Hayes Griers Twin Sister

By o2l_elephats4life

203K 2.3K 350

Hi my name is Abby Grier yes you heard correctly I am the little sister of Nash and Will Grier, older sister... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
im deleting this book
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Abby's gone!
Chapter 29
Please read
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Hi :)
Update coming soon

Chapter 26

1.7K 26 2
By o2l_elephats4life

Recap: "And then something i never thought would happen happened."

We all decided to go to Cam's room with everyone else so we headed over. Nate and Sammy were greeted by the guys with there "bro hugs" type of things. And just sat down on the beds all talking about what we wanted to do while in San Diego. Then my phone started ringing I picked it up and stepped out into the hallway.
"Hello is this Abby Grier?" Said the person on the phone.
"Yes this is she, who is this?" I asked
"This is Cara from The Millennium Dance Complex in LA we were wondering if you would want to sign up to work with us professionally, if you would like to consider the author we can set up a meeting with you to talk business. So what do you say?" The person asked I was shocked The Millennium dance Complex was one of the biggest dance company's in the U.S tons of professionals trained their and a bunch of them go to be pros on shows like Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance which was my dream.
"Um I'll have to think about it but I would love to keep in contact and schedule a meeting," I said trying to play it cool.
"Ok well email you a schedule of dates for when you can come in and talk just let us know, bye we're excited to see you!" And just with that they hung up. I walked into the room I was getting ready eyed and chad an expressionless face.  I opened and closed the door and just stood their like a statue I was in complete and utter shock my dream was finally coming true. I had wanted this for so so long I had no idea what to do or say.
"What happened you look like you saw a ghost?" Aaron asked and that caused all of the guys and Jordan to look at me. The only person who knew about any of this was Jordan nobody else knew that this was what I wanted.
"Abby what happened?" Jordan said standing up and walking towards me. I took a deep breath and started explaining,
"Ok so ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be a dancer like professionally and that was The Millennium Dance Company, one of the biggest dance company's in the U.S lots of people who study their become professionals on Dancing with tHe Stars and So You Think You Can Dance and they said they wanted to work with me as a dancer they said they would schedule a meeting soon," I was still in shock
"Oh My God Abby that's great!" Everyone said hugging me and congratulating me.
"Come on guys lets celebrate," Carter said
"oh one of my old friends is throwing a party and he inviting me and you guys since he saw that we were in the area,"  he explained
"Sounds fun," Nash  said "everyone go get ready and meet in the lobby in 45 minutes," said Hayes. We all then went back to our rooms to get ready.
"I'm so proud of you little sis this is outstanding I love you," said Hayes giving me a side hug
"I love you too and thanks it means a lot," I said
"Awe brother sister love," said Jordan laughing and most likely snapchating which caused Sammy and Nate to start laughing too me and Hayes eventually joining in. We got to the room and I went straight to my suitcase to lol for something to wear.
"Jordan help what do I wear? I want to be bold and fancy," I asked her
"Ok how about you wear your pink low cut dress with a leather jacket and you can borrow my black wedges heels to go with it." She brilliantly suggested.
"Yes! Jordan your a genius!" I exclaimed grabbing my outfit.
"Wow I haven't been called that in a while." She said and we both laughed. I then went to do my makeup and hair I did a light smokey eye some light pink lip stick and I curled my hair and then pulled some back in a cute style ( pic above) I then changed and by the time I was done so was Jordan. She was wearing a sapphire skater skirt, sapphire whit and black crop top, black straps heels, her makeup was similar to mine and her hair was in messy curls.
"Girl you look so cute," we both said at the same time and laughed. Ok let's go. I exclaimed running/skipping to the guys room suddenly really hyper and we were off TO PARTY!

Hey guys sorry it's been so long I would of written more but I really wanted to update so yeah. That's all just comment because I LOVE like Love reading you comments just like your opinion on something, questions ideas all that. Luv ya guys thanks for reading.

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