
By Hallie123

264K 3.3K 650

The virus changed everything. It took the elderly, sick and females. Females were brought for entertainment... More

Start (Rewritten)
Taken (Rewritten)
Chapter 3: Captured (Rewritten)
Chapter 4: The Journey (Rewritten)
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: The Attempt
Chapter 7: Manners
Chapter 8: Captive.
Chapter 9: New life
Chapter 10: Routine
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: The Objects
Chapter 13: Unlucky
Chapter 14: Ignorance
Chapter 15: Gangs
Chapter 16: Trust
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Life
Chapter 19: Torture
Chapter 20: Boom!
Chapter 21: Explain
Chapter 22: Love
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 24: Birdy
Chapter 25: How?
Chapter 26: Marcy.
Chapter 27: Change
Chapter 28: Arebella
Chapter 29: Winning
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: New Start
I do apologize
Chapter 33: Help!
Chapter 34: Death.
Chapter 35: Running
Chapter 36: Stranger
Chapter 37: Content.
Chapter 38: AIM
Chapter 39: Freedom
Chapter 40 - Numb
UPDATE!! 2020

Chapter 32: Stranger

5.5K 74 43
By Hallie123

Chapter Thirty Two: Stranger

One week later

"Indie, get up!" I heard a muffled and tired sounded Ollie through the door.

I groaned and stretched out my body, it was so sore. I had a week of pure training, gun aiming, reloading guns, kick boxing, self defence ugh you name it we did it, for 14 hours a day. I'm phyisically dead. My thighs hurt, my arms, my neck, even my feet. I jut wanted one day of rest but no! it wasn't going to happen. I was phyisically dead.

I swung my legs softly and slowly  out of my bed. I'd been in this simple small room for the last week, I wondered when we were going "home". The room could only fit the white metal frame bed init, with a destressed white chair next to it as a bedside table where my clothes were folded up. The walls were white, EVERYTHING was white, imagine a prison cell/ a mental instistution room and you've pretty much got it. The white walls were peeling and flaking showing the plaster of underneather, and a single light bulb hung from the high ceiling, it was one of those with the chain coming down bedside it for the on/off switch.

I was wearing old gray sweat bottoms and a tank top. I walked the few steps towards the door and opened it ajar to find Ollie leaning his body sideways against the wall. He had grown a light stubble and most of the boys hair had grown. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me foward. How rude. 

"I do know where the room is you know" I pulled my wrist out his grip.

"Just because your training doesn't mean that we trust you" He sniffed the air "You smell bad"

"I'm not surprised, I havn't washed in a week, no thanks to you"

Slap! "Don't get lippy bitch" He pulled my arm again and walked down the scrotty hallways. We stopped outside a door. I looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. He turned to me and grinned wickidly. He sprang towards me, grabbed my hair , opened the door and pushed me in.

BANG! the door slammed behind me. I darted my eyes around the room, it was a white tiled room a bit dirty but it was clean for this place. I turned and grabbed the door knob "Common let me out!" 

"Enjoy your wash girl!"

"Waaaa?!" With that I heard the pipes clank as water ran through them. I looked up to see five metal shower heads coming from the ceiling. The water hit my skin like needles. The coldness was sharp and evil. I couldn't let out a breath it was that taken away. I finally let out a scream of shock! 


I still had my clothes on but I wasn't taking them off, I wrapped my arms around my body to keep myself warm. My hair fell over my face and stuck thick. My clothes became heavy agianst my skin. The showers switched off and the door opened, I was wet through and through. I didn't bother looking at Ollie as I walked out although I could feel his smirk.

"Well atleast you smell better"

BAM!!!! MY fist went into his face.


Oh shit I've broke his nose, new muscle power.

"You bitch!"  


He took of his top and through me over his shoulder. Oh crap i'm in trouble, it doesn't bother me to much now,  I'm used to them which may sound weird but when you've been with someone for months you get used to certain things. The boys were strange, they hadn't changed but they had if that makes sense. I am still seen as there prisoner along with Are but Are used for sex along against her own will. Eli won't let them touch me for some reason says I need my strength. I would still get punished if I fell out of place or got to rude. Elliot  brang in a "not to speak unless spoken to rule" which ment I was falling more under there power.

I can't belive Ollies doing this to me it's his fault. He carried me to the pratice room. I heard everyone else already in there. Ollie used his foot to kick open the door. He pulled me off his shoulder and stuck in the middle of the room my clothes slowly chilling my spin.

"Oliver, do you mind telling me why she is soaking?" Asked Eli clearly unimpressed.

"She smelt bad"

"Okay. Good reason I guess" He turned to me. " Now explain to me why his nose is bleeding?"

Oh fuck. "Ummm I ummm....."

Ollie stepped foward and interupted the convosation "She hit me"

"You deserved it you prick! Look at me!"


"What the fuck was that for?!"

Slap! thudd, My ass landed on the floor. I looked up to see Eli walking up to me, crouched down to my level and gently grabbed my chin to face him, he spoke to me in soft warming voice but underneath that I knew it was a warning and a threat. "You need to start learning some manners dear one or that tongue of yours will be cut out" I he dropped my chin and stood up walking away.

"Practice. Now!"

I got up off my feet. My body was freezing, I didn't want to do anything today but I wasn't refusing any orders today. I walked over to the weapons and picked up 1.3.... - Stop -  Now most of you are thinking, why don't you just turn around and shot them right? Your answer is simple. There's always an on looker sat in the corner with there gun loaded. It's who evers not training, it's normally Elliot who likes to watch me pratice.

I firedd a few shots, straight on bullseye, it was all getting too old, too easy. After continous bulleyes without any effort. 


I jumped a mile when Elliot interupted. what did he want now? I turned on my heel to face him to meet the end of his gun. He really didn't trust me. I dropped my gun to show obedience, like a dog. That's what I was to them, there dog, animal, bitch. 

"Good girl. See your learning" He smirked at me. I sneered at him. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me infront of him. He held both my hands behind my back with one of his bear sized hands. I didn't bother struggling. He clicked his fingers to the side of him. Bray walked up to him and placed some cloth in his hands.  "Don't struggle" He whispered into my ear. Huh? Before I had time to question him, my world became black. I had not fainted or been knocked out though, my eyes merly blinded of sight from being covered. 

Elliot let go of me and I heard his footsteps walk away. Someone handed me my gun back. 

"Now lets see how good your aim is, from now on you will practice with no eyes, ears only" 

This was a new level of skill to be learnt. I focused myself and aimed like usual when practicing.


"Impressive, a bullseye. Now lets see you with a moving target, use bare hands and body strength only, drop the gun."

Woah! I got a clear shot. Now it was time for me to focus again. I heard the room go silent. I placed down the gun on the floor and kicked it away from me, the sound of it sliding was so much louder than normal. I heard a two footsteps come up behind me, i pretended that I hadn't noticed this and stood still till the presence of there body close to mine sent my hairs to stand on end. I swept my arms out behind me and grabbed the coldness of there leather jacket. I went to spin myself around to face them but my feet were kicked out from underneath me.


I pulled off my blindfold to see Eli on top of me pinning my body to the floor.  I pushed him off me and went back to the possition and put myself back into darkness. "Again!" 

Ummftt! On the fllor within seconds. I got up again. Ummmptt!

Five hours later , I was still hopeless at it, my body was now brusied beyond. Tristan carried me to my room and placed me on my mattress. As soon as my body hit the material i was gone, into a deep trance. My body felt it was spinning around in circles, my spirit lifted itself upwards and out the room, for once in my life so far, my body felt at peace and from what? Comfort is the simple answer.

Five hours later:   midnight

I felt my body my body being moved, I didn't bother to open my eyes. I was still at peace, I letthe strong arms wrap themselves around me and lift me up into there grasp. I almost snuggled into them for warm as they carried me out the room. Down the corridors and around corners, i didn't need to open my eyes to know my way around this place, down two flights of stairs, which ment we were on the ground floor, this was either Elliot or Eli holding me. Cold air hit me as a door opened, I shot my eyes open and looked up to who was carrying me. A stranger. I looked up at him fear and started to struggle. His grip tighten winding me. 

I made my body flip out of him and made a run for it back inside. CLUNK! I fell to the floor as hard metal hit my head. Ow fuck! I held my head with both my arms, the stranger picked up a half concious me and whipped me over his shoulder. He walked me over to a black jaguar and threw me in the back. I looked around the cream leather interior to find I was alone. The door opened and the stranger pushed me on the seat and sat on my back. He grabbed my arms and bound them and gagged my mouth. 

Holy SHIT! I was being kidnapped from my kidnappers. This is outragous, but who and why?

He got his body off mine, left the backseat and walked towards the front drivers seat.

"Wondering why your here?"

I knew that voice. Elliot.

I looked towards the open door to see him peering in. He grinned at me with a cruel smile. "finally, your mine. And if Eli asks you ran away last night, so you basically your fucked princess." 

I would have spat in his face, but i was layed on my side still half concious from the head to the head, so i stared at him lazy eyed, I was going to fall asleep any moment.. He pulled a cloth from his pocket and held it roughly to my face. No guess' as to what that was.  I inhaled the deadly toxin and fell into the world of blackness once again. 

Elliot, he was the traitor.

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