
By elizawriting

31.4K 1.3K 705

In which a woman named Ana Palvin falls in love with her new neighbor Jason McCann, but she has barely seen w... More

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681 25 11
By elizawriting

Ana's POV
Taking the last plate in the dish washer and placing them on the rack to dry, I close it shut and sit down on the couch. Usual Saturday morning for me, cleaning everything in the house. But after cleaning for three straight hours, I decided to take a break. My phone begins vibrating, and I see it's Emma's mom. "Hi mama, everything okay?" I answer confused. She never called me, unless Emma was at my house because her and her mom got into an argument. But she wasn't here, which worried me.

"Ana, I'm going to need you to sit down," she tells me and I don't do so, because I was already seated. "Something very bad happened to Emma, and her friend Aislynn," she tells me and everything that could possibly happen floods my mind. "What happened?" I ask breathing heavy now. "Emma and Aislynn were found in the lake near her house. Both are dead," and my heart sinks. "Aislynn's back was cut open and she was decapitated, and Emma had been raped, and stabbed multiple times in the area.  And her face was almost unrecognizable," she says crying and I begin crying. 

"If you want, you can come.  I'm at the crime scene, but it's really scary to see it.  But I know you're her best friend," she says and I nod my head.  "I'm coming," and we say our goodbyes.  I lift myself off the couch, put a jacket on, and place my shoes on my feet running to my car. 

Approaching the lake house I see police, ambulance, investigators, and Emma's mom along with Aislynn's parents.  "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you could make it, the investigators wanted to ask you a few questions," she tells me after hugging me and I nod my head as they ask a few questions.  "Emma's mom tells me you all three were best friends, do you have any idea who might of have done this?" They ask and I shake my head.  "No one had anything against them, from what I know of," I say staring at the floor and then look up at him. 

"No one?  Maybe someone from college, or an ex?" He suggests and I shake my head looking at the lake.  "If any one was threatening them, I would have been told.  They tell me everything.  I just think some psychopath probably decided to kill them," I say wiping a tear coming down my cheek.  "Well by the looks of the stabs, and how one of the girls was decapitated, I can tell it was through anger.  Let me know if you think of anyone who might of done this," he says walking away and I nod my head to answer his request.

"Can I see them?" I ask the police and they nod over to the bags they were shoved in by the lake.  It was cut open by the police and in each bag I saw the bodies that made my heart drop.  Emma was literally unrecognizable as her face was stabbed more than twenty times.  Her skull and brain were crushed and stabbed.  Her dress has a big stain of blood and her inner thighs had a few cuts and stabs.  Lifting up her dress, bugs flew and crawled away from the bloody shriveled hole.  "Oh my god," I cover my mouth as it looked like someone shoved their own fist in her.

I place the dress back to cover her and I see Aislynn.  Her decapitated body was turned around showing her cut up back showcasing her bones and now rotting intestines.  "Have they found her head?" I ask the investigator and they shake their head.  "No, not yet.  But we're going to need you guys to leave.  We will call you both as soon as we get anything.  But we just need to have this clear to find any clues we can," they tell us and I nod getting in my car. 

Emma's mom walks to my car hugging me.  "Stay safe, I don't know if this person would want to harm you too," she says and I thank her for telling me to stay safe.  "Thank you," and I leave to the road back home. 

Getting home I get into my room and close my door.  She's dead, when anything bad happens, she's the person I call, and now I can't call her when I'm mourning over her death.  I wipe tears from my eyes and sniffle.  And then I hear clicking at my window.  It was Jason I would assume.  I get up and smile when I see his face as he hung.  Helping him up he looks at me, "Baby what's wrong?" He asks as he noticed my red eyes and nose.  "Who hurt you?" He asks and I burst out crying.  "Hey hey hey, it's okay, it's okay," he says as he tries holding me up as I fall to the floor on my knees. 

He gets to his knees in front of me as I sob into my hands leaning on my knees.  "I'm right here baby, it's going to be okay," he says and I blurt out the reason that I was hurting the most right now "Emma and Aislynn, they're d-dead," and I look up at him.  "Im so sorry baby, come" he says and I quickly sob into his chest.  He holds me there for a few moments as I wrap my legs around his torso and cry to his chest making his shirt damp.  He places soft kisses on my head as he lifts me up and walks me to my bed. 

"Baby, hey, breathe," he says and I hold my face as I sob into his chest.  "I already miss her," and he holds me as he places a soft kiss on my head.  "It's going to be okay," he whispers to me and I sniffle and wipe my now damp cheeks.  "But they're dead," I say looking at him and he gives me a sympathetic look.  Almost too sympathetic.  "I'm sorry, I-I wish there was something I could do," he says and I just hug him wanting to never let him go. 

"Just hold me," I mumble and he rests his chin on my head holding me like I told him to.  "Just to get your mind off of things, do you still want to go to the movies with me tonight?" He asks and I nod my head.  "Yeah, I just need to get my mind off of it.  I'm going to be crying for I don't know how long for the next few weeks," I say taking my head out of his grasp and wiping my eyes. 

I did promise him a date at the movies, so I am going.  "Just no sad movies, or I'll cry my eyes out," I say trying to cheer myself up by laughing and he smiles at me.  "I'm really sorry about what happened," he apologizes and I tell him.  "You don't have to be sorry, it's not like you're the one who killed them," I say and he sighs.  "I, where did they find them?" He asks and I reply "In the lake across her house," and he nods his head.  "Not so far," he said and I turn to get some clothes to change into after I showered. 

"By the way, this is weird, but have you seen my dress?" I ask him and he shakes his head.  "Which one?" And I reply looking in my closet, "The one I wore to Emily's party.  I haven't been able to find it in like a week or two" I say and he shakes his head, "Probably lost it in the laundry room," he says and I nod my head.  Most likely. 

Jason's POV
"Ima go shower, you can stay in here if you want" she tells me and I nod my head looking out her window and looking at my house.  "There's also food downstairs if you want," she yells over the running water.  "I'm fine," I mumble not caring that she couldn't hear. 

Looking around in her room I look at her makeup, her brush, socks, books.  I pick at the hair from her brush and put some in my pocket.  Grabbing a pair of her socks I put in my front pocket alongside with the hairs.  Going downstairs I pick up some of the spoons and forks.  Sticking it in my mouth I indulge the taste of her mouth.  I go back to her room and smell any clothing I could find.  They all smelled just like her. 

"Jason!" She tells taking me out of the gaze from a photo of her and her now dead friend.  "Yeah?" I say and she yells back, "Can you get me another towel from my laundry room?" she asks and I go to her restroom.  "Here, put this one in the bin," she says and I take it giving her a new one and leave the used one in the bin.  After I smell it obviously. 

"Have you showered?" She asks me coming out of the bathroom in another skin tight dress along with a towel on her head.  "No, I was going to g–" "Oh let's go, and I we can leave off to the movies in your car," and I nod my head leaving in front of her as she follows me.  Or so I thought.  "I'll be there in a second, let me just get my stuff," she says and I leave down the stairs. 

"Got all your stuff?" I laugh as she comes down with handfuls of make up and her hair dripping wet as she has a blow dryer in her hands along with her flats.  Her sandals clap along the floor as she goes pass me and I close, and lock her front door.  "Can you grab that?" She asks that and I grab the blow dryer and her shoes.  "Thanks," and I open the front door for her allowing her to walk in. 

"We can go upstairs," and she nods her hair walking up.  Opening my door she walks to my bathroom and drops her stuff on the counter.  "Mind if I doll up in here?" She asks and I shake my head.  "I'm going to shower in here that's the only thing," I tell her and she purses her lips.  "I'll just go to your room then," "Yeah," I whisper laughing as she carries all her things into my room.

Closing the door I turn on the water faucet.  I didn't close it all the way in case she needed something and I could hear her.  I grab the towel,  my razor and my shower gel.  Removing all my clothes I hear the door creak and she gasps.  "I didn't see anything, I meant to knock and it just opened," she says as I stood there butt naked and she had her eyes closed shut as she covers them.  "I just need my blow dryer," she says scattering the counter for it.  "Okay thanks," she says hitting the door.  I open it for her "Thanks," and I close it shut locking it this time. 

"You swear you didn't see anything?" I ask her getting out of the shower with a towel over the bottom half of my body.  Water dropped down my body and she looks at me almost gazing but she catches herself.  "I didn't see anything," she giggles and I look in my closet for a button up to wear.  From my mirror she looks at my bare muscle back as I look for something to wear.

"I can feel you staring," I say turning around and she looks down to her makeup palette as if she had been staring at it this whole time.  "I don't know what you're talking about McCann, I'm just doing my makeup.  A very muscled sexy back totally isn't something I'm staring at," she says and I laugh at her.  "You find my back sexy?" I ask and she adds on "The front is better, with those tattoos, it's pretty hot," and I playfully roll my eyes turning around to my closet.

Finding the shirt I dry my back.  Which meant taking off the towel from my lower body.  But my high bed was able to cover my butt from being seen by Ana by where she sat.  "Jason which lipsti–OH MY GOD!" Ana says lifting from the seat and I turn around "Wha–" "OH MY GOD TURN AROUND!" She screams and I look down to see my penis was on full effect and she covers her eyes.  "Why didn't you tell me to not turn around," she says laughing as she shuts her eyes.  "Okay I have boxers on now," I laugh loudly and she opens them.

"I was going to ask you, which lipstick do you think looks better?" She asks and I choose the pink one over the red one.  "First I see your white ass and then I see your dick oh my god," she rubs her eyes and I laugh out loud.  "I swear that was unintentional," she says laughing and I calm down the laughing I had been releasing.  "You sure?" I ask and she raises her voice.  "Yes I'm sure!  I didn't want to see your penis!" She says and I button up my shirt. 

"I'm sorry," I laugh and she shakes her head.  "It's fine, it's fine.  I'm just going to pretend it never happened," she laughs and I nod my head knowing that would be practically impossible for her.  "I've seen you half naked, but that was just all so sudden," she laughs and my face becomes red. "I'm going to go dry my hair," she says going into the bathroom and I follow her.

"You're making it awkward," she laughs and I playfully roll my eyes. "Well sorry sweetheart, but my deodorant, gel, and cologne is in here," I laugh and she ignores my eyeing at her. "That smells good," she says inhaling he cologne I began spraying and I make a mental note to buy more since she loves it. "How should I do my hair to our date?" I ask her and she looks at me with her head tilted.

Normally I have it as a messy sex hair look, but for a date like this, I would probably do it nice. "How about a quiff?" She suggests and I laugh. "Queef?" "No you ass," she punches my abs "Ow!" And she laughs. "A quiff, trust me, it'll look really nice on you," she says and she sits me down on a stool I had. "I'll just blow dry it into the form, and you'll see. It'll look nice," and I laugh to myself as her chest was smothering my face. "You're going to look so hot when I'm done," she smirks as she brushes my hair up and I mumble "so hot" and she looks down and sees where I'm eyeing her.

"Oh my god Jason!" She laughs and covers my eyes. "Sorry," I laugh and she laughs at me when she uncovers my eyes and I innocently look up at her gorgeous eyes. "I promise I won't look anymore," I say and she nods her head as she blow dries my hair. "It feels like you're frying my hair!" I yell over the loud sound. "You get used to it!" she yells back and I lightly laugh.

After what seemed hours, she unplugs the blow dryer. "Done," she sighs and I stand up to look at myself in the mirror. "Damn, you look good," she nods her head and I look at her and she blushes. "Jesus I always do that," she walks away making me laugh. "It's adorable," I hold her arm and she smiles trying not to blush. But it was hard for her as I was looking right into her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asks looking for her phone. "It's 5:45, we gotta go," she says and I grab my shoes putting them on. "What time does it start again?" I ask and she grabs her phone. "Around 6:15 I think," and we rush out the house to our first date.

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