Af blue_ink_08

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Studious, Pious, Beautiful, Introvert- enough adjectives to describe her. She gets tagged with 'TOO SERIOUS'... Mere

Chapter-1 : Arrival
Chapter-2 : The Beginning
Chapter-3 : Determined
Chapter-4 : Second Time
Chapter-5 : Collision
Chapter-6 : Freshers'
Chapter-7 : The Wonder Woman
Chapter-8 : Is everything alright?
Chapter-9 : The Call
Chapter-10 : Getting Over It
Chapter-11 : Patience
Chapter-12 : Cost of the Favour
Chapter-13 : A Suitor?
Chapter-14 : Unbearable
Chapter-15 : Collaboration
Chapter-16 : Gate Unlocked
Chapter-17 : One step closer
Chapter-18 : Recompense
Chapter-19 : Cast Down
Chapter-21 : Back to the Pavilion
Chapter-22 : I see the light
Chapter-23 : Dilemma
Chapter-24 : Another Nuisance
Chapter-25 : Cruxes
Chapter-26 : Stunned
Chapter-27 : Persuasion
Chapter-28 : The Chase Begins
Chapter-29 : Now What?
Chapter-30 : New Year, New Him
Chapter-31 : Palpitations
Chapter-32 : She who matters
Chapter-33 : Inexplicable Happiness
Chapter-34 : Intertwining Lives
Chapter-35 : Sponsalia
Chapter-36 : Pandemonium
Chapter-37 : Thunderbolt
Chapter-38 : Crestfallen
Chapter-39 : Explication
Chapter-40 : Persistence
Chapter-41 : Red Tomato
Chapter-42 : I love you
Chapter-43 : You Win
Writer's Note

Chapter-20 : Flam?

254 24 4
Af blue_ink_08

Shayba's P.O.V.

"Ticket? For what? Are we going back to Bangladesh?"

Listening to my question, Zawad bhai jointly with Rafsan bhai only smiled mysteriously.

"WHAAAT??? Are you two guys going to spill it out or not?" I was too impatient already to wait another second.

Suddenly he knocks on my door at 7 in the morning saying he has got us some tickets inside the envelope in his hand. I mean tickets for what? Where are we going? Weren't we supposed to go to the Madam Tussaud's today?

Medha apu was now impatient too. "Just tell us where we are going Zawad bhai! Oh no! Wait! Let me guess! Is it Switzerland by any chance?!" her widened eyes shimmered.

"Lol! NO!" Rafsan bhai started to laugh out loud hearing her.

"Don't you dare laugh at me Rafsan. How am I supposed to know what tickets you brought in this envelope??" she glared.

"Okay actually not us, only Zawad bhai brought it. This was sent addressing him today morning. Now guess what's insiiiiide?" he grinned showing all his 32 pieces of teeth.

A letter was sent to him? Today morning? Carrying tickets? Oh Allah! Suddenly my heart stopped beating as every piece of puzzle just fitted into the place. Can it be? My eyes expanded so much that it almost seemed to fall off. "Ya Allah! Is it what I'm thinking?!?!" I yelled.

And Zawad bhai's smile broadened all over his face. "Yes perhaps!"

"Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Are we really going to the final round?!?!" I squeaked out incessantly bouncing on the floor.

"Ummm... well..... "he pretended to recall something making me even more nervous to the point, "YES!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"I screamed with all my heart and started shaking Medha apu. She still couldn't believe what was going on in front of her eyes. "Alhumdulillah! Alhumdulillah! Alhumdulillah! Oh Allah I'm so happy!!!!" I hardly could calm myself down praising the Almighty.

"Zawad bhai are you serious?" Medha apu nervously asked.

He smiled again. "Yes Medha."

Then it was time for her to bawl out of happiness."I can't believe this! Oh God! I'm so happy!!!!"

"Wooohooo!! Finale!!!"Rafsan bhai joined her too.

"But how??? We couldn't even answer it properly!"

"Who said we couldn't? It wasn't just enough for finale. We came 6th in place." Zawad bhai solemnly answered.

Huh? What?

"Then how come we made it????? They were supposed to take only five teams in the final round right??"

"Hmmm. But the fact is the Spanish team was boycotted yesterday night. But as our luck would have it, we got promoted to the final round." a grave look fell on his face.

I mean seriously? This is how we got selected??

"Anyway, now as we are finally selected for the finale, let's put our best in it now, okay?" he added shaking off all the negative thoughts.

"Yes Bhai!" they all gave a fist punch while I smiled from aside.

Alhumdulillah for everything.....! If Allah wrote it in our fate to attend the Final round, there will definitely be ways to make it happen. Anyhow.

The next two days were spent total nerdy. Waking up at 6 and then completing usual morning jobs like breakfast and everything else within 7:30, and then sitting for studies. At noon, a break for lunch, bath, prayer and refreshments and then again sitting with lecture copies and books. Then in the afternoon, a refreshment walk from outside and thereafter once again studying. Zawad bhai in no way is going to spare us anymore.

Today Rafsan bhai almost cried for a leave but couldn't dare to say anything against Zawad bhai's rule. None of us would want to inflame him again, would we? He has already shown his nature.


"Who was the first female architect in history?"

Beep! "Julia Morgan!"I yelled loud.

"Team Bangladesh one point."


"What period of time does neolithic architecture indicate?"

Beep! This time the Japanese team. Shoot!

"10000 to 2000 B.C."

"Team Japan one point."

Argh!! Trying to keep our cool as much as possible, the nerve wrecking 30 minutes of the rapid fire round finally came to an end.

Then we were taken to an architectural laboratory of a famous university. There we are again given some puzzles to solve instantly. People say architects are engineers who can't do math, but the reality is you can't put a single step forward without solving mathematical problems or differential calculus.

"You have only thirty minutes to complete this task." an announcement came.

We, sitting on the four sides of a small table, shed our sweat from head to toe to solve it. Oh Allah! What is it now? I looked at Zawad bhai frowning at the question and the next moment, he started writing. Finding another boost to win the game, I started too. We have to win this competition over, anyhow, at any cost. We didn't come here just to roam around, did we?

And last of all each team had to attend a surprise extempore on a certain topic that turned our blood into water. Gosh! That is so tiring!

Now sitting in the dining hall, waiting for our food, we are discussing about the bloody storm that flew over us a while ago.

"Are you kidding me? What kind of nonsense was that stupid rapid fire?! Am I supposed to memorize the full history of architecture?"Rafsan bhai yelled as soon as we sat down.

"Exactly! And you know what? I knew the answer of the question 32! But that *** Australian blonde tapped the button even before the question was finished!! That's cheating! How can you push the button before the question is fully uttered?!?" Medha apu bawled angrily calling her rival some terrible names.

"Relax guys. We did what we could. Now let's hope for the best."Zawad bhai calmly replied. I really don't get it. How does he keep his head cool all the time?

The waiter arrived with our food making our mouths water. Ahh at last! "There is no way we are going to win it. Let's go back to Dhaka."Rafsan bhai complained.

"You are hopeless Rafsan. It's not that difficult to dream big, is it?"

"I'm overwhelmed and mesmerized with your high hopes bhai. Now let's go." he humorously answered.

"Okay okay drop it off now. Where are we going today?"I excitedly asked.


"No way Medha. You already bought a million things. Think about how you will pack it up in your luggage."

"You don't have a single idea how less I marketed this time! I couldn't even get to go shopping malls everyday!" She repined.

"WHAT? Why the heck do you need to shop everyday?!"

"You will never understand that Zawad bhai. I pity for your future wife." she huffed pretending to look grieved.

"Right, as if I care! I'll never get married to the girl who loves shopping. I'll give her conditions before getting married that she can go to the market once a month only if it is urgent for her and even if she goes, she has to complete it in less than half an hour, not bother me to choose one among a hundred options."

I and Medha apu shared a surprised glance at each other and the next moment, burst into laughter. Is he crazy?! "Oh god! You won't have to get married then, Zawad bhai! You'll never find a girl who will agree with that stupid condition!" we were still laughing in hysterics.

He sighed and said,"Fine then. I'll prefer staying a bachelor forever." making us laugh out even louder.

He glared at us but said nothing.

"I think I'll prefer the mall too now. I haven't bought a single thing after coming here." Rafsan bhai silently commented.

"WHAT??!?!" we both turned to him in shock forgetting about the previous joke. "I really didn't notice that! Rafsan, did you really buy nothing?"

He sighed,"Yeah yeah, why will you notice that? You all are so busy with yourselves after all. Who cares about this poor guy?"

"Drama king!"

"By the way that reminds me Zawad bhai,"I spoke,"You haven't bought anything for aunty yet, you remember?"

"Huh?" he raised his head,"Ummm yeah. I really forgot about that." He looked guilty.

"Are you kidding me?! How can one forget his only family?"Medha apu scolded him this time.

"Woaaah! Why have you two got on my wick since the beginning?"

"Listen Bhaiya,"I calmly replied,"There is no way you are gonna go home with empty hands. You know what? Just try to remember the past! Everytime uncle went abroad, he must've had brought gifts for aunty, right? Now you gotta fill that place. Try to recall. Was there anything special uncle used to take for aunty?"

He confusingly looked at me and the next moment his eyes widened,"How did you find this out?"

"One doesn't need super powers to guess this Bhaiya. My dad always brings handbags for mom everytime he goes abroad as he knows she has a genuine intimacy with these things. It's normal for people to have a particular special thing for their wives."

His eyes glistened,"You are right! Dad always brought watches for ma! Michael Kors, Olivia Burton, Titan and loads of brands! There is no brand left that she doesn't have a watch of! You know, I always used to complain about it! I scolded her always what she would do with this many watches in her cabinet and suggested her that she could set up a huge bid with her collection! But she only smiled hearing me, never bothering to sell a single one. You are right Shayba! It was because Dad had gifted her that! I definitely need to take one branded watch for her!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reminiscing.

"So shopping it is! Yayyy!!! Shayba you are a genius!" Medha apu side hugged me in extreme happiness. Geez!

After lunch, we came down the street for a walk. "Our flight is tomorrow, isn't it apu?"

"Hmm."her disposition instantly darkened. "Oh no! I'll miss this journey bad! You three are the best companions one can ever have." saying this she abruptly pulled me to her and placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek."I'll miss you the most honeybunch."

"At least maintain some distance woman! I don't want your saliva on me!"I groused pretending to be angry and began to clean up my cheek with my palm whereas contrarily she hysterically started laughing.

Soon we reached the market for doing our last shopping here.

"Shayba help! I have no idea about girls' watch."Zawad bhai called me from aside.

Argh! This guy!

"Fine. Within what range?"I asked.

"Money doesn't matter. Just choose one."

Really? Narrowing my eyes,I looked at him. Okay then.

Medha apu and I both happily started to choose one watch for aunty but never for once our choice did correspond. If I liked a black one, she will scream for a white. And if we finally found a white one, Zawad bhai will shout, "Yuck that's too girly!" Lastly a 1800 Euro one caught our sight. "Oh Allah this is so beautiful! What say Bhaiya?"I looked at Zawad bhai pointing at a navy blue leather watch with a big dial.

"Hmm that's nice." he came forward to have a peek. "Yeah I like it. Excuse me! Pack this one for me."

"You didn't even ask its price."I surprisingly commented.

"I don't care."

Woaahhh!! Since when did he start acting so rich?

"Care to get a nice box please. It's a gift item." He ordered the salesman.

I couldn't suppress my smile at this sweet gesture. Sometimes he really acts head over heels for his mom.

After shopping, we returned to the hotel as soon as possible because the results are going to be published soon in the afternoon. There have been some nice arrangements in the hallroom. A sweet piano melody is being played in one corner and on the other side, there are chairs for the guests and the contestants. We, wearing the purple tshirts that we were given before and one blackbwristband in each of our wrists, which carries the name BANGLADESH, took our seats. Rafsan bhai had customized these in Bangladesh which he only decided to show us if we made it to the final round. To be honest, this boosted our confidence a great deal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to start the final day program of "Future City : An Architectural Innovation" soon after you take your respective seats. Please be quiet while the program is going on and keep your phone on silent. Thank you."a young French girl announced with a sweet smile.

"Take me to the hospital Shayba. My heart stopped beating."Medha apu whispered in my ears jittering. With clear irritation on my face, I gave her a fake tensed look. "Oh Allah! How are you talking then? You must have been dead by now."

She stuck her tongue out at me while we patiently waited for the program to start. Finally it was time for the chancellor of the University of Paris to appear as the chief guest. Huff! It's so boring! Lecture. Speech. Advice. And everything weary possible is going on in the program. Keeping my head on Medha apu's shoulder, I almost fell asleep when suddenly the beautiful anchor declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, now sit straight and put your chins up! Because it's time for the most exciting part of this exhilarating union that we all were so craving for! The RESULTS TIME!!! Get your hands together! And welcome the Honourable Convener of "Future City : An Architectural Innovation" for announcing the winner of the contest! Mr. Gabriel Macht!!!!"

And like everyone else, we started clapping when Gabriel got on the stage. I huffed in relief that finally it was ending, the whole tour, the competition and all the street shopping was finally coming to an end. But at the same time I could hear the loud thud of my own heart beats. I never knew that my heart craved so much for this one trophy. I never thought my hands and feet would turn so cold out of extreme nervousness. Neither did I imagine how much sagacious this trip would mean to me.

I looked at Gabriel almost being frozen when he smilingly started to speak,"Oh hello everyone! How you doing?", the hall exclaimed with joy,"Great!!!" Really? I thought in my mind.

"Gooood!... You know what? Everytime they give me the toughest part to do! Even my heart starts to beat loud when I announce the winner! Though it's not that I don't like it! Haha. I really love to get such a big opportunity! After all, there are extraordinarily brilliant international students here! Anyways, I shouldn't lengthen my speech anymore. Let's declare the results, shall we?"

"YEAAAH!!!!"finding people screaming excitingly around me, my throat dried. "Hey, Shayba."

I abruptly turned my head to Zawad bhai and found him smiling at me. "What?"

"It's okay! You seem like you'll die of nervousness."he chuckled.

"Haha! Look at her face!"Rafsan bhai began to shake in suppressed laughter.

Really guys? You are that bold? You even have the mood to laugh at me now?

Saying nothing,I turned around. I shouldn't ponder over their humour now. Look at Medha apu, she isn't caring the least bit about them, rather fully focused on the program.

"Listen,just be confident. Whatever happens, happens. Just keep praying. Our success is only by Allah."

This time I couldn't help myself but smile, "I will Zawad bhai. JazakAllahu Khair."

He returned a dull-witted smile. Geez! Couldn't rote its answer hitherto!

"Okay then! Let me tell the name of the second runner's up now! Can you guess??"

I heard people screaming their own favourite country names and hearing that exclamation, my stomach started making rambling sound and my hands turned even colder. Can it be us? "It's not Bangladesh."Rafsan bhai silently but solemnly commented from my right.

My heart sank down hearing him but I kept praying to Allah for blessing with what is the best for us.

"You will see, Japan will be the champion, and then maybe Australia or India, and then Nigeria. Write my words down. It'll come true."

"Just shut up Rafsan! You took all the names except Bangladesh. So one or two will definitely come true!" Medha apu scolded.

"Well well, each of you are naming different countries! Let me spit it then."Gabriel said laughing.

"YEAAAAAH!!!"the crowd exclaimed.


Oh dear Allah please grant my wishes. Please!

"THE MASONRY ARTISANS FROM AUSTRALIAAAAA!!!! Let me hear a round of applause for them!!!!!!"

Clap....! Clap....! Clap...!

I clapped silently and demurely hearing the name. It means our possibility of winning now declined a great deal, right?

The Australian team ran to the stage across me howling. Staring at them, I unknowingly let out a sigh. Medha apu tapped my shoulder and said, "Relax Shai. Maybe something better is waiting for us."

I tried to smile but couldn't as my hopes were starting to diminish already and I know I'm going to cry like crazy if I have to return to my room with empty hands.

The runner's up team were put on bronze medals on the stage by the chief guest and certificates were handed over to each of them. Then they received the check of 3000 Euros and stood for photo session. Holding Medha apu's palm tightly, I was praying heart and soul,Ya Allah, bestow upon us what is best for me. And please don't attach my heart to something that's not written to be mine.

"Okay! Now it's time to declare the first runner up!"Gabriel said after taking the microphone from the Australian team's leader when he was finished talking about how much they had worked hard and craved for it and bla bla bla. I couldn't even concentrate on his speech because of frantic nervousness.

"Okay. This is something AMAZING! A team that got only one mark more than the second runner's up and only one less than the winning team Haha! Ladies and gentlemen, get your hands together! For......... ARCHIDROITS FROM BANGLADESH!!!!!!"


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"a piercing scream brought me into reality when I was being shaken by someone hard. "Oh gosh we made it!!"

"WOAAAAAHHH!!"Zawad bhai and Rafsan bhai were bawling so loud that it seemed like their vocal chords will tear up.

Really? We made it? Alhumdulillah! I never knew that I started crying until Medha apu wiped off my tears and rebuked,"Don't cry, stupid. Now it's time to cheer!"

I went on the stage almost running with my team. And then I was awarded the beautiful silver medal by the honourable chief guest. When I looked at the silver colour,my teeth couldn't be hidden anymore. All the 32 were displayed in front of the camera. I turned to Zawad bhai being genuinely grateful,"Thank you Bhaiya."

He smiled back to me and handed over the huge cardboard of the 5000 euros check,"Take it. It suits you better." making my face beam even more, and showing a V sign towards the camera, we posed for photos. Oh I never felt this much happy before. Alhumdulillah. Thank you so much Allah!

"Will you like to say some words to our audience?"Gabriel asked handing over the mic to Zawad bhai.

"Yeah Sure!"he took it and spoke, "Ahh first of all, I'd like to thank my team for being so supportive, without them, it would never have been possible.... My team had worked really hard since the beginning to win this competition and at last, we could make it! Thank you! And honestly Shayba,"he turned to me making my eyes almost fall out of their places in surprise, "Thank you for creating this opportunity for us."he smiled while I clumsily stared at him never knowing what to do in such cases.

Then last of all the final winner was announced. Proving all our estimations right, it was team EDIFICE from JAPAN. I was so mesmerized by our own win, that I didn't even bother to know the winner's name. Gold medals were shimmering in our eyes but for now silver meant a lot more than that...

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