Secret life New York;ramy


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Amy and Ricky both move to New York for Hudson. They're married and happy. Continuation of Nothing can stop u... More

Chapter 1~new life
Chapter 2~pregnant
Chapter 3~about to pop
Chpater 4~amys birthday
Chapter 5~interviews
Chapter 6~forgiven
chapter 7~family parties
Chapter 8~back to school
Chapter 9~dinner pt 1
Chapter 10~Awkward!
Chapter 11~ jennas wedding
Chapter 12~rickys birthday
Chapter 13~ exploring
Chapter 14~He forgot?!
Chapter 15~ best guy ever
Chapter 16~ runaway
Chapter 17~snow!!!
Chapter 18~Really Ben
Chapter 19~Friends?!
Chapter 20~ christmas
Chapter 21~Alone
Chapter 22~back to school blues
Chapter 23~oh no!
Chapter 24~ hot and bothered
Chapter 25~birthdays
Chapter 26~3!
Chapter 27~wedding
Chapter 28~Nephew
Chapter 29~mood swings
Chapter 30~gender reveal party
Chapter 31~onto us another one
Chapter 32~johns birthday
Chapter 33~privacy
Chapter 34~baptism
Chapter 35~missing him
Chapter 36~ hes back
Chapter 37~forgiven but not forgiven
Chapter 38~ vacation
Chapter 39~hawaii
Chapter 40~the dream continues
Chapter 41~cruise
Chapter 42~sad day
Chapter 43~ashley
Chapter 44~confessions were made
Chapter 45~fight
Chapter 46~we dont talk anymore
Chapter 47~girls day
Chapter 48~why is Jenna on my couch?
Chapter 49~valentines day
Chapter 50~day out
Chapter 51~elopers
Chapter 52~breakdown
Chapter 53~interuptions
Chapter 54~male bonding
Chapter 55~placement
Chapter 56~I love you Amy. I love you Jenna
Chapter 57~prank wars
Chapter 58~graduations
Chapter 59~oh grow up!
Chapter 60~picked on
Chapter 61~moving
Chapter 62~dates
Chapter 63~Trouble
Chapter 64~friends?
Chapter 65~no kids!
Chapter 66~oh the games we play
Chapter 67~like father like son
Chapter 68~cold hard truth
Chapter 69~all in the family
Chapter 70~accidents
Chapter 71~Snowing
Chapter 72~Under the stars
Chapter 73~Welcome back
Chapter 74~The better kid
Chapter 75~Hospital visits
Chapter 77~Bad day
Chapter 78~Punishments
Chapter 79~Perfect weekend!
Chpater 80~Breakups and makeups
Chapter 81~Band camp problems
Chapter 82~Problem solver
Chapter 83~M?
Chapter 84~Reunion
Chapter 85~Teachers
Chapter 86~Hanging out
Chapter 87~Well then
Chapter 88~Christmas
Chapter 89~Dramarama
Chapter 90~Cancellations
Chapter 91~One person job
Chapter 92~Oh John...
Chapter 93~Coping mechinism
Chapter 94~Squad
Chapter 95~Teenagers
Chapter 96~Go Dels
Chapter 97~Us
Chapter 98~What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Chapter 99~Up all night
Chapter 100~Another kid?!
Chapter 101~Albany
Chapter 102~Embarassed
Chapter 103~Graduation
Chapter 104~Bye
Chapter 105~Thank u and goodbye
Heads up

Chapter 76~Welcome to high school

349 16 8

John Pov

First day of high school and I'm ready. I know what to expect due to my parents situation. "Now remember, if you see a pregnant girl be nice to her." I hear my moms voice in my head.

"Well well well, look who's a big high school guy now." Delilah says walking into my room and rolling her eyes at me.

"Well well well look who's a big forth grade girl." I say and she laughs. "Whatever, so you gonna kiss Callie again?" Delilah asks laughing and I place my hand over her mouth.

"You are never to speak of this again." I say and she licks my hand causing me to pull it off in disgust. "It's gonna cost ya." She says and I sigh pulling my wallet out of my pocket.

"I gotta a 20?" I say pulling it out. "Thanks and I don't do change no givesy backsies!" She yells running out with 20 dollars as my dad walks in.

"So when you gonna kiss Callie again?" My dad asks with his infamous smirk. "You know about it to?!" I question and he laughs. "Delilah told me this morning." He says laughing and I sigh. "That little- don't tell mom." I plead looking at my dad.

"You know, there's a lot I don't tell your mother. And since i like you kid, I'll let it slide." He says and leaves laughing.

Ricky Pov

"Hello Ricky." Amy says as I walk into the room. "Oh uh uh hey Amy." I say nonchalantly leaning against the armoire, slipping off falling on the floor.

"You know something, what do you know?" She questions helping me up. "Me I don't know anything." I say and she gets angry.

"Fine im taking you to dinner later!" I say and she smiles hugely. "Well I gotta drop John and Delilah off. bye honey." I say grabbing my briefcase.

"Let's go!" I say waiting at the door and John walks out smiling and Delilah follows suit.

"Jesus John! how much cologne is that?!" I question opening the windows. "Half the bottle." Delilah answers and I laugh along with her.

"Jeez how is this fair, why is she sitting in the front." John says crossing his arms.

"Cause I need to drop her off first. You owe me man! I have to take your mother to dinner tonight for covering up the Callie thing." I say and John laughs.

"Which means, I will be watching tweedle dee and tweedle dumb?" John says and Delilah furrows her eyebrows in anger.

"Don't call your brothers and sisters that. Your lucky you have a brother and sister, I never had any brothers or sisters." I say and Johns face droops.

"Sorry dad." He says and Delilah smiles at me softly. "It's alright it's just you guys have everything you could possibly want and you don't appreciate it." I say and they sigh.

"Alright enough with boring you guys, I have a surprise for all of us." I say and john and Delilah shoot up in their seats.

"What! what?! Tell us!!!" Delilah says excitedly. "Nope it's a surprise." I say pulling up to Dels school.

"Alright deli I'll walk you in." I say grabbing her backpack from John.

"Ugh can't you just tell me?!" She questions as I walk her up to her friends she met at summer school.

"You have to wait and see." I say and she sighs smiling. I lift her up and give her a kiss on the cheek making a mwoah sound before walking back to the car.

"Dad I think we forgot Mason." John says as I start the car.

"No we didn't, his arm still isn't doing good and your mom works for a private school and they only open two weeks after you guys." I say and John shrugs looking back at his phone.

Mason broke his arm over the summer doing one of his stunts and by stunts I mean his swing set pool jump.

I get to Johns high school and I drop him off. "Do good John, I trust you." I say and he nods. "One more thing." I say stoppping him. "Be safe." I say handing him two condoms.

"Tell your mother and I'll kill you." I say laughing and so does he, putting it in his bag. He walks off and I drive to the office.

I see bens car and I run up to the office. "BEN!!!!!" I screech out jumping into him. "RICKY!!!" He screeches out and we both laugh.

"So what do we have on the agenda today?" I ask sitting in my desk chair. "Well, I have business meetings with my dad, which you will be coming with me too." He says and I nod grabbing my files and putting my phone on silent.

John POV

Ok not so bad John, you managed to find your locker and your first period class now just to find a seat. "Hey John." Callie says smiling at me, I smile back and sit beside her. "Oh shit it's John!" Luke says sitting in front of me and I laugh.

"I missed you last night." Callie says biting her lip and I lean in kissing her, but I feel someone knock into us and clear their throat. "Jeez just like your father, do me a favour and tell him Mr.James is back." He says laughing and walking back to the front of the class.

The bell rings and I walk Callie to her locker even though, she doesn't have the same second period as I do. "John you definitely had a growth spurt." Callie says smiling up at me. "Yeah." I say laughing a little and looking down. "5'9 is pretty high." I say and she laughs lowly. "My tall guy." She says laughing and lightly kissing me again.


"Mommy...?" I hear Mason call out from his room. "Hey buddy, how's your arm?" I ask walking in and sitting on the edge of his bed. "It hurts." He says and I push his hair out of his face. "I know baby, I'm taking you too the doctor." I say and he sighs.

'Hey this is Ricky, sorry I missed your call leave a message and I promise I'll call you back' what the hell! Ricky promised he'd be here for Mason's surgery. "Ok Mrs.Underwood, we're going to be taking him now." The doctor says and I look at my phone once more before nodding. "Mommy loves you." I say kissing Mason's head before they wheel him off.

Ricky POV

Crap I left to late and now I'm late for Mason's surgery! I run in and find Amy waiting in his room. "You jerk, he needed you here!" Amy yells and I sigh. "I know I know, I'm sorry I just got a little caught up at work." I say and she sighs. "That's where you always seem to be nowadays." Amy says sitting down and looking out the window.

"Amy honey..." I say grabbing her arm but she pulls away. "If you love work so much, why don't you go be with it." She says completely avoiding looking me in the face. "Amy why, we're doing so good and then, we hit a rough patch." I say picking her up and placing her in my lap much to her dismay.

"That's what being married is Ricky, you have to go through the bad days to get to the good ones. A rainbow can't be made without the rain." She says and I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry." I whisper in her ear and I can practically feel her shiver. "Me too." She says curling into me and I kiss her cheek. She looks at me funny before placing her lips against mine.

"We're not really going to dinner tonight I'm not stupid. Tell me really." She says and I sigh. "John and Callie are at kissing level." I say and her mouth hangs open happily. "Awwwwww." She says and I laugh. "Don't say anything, your not even suppose to know." I say and she laughs.

She smiles and rests her head against my chest listening to my heartbeat. She holds my hand and smiles cause my promise ring on my right hand clinks against her wedding band and engagement ring.

"Remember when you broke your arm?" I ask her and she laughs. "Yeah cause Adrian paid some dude to tackle me in gym class." I laugh and she smiles. "We were so young." I say and she nods. "We're old now." She says with a laugh and I sigh.

"We're not that old." I say and she smiles. "Yeah, I guess." She says and I poke her causing her to giggle.

"Well the surgery was successful!" The doctor says and we both jump out of the seat. "He'll be coming in shortly, he will be asleep for a little he'll wake up once the medication wears off. Oh and no food for at least four hours." He says and we both nod our head.

"How come he had to get two surgeries?" I ask Amy and she sighs. "He broke his arm in two places, so yeah." Amy says and I nod. He comes in and his face is just so cute, it's so relaxed it reminds me of Amy.

"Aww he looks so peaceful." Amy says and I nod wrapping my arm around her waist. "So are you still giving the kids their surprise?" Amy asks and I laugh. "Yup, cmon you know you want the surprise too." I say and she laughs. "Maybe." She says and I kiss her cheek.

"John should be getting off now, should I go pick them up?" I ask and Amy nods. "I'll be back." I say and she nods sitting down.

I drive to school but then realize, John has band which means he's not done until 4:30. Well I guess we're gonna get dels then.

I stand outside texting Amy random stuff, and I hear the bell ring. "DADDY!" Delilah yells jumping onto me and I catch her. "DELILAH!" I respond back and she laughs. "So what did you do today?" I ask as we drive back.

"The usual." She says and I laugh. "So dad what's the surprise?" She asks and I shake my head. "You will find out tomorrow." I say and she sighs. We walk up and Mason's finally awake.

"Mason!" I say and he smiles weakly. "How's it going?" I ask standing beside him. "It's okay...I guess. I just want to go home." He says and I nod. "Mason did dad tell you, he has a surprise for us later." Delilah says and Mason smiles happily.

"Speaking of which, I better go so I can get the surprise." I say and Amy smiles.

I drive to the place and see him sitting at the window. "Hey man, he's ready for you to take him." The guy says and I nod. "Cmon buddy get in the car." I get his stuff in the car and I drive him home.

"Now your a good guy so I expect your gonna be clean, or else Amy will kick mine and your ass." I say laughing.


I drive home and both Delilah and Mason are practically a ball of excitement. "Cmon mommy just tell us!!!" Delilah groans out. "No, we're almost home, two minutes away to be exact." I say and they sigh.

We pull up and there stands Ricky with him. "Daddy got us a dog!" They yell jumping out of the car and running towards Ricky.

"Guys this is Moose your dog." I say and they laugh. "Here go play with him in the backyard, Mason watch your arm." Ricky says and they run to the back with him.

"Moose number two is home." I say and Ricky nods smiling. "Yup, and to your dads request he was named moose in memorial." Ricky says and I smile softly.

We eat a small dinner and I wrap Johns plate so he can eat it when he comes. "I have a genius idea!" Ricky says walking into our room. "We should take moose and go pick up John." Ricky says and I nod jumping out of the bed.

Ricky walks with Delilah and moose and I carry a very tired Mason. We see John standing outside and kissing Callie. "John Matthew Juergens Underwood." I say walking up and he squints his eyes.

"Hi Mrs.Underwood." Callie says awkwardly. "Hi Callie, John we have a new member of the family." I say and his eyes widen again. "No I don't want another sibling." He groans and I laugh. "We got a dog." I say and he smiles hugely.

"Well that's my mom I better go bye John." Callie says kissing his cheek and walking to a car. "I like that girl." I say as were walking back home. "Me too." John says and I find it so cute.

It's around 11:30 and I decide it's bedtime. "Mhmm hello." Ricky says crawling onto the bed and hovering over me. Just then moose runs in and shimmies himself under Ricky and lays his head on my stomach. I start laughing and Ricky's mouth hangs open.

"Cmon moose go to your bed." Ricky says attempting to pick him up but he makes himself heavy. "Amy." Ricky says wanting me to do something. "What, he wants to be here let him be here." I say and and Ricky groans.

Ricky lays down and wraps his arm around me and moose starts growling at him. "Oh my gosh moose look a bone!" Ricky says walking in with one and Mooses eyes light up. "Yeah come get it." Ricky says throwing it into the hall and shutting the door once moose is gone.

"Now." He says hovering over me and I smile. He gently presses his lips against mine, you know what we did.

Aye they got a dog tho. It already snowed in Canada who is willing to adopt me to get me the hell away from the cold😂

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