.  He holds me and as one hand wrapped my waist, the other was placed at my naked back as he rubs it. 

"He took advantage of me," I say and he lets me go, "Who?" He asks snd I sniffle, "My neighbor," and I begin sobbing again.  "He just wouldn't stop," I cry over his shoulder and he holds me tightly as he mumbles, "I'm so sorry, you can get through this.  I promise," he mumbles and I stagger my breathing. 

"Ana," he whispers and I look at him. "I love you," he says and I smile. "I love you so much Justin," I say as I couldn't believe the words coming out of our mouths.

And without a moment of hesitation, our lips were then connected. He intertwines our fingers and we continue kissing.  So slowly our lips moved together in sync, and then his phone began ringing.  "Open your eyes sweetheart," he laughs. 

So I opened my eyes, and there my phone was, ringing in the dark room. I sit up and see an unfamiliar number calling me, I ignore it.  I then acknowledge everything. I was fully clothed, my hair was dry.  The door was locked.  I go back upstairs, and open the door to the bathroom.  The steam was gone, the water wasn't running.  The glass door was closed and the floor was still dry.

And Justin wasn't here.

I look to Jason's window, and his lights were all off. Everything was all just a dream, it never happened.

Crawling back in bed, I cover myself in the blankets and close my eyes.

It was all just a dream.

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