You're A Vampire, Cliché Muc...

By lildaydreamer

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Emma's life has slowly become more complicated but is driven even further off the rails when her brother's my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Ending (Emma's P.O.V.)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 11

1.7K 26 2
By lildaydreamer

Emma’s P.O.V.

“Get out” it was all I wanted and all I could say in the impressive numbness that had overcome me in the last second. Dorian was the first to move and my feelings towards him now are muffled by this veil I seem to be under. It wasn’t until I actually looked at him again that I realised he’d moved in front of me, was even touching me. I stared at his hand with nothingness and pushed it off of me.

“Emma baby please, listen to me give me a chance to explain” Dorian’s voice was all pleading and scared and I didn’t care not a bit.

“Get out”.

“You heard her Dorian get out, come on sis lets talk”.

“Both of you out”.

“What? Sis please we really do need to talk”.

“Out, get out I don’t want to see you, or hear you or anything to do with you leave now before I scream and start swinging this baseball bat like Thor’s hammer” my voice was still the same completely apathetic but my wrist twitched the bat up making Alec retreat closer to the door.

“Baby –“

“Don’t call me that just get out the pair of you move now or so help me God I will end you”.

“I’m not going anywhere Emma not till you let me explain”.

“I want you to leave” I moved the tip of the bat up and poked Dorian in the chest with it “now”.

“No you don’t please Emma, please listen to me” he took the bat from my hand and tossed it to the floor.

"Excuse me I hadn't marked your face yet" I responded remembering an earlier argument. He ignored my retort and  pulled me into his chest stirring something deep in me.“Go away” my voice had started to tremble my control falling away.

“No, Emma look at me please, baby please” old butterflies were starting to come back and I needed to squash them.

“You’re bad go away”.

“No Emma I’m not bad I’m not please” I looked up at the change in his voice and Dorian’s eyes broke my heart.

“Leave” I turned my back on him before he could get all the way through to me. It was a mistake. I felt him sweep my hair over my left shoulder tightening his hold on my waist he nudged my shirt with his nose making the sleeve drop to expose the skin there. I could hear my breathing speed and feel every thud of my heart as his lips parted over my shoulder placing  soft open mouthed  kisses up to my neck. He was making me ache for him and need him my hands moved on their own one moved to his hands on my waist and the other moved behind to hold hid face to my neck forever.

“I’m still in the room you know” I heard Alec grumble but I really didn’t care.

“If you don’t like it then leave you’ve caused enough damage” Dorian mumbled into my skin retracing the trail of warmth he made the first time.

“I’m not going anywhere Emma for God’s sake think about Maddi” I froze and gradually let my hands fall away from Dorian resulting in him gripping me tighter.

“No leave Alec right now” he yelled out from behind me.

“Both of you go” I whispered.

“No Emma please just let me explain to you I never had anything to do with Maddi I swear, when you told me about it that night I went to look myself at police records and I know what really happened but it wasn’t me I swear to you”.

“Just go away”.

“No –“ I heard the door slam, Dad’s home. I let out the mother of all yells making my ears squeal in pain, Dorian who had let go of me was doubled over with hands clamped over his own and Alec looked pale, he knew Dad was coming. And soon enough the door burst open with my Dad brandishing his umbrella like it was a sword, but taking a look around the room and it’s occupants he lowered it looking annoyed.

“What the hell is going on”?

“Alec and Dorian hid in my room and jumped out at me when I got back from the bathroom make them leave Daddy” I scoffed mentally at the Daddy part I haven’t called him that for years but I know he’s a sucker for it, he gave me a warm smile.

“Of course sweet heart boys out now, honestly do college students have nothing better to do these days”? My dad ushered them out and I locked the door behind them hearing my Dad scold the idiots all the way down the stairs.

I sighed in relief and collapsed on my bed curling into a ball staring instead at my socks. All of this vampire crap it can’t be true it’s just people who I thought cared even loved me were just playing games, and how could they drag Maddi into it, bastards. Who the hell does that? And Dorian, Dorian’s worse he let me fall for him he encouraged it, what am I to him? Now that I said I love him am I boring now? I really do love him I can feel it and I miss him even now even though he’s been a complete asshole, I need him. Am I just a game to him? Is that all we are, is there a we? How could he do this to me when I love him so much? When I’d do anything for him, because I would do anything to make him happy.

All of the sudden I felt my chest constrict like I had a lasso around it that was tightening to a fatal degree. I can’t breathe my breaths were becoming laboured I cried out gasping for air crawling and stumbling on my knees to the door, God I think I’m going to die.

“Baby? Emma what’s wrong”? I could hear Dorian on the other side of the door, how did he know I needed him? I clutched at my chest with my right hand my left was dead and I was coughing and retching losing air. I reached for the handle and pulled but nothing happened, that’s right I locked it and then it got dark.


I woke to an annoying beeping and started swiping my arm out to shut the damn clock up but I didn’t feel it, if Alec’s been in my room again I swear he will pay this time and with more than a wakeup call.

“Emma”? My Mom called... she hasn’t woken me up since I was six years old and I locked my door what the hell is going on? I tried to open my eyes but it is was like they had sand bags attached to them, I couldn’t open them so I grunted instead.

“What? What are you doing in my room”?

“Rob, Rob”.

“Ouch! What”?

“Emma she’s awake”. What the hell is going on here?

“Why are you guys in my room”? I repeated with a little me heat now why are they encroaching on my happy place?

“Don’t you remember what happened”?

“Should I”? I opened my eyes to look at them still drowsy and realised I wasn’t in my room anymore and the beeping was the heart monitor I was hooked up to. I sat bolt upright and started to yank at wires when Dad got up fast as lightening restraining me.

“Calm down Emma it’s alright it’s alright” I hadn’t seen my Dad look at me like he cared so much in a long time he looked genuinely worried about me.

“Can I have a hug Daddy”?

“Course you can honey” he sat on the edge of my bed and held me to him, I miss my Dad’s hugs I always felt safest when he was there.

“What happened”? My voice was muffled by his jacket.

“You had a heart attack”.

“A what”? I yelled.

“Shh shh don’t get too excited rest you need to keep your heart rate down they’ve given you some blood thinning drugs so you don’t thrombolise but it’s not a guarantee sweetie”.

“But how did you get in? My door was locked... I couldn’t open it, I tried but –“

“Luckily for all of us Dorian was on his way to the bathroom and heard you struggling knocked the door down right off it’s hinges” he shook his head in amazement “kid would be a knock out left tackle”.

“Where is he, Dorian? I mean, I should thank him” I just wanted to see him, I need to see him so bad.

“Probably in his room still, I think your episode had a traumatic affect on him”. Traumatic? Is my baby upset? I need him here with me so I can make him better.

“Oh, well when do I get out of here”?

“Not for at least two days so get comfortable alright”?

“But I have school and and stuff”.

“School is the least of your worries”.

“What about work”?

“I don’t think you should be working anymore clearly you’re under a lot of stress”.

“But Dad I like my job" I lied "I’m not quitting that’s not my style”.

“I know we’ll talk about it later alright? Just rest” he patted my back and went to sit back next to Mom who shot Dad a look.

“What Amy”?

“Why do you get a hug”? She said with a frowny face.

“Hey I can’t help that she’s a Daddy’s girl” he smiled at me with a wink. I haven’t felt this relaxed with my parents for at least half a year.

“Do you want a hug Moma”? It took all I had not to laugh at myself I was trying to make her feel better after all.

“Yes I do” she paused to poke her tongue out at my Dad and came over to give me her own tighter hug. “Ooo I haven’t had a squeeze forever, how do you feel honey”?

“Fine a little nauseous I guess”.

“Well that’s normal as soon as you start feeling any kind of chest pains you tell us alright”? I nodded and looked more closely at her, for someone who prides herself on presentation she looks a little bedraggled.

“How long have you guys been here”?

“About thirty two hours give or take a few”.

“I’ve been out all that time”?

“No you’ve opened your eyes a few times and muttered curses at Alec but this is the first coherent conversation we’ve had”.

“Well I hate to tell you this but you guys are a mess”. My Mom’s eyes widened and then narrowed in the direction of my Dad.

“Robert Mars you liar I told you we looked scruffy”.

“We’re in a private hospital room visiting our seventeen year old daughter who just had a heart attack I don’t think people will judge too harshly” he said rolling his eyes.

“Yes if people knew why we were here but they don’t and look at me, look at you for God’s sake how many times do I have to tell you not to wear those shoes with that shirt”.

“Why don’t you go home and have a shower and stuff? I’ll survive without you here”.

“Really”? Mom asked hopefully I smiled and nodded.

“Amy we’re not leaving”. She mase a face but nodded in defeat.

“Your Father’s right honey”.

“Why? Go on”.  

“Are you trying to get rid of us”? She laughed, well I am but I won’t tell them that.

“No it’s not like I can have a party or anything while you’re gone and you can bring me back some books to read tomorrow”.


“Yeah go get some sleep and you can come back for tomorrow mornings visiting hours”.

“Well I guess I could use some shut eye I’ve had at least six coffees since we’ve been here and all that caffeine isn’t good for you”.

“See and then Mom can get a nice new outfit and feel comfortable again” I reasoned and my Mom’s eyes lit up.

“I love you Em” she said fondly.

“Love you too Mom”.

“Hey what about me, I see how it is out of sight out of mind” he said in mock annoyance.

“Love you too Dad” I laughed.

“I know” he smiled smug.

“Alright we’ll get gone honey we’ll see you bright and early tomorrow, rest alright and if anyone round here does anything to upset you tell me their name and they’re out of here”.

“Okay Mom” she smiled and kissed my forehead giving me a last hug, she got up then making room for Dad to give me a hug too.

“Rest alright”?

“Yes Dad”.

“Alright bye sweetie”.

“Bye” they both gave me a wave and left the room. I looked around at the room I was confined to and was completely uninspired, white walls, light blue and surgically clean tile floor, uncomfortable chairs, empty vase, off white blinds covering the window into the hallway. It was all very dull and that beeping is starting to get on my nerves, but I know what’ll make me happy.

I just want to see Dorian, I really want him to be here with me. I can’t remember anything that happened before I got sick... oh. I’m mad at him I remember now but I don’t know why. Was it something he said? Alec is definitely involved. I heard a light tap at my door, do Doctors knock?

“Come in”. The door opened slowly and Dorian came in but didn’t make a move to come closer.

“I won’t stay long I just wanted to see how you are”.

“Why am I mad at you”?

“You don’t remember”? I shook my head and a pained expression crossed his beautiful face.

“Please come here I miss you”.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea”.

“Please” I reached out to him from across the room and as if unable to resist he came over to sit on the edge of my bed. I couldn’t help myself I just let my hands wonder of his chest up his neck and stroking his cheek. “I love you so much”. He shook his head and tried to move away but I held on to him. “What? Don’t you love me too” I felt a tear leave my eye and my lip tremble at the thought.

“Of course I love you don’t ever doubt that, but you don’t love me, not anymore”.

“Of course I do I can feel it, I love you”.

“That’s what you said the other night”.

“Did I say I didn’t love you”?

“Well, no but –“

“Then I do and did so shut up and kiss me, I’ve been waiting for you”.

“You have”?

“Who else”? Dorian took my face in his hands crushing his lips against mine hungrily, I slipped my hands under his jacket so I could feel his body, rubbing his abs as he let out a moan.

“I missed my baby” he breathed against my neck as he kissed it.

“Baby missed you too” he pulled away from me abruptly.

“This isn’t right, I can’t I’m sorry Emma” Dorian’s voice was tragic and full of pain but he didn’t make a move to leave.

“Don’t say that you told me never to apologise for what happens between us so don’t you do it”.

“But when you remember you’ll hate me”.

“I could never hate you Dorian not ever tell me what happened”.

“I don’t want to lose you again, but I can’t take advantage of you like this its not fair to you, but you wouldn’t even let me explain”.

“Just tell me explain now it’s not like I can go anywhere”.

“It’s not an easy thing to say I...”

“Please try”.

“Well, I’m different Emma I’m not like you and I’m not like Alec or anyone really except a minority in the world... a minority that some would say is dangerous to society” he said eyeing me like I should catch on here. “Anyway I don’t consider myself dangerous not anymore, I mean everyone has a past right”? I nodded in agreement and motioned for him to continue. “The reason you’re mad at me is because you think that I’m responsible for Maddi’s death and I’m not and I’m going to explain myself to how that’s true ok”? I heard the heart monitor pick up a little and I’m sure Dorian did too but he ignored it. “Alec can prove it since he found out he’s kept me under surveillance just to make sure I wasn’t doing anything I shouldn’t. The night you told me that you didn’t think an animal was responsible for Maddi I went looking for answers I hacked into some files and into the police department it’s self to have a look and I knew that you were right it wasn’t an animal that killed Maddi, it was someone like me, but what you didn’t know was that Maddi was like me too and the only reason I even looked was because if it was someone like me I needed to stop you looking because I don’t want you to get hurt and swear to you that I have nothing to do with it I promise please believe me”.

“When you say like you, how was she like you”?

“Do you trust that I won’t hurt you”? I thought for a minute before talking.

“Yes”. Dorian put his hand over my mouth and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

“Just a precaution”. He opened his mouth wide like he was at the dentist and blood began to drip where seconds later two pointed teeth descended pushing out his upper canines which he caught and tossed in the trash. My eyes widened in shock and I couldn’t help my fingers reaching out to touch one. I placed my index finger against it and gave a small push to if it would fall out but it might as well have been cemented in there I let my finger slide wanting to touch the point but Dorian’s hand stopped me and took my hand away. “They’re very sharp you’d hurt yourself” I took his hand off of my mouth.

“What are you”?

“I’m a vampire” and then I cringed. 


Vote Comment Fan whatever you want just enjoy it 

good reading and writing 


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