A Dream Come True (Diggy Love...

By LondaThomas

2.4M 31.4K 3.7K

Have you ever had a dream? Who hasn't? Better yet, have you ever had a dream come true? ;).... In my story, Y... More

You & Diggy
Typical School Day
Unexpected Arrival
First Flight
Was it a dream?
The Call
Another Chance
Those Lips
Back to Reality
What in the hell?
Complete Chaos
You Must Be Crazy
A Dream Come True
Unforgettable Night
The Knock at the Door
Now What!
Bring on the Drama
"It'll be okay, patience."
Blast from the Past
Why Me?
Unbelievable Night
Its Official
In the Mood
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Well Here Goes Nothing...
What the hell?!
What A Lovely Surprise...
Who are you?
Are You Stupid Or Stupid?
Perfect Getaway
La Familia
Whose House? Runs House!
Whose Daniel?
Living Large
Blast from the Past II
Who is She?
''Oh SHIT!''
You Have No Idea
True Perfection
Studio Flow
Who is She II?
Here We Go Again...
What Have I Done?
Enough Is Enough!
Home Sweet Home...
Back to the Drama
A Let Down
Whats Really Going On?
Look At You Now!
What Am I Suppose to Do?
You Never Know What the Future May Hold
The Tables Have Turned
What Has This Relationship Come to?
Sticky Fingers
How Are We Going to Make This Work?
Lonely Loners
Take A Chance
Prom Night
Prom Night II
Prom Night III
Prom Night IV
Prom Night V
Prom Night VI
The First Time
The First Time II
Quality Time With ßæ
What the Future May Hold
What the Future May Hold II
Trust is the Key
Elevator Loving♥
Can You Handle This?
So Long... For Now (Watch Your Back)
Watch Your Back II
Always Here For You
I Can't Take This Anymore
Thinking of A Master Plan
One Last Night Together
Sick and Tired (Time for Change)
Dinner & Dessert
Graduation Day
Goodbye, For Now...
So What's It Gonna Be?
Are You Ready?
You & Diggy II
I Must Be Dreaming
Cuddling with Daniel
New York City Living
New York City Living II
Lets Get This Party Started
A Test
Do My Eyes Deceive Me?
I'm Sorry (Make Up Sex)
Full House
Hold Me Close
Is You Or Is You Ain't?
Be Careful
Ups and Downs
Dawn's Party
Dawn's Party II
Dawn's Party III
Dawn's Party IV
Dawn's Party V
Dawn's Party VI
Dawn's Party VII
Dawn's Party VIII
Let's Move Forward
Let's Move Foward II
"Give It to Me!"
"Give It to Me!" II
Unexpected Arrival II
Why Do I Care?
Hotel Extravaganza
Hotel Extravaganza II
"Slow It Down For Me."
"I Miss You Ma!"
"Oh, It's like that?"
Just Hold On, We're Going Home
Clearing Out the Condo
Just the Two of Us
A Day On the Town
A Day On the Town II
Let's Be Real Here...
Dinner with Daniel♥
"Let's Get Outta Here!"
"To the Safe House!"
Can't Nothing Stop Us
Can't Nothing Stop Us II
Making the Most of Tonight
Fellas Night Out!
Look Whose Back
Look Whose Back II
No More Chances!
"I'll Do Anything For Her."
Lets Make A Bet
"I'm Not Going Anywhere."
Welcome to Atlantic Records
Welcome to Atlantic Records II
Nothing Like Family♥
Beautiful Morning
Hu$tle Simmons
Hu$tle Simmons II
Here to Stay
Escaping the Drama
'H' Is For Horny
Feening for the...*Ahem*
Long Time, No See...
Long Time, No See... II
No Offense But...
My Mama Said...
What It Means to Be Happy
This Is the Life
"I hope you like this baby."
Champ Isn't the Only Champ
What Does She Want?
"Sick of this Shit!"
Where Do We Go From Here?
I Know Just What To Do
I Know Just What to Do II
Bahama Mama
Bahama Mama II
Wishing You Could Leave It All Behind
So Peaceful
Breakfast In Bed
A Day in Nassau
A Day in Nassau II
We Got A Long Way to Go
Leaving the Bahamas
Small Gathering
Time for Business
''I Love You Too."
Crew Love
You Thought...
Crew Love II
The Trump Hotel
Who Are You Right Now?
We're Taking This A Little Too Far...
Distant, Rather
Distant, Rather II
Getting Back to You
Not the Person I Met
Final Chapter of A Dream Come True
Information About the Second Book
From A Dream To Reality

Let's Figure This Out Babe

13.8K 146 25
By LondaThomas

Chapter 103

Let's Figure This Out Babe

                        It was Friday, 10:25 a.m. and you lie asleep in Daniels arms. He was already awake and sat up once he heard a knock at the door. "Come on in." In came Monique, he looked up from his phone, "Hey ma, whas up?" "Aye Dig, I was just checkin on bae," she said pointing at you. He smiled and looked at you, then he stroked your hair, "she's doing okay." "Is she sick?" He shrugged, "Well, we really aren't sure what's wrong but I'm sure we'll find out soon." She nodded, then looked around, "Man....Y'all got a nice ass room though." "Haha, thank you! How you likin my city though?" "It's real nice here, she got it real good too," she said looking at you, "And from what I see, seems like you're doing a mighty fine job wit her as well." He smiled and nodded, "I try..." *In walks Spin* "WHAD UP BITCHES?!" "Must you be so fuckin loud," Daniel said checkin to see if he had awakened you, "Shit...." "Calm down Dig, it's time to get up anyway." "Nah uh," he said waving his hand back and forth, "Let...Her...SLEEP!" "Alright alright....sorry." He walked out. "He's crazy bruh. So whats for breakfast?" "Oh yeah, let's see what I can do about that." Daniel and Monique walked out of the bedroom, leaving you alone. At about 10:34, not even ten minutes later, you popped up with a real bad stomach ache. "Uhhhhh, not again." Stumbling, you got up and went to the bathroom. You sat next to the toilet and as soon as you felt yourself gag you leaned over the toilet. Nothing came out. You started coughing, followed by a few tears. "Uuuugh, I can't take this anymore." You looked up and saw Daniel staring at you, he looked real worried. Your eyes met. He looked down, then sighed, "Let's go to the doctor. Right now," he said without looking at you. No time for arguing, you got up and started brushing your teeth. He didn't move, but just stood there. Once you got done, you stood in the mirror and fixed your hair. He left the bedroom and laid on the bed. You looked at your stomach in the mirror, then rubbed it, "Am I pregnant?" Daniel peeked into the restroom, "Come on babe, we gotta go. Now." "Okay Daniel." You left the bathroom and grabbed a sweat suit and some nike shoes. Daniel stood by the balcony windows and just stared outside. You came behind him and grabbed his ass, "Hahaha, [yn]..Really," he said turning around. Each time he'd turn around, you'd lean the opposite way. He grew frustrated and grabbed you. You laughed, then smushed your head into this chest. "Hey, look at me..." You looked up at his face, "Sir?" "No matter what, I'm here for you. Okay?" You nodded. Okay so nobody is dumb, obviously he thinks you're prego...I don't know if you are... ;-) We'll see! He grabbed your chin and brought your lips to his, "No matter what..I got u." This time you kissed him. You let him go and grabbed your purse, "I'm ready babe." "Alright, less go."

Daniel held your hand on the entire way there, it was just you two in the car. Your girls wanted to come but y'all had to handle it like two adults... He would side eye you every now and then, "You alright babe?" "Mhm," you lied. The closer and closer you got to the hospital, the more anxiety you were experiencing. At one point, Dan asked if he needed to pull the car over, "Hey, are you okay? I can pull over if you need to thr..." He stopped in mid-sentence. Your face was puffy red and you were in tears, "Dan-Daniel I'm scared." He squeezed your hand, holding it tighter, "Of what ma? Tell me." "I don't want to be pregnant!" "We don't know if you are for sure though. Let's get to the doctor first before we start claiming stuff...Alright?" You were damn near shaking, "Okay. I'm sorry." He licked his lips and then kissed your hand. "Relax."

You anxiously tapped your feet as your sat, awaiting for the doctor to call you both in. Daniel seemed real chill about the whole thing, really. It was 95% you lol. Each time the door opened or a nurse came out, you would jump. "How you feelin babe?" "Tired, hungry," you then looked at him, "Nervous." He looked at you, "Haha, me as well." "Yeah, but I'm good." He nodded, then looked at his vibrating cell phone. *He answers it* "Hey ma.......Yeah...Oh yeah she's doing okay. We at the doc office." You felt so nervous when he said that, awaiting her response, "Yeah she's been sick lately, just tryna see what's really going on.....Mhm..Yeah I'll call you back when we out.....Alright...Bye, love you too." You anxiously asked, "What'd she say?" "Oh, she was just checking on you, seeing how you were doing. She said feel better." "Oh, okay," you said stroking your hair." A nurse came out, holding a clip board, "Simmons?" He looked up and held up his hand, "Ready [yn]?" "Yeah." He helped you stand up and walked you to the back. "Right this way please." She took a real good look at Diggy, licking her lips. Once you stepped in the back, she introduced herself as Nurse Tanya. "What a beautiful girl," she said smiling at you, she was taking your vitals. "Thank you." "Mhm, so what brings you here today sweetie," she removed the arm pump, thingy idk, pressure pump, idk what they are called lol. "I've been a bit nauseous lately." She nodded, then looked Daniel up and down. She noticed how handsome he was, "Oh okay.. You have any idea as to what could be causing your sickness." She pretty much knew y'all were fuckin lol. "Well....we actually don't know," you lied. Daniel was sitting on the opposite wall from the hospital bed thing, that thing with the paper rolled over it , lol sorry y'all I'm so technical, the nurse had her back turned so she didn't see him grinding the chair. You chuckled, then looked down. She turned around, all confused. "Alright, well you seem like a healthy young woman, your vitals are great. Once the doctor comes in, she can take further steps into diagnosing your sickness, okay?" "Okay, thank you." "Alright young man, it was nice meeting you," she said winking at him. She walked out, emphasizing her walk to show off her ass. As soon as that door closed, he pretended to barf. "Haha, she wants that D hahaha." "Whatever, shit. Cougar." You laughed so hard, "Does that hapen a lot to you?" "Ehhh," he said shrugging. You looked down, started kicking your feet against the bed thing. *Moments later* *knock knock* You both looked up, in came the doctor, "Well, hello there. I'm doctor Green. Oh, how beautiful are you. Nurse Tanya was definitely right about that." You always blushed when you got a compliment (never take those for granted y'all lol). "Thank you Doctor, Hi. I'm [yn], and this is my boy friend Daniel." She looked at him and waved, "Hi Daniel... Hmmm..," she turned away and mumbled under his voice, "She was right about him too.." "What was that doc.." "Oh, nothing. Pay that no mind. So what's the issue here, you've been stomach queasy lately?" "Yes ma'am, for the past week I've been. It would come and go but now I'm actually throwing up." She nodded and took down some notes,"Okay, well do you think that there is a possibility that you're pregnant?" That question terrified you. You paused, then looked at Dan, "I guess so Ma'am." "Are you taking birth control at the moment?" "Yes, I am." "Did you by chance miss a day or a few?" Your nervous eyes wondered to Daniels eyes, he stared at you, awaiting your answer, "No, I haven't." She wrote those notes down, "Have you been a bit more emotional lately?" "Yes, I have." She nodded, "Missed period?" "I had it last month. I just started taking it a few weeks ago." She nodded, then looked a bit uneasy. "Well, to unsure if you are or aren't pregnant, we will conduct a test right now okay sweetie. How's your diet been lately? Getting enough water?" "Lots of fast food. Ummmm, idk." "Mmmmm, okay. I'll be right back with the materials okay. Go ahead and undress for me, I wanna check a few things. Young man, could you please step out?" He knew your entire frame lol, "Of course." "Great, I'll be right back." She left the room. He got up and stood in between your legs, "I could help if you need to me to." You hit his hand, "Stop, this could be why I'm here," you said pointing at TDD. He laughed, "Well, maybe. Just follow her instructions okay. I'll be in the hall." He pecked your lips, "Don't be nervous." "Kiss me again." He grabbed your face and kissed you slowly. You got so into it, you had to pull away. He held his forehead against yours, "I love you, no matter what." "I love you too." He kissed your forehead, slowly, then walked out. Right before his shut the door, he turned and winked at you. You waved, then he was gone. "Let's get this over with..."

End of Chapter 103.

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