The Unexpected groom{Complete...

By myworld92

431K 21.1K 1.7K

How do you feel when you get married to a person whom you saw few times and chatted with him/her in facebook... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39

Part 34

7.1K 475 28
By myworld92

Thanks a lot for your votes and comments on previous part :). Hope you enjoy reading this part :).

When Rishab came out after freshening up, he saw Madhu lying on the bed glancing at the ceiling while thinking about her staying here alone even after getting married, his stay in Mumbai and the duration she has to stay away from her family and him like this. She could see his struggle to meet her once a week and he is taking the stress in traveling most of the times as he doesn't want her to get tired.

Unaware of her thoughts, Rishab asks "Didn't sleep?" making Madhu glance at him. Nodding her head negatively, she laid on her side looking at him who stood in front of mirror wiping his face with the towel. Taking a look of his face in the mirror, he threw the towel on the sofa and started coming towards the bed.

"How many time should I tell you to place it, there?" complained Madhu pointing to the balcony.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry." says Rishab cheekily, switching off the lights.

"Are you in a hurry to attend a meeting,Mr.Rishab?" asked Madhu sarcastically while Rishab got on the bed beside her.

"No, I was missing Mrs. Rishab so in a hurry to have her in my arms." saying that he pulled her into his arms and tickled her waist.

"hahahaha, stop it" pleaded Madhu pushing his hand away from her waist while making herself comfortable on his chest.

Sighing, Rishab wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her even more closer. Madhu frowned, not hearing anything from him as they usually talk for sometime until she feel sleepy, she lifted her head and looked at him.

"What happened?" asked Madhu as Rishab gazed at the ceiling.

"It's becoming difficult to stay away from you." said Rishab sadly, making Madhu smile at him. Blushing, she laid back on his chest and said "I was thinking the same minutes back."

"That's why you were lost somewhere when I came from washroom?" asked Rishab bending his head towards her head.


"Still 3 more months!" stated Rishab dropping a kiss on her neck making Madhu froze for a second.

"Sometimes I feel to shift here till you finish your work but at the same time I can't as dad have to manage office alone if I move here." said Rishab making her lie on her back and coming on top of her while Madhu ran her fingers in his hair.

"Wish to be back home, to your arms after coming home from office but our bedroom feels lonely without you." confessed Rishab kissing her on her face.

Madhu looked at him confused and little worried with his confession as he has never openly confessed how much he has been missing her as it was always her who would make it obvious with her behavior.

"What happened, Rishu?" asks Madhu cupping his cheek and making her look at him.

"Today I had missed you badly." saying that he hugged her and laid his head on the crook of her neck.

"Even I miss you so much that I want to leave all this and come back home." said Madhu with a chocked voice making Rishab understand the things he is telling to her. He had kept all this to himself as he doesn't want her to feel sad and now in a weak moment, he confessed how much he has been missing her which will make her more sad.

"It's fine, I will make it up when you come back home." said Rishab cheerfully trying to change her mood.

"How?" asked Madhu seeing his cheerfulness.

"That you will know soon when the right time comes, baby." said Rishab winking at her, while a blush crept her cheeks seeing his naughty smile. 'It is so easy to divert her mind' thought Rishab chuckling.

"By the way, I think it's two months only not three." said Madhu making him turn towards her.


"Yeah, today we had gone through the progress and we are making pretty good progress and I don't think I need 3 months to finish my work and later, if needed I will support from there."

"Awesome!! So two months?" asks Rishab excitedly.

"Yes" Madhu nodded her head smiling.

"And you are telling me this, now?" asked Rishab narrowing his eyes.

"Hey mister, why do you think i have been waiting to talk to you since afternoon? To tell you this only, in the evening meeting we got to know the exact progress and i was waiting to convey this to you."

"Oh sorry" said Rishab with a cheeky smile.

"Anyways, that is still 2 more months" said Madhu grumpily.

"It's okay better than 3 months, so no problem"saying that Rishab kissed her forehead lovingly making Madhu smile. She always loved it when he kiss her on forehead.

"Let's sleep now. " saying that Rishab pulled her into his arms and both slept peacefully.

A month later:

During midnight,Rishab entered home without making any sound .As soon as he walked into the bedroom, he found his wife lying on the bed on her stomach with laptop and some papers on the remaining space of the bed. Shaking his head, he went near the bed and picked up the things and placed them on the couch. Later, he went and sat on the bed. Turning her on her back, a smile formed on his lips seeing her tightly clutching his shirt in her hand and hugged it to her chest. Removing the hair on her face, he soundly kissed her on her forehead and laid beside her, facing her. He tried to take the shirt from her hands but she clutched it tightly. Grinning he blew air on her face which made her relax and loose her grip on the shirt. Smiling, Rishab placed it aside and pulled her into his arms saying "When I'm here, you don't need my shirt."

Kissing her forehead and wishing her good night he slept off. Morning, Madhu opened her eyes hearing her alarm tone but closed her eyes again frowning. Stretching her hand on bed she started looking for her mobile but finding a hand she opened her eyes and got up startled seeing Rishab sleeping with his one arm around her waist and other hand stretched on the bed. Smiling she kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. Seeing how tired his face was looking, Madhu left to bathroom without making any noise.

When she came out after shower Rishab was wide awake lying on the bed. When she saw him awake, Madhu cheerfully said "Good morning Rishu, when did you came?"

Seeing her beautiful smile Rishab got up and came towards her. Cupping her cheek, kissed on her forehead wishing 'good morning.'

"You didn't tell me when you came home?" reminded Madhu when he just hugged her and remained silent.

"Almost early hours" answered Rishab inhaling her scent.

"Tired?" asked Madhu massaging her fingering his hair.


"Why did you came?"

"You know"

"I said I was fine" said Madhu sternly.

"Why did you cry?"


"I couldn't stay away knowing that you are sad here." answered Rishab pulling out of the hug and looking at her eyes.

"I know" said Madhu looking at him lovingly.

The Previous day:

Madhu was busy doing her work as in two days she and her team has to give a presentation to the client about the progress and also the prototype so today her manager scheduled a meeting with the team to know about the progress.Unfortunately,something went wrong just one hour before the meeting and she couldn't get the expected output. Madhu and her team tried so much to fix it but the environment issues and undiscovered root cause made their task impossible. Sadly, she attended the meeting but failed to present the work she and her team had done till that day because of the issues which made their manager say harsh words to her and questioning her capabilities. She didn't expect the manager who always trusts and supports her would say such things to her but she couldn't blame him too as they had a meeting with the client in two days and if the issue is not solved they can't project the progress which will leave a bad impression in the clients. Madhu tried to explain her reasons but he didn't listen as people will only see if the work is done or not but they won't look at the reason as to why the work is not done. Ordering her to fix all these, he walked out while Madhu came out of the meeting room on the verge of crying.

She was always confident on her capabilities but seeing the situation and her manager's words she felt like a loser and started crying as soon as she came to a secluded place. She lost confidence on herself and got scared what if the problem isn't fixed before the client meeting, thinking of that scenario her body shuddered and she thought of talking to someone who could guide and fill confidence in her.

Two persons came to her mind- her dad the only person whom she could confide as he had always been her support in every situation and Rishab who had become her everything within few months of their marriage,she doesn't know when she started sharing everything with him.

After unlocking her mobile, her fingers automatically moved to Rishab's name but she remembered him mentioning that he would be busy with a meeting whole afternoon. Ignoring that she pressed call button but immediately disconnected as sudden thought came to her mind-what if he thinks that this is petty issue compared to the things he see at his office and what if he feels that she disturbed his work for simple issue.

Deciding to talk to her dad, she started scrolling through her recent contacts but got an incoming call from Rishab making her eyes wide in surprise. Without thinking she accepted the call and held it to her ear.

"Hello sweetheart."

"Hey" said Madhu trying to sound casual.

"Are you alright?" was his next question making her silent for few seconds.

"Why are you silent?" asked Rishab.

"Nothing, why did you call me I guess you have an important meeting now? And why are you asking if I'm alright?" asks Madhu confusedly.

"I was in a meeting but suddenly I had a feeling that you need me so came out. Is everything alright there?" asks Rishab making Madhu eyes welled up. \

She used to get sudden calls like this from her parents especially from her dad whenever she was in a situation where she needed them. She got surprised to hear that he too felt her need for him now. Thinking this, her tears started flowing down and she bust out crying

"Why are you crying, Madhu?" asked Rishab worriedly.

"Rishu I'm a loser, I couldn't do a single thing properly."

"Madhu, you are worrying me. Tell me, what happened?"

Madhu calmed herself and explained him everything while Rishab listened to her patiently without interrupting.

"Don't think too much about his harsh words, baby." said Rishab softly.

"No Rishu, it hurts so much as he was always supportive and now he said that though I don't have much experience, he has given a responsibility to me thinking that I'm capable of it but now he feels that he was wrong. He said he lost trust in me and that I disappointed him.He ordered me to gain that trust on me again but Rishu isn't my hard work of 1 year can be ignored with a single mistake which is not solely mine." said Madhu hiccuping.

"Okay, I understand that it hurts to listen such words but listen Madhu, will his words be of any use for you to fix the problem? No right!! Thinking about his words will kill your confidence levels and the ability to think of the next actions."

"Yeah but I feel so lost and my mind is totally blocked with his words." said Madhu sadly, making Rishab think for few seconds.

"Tell me this, have you been working this hard by staying away from me and our family to get appreciation from your manager?"

"What? No!" shrieked Madhu making Rishab chuckle.

"So why are you working so hard then?"

"Why means!I always wanted to achieve something and then I got a good opportunity to prove myself within just couple of years of my career which is rare chance to get. Moreover, I feel responsible towards my work and I have been working along with my team since months which I can't abandoned and come back home."

"So your manager views are nowhere in your list so what if he feels that you are incapable will that be true, no right? Your hard work and dedication made him believe that you are efficient. So don't bother his words much as in his tension he might have blurted some improper words which he shouldn't have but don't let those impact your work. Go and focus on the action items and let your success speak." said Rishab making Madhu take a deep breathe.

He then consoled her that she shouldn't be doubtful of her potentiality and this is the time where her team needs her support and she should be strong enough to guide them. After talking for half an hour, she got consoled and gained her confidence back.

"Now, okay?"

"Yeah, thank you Rishu" says Madhu smiling as he made her feel good with his words.

"No problem, sweetheart"

"Good thing that you called me or else I would have eaten dad's brain." said Madhu trying to joke.


"Yeah I couldn't think of anything else than to call dad as I was feeling so sad."

"You didn't think of me but thought of sharing your worry with papa?" asked Rishab a little hurt as he always wanted her to confide him first though he knew the bond Madhu shared with her parents but after all these months he had a little hope that he would be the first one to whom she would come and share, but now he realized that he still has so much to go.

"Rishu, I didn't...." stammered Madhu as she couldn't form the words to confess him that he came to her mind first but her stupid thinking made her decide to talk to her dad.

"It's fine,Sweetheart. For this you cried so much, I pity papa how he handled you all these years." Rishab tried to joke but she could feel that he is hiding his disappointment. After all these months, she started to understand his unsaid feelings.

"Rishu, Sorry I didn't mean to....." she tried to explain him but he cut her off saying "It's fine, I don't mind you approaching papa first after all I came into your life later.But papa might have expected to have a peaceful life after our marriage, seems like he wasn't aware that he still didn't blessed with that." said Rishab laughing making Madhu twitch her lips in annoyance.

"Ohhooo, don't worry much Mr. Rishab. Soon you will lose that peace as I would be coming to you from now on."

"Ahaa, I don't have to worry as I have my ways to tackle you." says Rishab cheekily making Madhu laugh.

"Let's see that."

"You already saw baby, did you forgot the conversation we had just few minutes back?" asks Rishab grinning.

"This time you got lucky." replied Madhu making Rishab laugh out loud.

"okay then go and concentrate on the work." said Rishab after few minutes of talking.

"Hmmmm, okay then bye." said Madhu and was about to disconnect the call she again heard his voice "You're good right? Do you want me to come there?"

"No no, I'm fine Rishu."


"Very much."

"Okay bye, call me when you reach home." says Rishab and ended the call after hearing a 'yes' from her.

Later Madhu conducted a meeting with her team and tried to work on the resolution. Dividing the next tasks among the team and deciding to work on it that night at home they dispersed for the day.

After reaching home, she made a simple dinner while talking to him. Once done with dinner, she started working on her task and slept off in the middle of the night.


"Why did you call me suddenly, yesterday?" asked Madhu again, seeing him looking at her intensely.

"I told you already that I felt to talk to you so I called." answered Rishab making Madhu smile.

"You know even mom and dad call me like this suddenly whenever they feel that I need them. There is some connection between us where we automatically feel something when I need them.I know it doesn't make sense for you but....."

"Shhhh I understand as I felt the same way yesterday." said Rishab making her smile.

"So you came even after I told you that I'm fine."

"I couldn't stay there, baby."

Madhu kissed his cheek and hugged him seeing his concern and love for her.


So, how is the update? I just wanted to show how the affection and bonding which Madhu has with her parents is now formed between her and Rishab. Hope this is not a crappy update. Sorry if you got disappointed :(

Please do vote and comment :).

P.S: Will try to wrap this story before new year as just < 4 chapters are left i guess :P, try is the keyword here ;)


06th Nov 2017; 12:30AM

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