REALITY- a goofed up nightmar...

By LamenessAlert

4.8K 684 4

This story is inspired by a true story. This is about an Indian girl who is all messed up and goofed up..and... More

chap 3
chap 4
chap 6
chap 7
chap 9
chap 10
chap 11
chap 12
chap 13
chap 14
chap 15
chap 16
chap 17
chap 18
chap 19
chap 20
chap 21
chap 22
chap 23
chap 24
chap 25
chap 26
chap 27
chap 28
chap 29
chap 30
chap 31
chap 32
chap 33
chap 34
chap 35
chap 36
chap 37
chap 38
chap 39
chap 40
chap 41
chap 42
chap 43
chap 44
chap 45
chap 46
chap 47
chap 48
chap 49
chap 50
chap 51 - epilogue

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare

592 23 0
By LamenessAlert

You're the best thing,

That ever happen to me,

Nothing beyond your wishes,

No dreams seem to please me.

Your smile is all I await,

Your success is all I wish,

Being in your arms forever,

Is the last of my death wish.

Waking up every morning,

Cuddling in your arms,

Seeing the sunrise together,

Nothing more could ever charm.

Sharing every moment,

All thoughts throughout the day,

Spending every hour,

Along your side all day.

Your memories is all I cherish,

Your words haun,t me all while,

Your pranks amuse me always,

All I dream is your smile.

I wish my last breathe,

Is tight within your arms,

The last thing I see,

Is your eyes deep and warm.

I was out of words after reading this..., was this for real...??

I mean come on...I did like this really really like him...we were together for almost 2 years of the most popular couples of high school...

We were given a name as a well


AAR from Aarsh and AKSHI from mine.

My name was too short to shorten it more anyway.

But this....this poem totally blew any AWE-SOME gift that he was planning for me.

Okay so lets get this clear...right now I am stalking my boyfriends laptop to get any hint on my birthday present. I came here after school to get some idea about my birthday planning since he was in school for some dance practice.

Well...thats kinda BBBBBaaaddddd and mean to ruin his surprise...but what can I say...I was curious..!

And while stalking...I happen to click on this folder that says "FOR MY LOVE"

And I know this boy might have taken ages to write this because lets just say, this guy sucks at rhyme.

But this is just toooo good...I love writing...well writing is my hobby and all...but this...this poem is just pure and simple WOOWWW!!!!

I am just so glad that this guy is totally and utterly mine.

I just love the fact that I have someone who thinks I am this special to him,

Like I belong to him, like I am needed, like I matter.

He is always there for me so selflessly, so whole heartily that I sometimes think all this is just a dream..and I will be out of it soon.

All this is just so good to be true.

while I was battling with my mind upon my thoughts I heard sound in the hallway,

I quickly shut the laptop and went straight back to the window.

This was the best place according to me in this room.

It is quite calm and all you have to do is stand here for sometime and you will surely find peace.

I felt two arms wrapped around me.

And I yelled "Get away your freaking cold".

All I get is just a chuckle.

"Well..then lets get all hot and warmed up" he said with a mischievous grin.

"No...NoNO...NNOOONO.." is all I could say before he was after me.

We were practically running all over the house like kids and before I could go any further I bang into someone and fall on my butt.

"Sorry...I am sorry...really sorry" I started apologizing and turned to look into the one I bang.

Oh God..!!!!

Shoot.!!.Just get me out of this shit and I will work extra hours for community service this week.

I am a good child.

You owe me for helping people...just get me out of this...

I started rambling in my mind.


I banged into Aarsh's mom...shoot..She hated me like plague.

They were one of the well known families in town.

She was always strict and particular about everything in life...her family was one robot programmed families...where everybody is almost perfect (emphasis on ALMOST)...and since Aarsh was one completely opposite in the family she blamed all on my influence.

She was always against the 'Aarsh dating ME' scene.

I really don't know what her problem was, since apparently she wanted Aarsh to have a girl who was clever with good scores and one who elated their family reputation.

I don't say I was perfect for those conditions but lets say...I did fit well in majority of it.

I belonged to a well to do family and even my family business was into diamonds like we made a good wealthy family.

But since the start, we have had issues with the families.

My family hates theirs and they mirror the emotions completely.

But this was after me and Aarsh started dating.

Both the families thought that we were not right for each other.

Lets just say we both were teens with hormones and rebellious attitude,

And that is why even against parents we started dating.

I came out of my mental instability and stood on my feet and apologized again.

She just had an expressionless face but none the less she dint say anything and I was happy about it.

And just when I was about to leave the dreading voice comes up.

"Don't you think its high time you work on your clumsiness. I am sure you don't have much to do anyways, your brain cells will rust if you don't use them much." she said that with a smug expression on her face.

I felt anger bubbling up inside me.

But since this is INDIA and we respect our elders so very much with all our heart and soul that you just can't come up with a witty come back (note the sarcasm)..I just suppressed it and gave a nod and left the house.

I was so angry...was she for real?

Is she that dumb?

What is my damn fault?

Why is she always so mean to me?

I felt like pulling all those fake extensions she had.

Trust me that old woman had more of dead brain cells than live one.

Why was she always a bitch to me?

I was on the footpath with my mind so engrossed that I dint even hear Aarsh coming after me.

Poor guy...always making up for what his family did to me.

"Akshi will you wait for ten freaking seconds...girl you walk like super fast when you're grumpy" he said while catching his breathe.

"Oh!!  sorry mister, well sir I apologize for being all grumpy after your mom almost kills me with her glare and her hatred seeping in her words" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh now this is just great..!! Now you're being difficult,

Are you like out of your mind?

How old are you, four?"

He said with a lot of irritation in them.

I was taken aback by his words...

Why was he so wild?

Was it that bad that I reacted in a grumpy way?

But I was always this; I never took wrong things easily,

And when I am not at fault, why should I face the wrath.

I just started walking back home.

Since he was my ride home and I was no way in hell going back and asking him to take me home.

I barely took five steps and someone yanked me back.

I gasped.

"Wait dodo...I am really sorry...I shouldn't have got that out on you.

I am just trying to get things all settled.

I mean I try my best to make things right but nothing seems to work...I want mom to like you and accept you.

I want her to respect my choice; I am not like my brother all goody-goody and responsible but I am not that bad.

I want her to accept all of me the way I am and accept my life the way it is...."he started rattling

I shut him before he could continue and just hug him tight.

A hug is all you need when you're low.

He hugged me back and just like that we were back to normal and playful again.

Aarsh always felt low and inferior about himself.

He did have serious confidence issues and I had my mind set to get him over those misconceptions.

He was a good football player, a very good and graceful dancer, very good at painting and above all a very good human. But he really sucked studies.

Aarsh was never the one with homework or submissions and all.

I was the one to do that for him...ALWAYS.

He had a good memory though. He studied last minute for the exams from friend's notes and did pass with average grades with a bit of cheating and all.

He was dropping me home and the drive was all normal and teasing again.

After a whole lot of begging and all, He gave me a few hints about my birthday presents and all but nothing in specific.

All I could make or think was the whole day was planned and I was to make excuses at home to spend the day with him.

Since my family hated him equally. It was difficult to spend time with him and especially on my birthday.

Though birthdays in my family were never special, but we still had a small family lunch or dinner.

My birthday was in like 2 weeks...and since it was my 18th birthday...Aarsh was keen on making it grand.

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