
Від mochalatte1

123K 4K 387

It was supposed to be another fun summer before we all went off to college, but of course, a new guy had to c... Більше

1. Prologue
2. New Neighbors
3. Dinner
4. Chicken
5. Blender
7. Goal
8. Storm
9. Movies
10. Draining
11. Harry
12. Practice
13. Like
14. Girlfriend
15. Stupid
16. Wrestling
17. Listen
18. Nice
19. Fork
20. Begging
22. Backfoot
23. Very very good
24. Avatar
25. Secrets
26. Hug
27. Fix It
28. It's cream
29. Elevators
30. Doubting
31. Crazy
32. Marcel
33. Golf
34. Hold On
35. Candle
36. Vodka
37. Bold Streak
38. Dip
39. Map
40. Airport thing
41. Love you
42. Please
43. Bonding
44. Birthday boy
45. Nerja
46. Game
47. Friends
48. Guys
49. Saint Lemon
50. Initiation
51. Married
52. Good to go
53. For real
54. Alienated
55. Fans
56. Logic
57. Kids
58. Helping
59. Snow day
60. Stay up
61. C'mon
62. Presents
63. Talks
64. Logan
65. It's blonde
66. Flinching
67. Justin
68. My boyfriend
69. Bright side
70. Fine
71. Girls Night
72. Time flies
73. Miss you
74. Oh shit
75. Promise
76. James
77. Mary
78. Birthday girl
79. Pros
80. Whats best

6. Number

1.6K 65 1
Від mochalatte1

The sun was just starting to rise over the ocean and I couldn’t help but smile a little. I’ve said this rock is my favorite place in the world right? Well, it is. No one ever comes down here, and no one is ever awake this early so it’s completely and comfortably silent. I love it. I wish I could stay here all the time, but the sun only rises once a day.

Once the sun was fully up, I walked back to my bike, pedaling back home slowly because I knew it was going to be a long day. First, my shift at work was moved up to nine, and I have to stay until one—which will be nothing more than a pain in the ass. Then after that, Mom and I have to go out and look for new paint for the basement because she ‘can’t stand white’, and knowing my mom that will probably be about three hours, at least. Then I get a little down time until I have to go to the beach for Louis and Chip’s beach volleyball tournament. God knows how long that’s going to be.

All I know is I’m not in the mood for any of it. I don’t know why, but as I pedaled away from my rock, it just felt like I hit a wall of PMS. Either that or I’m just in my natural once every two week pissy mood. Doesn’t matter. I just want to stay in bed.


“Isn’t that your music boy?” Elena called. I turned around to see Niall walking into the restaurant, looking like he owned the place as he waved to someone on the other side of the room. Three weeks into his Nerja vacation and he has become the talk of the town. Everyone wanted him at their party, or to hang out with him on the beach or just talk to him. Even some of the girls at work gossip about him and make up little stories about what they would do if he gave them a second glance.

I wonder what it was about him that made everyone love him. The blue eyes? Feathery blonde hair that was brown at the roots? Maybe it was the charm…and the way he just looked like he didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought of him.

He almost always has a girl hanging around him, or gawking at him at the very least, and he almost always never gives her the time of day. Even Eileen got shut down multiple times because—as we talked about once before—he doesn’t like how overbearing she is. I think it’s gotten to the point where if you’ve made out with Niall Horan you can basically count yourself as a celebrity, indirectly. The weird thing is he doesn’t seem to notice that every girl here is in love with him.

That’s another thing about Niall, he’s so damn oblivious—well at least he is when it comes to girls except me. He probably didn’t even notice every girl in here turn around and watch him walk in, but he’s probably staring at me through those dark sun glasses. It’s not what it sounds like though, it’s just the fact that we’re such close friends that we notice things about each other that we wouldn’t in other people. And by close friends, I mean we’re the same as before. The only thing that’s changed is we hang out more, and the awkward silences we share are a bit shorter. That being said though, I think I’m the only girl he actually talks to.

“Go eat with him.” Elena’s voice was suddenly next to me, knocking me out of my thoughts.

“I’m working.”

She rolled her eyes, “You’re on break. Va chicka!” She started hitting me with her towel, shooing me away to go eat with Niall. I think she had her own little crush on Niall too. Every time he walks in here—this is only his third—she freaks out and makes me eat with him so no one else does and makes sure his every wish is tended to. Who cares if someone else eats with him? I’m tempted to tell her that she should eat with him, but I feel like she wouldn’t hold back slapping that towel in my face.

I walked Niall giving him a small smile, “Hi.” For each smile I give Niall, he returns one twice as big.

“Hey.” I shifted awkwardly as we stood there looking at each other—at least I think he was looking at me, I couldn’t really see for the sunglasses. Luckily, our silence was broken by someone coming to escort Niall to his table. The girl, Abby from Israel (that’s how she introduced herself to me), completely ignored me, even though I was talking to her about ten minutes ago, and led Niall to a booth toward the left of the room. All the girls in the room were murmuring, watching him as I shuffled behind.

I think I heard someone gasp when I sat down with him…but I’m not sure. It’s pretty loud in here.

“Would you like a drink?” She said sweetly. Here we go, another girl begging for Niall’s attention.

But Niall didn’t even glance at her—he looked up at me. “Thirsty?” I shook my head. “I’ll have a water.” He said. I looked up at Abby From Israel, feeling a little bad for her. Personally, I thought she was pretty, and maybe if Niall just looked at her, he would think so too. Maybe I should help her out.

“Hey Niall, don’t you think Abby’s necklace looks like mine?” He turned his head toward her for literally, not even a second, before facing me again.

“Yeah, they’re similar.” I slumped in the seat, giving up. Abby lingered for another moment before finally leaving, which is when Niall took his sunglasses off. Looking around the restaurant, saw a lot of girls were staring at us. I leaned my head on my hand, turning away from the unwanted attention “You look nice.”

Ah, the daily ‘you look nice’ comment. I actually like that. “Thanks.”

He cleared his throat, “So, uh, what are you doing tonight?”

“Going to Chip and Lou’s volleyball thing on the beach.” I groaned.

“Oh, you’re going to that? I was just going to ask you to come and root for me and Liam…but I guess you’ll be rooting for Lou.”

“I don’t know, maybe I’ll clap for you…once.” He laughed, causing Abby to look at him curiously when she came back with his water.

“Are you ready to order?” She asked.

Niall leaned forward on his elbows, “What are you getting?” He asked me. I shrugged causing him to roll his eyes. “You never know.” He looked up at Abby. “I’ll have a burger with everything on it…and chips…and…hmm…”

“Get the cheesy peppers. They’re good.” I suggested with small smile.

“Yeah and I’ll have that too.” He looked at me again, his eyes scanning me for a bit before his eyes met mine. “You can have one of my chips.”

“Just one?” I giggled.

He nodded, completely serious. “Yeah, just one.” Abby didn’t say anything. She just kept looking back and forth between us. Lately, I’m starting to discover my hatred for not knowing what people are thinking—but I can’t really do anything about. She lingered again before Niall looked at her asking if there was anything else. She went white before shaking her head and scurrying away.

We sat in silence as we waited for his food. I tried not to stare at him because that would’ve been weird if he caught me—even though he was the only thing for me to look at. Instead, I looked at the table, and played with my hair to keep my hands busy. It’s getting ridiculous that Niall and I are still so awkward around each other; we’re both party animals and friendly people. So why can’t we talk normally to each other?

“Wanna come over tonight? After the volleyball thing?” He asked.

I hesitated, but not long enough for him to notice. “Yeah, sure.”

“My mom is leaving, so if you stay long enough it’ll be just you, me and Greg.” He picked at something on the table. “I mean you don’t have to, it’s just something to do.”

“I’ll be over.” I reassured. He smiled at me showing his perfect teeth. He told me a week ago, I think, that he had braces—and I just couldn’t imagine him with them. I always wanted braces so I could have perfect teeth, but when I told Niall, he said my teeth were fine as they are. “Are you going to have a party?”

“Not tonight, but eventually.” Abby came with his burger, and immediately left. I guess she got his hint.

“Niall, do you realize how many girls want you?” He looked up at me confused, then scanned the restaurant. It was like he didn’t know other people were in here—he was completely bewildered or something. I think Niall might be stupid, but that’s okay.

“What are they looking at?”


“Yeah?” He gave me a cocky smile, “Do they think I’m pretty or something?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, very pretty.” That earned a big laugh. He dug into his burger, so now the only sound between us was the sound of him chewing. He didn’t chew like Chip though with mouth purposefully wide open, it was more like it was accidently open because he took too big of a bite. Niall’s like an accidental level of gross, while Chip was just gross.

“Give me your number.” He said before taking a large gulp of water. I stared at him. Most people ask for someone’s number…not just throw it out there. “So I can text you…?” He said it like it was the most obvious thing out there. “C’mon.” He slid his phone across the table. I nodded, sliding my finger across the screen, surprised he didn’t have a passcode.

“Nice background.” It was a picture of him, Liam, Eileen and Brice from a party they went to. I couldn’t go, but I heard it was fun…from Niall. “Wish I could’ve gone to that.” I slid the phone back to him after putting my number in.

“I was angry that you weren’t there. I wanted you to be.” I rolled my eyes brushing off his comments. “Eileen was pretty annoying. She wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“Thought you liked her.”

“I just wanted to hook up with her. But I think she thinks we’re a thing. Always throwing herself on me…cockblockin’ me. At the party I wanted to like…see who else was out there, but she wouldn’t let me.” I’ve noticed his accent gets thicker when he’s ranting or agitated and I secretly thought it was kind of hot. But I’d never say that out loud…ever. “I didn’t think she’d get attached, I guess.” Really? He’s surprised she got attached? Every girl in this restaurant got attached as soon as you walked in here. “She’s nice and everything but…I don’t know.”

“I get it. I’ve dealt with clingy guys that don’t understand that just because we hook up a couple times doesn’t mean you can be all over me.”


I smiled, glad that we were having a normal, non-awkward conversation. “So, you wanted me there to keep her off you?”

He shrugged. “That and I want to hang out with you…which is why you’re coming over tonight!” I blushed at how excited he seemed. I glanced at Elena, to see her flagging me over to get back to work.

“Listen, I have to go—”

“Oh, me too.” We both stood up at the same and he took his usual step too close to me. “So um…”

I could feel that my face was getting hot. Maybe I’m sun burnt… “I’ll…see you tonight.”

“Yeah,” He kissed me on the cheek, before walking away with his hands in his pockets. I could tell he was probably smirking, as he strolled away. A couple gasps could be heard around the room. It was like he was walking away from an explosion, like they do in the movies, and—wait, he turned around. He turned around and smirked at me. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him doing that.


“Egg shell or champagne?”

I rolled my eyes, “Mom, you said you didn’t like white.”

“Hunter…” She sighed, “It’s not white. It’s egg shell and champagne. Now, which one?”

“I think we should paint it orange.”

“Orange isn’t a wall color Hunter.”

“Who cares?” I mumbled. I hate when she gets like this. Just paint the damn wall whatever color you want to, who cares if it’s a ‘wall color’ or not? “How much longer are we going to be here?”

“Until we pick a color, then we’re going to get lawn ornaments for the back yard.”

I groaned, “Is this a joke?”

“When was the last time I told a joke, Hunter?” I rolled my eyes. I know I’m acting childish, but honestly, I’d rather be sleeping right now than looking at paint and lawn ornaments with my mom. I’d rather pluck out each one of my eyelashes out actually.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I jumped to answer it, hoping it was Niall…but it was just some random person asking me to come to their party tomorrow. Somehow everyone here has my number…or maybe I gave it to everyone while I was drunk…I don’t know. I get a message for a party almost every day, people begging me to come like I would be the one to make it fun. I mean, I do end up going most of the time if they let me bring my group of friends but…I don’t know…it’s weird that people think so highly of me. Especially since I’m less a bit insignificant back in the US.

“Hunter!” I turned around to see Brice coming towards me, “I have been looking all around for you!” I glanced back at my mom to see she was still eyeing paint colors.

“What’s up?”

“I saw your ex-boyfriend.” She spat it out like it was a bad word.

I frowned, “Who’s my ex-boyfriend?”

“Alec was not your boyfriend?” Brice doesn’t use contractions.

“No, he wasn’t my boyfriend.” I snapped. This is the second time that asshole has been brought up to me, and it was making me want to punch a wall. Everyone thought just because Alec and I hung out all the time (and by hung out I mean…a lot more than just that) that we dated. It doesn’t matter what we were though, because now I hate him. I hate him more than Chip, and that’s an understatement. Alec’s so bad that Chip even comforted me after he ditched me on the side of the highway. He’s an example of a hook up gone wrong.

“Well, I have just seen him in town, and he was with a girl. I was going to go and sock him in the nose for you, but he has big tattoos and big muscles now.” I laughed, imagining little, strawberry blonde Brice, beating Alec up. I knew it wouldn’t come to that though. When Alec is done with something, he gets to the point that he doesn’t even want to make fun of it. So no, there won’t be some big fight when he tries to get me back.

“Well, hopefully we won’t run into him…ever.”

“I decided I’m going with Snowy winter.” Mom interrupted. “Oh, hello Brice.”

“Hi ma’am it is nice to see you again. I will have to tell Mother I saw you.” How those two sentences stated up a whole ten minute conversation, I will never know; it just did. “Okay, I have to go…or leave…I have to leave.” She always corrects her English midsentence. “Will you be attending the volleyball on the beach tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“I will see you there!” She cheered. “But I really must go now; my mother thinks I am picking up milk.” She let out a laugh, making Mom laugh with her before she scurried away and I was left again to trudge along with my mom.

My phone vibrated again as we moved to the checkout isle after getting our paint mixed. It was another random number, but I decided to be nice and open it anyway.

Yo, it’s Niall

I smiled at my phone. My mom looked at me like I was crazy, but I don’t really care.


Once I’d finally got home, I spent my hour of downtime talking to Niall. He would’ve come over, but he was at the beach setting up for the tournament—but not actually because he was laying on the beach FaceTiming me.

“Where are you?” I guess the scene behind me didn’t look familiar to him since he’s never been upstairs before. “Where in your house?”

“My bedroom.”

“Yeah? Can I see it?”

Why does he want to see my room? I scanned the area; my eyes lingering on the pile of dirty clothes in the corner and the dirty dishes on my desk. “No.”


“It’s dirty.”

He rolled his eyes, “I’ll have to show you my room tonight.” He scrunched his nose up turning a bit red, “That didn’t sound too good…”

I laughed, “It’s okay; I know what you meant.”

“Show me your favorite thing at least.” I didn’t really have to think about it, but I pretended to so I didn’t seem eager. I got up from my bed and walked across the room going to my CD-to-Record Thing (I don’t know the real name, so that’s what I call it) and flipped my camera around so he could see it. “What is it?”

“It turns CDs into records, it’s so cool. And look.” I showed him my crate of records, with a bunch of different artists.

“That’s sick!”

“I know, sometimes I sell them to Emilio.”

He shifted to lean on his elbows, “Want to make an Eagles one for me?”

“How about I make it if you win the tournament?” I was joking but he took me seriously.

“Great motivation! It’s a deal.” I rolled my eyes. “Who’s your favorite?”

“Ellie Goulding.” I said without skipping a heartbeat. “I’m in love with her.”

“Don’t really know her.”

I shook my head, “We’ll have to have a music date.” Shit. “Well—not like a real date—” I nervously ran a hand though my hair, only for it to get stuck in all the knots. Classic. “Just so like—I don’t know, you like music and I thought—” Instead of telling me he understood what I meant, like I did—he just watched me crumble into and awkward lump. Why does he make me like this? I don’t usually trip over my words this badly. But when I’m talking to Niall, all the normal things I do just fly out the window. I’m just a different person with him and it annoys the shit out of me.

I need to get out of this. “I—I…Louis is calling me. I have to go.”

“No he’s not.” Niall said with a smirk. “He and Chip are here already.”

“Oh…well…I—it’s probably my dad he sounds like them sometimes.”

“Your dad’s here too.” I groaned and covered my face with my free hand; he refuses to let me go. “I get it.” His voice sounded slightly upset so I looked back at him, feeling bad now.

“No, it’s not like that…I just um…I meant that we should listen to music together. Not like—not go on a real date or anything. I mean I’ve never—we can’t…” His tongue ran across his lips as he hung on every half sentence I said. He’s paying attention to my stammering. I just couldn’t take it anymore. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.”

“You’re still coming over right?”


“Okay, see ya, Hunter.” I ended the FaceTime and went over to flopped face down on my bed. Why does he make me so weird? I’m confident when I say he’s just a friend. 

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