Secret life New York;ramy


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Amy and Ricky both move to New York for Hudson. They're married and happy. Continuation of Nothing can stop u... More

Chapter 1~new life
Chapter 2~pregnant
Chapter 3~about to pop
Chpater 4~amys birthday
Chapter 5~interviews
Chapter 6~forgiven
chapter 7~family parties
Chapter 8~back to school
Chapter 9~dinner pt 1
Chapter 10~Awkward!
Chapter 11~ jennas wedding
Chapter 12~rickys birthday
Chapter 13~ exploring
Chapter 14~He forgot?!
Chapter 15~ best guy ever
Chapter 16~ runaway
Chapter 17~snow!!!
Chapter 18~Really Ben
Chapter 19~Friends?!
Chapter 20~ christmas
Chapter 21~Alone
Chapter 22~back to school blues
Chapter 23~oh no!
Chapter 24~ hot and bothered
Chapter 25~birthdays
Chapter 26~3!
Chapter 27~wedding
Chapter 28~Nephew
Chapter 29~mood swings
Chapter 30~gender reveal party
Chapter 31~onto us another one
Chapter 32~johns birthday
Chapter 33~privacy
Chapter 34~baptism
Chapter 35~missing him
Chapter 36~ hes back
Chapter 38~ vacation
Chapter 39~hawaii
Chapter 40~the dream continues
Chapter 41~cruise
Chapter 42~sad day
Chapter 43~ashley
Chapter 44~confessions were made
Chapter 45~fight
Chapter 46~we dont talk anymore
Chapter 47~girls day
Chapter 48~why is Jenna on my couch?
Chapter 49~valentines day
Chapter 50~day out
Chapter 51~elopers
Chapter 52~breakdown
Chapter 53~interuptions
Chapter 54~male bonding
Chapter 55~placement
Chapter 56~I love you Amy. I love you Jenna
Chapter 57~prank wars
Chapter 58~graduations
Chapter 59~oh grow up!
Chapter 60~picked on
Chapter 61~moving
Chapter 62~dates
Chapter 63~Trouble
Chapter 64~friends?
Chapter 65~no kids!
Chapter 66~oh the games we play
Chapter 67~like father like son
Chapter 68~cold hard truth
Chapter 69~all in the family
Chapter 70~accidents
Chapter 71~Snowing
Chapter 72~Under the stars
Chapter 73~Welcome back
Chapter 74~The better kid
Chapter 75~Hospital visits
Chapter 76~Welcome to high school
Chapter 77~Bad day
Chapter 78~Punishments
Chapter 79~Perfect weekend!
Chpater 80~Breakups and makeups
Chapter 81~Band camp problems
Chapter 82~Problem solver
Chapter 83~M?
Chapter 84~Reunion
Chapter 85~Teachers
Chapter 86~Hanging out
Chapter 87~Well then
Chapter 88~Christmas
Chapter 89~Dramarama
Chapter 90~Cancellations
Chapter 91~One person job
Chapter 92~Oh John...
Chapter 93~Coping mechinism
Chapter 94~Squad
Chapter 95~Teenagers
Chapter 96~Go Dels
Chapter 97~Us
Chapter 98~What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Chapter 99~Up all night
Chapter 100~Another kid?!
Chapter 101~Albany
Chapter 102~Embarassed
Chapter 103~Graduation
Chapter 104~Bye
Chapter 105~Thank u and goodbye
Heads up

Chapter 37~forgiven but not forgiven

494 16 19

Amy Pov

Me and Ricky are somewhat okay, things just still aren't right. "So you'll be at the old apartment?" I ask him. We decided to give each other some space well actually just I need space from him, cause I did nothing. It's still hard to think he cheated. "Yeah I'll be there. I love you Amy." I nod and he hugs me lightly. "I love you too." I say and for some reason I mean it.

John Pov

"But why is daddy leaving?" Delilah asks siting down. "I dunno, ask mommy." I do know I just don't want to tell Delilah. I may be little but I'm not stupid, my dad cheated on my mom. "Alright guys I'll see you later." My dad says walking in. "Bye daddy." Delilah says clinging onto my dad. "Bye dells, bye John." He says kissing my head. He leaves and I can hear my mom cry in the other room. "Uh hey Delilah listen to this." I say putting my headphones over her ears.

"Mom are you okay?" I ask opening her bedroom door. "Uh yeah John I'm fineee." She stutters when she lies. "No mom your not, your crying and you stuttered." I say and she sits on the bed. "Mom did dad cheat on you?" I ask sitting beside her. "John I shouldn't be talking about this to you." She says placing her hand on my head. "Are you and dad gonna get a divorce?" I ask and Delilah slowly walks in and sits on the bed.

"No, me and your dad just need some space. Just like when you and Delilah are fighting and you guys have I sit one for five minutes, me and your father are doing that's just for a longer time." She says kissing both of our heads. My brother starts crying and my mom goes and gets him.

Amy Pov

I grab Mason and he happily cuddles into me. I look at Mason and he has Ricky's dark chocolate eyes, and the twinkle Ricky has, well had when he would look at me. "Amy I still look at you like, that has never changed." Someone says from the door frame, I look an it's Ricky. "You were talking out loud." He says as I look at him confused.

"Why did you do it?" I ask closing the nursery door, in closing me, him and Mason together. "I dunno Amy. I did it and.... I ended up crying all night. Remember that day I called you and you asked why my eyes were red and I said I was just tired yeah well I was crying." He says. "Amy, I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry, and you got punkd." He says laughing. "What?" I question. "This entire thing, yeah it was a joke." I furrow my eyebrows at him. "I didn't cheat on you at all." He says laughing.

"We got you goooooddddd!" Jenna and Matty say opening the door. "You were in on this?!" I question putting Mason back in his crib. "You were so annoying with the 'I feel like he's cheating on me' blah blah blah we punkd you." My mouth hangs wide open. "Then who was?-" I'm about to ask but Jenna answers. "That would be my cousin Anna." Jenna laughs. "So you didn't cheat on me and ruin our marriage?" I ask Ricky. "Nope, I've been only yours since 2009 and counting." He says I smile hugely before kissing him.

Jenna and Matty leave and they take the kids since there going to the park, so they'll be back in an hour. "I'm sorry I thought you cheated." I say sitting beside him. "It's okay, I mean if you set me up like that I would believe it too." He says placing his arm around my shoulders so I can cuddle into his side.

"Amy I just want you to know I love and I always will." He says kissing the top of my head. "I love you too." I say hugging him. "I think I made a mistake though." He says sighing. I sit up and look at him. "I really should have brought you and the kids with me, it was so boring without Amy." He says and I raise my eyebrow. "Amy's my wife she doesn't know I'm cheating on her with you." He says laughing. I smirk at him and he pulls me against him.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" John and Delilah yell jumping onto me and Ricky. "And here's your other one, bye guys." Matty says handing me Mason and walking off. "Mmmm mmmm aaaaaa!" Mason begins. "He just said his first word!!" I say happily. "Wow he's a lot quicker then John and Delilah were." Ricky says and I nod. "Daaaaaaaaaaa!" He says smiling at Ricky. We even the kids smile in awe.

"No c'mon mommy one more story!" Delilah and John beg. "No, it's late you guys have school, well Delilah's with me but bed time." I say. John groans and walks to his room and Delilah happily hops into her bed. "Goodnight baby." I say kissing her head.

"Goodnight my other baby." I say kissing johns head. I walk into masons room, and Ricky is sitting in the chair with the crib open just rubbing Masons belly and chest. "What are you doing?" I whisper walking closer to him. "He's just so cute and he's not gonna be this little forever." Be whispers smiling.

I sit on Ricky's lap and we both just stare at Mason as he sleeps. I watch his chest rise and fall as he breathes. After sitting there for fifteen minutes we decide to go back to our room.

Ricky starts going on about this boring long business lesson, perfect time to seduce him. I kiss his cheek and he smiles but continues, hmm need to push harder. I kiss his neck all over, but he only continues and smiles at me.

That's when I suck on his neck and lick up to his ear. "And- forget the story let's talk about sex baby.... Finish it." He says laying me down. "Let's talk about you and me, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, let's talk about sex." We sing and we laugh lowly. I smirk in accomplishment.

John Pov

My door creaks and my head shoots up from my pillow. "Johnny I can't sleep." Delilah says walking to my bed. "Ok Delilah you can sleep with me." I say and she happily walks over. She climbs in along with her teddy bear. "Did you really have to bring your bear?" I groan. "His names Mr.Bear and yes he goes everywhere with me." She says hugging it. I sigh and begin to fall asleep.

A/N couple things to say 1:my elementary English teacher is an asshole cause she said my writing was terrible, but my high school English teacher says its very well written so yeah🖕🏻 also my birthday is today and call me Molly ringwald cause no one remembered it except my parents and sister so eh. special tanks to meh homie secretlife_ramy_15 for the idea for this chapter.

QOTD:what are you worst fears

AOTD: call me Tobias eaton cause I'm claustrophobic. FEAR OF CONFINEMENT. Another fear I have is dying, just the thought of noting after we die freaks me out. I also have many other weird fears cause I have anxiety so it depends on the day😂😂

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