A Dream Come True (Diggy Love...

By LondaThomas

2.4M 31.4K 3.7K

Have you ever had a dream? Who hasn't? Better yet, have you ever had a dream come true? ;).... In my story, Y... More

You & Diggy
Typical School Day
Unexpected Arrival
First Flight
Was it a dream?
The Call
Another Chance
Those Lips
Back to Reality
What in the hell?
Complete Chaos
You Must Be Crazy
A Dream Come True
Unforgettable Night
The Knock at the Door
Now What!
Bring on the Drama
"It'll be okay, patience."
Blast from the Past
Why Me?
Unbelievable Night
Its Official
In the Mood
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Well Here Goes Nothing...
What the hell?!
What A Lovely Surprise...
Who are you?
Are You Stupid Or Stupid?
Perfect Getaway
La Familia
Whose House? Runs House!
Whose Daniel?
Living Large
Blast from the Past II
Who is She?
''Oh SHIT!''
You Have No Idea
True Perfection
Studio Flow
Who is She II?
Here We Go Again...
What Have I Done?
Enough Is Enough!
Home Sweet Home...
Back to the Drama
A Let Down
Whats Really Going On?
Look At You Now!
What Am I Suppose to Do?
You Never Know What the Future May Hold
The Tables Have Turned
What Has This Relationship Come to?
Sticky Fingers
How Are We Going to Make This Work?
Lonely Loners
Take A Chance
Prom Night
Prom Night II
Prom Night III
Prom Night IV
Prom Night V
Prom Night VI
The First Time
The First Time II
Quality Time With ßæ
What the Future May Hold
What the Future May Hold II
Trust is the Key
Elevator Loving♥
Can You Handle This?
So Long... For Now (Watch Your Back)
Watch Your Back II
Always Here For You
I Can't Take This Anymore
Thinking of A Master Plan
One Last Night Together
Sick and Tired (Time for Change)
Dinner & Dessert
Graduation Day
Goodbye, For Now...
So What's It Gonna Be?
Are You Ready?
You & Diggy II
I Must Be Dreaming
Cuddling with Daniel
New York City Living
New York City Living II
Lets Get This Party Started
A Test
Do My Eyes Deceive Me?
I'm Sorry (Make Up Sex)
Full House
Let's Figure This Out Babe
Is You Or Is You Ain't?
Be Careful
Ups and Downs
Dawn's Party
Dawn's Party II
Dawn's Party III
Dawn's Party IV
Dawn's Party V
Dawn's Party VI
Dawn's Party VII
Dawn's Party VIII
Let's Move Forward
Let's Move Foward II
"Give It to Me!"
"Give It to Me!" II
Unexpected Arrival II
Why Do I Care?
Hotel Extravaganza
Hotel Extravaganza II
"Slow It Down For Me."
"I Miss You Ma!"
"Oh, It's like that?"
Just Hold On, We're Going Home
Clearing Out the Condo
Just the Two of Us
A Day On the Town
A Day On the Town II
Let's Be Real Here...
Dinner with Daniel♥
"Let's Get Outta Here!"
"To the Safe House!"
Can't Nothing Stop Us
Can't Nothing Stop Us II
Making the Most of Tonight
Fellas Night Out!
Look Whose Back
Look Whose Back II
No More Chances!
"I'll Do Anything For Her."
Lets Make A Bet
"I'm Not Going Anywhere."
Welcome to Atlantic Records
Welcome to Atlantic Records II
Nothing Like Family♥
Beautiful Morning
Hu$tle Simmons
Hu$tle Simmons II
Here to Stay
Escaping the Drama
'H' Is For Horny
Feening for the...*Ahem*
Long Time, No See...
Long Time, No See... II
No Offense But...
My Mama Said...
What It Means to Be Happy
This Is the Life
"I hope you like this baby."
Champ Isn't the Only Champ
What Does She Want?
"Sick of this Shit!"
Where Do We Go From Here?
I Know Just What To Do
I Know Just What to Do II
Bahama Mama
Bahama Mama II
Wishing You Could Leave It All Behind
So Peaceful
Breakfast In Bed
A Day in Nassau
A Day in Nassau II
We Got A Long Way to Go
Leaving the Bahamas
Small Gathering
Time for Business
''I Love You Too."
Crew Love
You Thought...
Crew Love II
The Trump Hotel
Who Are You Right Now?
We're Taking This A Little Too Far...
Distant, Rather
Distant, Rather II
Getting Back to You
Not the Person I Met
Final Chapter of A Dream Come True
Information About the Second Book
From A Dream To Reality

Hold Me Close

13.7K 163 26
By LondaThomas

Chapter 102

Hold Me Close

                            "Can I touch your hair?" D blushed, then laugh, "Go ahead. Haha." You ran your hands through his soft curls. "They are so soft though." Princeton sat up from leaning on Chelsea, "Not as soft as mine." You all laughed. Princeton and Darnell looked very similar, give or take a few differences. Darnell smiled, "Right.... I see you playa. Got all the honeys on you." Chelsea and Samantha were both knocked out, well, until now. Princeton laughed, "Well, you know how I do..." You shook your head, Princeton was funny...Real funny. *Samantha wakes up, yawning.* "Hey [yn], you feelin better girl?" Chelsea, who jus woke up too, just gazed at you with her tired eyes, awaiting your response as well. "Yes, much better." Monique popped up, "Yeah, what was wrong with you?" "I don't know if it was something I ate or what...But I'm okay." Everyone nodded, but Darnell knew it was something else. He wasn't as naive as the others... ;-) "Thats good that you're feeling better," Jacob said smiling. You noticed him rubbing Mo's shoulder, "Thanks guys and ummmm, aren't you two just the cutest thing ever?" Everyone looked at them and started saying AAAW! "I mean," Jacob said looking at Monique, "We just chillin." "Mhm," she agreed. You gave Mo this look, squinting your eyes. She poked her tongue at you. "Well," Princeton spoke, "There's certainly love♥ in the air!" Darnell smiled at you, "Mhm." *Knock Knock Knock* Everyone looked at the door, "Pizza's here!" You got up quickly, leaving Darnell alone to go answer the door. "PIIIIIIIZZZZZZAAAAAS HEEEERE!" Spin was always being loud as hell. You rolled your eyes, "Must you be loud, its late Spin." "Dry your eyes and relax mami," he said rubbing your chin. Daniel laughed, then stepped inside with Roc and Ray Ray too. "Hey gorgeous." "Hey Roc," you wrapped your arm around him, then let out a yawn. "Awh, you ready for bed [yn]?" "Mhm." "BRING THE PIZZA, I'M HUNGRY!" "Shut up, it's coming Princeton." Everyone started heading to the living room. "Babe, get some paper plates and cups." "Okay," you headed for kitchen and retrieved that. "Here everyone," you said placing them on the coffee table, "Be careful and don't make a mess." "Yes ma'am," Spin said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. "This pizza is bomb." "Yeah, good choice [yn]," Trevor agreed with Roc. It smelled so good but the smell made you feel nauseous; your queasy stomach made you feel horrible. Daniel so happened to be watching, he stood up and came up to you, "You alright?" "Yeah," you lied, "I'll be back." He nodded and watched you walk towards the back. Once you got to the bathroom, you sat on side on the bathtub. "Uuuuuuuhhh, what is wrong with me." You leaned back and forth, holding your stomach. Suddenly, you felt a strong urge to throw-up; you rushed to the toilet and started puking. "Uuuuhhhhhh (idk how to make onomatopoeia for someone puking lol)," you said in pain. *cough cough* Daniel stood behind you and held your hair, rubbing your back. You thought you were done, but you let up a bit more. Idk what the hell you were throwin up because you didn't eat dinner lol. Once you were done, you got off your knees and sat on your bottom, looking at Daniel. He didn't look too happy, but rather worried. You started crying again. He sat next to you, "It's okay, I'm here [yn]." You felt more nauseous, so you leaned over the toilet again, coughing the last bit up. "Babe," Daniel got up and kept patting your back; once you stopped he asked if you were done. "Yeah," you said coughing." He got up and grabbed a towel. "Lemme see," he said grabbing your face, gently wiping your mouth. "Thank you Dan." He stood at the sink, weting the towel now. He smiled, "It's all good. Just relax okay." You nodded. He came and sat next to you, "How long you been feelin like this?" "Sick?" "Yeah," he asked w/o looking at you, "I don't know Daniel. Its been kinda lately though." "Hmmmm," he nodded, then stood up. "Go get in the bed. I'll be with you in a bit." "No," you said gettin up, you stood in front of him, "I wanna go hang out wit eve....." "No, I said you need to go lay down.." "But Da.." "What did I say," he was being dead serious, "You need to rest, okay? Now go...Please." "Okay, I'll just brush my teeth and go, okay..." He watched you brush your teeth, just to make sure you were okay. When you got done, you walked past him and went straight to the bed. You didn't feel like arguing, you just wanted to feel better. He left the room and didn't come back until about 15 minutes. You turned over in bed and just watched him. He smacked on some pizza, while getting ready to take a shower. "How you feelin ma?" "Okay, I guess." He went inside the restroom and began his shower. You turned back over and gazed at the NYC Skyline, then you looked at Daniels alarm clock, it read 1:38. You yawned and just laid there. Nothing really came to mind, you were just tired. "Daniel hurry..." You just wanted him to hold you close. In 5 minutes, you heard the bathroom door open; he come out with nothing on but boxer-briefs. He got in the bed and spooned you. "You been taking your birth control, right?" Your heart felt like it stopped, "Yeah, why..." "Just asking babe, tryna get down to the bottom of this, thats all." You turned over and faced him, "I'm not pregnant.....Right," you asked him a bit nervous. "Aha, I don't know your body like you do [yn]," he said playing with his fingers, "But just relax, you could be sick from something else." Now you were paranoid. "I been taking it Daniel, I promise," you said tearing up, "Stop crying please. I hate it when you cry." "I'm sorry, I just don't know what's wrong." "It's all gonna be okay, just close your eyes and relax. We'll figure it out.... okay.." "Okay." "Turn over so I can hold you." Once you turned over, you let him hold you close. He kept kissing your cheek, whispering sweet things into your ear. He did his best to comfort you. You couldn't imagine being pregnant, were you?

End of Chapter 102.

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