Avatar One-Shots

By creativemind34

434K 7.6K 2.5K

As the title says, a collection of Avatar One-Shots. (DISCLAIMER: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or... More

Leechee Juice (Makorra)
Kiss/It's About Time (Tokka)
Flustered (Irosami)
Parenting (Kataang)
Carpool (Irosami)
The Least of your Worries (Irosami)
What Friends are For (Zutara/Kataang)
Defense (Irosami)
Jinora's Birthday (Bolinora)
Take me or Leave me (Irosami)
You'll be a great Mother! Part 2 (Tokka)
Winds of change (Linzin)
"Tutoring" (Kainora)
Lies Part 1 (Tyzula)
Lies Part 2 (Tyzula)
Moonlight Kiss (Sukka)
The Baby (Tokka)
Tattoos (Kainora)
Visit (Tokka)
Greetings (Irosami)
Headlines (Korrasami)
Screw you Mako (Korrasami friendship)
Waiting (Korrasami)
Little Sister (Toko)
Through the Windowsill (Jetko)
When We Meet Again (Jinoochy vs. Kainora)
Sweet Vandalism (Korrasami)
Beifong Rage (Linzin/Pemzin)
Being Mommy (Linkhan)
Blush (Zuki)
Hair (Huan/Eska)
Resident Weirdos (Huan/Eska)
Battles (Zhurrick)
Love Pentagon (Tokka/Sukka/Zuki/Satoph)
From Blush to Kiss (Zuki)
This Could Be My Year (Bopal)
Lucky Guy (Kataang)
Always Here (Deska)
Contentment (Kainora)
Dysfunction (maiko)
Secrets (Zutara)
Date (Linkhan)
The Twins (Deska)
Baby It's Cold Outside (Irosami)
Back by Popular Demand (Jetko comedy)
A Note For The Finale
Spirit World (Korrasami)
A Note on the Ending
P'Li's Account (Tyzula)
New Guy (Zukka/Jetko)
Wedding (Kataang)
The Dancer Part 1 (Zutara)
The Dancer Part 2 (Zutara)
Visits (Korvira)
That's Rough Twinkletoes (Taang)
Roomates (Tyzula)
Water or Lack Thereof (Tahno)
Homecoming (Iroh II/Reader)
Firelady (Toko)
I Should Tell You (Tokka)
Swear Not to Tell (Irosami)
A Long Night for Kai (Kainora)
Talk (Korrasami)
Honey Honey (Suyin)
Yue (Sukka)
Never Ever Ever (Makorra)
Tickets (Mako & Lin)
Everybody Talks (Makorra)
Valentine's Day (Korra/?)
Date (Borra)
Becoming Parents (Makorra)
Circus Freak (Tyzula)
Lunch (Tokka)
Age Difference (Irosami)
Reunion Part 1 (Tyzula)
Because of a Swordfight (Zukka)
Reunion Part 2 (Azula & Ursa)
Dictators (Kuvira/Reader)
When Can I See You Again (Tahnorra)
Idea (Linzin)
Flirt (Kainora)
Whatever This Is (Makorrasami)
Fatal Attraction Part 1 (Korvira)
Fatal Attraction Part 2 (Korvira)
Fatal Attraction Part 3 (Korrasami/Korvira)
Entourage (Tahko)
Brothers (Irosami)
News (Bopal)
Family Ties (Korrasami)

You'll be a great mother! Part 1 (Tokka)

9.2K 142 28
By creativemind34

A/n Tokka requested by @tokkarobae.




Knock knock knock.

Sokka rolled over and glanced bleary-eyed at the clock. It was well past 1 AM. Who could possibly be paying him a visit at this hour?

Knock knock knock.

With a groan, he rolled over and sat up, pushing himself out of bed. He stumbled over to the door and peered through the peephole.

It was Toph.

With a sigh, he opened the door. Any question he might have asked - what are you doing here at 3 in the morning? being one - stuck in his throat when he saw the expression on her face.

"Toph...? Are you alright?" He asked, taking in her disheveled hair and hastily thrown on clothes.

"Sokka, I know it's late but I've been thinking and thinking and I just don't know what else to do!" She started, panic obvious in her voice. It wasn't like Toph to get like this. Concerned, Sokka stood aside and let his friend in.

"What's up?" He asked, taking a seat in a chair across from her. Toph ran a hand through her hair.

"Sokka, I-I didn't know who else to go to, you're my best friend. I'm sorry for waking you up," she apologized. Sokka decided that was REALLY out of character, so something must be very wrong.

"Um, no problem. So, what's got you all worked up?" He asked. She sighed and yanked at her hair.

"I've been feeling sick, but I never get sick, so I pushed it off at first. But then it got worse, so I went to a healer, and it turns out I'm not sick," She explained. Sokka raised an eyebrow, not that she could see it, and cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah... Not seeing the problem," he said after some thought. Toph sighed and ran her fingers through her hair once again, so hard that Sokka thought she might rip it out.

"I'm not sick, Sokka! And I'm not sick because I'm..." She trailed off. Sokka waited awhile for her to answer. When none came, he prodded.

"You're... What?" He asked. Toph buried her face in her hands and mumbled something.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

She took a deep breath and removed her hands. Her spine straightened and her panic calmed just a bit.

"I'm... Pregnant."

Neither of them spoke for a long while.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that right. I thought you said you were pregnant?" Sokka said, more as a question than a statement. Toph merely groaned and sank to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees. Needless to say, Sokka was concerned. He had never seen her like this before. She was Toph! The greatest Earthbender in the world! Toph who invented metalbending! Toph who didn't give a flying monkey feather what anybody thought of her! Toph who despite having a disability, dominated at everything she did.

Toph who was currently crying in a ball in his living room.

Not knowing what else to do, he knelt beside her and wrapped her in a comforting embrace.

"There, there. It's okay. We'll figure this out. It's not the end of the world."

"I don't know how to be a mother, Sokka!" She sobbed. Sokka merely pulled her closer.

"It's alright. You'll be a great mom! I'm sure of it!"

Toph looked up at him. "Really?" she asked.

"Really. I mean, you're Toph! Toph, the greatest Earthbender ever! Toph who completely dominates at everything you do! And if you can invent a whole new type of bending, surely you can raise a kid, right?"

They sat in silence for a moment, then he stood and held out a hand to help her up. As soon as she was on her feet again, she crashed into him. Her arms locked into place around his torso, and she buried her face in his chest.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Sokka" she thanked him. He slowly folded his arms into place around her and rested his chin on her head.


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