Danganronpa Ask or Dare

By DruidAmari

125K 1.2K 790

Just a nice game of truth or dare, maybe. Disclaimer: I do not own Danganronpa nor their characters or the ph... More

First Ask!
Second Ask
Happy Birthday Toko!
Happy Birthday Hiyoko!
Third Ask!
Happy Birthday Chihiro and Chiaki!
Happy Birthday Kaede!
Pool Party!
First Dare!
Second Dare!
Third Dare!
Happy Birthday Angie!
Fourth Ask!
Family Reunion!
Fourth Dare!
Happy Birthday Amari!
Fifth Dare
Sixth Dare!
Seventh and Eighth Dare!
Another Appearance!
Fifth Ask!
Sixth Ask!
Ninth Dare!
Tenth Dare!
Eleventh Dare!
Twelfth Dare!
Thirteenth Dare!
Seventh Ask!
Happy Birthday Nagito!
Eighth Ask!
A Small Chat About Ships
Reactions to Ships
Will I Resurrect Her?
Happy Birthday Byakuya!
Just A Thought
Ninth Ask!
Fourteenth Dare!
Happy Birthday Kirumi!
Fifteenth Dare!
Sixteenth Dare!
Seventeen Dare!
Eighteenth Dare!
Nineteenth Dare!
Twentieth Dare!
Twenty-First Dare!
Happy Birthday Mikan!
Twenty-Second Dare!
Twenty-Third Dare!
Another Appearance!
Twenty-Fourth Dare!
Another Appearance and Tenth Ask!
Twenty-Fifth Dare!
Twenty-Sixth Dare!
Twenty-Seventh Dare!
Twenty-Eighth Dare!
Eleventh and Twelfth Ask!
Twenty-Ninth Dare!
Thirteenth Ask!
Fourteenth Ask!
Fifteenth Ask!
Thirtieth Dare!
Thirty-First Dare!
Thirty-Second Dare!
Thirty-Fourth Dare!
Thirty-Fifth Dare!
Thirty-Sixth Dare!
Thirty-Seventh Dare!
Thirty-Eighth Dare!
Thirty-Ninth Dare!
Beach Trip!
Fortieth Dare!
Forty-First Dare!
Forty-Second Dare!
Forty-Third Dare!
Forty-Fourth Dare!
Sixteenth Ask!
Forty-Fifth Dare!
Forty-Sixth Dare!
Seventeenth Ask!
Eighteenth Ask!
Nineteenth and Twentieth Ask!
Twenty-First Ask, Twenty-Second Ask, and Forty-Seventh Dare!
Fourth-Eighth Dare!
Twenty-Third Ask, Twenty-Fourth Ask, and Forty-Ninth Dare.
Twenty-Fifth Ask!
Twenty-Sixth Ask and A Surpise!
Amusement Park!
Twenty-Seventh Ask!
Twenty-Eighth Ask!
Twenty-Ninth Ask!
Fiftieth Dare!
Fifty-First Dare!
Thirtieth Ask!
Thirty-First Ask!
Fifty-Second Dare!
Fifty-Third Dare!
100 Chapter Special!
Temporary Host!
London Trip Continue!
Next Destination!
Fifty-Fourth Dare!
Thirty-Second and Thirty-Third Ask!
Fifty-Sixth and Fifty-Seventh Dare!
Thirty-Fourth and Thirty-Fifth Ask!
Fifty-Eighth Dare!
Fifty-Ninth Dare!
Thirty-Sixth and Thirty-Seventh Ask!
Sixtieth Dare!
Thirty-Ninth Ask and Sixty-First Dare!
Fortieth Ask!
Forty-First Ask!
Sixty-Second Dare!
Forty-Second Ask!
Sixty-Third Dare!
Sixty-Fourth Dare!
Sixty-Fifth Dare!
Sixty-Sixth Dare!
Sixty-Seventh Dare!
Sixty-Eighth Dare!
Sixty-Ninth Dare!
Forty-Third Ask!
Seventieth and Seventy-First Dares!
Seventy-Second Dare!
Seventy-Third Dare!
Seventy-Fourth Dare
Forty-Fourth Ask!
Forty-Fifth Ask, Forty-Sixth Ask, and Forty-Seventh Ask!
Seventy-Fifth Dare!
Seventy-Sixth Dare and More People!
Amari's Revenge and Forty-Eighth Ask!
Seventy-Seventh Dare!
Taka's Flirting Skills!
The Recordings!
Seventy-Eight Dare!
Seventy-Ninth Dare!
Eightieth Dare!
Eighty-First Dare!
Taka's Flirting!
Eighty-Second Dare!
Forty-Ninth Ask!
Fiftieth Ask!
Fifty-First Ask and Eighty-Third Dare!
Eighty-Fourth Dare!
Fifty-Second Ask!
Fifty-Third Ask!
Eighty-Fifth Dare!
Eighty-Sixth Dare!
Eighty-Seventh Dare!
Fifty-Fourth Ask!
Eighty-Eighth Dare!
Fifty-Fifth Ask!
Fifty-Sixth Ask!
Eighty-Ninth Dare!
Nintieth Dare!
Ninety-First Dare!
Ninety-Second Dare!
Ninety-Third Dare!
Ninety-Fourth Dare!
Ninety-Fifth Dare!
Ninety-Sixth Dare!
Ninety-Seventh Dare!
Ninety-Eighth Dare!
Fifty-Seventh Ask and Ninety-Ninth Dare!
Hundredth Dare!
Fifty-Eighth, Fifty-Ninth Ask, and Hundred and First Dare!
Hugs and A Pissed Off Amari, Again
Hundred and Second Dare!
Fifty-Nineth Ask!
Hundred and Third Dare!
Sixtieth Ask!
Day Off!
Sixty-First Ask!
Hundred and Fourth Dare!
Sixty-Second Ask!
Sixty-Third Ask!
Hundred and Fifth Dare!
Hundred and Sixth Dare and Sixty-Fourth Ask
Hundred and Sixth Dare and Sixty-Fifth Ask!
Sixty-Sixth Ask!
Hundred and Seventh Dare!
Hundred and Eighth Dare!
Sixty-Seventh Ask and Hundred and Ninth Dare!
Hundred and Tenth Dare!
Hundred and Eleventh Dare!
Sixty-Eighth Ask!
Sixty-Ninth and Seventieth Ask!
Hundred and Twelfth Dare!
Seventy-First Ask!
Hundred and Thirteenth Dare!
Happy Birthday Mondo!
Seventy-Second Ask and Hundred and Fourteenth Dare!
Seventy-Third Ask!
Seventy-Fourth and Seventy-Fifth Ask!
Last Dares of Season 1!
200th Chapter Special!

Another Appearances and Thirty-Third Dare!

640 6 3
By DruidAmari

Amari: Another appearance another dare.

Yasuhiro: How many people are you going to bring in man?

Amari: As many as the requesters want me to. Anyway we have another family member joining us, I introduce you all to Taichi Fujisaki! *snaps fingers*

Taichi: Huh. *looks around and sees Chihiro* Chihiro?

Chihiro: *smiles* Dad! *hugs Taichi*

Taichi: *smiles hugging back*

Amari: Now onto the dare! This dare is from Soul from Soulin89 and the dare is 'Dare, get Taichi here and he, Daiya, and Takaaki has to react to the side promt in HeroRonpa.' He also said Takemichi had to do it too. So the rest of you can leave.

Everyone else: *leaves the room*

Amari: *pulls it up*

After Reading It.

Amari: Those were some interesting ways of how that happened.

Taichi: Takaaki your wife isn't actually like that right?

Takaaki: No she's not.

Amari: Daiya, do you actually mutter those things before you look them up?

Daiya: No I don't!

Takemichi: Calm down Daiya.

Amari: Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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