My life in the Cirque du Freak

By CapsWinterSoldier

33.6K 789 78

Fanfic for Cirque du Freak. All credit goes to Darren Shan, except for the characters Liv, Crow, and Johnny... More

Living in the Cirque
Welcome, to the Cirque du Freak
Mr. Tall
Gone? pt.1
Gone? pt.2
Over It ;-)
Chapter 14
The Show
Something's Coming
The Dream
Johnny, Tickle Fights, and Mixed Feelings
Jealous? pt.1
Jealous? pt.2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
You're a WHAT? pt.1
You're a WHAT? pt.2
Secrets Revealed (Kinda)
The Act(s)
Can We Stop The World From Turning?
Wait... What!?
Chapter 38
Birthdays and Babies
False Alarm
Scary Movies, Scary Questions
The Wedding
What Now?
Vampire Mountain
It Was Supposed To Be A Vacation!
They're Here
New Arrivals
Quick Note
Sorry I Suck At Naming Chapters;-p
Get Out
Welcome Home

Happy New Year

145 2 2
By CapsWinterSoldier

I noticed Crow hanging around Truska a lot more than he used to and I was so excited for them! Truska deserved to be happy! "I still just wanna know why everyone calls him Crow." Evra said, his voice echoing softly through the old church the Cirque was holed up in. He and I were spending the day off watching Netflix and sleeping because of weird weather. I paused the show. "Why don't you ask him?" I asked. He shrugged. "Maybe after I know him better." He said, pressing play on The Walking Dead. We'd been binging that today, and using the live stream to watch it on Sunday nights so we didn't miss anything. "He kinda looks like a crow, to be honest." I said. "I really hope you haven't said that to him, baby." Evra said. I shook my head. "No! He just always has black on and usually he's got feathers on him too. Plus his hair is like, so black it's blue-green." I said. "So... What? You think he's half crow?" he asked. I shrugged. "Maybe he is." I said. Evra laughed and played with my hair. "You know, your hair is like that too. So black it's blue. Sometimes greenish." he said. "I think I'm gonna keep it Like this for a while. Stop dying it, give it a break." I said. He nodded and played with it. "Wanna take a walk?" I asked. He nodded and we shut my laptop off before getting up and pulling shoes on. We didn't realize though, that it was pouring down rain outside. That didn't matter to Evra, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the rain with him. We played and danced in it until there was lightning flashing over us, then we were rushing back inside the church to change. I was glad we did too, because suddenly we were being told to grab flashlights and blankets and being rushed into the storm shelter this place had. After about two minutes, I started feeling claustrophobic with everyone down here so close. Evra knew and held my hand in his as we all waited for the storm to pass. Finally it was over and we were all headed back up into the main part of the church. "You ok?" Evra asked. I nodded and made my way outside. "I'm ok. Just let me breathe for a second." I said. I stood on the steps and breathed in deeply, the after smell of rain calming me down. When I went back inside I went to Evra, who was on the inside balcony where we'd chosen to make our bed. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. "You sure you're alright?" he asked quietly. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just get kinda anxious during storms." I said. "But... I thought you liked them?" he said. "Well, I do," I said. "When they're chill and don't make us have to run for cover."
He nodded.
Then Mr. Tall called for all of our attention. We were moving to someplace safer than here so we had to start packing. Everyone got on that and soon we were headed to a hotel Mr. Tall had booked. "Guess what today is, Evra." I said as we checked into our room. "What is it baby?" He asked, setting down his bags and turning to me. "Today is December 31st!" I exclaimed. Evra looked confused. "Not our anniversary... Not anybody's birthday... Not a holiday... I'm sorry, why is today important?" he asked. I laughed. "Its new years eve!" I said. "Oh." he said. "Yeah, oh. It'll be fun. We'll actually get to watch the ball drop together this year." I said. "Oh yeah. I've never seen that before." he said. I lay across the bed and stretched. "Well this year we'll get to watch it and have our special midnight kiss." I giggled. He smiled and came over to the bed. He stood at my head then sat on the floor and kissed me upside down. I couldn't help but laugh, making him stand again and come around the bed to stand at my feet. He suddenly jumped onto the bed, making me bounce and almost fall off. He pulled me onto him. "So, when does this thing start?" he asked. "At 7 p.m." I said. "So we've got about 30 minutes." He said. I nodded and got up. "Where you goin'?" he asked. "I'm gonna shower before it comes on." I replied. He nodded and followed me. We showered and then lay on the bed. "Lets get everyone in here." I said. He nodded and that's what we did. Everyone managed to squeeze into our room and we watched the performers and celebration in New York while we all remembered this past year. It had it's ups and downs, but it was still great. We all gathered around and counted down from 20.
We all shouted. I pulled Evra close and kissed him, then laughed as I saw a flash of light and looked over to see Corma holding my Polaroid. I also saw Crow and Madame Truska sharing a passionate kiss and I smiled knowing they were happy. Corma handed me my camera and the picture, then I got up to find someone. I brought a hotel employee into the room, "C'mon guys get together!" I said, and all of us huddled into a big group. The employee lifted the camera, "Say... Happy 2016!" he said, and all of us cheered as he snapped the picture, "HAPPY 2016!"

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