
By elizawriting

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In which a woman named Ana Palvin falls in love with her new neighbor Jason McCann, but she has barely seen w... More

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883 35 7
By elizawriting

Ana's POV
"Oh my god, tell me everything," Emma says closing my room door and I set my laptop at my side.  The essay due next week can wait.  She sits on my bed next to me and I begin.  "Okay, his name is Jason," I say and she rolls her eyes, "I know that Ana, but describe him," she says and I begin.  "He has green, no, hazel eyes, he's really tall, and he's got this gorgeous messy hairdo," I say and she laughs. 

"Like sex, with a mix of bed hair?" She smirks and I laugh "Better," and she squeals.  "And how did you two meet?" She asks and I tell her, obviously, I tell her everything. 

"Two months ago!  Ana, why haven't you told me?!" She says smacking my arm, "Because, I didn't think it was anything serious, I didn't think I was that into him," I explain and she 'ooohs'.   "How do you know it's serious?" She asks, "Because we kissed," I say quietly and she gasps.  "When!?" And I tell her, "Last night" making her squeal in excitement for me. 

"How was it?" She asks and I purse my lips, she notices.   "Wait, did you guys have sex?" She asks and I burst out a loud laugh "NO!" And she doesn't believe me.  "I swear Emma, just a kiss," I say laughing and she gives me a look.  "But I bet you probably bit his lip huh?" She asks and I laugh nodding my head.  "You know me too well, and I might of tugged at his hair during the kiss," I say stretching my lips and she laughs. 

"You dirty slut," and I gasp, "Look who's talking," and she laughs at the joke.  "I mean, would you like to?" She asks and I reply "If you saw him, you'd want him to slam you to a wall too," and she bursts out a laugh slapping her lap.  "Girl, I knew you wanted him to," she says and I become red.

"I can't help it Em, he's so hot, and so cute," I say laughing and blushing.  "When am I going to meet him?" She asks and I roll my eyes playfully.  "We're not even a couple, yet," I say and she scoffs.  "So, he needs my approval first before asking you to be his girlfriend," and I laugh.  "Oh wow, trust me, you're going to love him," I say and she nods her head.

The room gets quiet. "Oh yeah, Em, there's something I need to tell you," I hesitantly say.  "What is it Ana?" She asks worriedly.  "Remember Anthony, the guy you showed me at Betty's party?" I ask hoping she'd remember.  "Oh yeah, the guy that likes to read.  What about him?" Thank god she remembered him.  "I think he might have drugged me," I begin but she interrupts "Drugged you?!" And I sigh as I had to explain it all. 

"Yes drugged me, he gave me a cup of water, and then as he drove me to my house I felt dizzy, and he trying to touch me and kiss me. I told him to stop, and he just right on kept going," I say and roll my eyes, I was idiot to trust him so quickly. "Oh, Im sorry Ana, I didn't think he'd do that," she apologizes. "It's fine, but just, keep your distance from him, and don't introduce him to anyone else," I say and she nods her head "Definitely,"

"Does Jason live alone?" She asks and I nod my head, "Or at least I think so," I say.  "Do you think he has any brothers our age," and I burst out a laugh.  "Oh my god Emma." "Hey, Im just saying, I'm sure he's hot too," she defends herself shrugging her shoulders and putting her hands up, next to her head.  "I wonder what he's doing," I say and peer out my window where I can see him from his bedroom. 

"Wow, his hair really is better than bed or sex hair," Emma says and I look next to her "What do you mean?" And she nods her "Look, he's doing something in his backyard," and there he was digging a hole in his backyard.  "What is he doing, digging a hole to put a body in?" She says and we burst out laughing and we see Jason looking up at my window and we quickly fall to the floor. 

"Do you think he saw us?" Emma asks and I whisper "Who cares?  I'm sure he looks at me all the time from his window," I say and we then stand up and look at him.  "He's standing in the sun, I'm sure he'll take off his hoodie pretty soon," Emma says as we stand there waiting for something interesting to happen.  "He's probably just going to dig up a hole to plant a tree or something," I say walking away from the window putting my homework away into my backpack. 

"I don't know Ana, I don't think seeds take up that much space in the ground," she says and I come back to see he had already shoveled out about a foot of the ground, it was a wide hole for just a seed.  "Oh he's doing something to his sweater," she says and she gasps when he lifts up his sweater and his abs become exposed.  "Holy shit!" I say as he throws his hoodie to the concrete floor by him. 

His biceps were huge, and his sweat dripping down his body made his six pack gloss.  His multiple tattoos all over his torso and arms made it hard not to look.  "Why do you always get the hot ones?" She scoffs and I laugh.  "Not even, I always go for the nerds," I say the truth.  "Well fuck, get me a nerd too.  I'll read a book if I have to," she says and I laugh.  Emma actually loves to read, and is pursuing a better career than me.  She's gotten accepted to Yale and Stanford, but because of family issues she couldn't go.  But she says she's an idiot because she always attracts the players and assholes. 

"I don't know why you always go for the players and assholes," I tell her and she rolls her eyes as she looks away from the window.  "Because no other guys are attracted to me," she laughs and I laugh along.  "Trust me, he'll come some day," I tell her and she smiles.  "Better come soon," and she walks into the bathroom down the hall of my room. 

As I look back at him he goes into his house.  Soon enough his room light is turned on, and I see him grabbing something from his dresser.  I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it was small.  He closes his dresser and leaves his room.  Emma then comes back.  "Anything happening?" She asks peering at the window and I answer. 

"He got something from his room," I say and he walks out, but with a frame in his hand, and a bouquet of flowers in the other.  He places them on top of his sweater and keeps digging the hole until it's a few inches underground.  "I think it's a frame," she says looking at the object on the sweater.  "I think it's a picture of his mom," I say and she looks at me "do you think she died?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders "I'm not sure, but I think so."

He grabs the frame and the flowers and gently places them in the hole.  He wipes a tear from his right eye and covers it all.  "That sucks," Emma whispers and I nod my head as he grabs his sweater and goes back in his house. 

"Well that was interesting," she says and I nod my head "Very, you're leaving already?" I ask as she grabs her purse from my bed and puts it on her shoulder.  "Yeah, my mom just texted me that I need to babysit Andrew," she rolls her eyes and I laugh at her.  Andrew was her 15 year old brother, whom her parents baby all the time. 

"Well good luck with that, give me a call if you need help with the brat," I tell her as I walk her down the stairs and she tells me "I'll definitely do that," as we go to my front door.  "Alright, well thanks for coming by.  I'll see you later," I tell her opening the door and she hugs me "See you later Ana." I close the door. 

Walking up to my bedroom I head in for the shower.  After my shower I decide to take a nap, I oddly woke up extremely early today, so a nap was very much needed. 

Hours Later
I get waken up by the sound of knocking, but I'm not sure where it's coming from.  I take the blankets off of my body and grab the aluminum bat from under my bed.  I stand up and hear the knocking again.  I then hear someone groaning, like in pain.  I open my sliding door and get on my small balcony.  I look down at the handle bars and see hands holding them.

"What the fuck!" I say and raise my hands with the aluminum bat "ANA ITS JASON!" He says and I see him with widen eyes as I was about to crush his fingers.  "Don't crush my fingers! Please," he says and I throw the bat back in my room and help him up.  Surprisingly, I was able to.  "What are you doing here?" I ask him and he ignores the question "Do you wanna hang out?" He asks whispering and I smile "Hang out where?" I ask and he replies still out of breath. 

"I don't know, show me around, I'm new here," he says and I reply, "There's an awesome forest a few blocks away from here, you wanna go?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders "Seems fun" and I let him in my room.  "You can sit on the bed if you'd like," I tell him pointing at my bed as he was just standing there as I looked for some old shoes in my closet to put on. 

He sits down and I put on my shoes.  "You want a hoodie, Im sure it's going to be cold out there," I ask him and without him even replying I throw a jacket at his face.  He grabs it from his face and gives a look at it "PINK, really?" He says and I laugh at him.  "That's all I have," and he mumbles "Why couldn't it have been a black sweater, not a purple one," he complains putting it on and I laugh at him. 

"You don't look bad, unless you want to freeze," I tell him.  "Fine, I'll keep it on," he rolls his eyes and I walk to my door as he follows behind me.  "You live alone right?" He whispers and I reply "Yeah, so you don't have to fear for my parents coming out of their room or something," I tell him and he nods his head. 

As we leave my house I get to my car, "Where are you going?" I ask him as he walks on the side walk.  "Lets walk," and I put my keys back in my hoodie and catch up to him.  "What if we get kidnapped or something?" I say looking around us and he laughs.  "Don't worry, I'll protect you," he says getting a hold of my arm, and as much as I thought it was cute, I playfully roll my eyes. 

"Just because you have huge biceps and a six pack covered by tattoos, doesn't mean someone can't easily kidnap us," I say without thinking and he laughs.  "I didn't know you watched me from my window as I change Ana, that's pretty hot," he says and I face palm myself.  He begins laughing and I become extremely red.  "I'll make sure to keep the windows open after I shower," he winks at me and I tell him to shut up. 

"Shut up, I'm pretty sure you watch me too," I cross my arms over my chest and he replies hesitantly "I'd be lying if I said no," and I look at him surprised.  "That's totally not creepy," and he raises his eyebrows at me, "Look who's talking, and you don't even have curtains.  It's pretty hard to ignore it," he says and I blush. 

"Whatever, Im getting curtains then," I say and he replies "Then I'll get some too," and I scoff.  "Deal." i say and he laughs "You know you don't want me to get curt–" "No I don't want you to get curtains!" I interrupt him and he laughs more as we walk down the path to the forest. 

"Have you actually ever been to the forest?" He asks and I reply "Nope, so if we die, it's your fault, I told you we should take the car," I say and he replies, "And I told you I'd protect you," and I give him a look as he shrugs his shoulders.  God he's adorable. I just want to attack with him kisses at the moment.

"Why do you have so many tattoos?" I ask him trying to avoid an awkward quiet walk. "I have a lot of things that have happened in my life, they're kind of like memories to me. Marks to remember certain times in my life," he says and I nod my head understanding his reasoning. "Don't tell me that you also write poems, and love letters. And probably keep a diary to write about all the girls you've fallen in love with," and he clicks his tongue "Guilty" and I laugh at him. He's so innocent, it's amazing.

"And if I ever wrote you one, you'd probably keep it in a box with the rest of the love letters and poems guys have written to you as well," and I think about the box I have in my attic. "You know me so well," and he chuckles looking at the path in front of us.

"Are we almost there?" He asks and I nod my head. "Almost, it's pretty dark, so don't be scared," and he takes out a small flashlight from his pocket making me lightly laugh. "Now we'll be able to see the path as we walk into the scary forest," he says trying to scare me and I scoff as I answer, "Whatever, I'm not scared."

(Twenty minutes later) Jason's POV
"Oh my god we're going to die out here," Ana says and I laugh as her eyes are widened looking everywhere. "Wait hold me," she says holding my arm and makes me hold her waist as we walk into the woods. "I thought you said you wouldn't be scared," I tell her and she raises her voice while whispering, "This isn't the time Jason, what if we actually die out here!" She says and I roll my eyes.

"Watch out," I say as I pull her close to me before she fell down a small hill. "Oh, watch out for the root," I say and she trips over a tree root making me burst out laughing. I help her up and she could not stop laughing. "Just carry me, I'm going to keep embarrassing myself," and I aw at her. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, I'm sorry." She goes behind me so I can give her a piggyback ride.

She jumps on my back and I stand back up holding her thighs and her arms wrap around my neck. "Don't choke me," I say and she giggles, "I won't, now walk!" I roll my eyes but smile at her "Anything else, my queen" and she laughs while blushing. "A kiss would be nice," she says and I turn my head connecting our lips.

"That's all, thank you," she says keeping her chin on my shoulder as I walk ahead. "I think I see something," I say and I walk over to it. "What is it?" She asks and I reply "You'll see."

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